radoatshakedefendor · 12 days
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radoatshakedefendor · 12 days
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radoatshakedefendor · 1 month
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
path through life, basic self, early environment, beginnings, subjective self awareness, our effect on others, the way you operate, vitality, demeanour
family life, food/drink, teeth, planning, work ethic, inner wealth, what you bring to the table, your unique talents, the will to live, self esteem, how you use your material goods, greed
competition, your logical mind, aunts and uncles, local transportation, relativity, local culture, primary and secondary education, apprenticeship, modern means of communication and all practical things
academic degrees, destiny, influence of the father, soul’s intention, your final years, home, both the home native comes from and the one the native will set up
recreation, escape from responsibilities, the urge to produce, the urge to be special, the urge to influence, colour
what you can control, what you must do, underling (a person lower in status or rank), competence, elegance, unequal relationships, boundaries, the body-mind connection, helpfulness, self-discipline, behaviour at work, minor obligations, servitudes, lower-ranking co-workers, minor illnesses
projected self, concern for others, mutual relationships, mutual commitments, socialization, what we project onto others, desires, the native’s behaviour towards other people
letting go, career change, regeneration and renewal, partner’s values, self-regeneration, cynicism, sizing people up, idle curiosity, people watching, late afternoon, happy hour, sexual self-esteem, sexual self-respect, sexual self-control, celibacy, masturbation, feeling relaxed, feeling at ease, mutual interest, interest rates, rate of exchange, energy exchange, energy regulations, reiki, suicidal feelings, losing interest in life, jealousy, as an indicator of life desires, gratitude, sponsorships, fundraising, patrons, child support, unemployment benefits, pension, buying time, emotional responsibility, emotional accountability, the ability to recognize other people’s gifts, talent scout, talent agent, longevity, vulnerability, psychological transformation
⛵️ 9TH HOUSE ⛵️
Luck, devotion, journeys of the mind, collective thought, foreign languages, risk, cultural exchange, mental exploration, in-laws, the understanding of abstract topics
🏆 10TH HOUSE 🏆
visible actions, taking power, boss, publications, honors, long-term goals, experts, men, masculinity, guides, influence of the mother, native’s social elevation as compared to his family background, potential fame
🏵 11TH HOUSE 🏵
side hustles, eldest sibling, income from job/career, winnings, love received, our role in groups, originality, eccentricity, sudden events, surprises, gains, native’s protectors, the place native occupies within the group
💜 12TH HOUSE 💜
retreat, release, self-sabotage, enlightenment, far away lands, asceticism, your hidden strength, old age, limiting beliefs, closure, solitude, service to humanity, retreats from the world, repressed parts of oneself, self-sacrifice, the final stages of a project, surrender, separation from society, imagination, creativity, arts, film, dance, poetry, journals, frustration, limitations, serious illnesses
LEARN TO LOVE YOUR PLACEMENTS it’s what you have to take from this post.
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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radoatshakedefendor · 3 months
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radoatshakedefendor · 3 months
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radoatshakedefendor · 3 months
Astrology: Ruler of the 6th House and Where Your Enemies Come From
Identify which planet rules your 6th house, and then find what house that planet is in.
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1st house - those close to you, you might be the one to start the fight believing that you see your enemies coming.
2nd house - enemies come to take your money or belongings, enemies that inflict upon your self-worth.
3rd house - siblings and neighbours, teenage friends, and local travel. Your own mind can feel like an enemy at times.
4th house - mother or mothers side of the family. Enemies are in the home or within the family.
5th house - flings, childhood, brief romances, and affairs.
6th house - everyday work, your community environment, and the people you consider beneath you. You can be your own worst enemy .
7th house - partnerships and business dealings. Enemies with your own shadow.
8th house - in-laws, debt collectors, sexual assault, secret people, actions, and places. Enemies emerge at times of death or change.
9th house - authority figures, the father, teachers, the fathers side of the family.
10th house - career, establishments, law makers, or the police.
11th house - workplace, friends, and social circles. Enemies emerge as money is made.
12th house - in far away places. Enemies emerge from the unknown, unexpectedly or in secret. Enemies result in loss.
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radoatshakedefendor · 4 months
Sometimes you don't get to be a Buddha.
Sometimes you just have to break. And feel.
You have to lose your precious 'spiritual awakening'.
You just have to be a human being, feeling.
Sometimes old pain resurfaces. Old fear. Sorrow. Trauma.
The searing ache of the abandoned child.
The rage of a forgotten universe.
And suddenly, all of your spiritual insights crumble, all the beautiful spiritual words by the beautiful spiritual teachers, all the concepts and ideas about awakening and enlightenment, and the pure perfection of pure untainted awareness, and the selfless non-self self, and the path to glorious futures, and the wise guru, they suddenly are all meaningless, empty words, second-hand drivel, and dead to you.
What's real, now, and alive, is the burning in the belly, the fire in the heart.
Unavoidable. Intense. So close. So present.
Sometimes you just have to feel. You have no choice.
And sense your feet on the ground.
And breathe into the discomfort.
And trust, and maybe trust that you cannot trust right now.
And take it moment by moment, by moment, by moment.
And know that nothing is working against you.
And awaken from your dream of how this moment 'should' be.
And throw away all your second-hand ideas about the path.
Sometimes your spirituality has to shatter, so you can finally realise
this deeper spirituality of feeling, presence, and feet-on-ground living, and the sound of the birds singing in the distance, and a total surrender to this one precious moment.
- Jeff Foster
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radoatshakedefendor · 4 months
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I feel you'll like this
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radoatshakedefendor · 5 months
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Every feeling is a field of energy. A pleasant feeling is an energy which can nourish. Irritation is a feeling which can destroy.
Under the light of awareness, the energy of irritation can be transformed into an energy which nourishes.
— Thich Nhat Hanh
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radoatshakedefendor · 5 months
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radoatshakedefendor · 5 months
Story of my life...Lilith rising
Hi there, I’ve seen so many people talk about being lilith dominant but I absolutely have no idea what it means. Could you explain it and tell me how to identify one? Thank you so much!
This post is referring to bml - h13
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What is Lilith Prominence?
When someone says “Lilith dominant” what they actually mean is Lilith prominent or in other words someone with the following placements/aspects:
• Lilith in the 1st house/10th house
• Lilith aspecting the sun, moon, rising, or mc under orb 1° (especially conjunct)
• Lilith at 0°/29°
Key Lilith Traits
• Dark and divine feminine beauty
• Extremely seductive
• Hated on by lots of women due to jealousy
• Sexualized a lot. Men are obsessed with them
• May come off rebellious and free-spirited
• People often think they want sex when they don’t
• People are very quick to judge them without knowing a single thing about them
• People read them wrong/misunderstand them a lot of the time
• RBF (resting bitch face)
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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radoatshakedefendor · 5 months
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radoatshakedefendor · 5 months
The Best Career for you: Asteroid Industria
◉ Industria is an asteroid in astrology that can represent the long term career industry you will work in. Based on the readings I’ve done this asteroid is very accurate in predicting your long term career
◉ Asteroid Code: 389 -> How to find asteroids
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House Meanings
Asteroid Industria in the 1st house
Your career will be a major part of your identity (more so than others careers would). Your career may change or constantly be testing your outlook/view on life. This career will be something you’re very passionate and ambitious about. You may use lots of mannerisms in this career. It most likely is going to involve your physical body, fighting, beauty, confidence, and/or individuality
Ex: Athlete, Model, Makeup Artist, Fighter
Asteroid Industria in the 2nd house
Your career will be a major source of stability (not just financially but also emotionally) for you in your life and your career may boost your self esteem/self worth. It is going to revolve around material items. It most likely is going to involve either your singing voice, finances, cooking, giving, receiving, and/or material resources
Ex: Singer, Banker, Accountant, Chef, Product Designer
Asteroid Industria in the 3rd house
In your career you will use your voice to spread an important message. You will express many of your ideas to others. It most likely will involve communication, literature, teaching, transportation, influencing, social media, the mind, and/or phones
Ex: Author/Writer, Social Media Influencer, Driver, Teacher
Asteroid Industria in the 4th house
Your career will be in an industry where you’re using lots of emotion toward your work and/or caring for others. It won’t be a job far out of your comfort zone. It likely will involve houses, home related things, food, and/or self-care
Ex: Real Estate Agent, Nurse, Baker, Home Designer
Asteroid Industria in the 5th house
Your career may revolve around you and be in an industry where a lot of spotlight/attention is on you. You’re going to work in an industry where you use your talents. It’s going to be a career you really enjoy and that makes you happy! It likely will involve entertainment, romance, events (such as a festival or concert), children, talents, and/or drama
Ex: Actor, Event Planner, Child Psychiatrist, Talent Agent
Asteroid Industria in the 6th house
Your career will have a set schedule and steady income. In this career industry you’ll constantly be working on self improvement. It likely will involve health, fitness, hygiene, your analytic nature, animals/pets, and/or giving service to others somehow
Ex: Doctor, Nutritionist, Fitness Trainor, Dentist, Vet
Asteroid Industria in the 7th house
Your career will be one that’s based around equality or partnership. You’re going to be working towards harmony or peace in this career. It will likely involve commitment, marriage, attractiveness/attraction, contracts, conflicts, negotiations, and/or equality/sharing
Ex: Wedding Planner, Lawyer, Model, Fashion Designer
Asteroid Industria in the 8th house
Your career will be one that’s based around a lot of transformation, power, or mystery. In this career industry you’ll constantly be working on changing for the better. It will likely involve crime, death, taxes, psychology, surgery, investments, the stock market, business, loans, secrets, your inheritance, reproduction, and/or spiritual transformation
Ex: Detective, Psychologist, Tax Preparer, Surgeon
Asteroid Industria in the 9th house
Your career will be one that helps you grow a lot as a person. In this career industry you will learn a lot more than most people do in their career. It will likely involve travel in general, air travel, exploration, television, media, teaching, higher education (college/uni), religion, beliefs, ideologies, philosophy, interviews, courts, law, cultures, ethics, viewpoints, and/or languages
Ex: College Professor, Pilot, Newscaster, Photographer
Asteroid Industria in the 10th house
You are more likely than others to be very successful when having this placement in your chart. Your career will teach you how to set long term goals for yourself and succeed. It will likely involve being in charge/a boss, business, peoples reputations/images, sense of mission, responsibilities, being famous, and/or status
Ex: Manager (anywhere), Publicist, Movie Director
Asteroid Industria in the 11th house
You’re more likely to gain wealth from your career with this placement since the 11th house represents financial gains -> read more here. Your career will be one that introduces new ideas to the world and may be a more unique career compared to most peoples. It will likely involve technology, film, politics, science, inventions, chaos, sudden change, friendship, groups, desires, manifestations, hopes/wishes, humanitarianism, social networking, clubs, and/or parties
Ex: Engineer, Scientist, Film Producer, Politician
Asteroid Industria in the 12th house
Your career is one that will transform you spiritually. In this career industry you will heal others. It will likely involve spirituality, hypnotism, isolation, music, karma/karmic debts, hidden enemies, the subconscious mind, subconscious memory, sleep, dreams (the ones you have when you sleep), old age/people, mental health, fears, losses, endings, impersonations, closure, self-undoing, bed pleasures, intuition, illusions, and/or the afterlife
Ex: Therapist, Song-Writer, Astrologer, Psychic
➠ [READ] the examples listed aren’t the only possible careers for each house only some, so there can be more interpretations than the ones listed
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𝗖𝗔𝗥𝗘𝗘𝗥 𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗗𝗜𝗡𝗚! 𝗜 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘆𝘇𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗶𝗻𝗱𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗮 𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗼𝗶𝗱 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗮 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴
𝗦𝗨𝗕𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗕𝗘 𝗧𝗢 𝗠𝗬 𝗣𝗔𝗧𝗥𝗘𝗢𝗡 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗮𝘀𝗸 𝗺𝗲 𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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radoatshakedefendor · 5 months
Astrology observations🧑‍🎄🎄🧑‍🎄
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
🎄 Scorpio in the 12th house, Mars in the 12th house and Aries over the 12th house natives often crave salty foods late in the evening.
🧑‍🎄 12th house also shows what you are like and like to do before bed or right before falling asleep.
Aries over the 12th house: getting into an argument right before going to bed, light work out, drinking a hot drink, you probably take extra care on your skin on your face especially
Taurus over the 12th house: eating before bed (especially sweets and fruits), preparing clothes for the next day, you probably have a very set bed time routine, drinking a cup of tea, putting on lip balm, listening to music
Gemini over the 12th house: journaling before bed, sending a message to your siblings, a close friend, scrolling on social media, reading a book or news, watching a documentary or news on TV, putting on hand cream, watering the plants, doodling, listening to a podcast
Cancer over the 12th house: spending time with your family members, especially mum, watching movies, eating something home cooked, looking through your photo album on your phone, drinking hot cocoa, warm bath or spending extra time in the shower, listening to music, texting your close friends/family members, using body lotion, drinking a glass of warm milk
Leo over the 12th house: spending time on your hobbies, interests, texting your crush, brushing your hair, warm bath before bed, listening to music
Virgo over the 12th house: reading before bed, reading the news, going through your planner, planning activities for the next day, journaling, gratitude journal, watering plants, doodling/drawing before bed, listening a podcast, stretching, yoga, watching animal videos
Libra over the 12th house: eating before bed (sweets, fruits), doing self-care (putting on a mask) or washing off make up, picking clothes for the next day, putting on night cream, putting on body lotion, putting on lip balm, drinking a cup of tea, colouring a colour book
Scorpio over the 12th house: light work out before bed, meditation, masturbation lol, drinking a hot drink, shaving, you like to be on your own in your room
Sagittarius over the 12th house: reading (but in a foreign language), watching a documentary, eating foreign food, putting on a sleep mask, using Duolingo and practising a language,
Capricorn over the 12th house: going through your planner for the next day, spending time with dad before bad, scrolling through social media, talking to your parents, drinking warm water with lemon, taking more time on your dental hygene
Aquarius over the 12th house: sending a good night message, stalking other people online lol, reading about astrology, guided meditation for sleep, putting on sock because you’re probably cold, charging your phone and other devices, spending time on your tablet
Pisces over the 12th house: watching a film directly in your bed, reading pick a card/tarot readings, watching anime, animated films or cartoons, conscious breathing exercises, guided meditation for sleep, putting on socks, yoga, stretching
🎄 You might not be as compatible as you think with other signs of the same modality as yours. So if you are a Cancer Sun, you might not get along so great, especially in partnerships, with Aries, Libra, Capricorn Sun, so other Cardinal signs. Same goes for Fixed signs, if you’re a Taurus Sun you could not get along that great with Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio Sun, since both might be too dominant and wanting to lead.
🧑‍🎄 When there is Moon conjunct Venus in Synastry, the Venus person tends to lead and the Moon person follows, because they let go off control due to feeling safe around Venus person.
🎄 I noticed the person most likely wanting to marry you has their personal planets (especially Sun) conjunct your Jupiter sign and not the other way around. So if you have Taurus Jupiter in your own Natal chart, Taurus Suns might most likely want to marry you, but it could also mean you might not necessarily want to marry them or see them as your ideal partner. If you have Aquarius Jupiter this doesn’t always mean you will want to marry an Aquarius Sun, but they might be the one wanting to marry you.
🧑‍🎄 You might consider someone your life partner or wanting to marry them if your Jupiter falls into their 1st house in Synastry. You might really see a future with them and this has potential for a long-term commitment.
🎄 Ex partners are most likely to describe you by your Moon sign after a break up. For example if you have Aries Moon in your Natal chart, your ex could describe you as “unsupportive”.
🧑‍🎄 When there is Sun conjunct Saturn in Synastry the connection could ver much feel “right person, wrong time”.
🎄 8th house shows your desires, 12th house your hopes, desires for the future, 11th house shows aspirations and Ascendant shows the pursuit of your innermost desires.
🧑‍🎄 People who have Moon conjunct Venus in their Natal chart often attract a romantic partner with Cancer Moon or Taurus over the 4th house.
🎄 Capricorn Rising might since childhood transform every hobby into a full-time career. For example, if they loved writing as a child or journaling, they might become an author as an adult.
🧑‍🎄 Cancer Suns really judge a person’s character based on what feeling the person gives them. So based on how they feel around you.
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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radoatshakedefendor · 6 months
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radoatshakedefendor · 6 months
🦋🩵 Pluto in your Natal Chart: How you seek Power & Control 🩵🦋
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📌 Exchange readings: OPEN - Tarot (you) × Astrology (me)
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Pluto in the 1H
You are someone with a intense amount of personal power. There is such a mysterious tone to these individuals which isn't overly to-your-face or overwhelming, it is this consuming magnetic aura these people have. It pulls people in slowly but when it does, oh they are in for some treat. It shows that you view the world as a place to be controlled. You need power in YOUR hands, and do not like it when someone else tries to assume things about you because really, nobody can truly read you. You look into situations so deeply, and this depth is intertwined with the way you seek to view the world and yourself on a very transformative lenses. You bring an immense amount of change wherever you go because of the very way you think about how things should be. If any personal planet or Ascendant is making a conjunct, then this is related to a lot of personal experiences that deeply changes you.
Pluto in 2H
You need an immense amount of control over your finances and your resources. You may not be the most sharing type, but you do like to give out to those who you truly see are in need, and know that they won't misuse it. This is especially heightened if pluto makes a conjunct to any personal planets in your second house. You are ready to do anything for money, this is said in the best way possible, though if unchecked it can define a person who attaches the value of themselves to how much possessions they have. It can make you possessive and obsessive over controlling your finances, or making you feel like no matter what you do you always end up in some sort of misery. If this is taken in a growth-oriented way then it makes you someone who absolutely knows their worth, and won't settle for anything less than the best. Material detachment is very necessary for you to recognize your true power.
Pluto in 3H
You are someone with an intense thinking pattern. Mainly the way you communicate things to other people or even regulate information within your own brain is tainted by this need to get to the truth. You intensify the process of learning, you need to get to the absolute truth, the in-depth reasoning behind why certain things happen the way they do. You could have been mistreated in school or felt like your school years were more or less quite of a challenge. If pluto makes a conjunct to any personal planet, it especially intensifies the way you learn from the world. The way you always question logic and reasoning behind already proven theories. You hold power in learning. And you might be especially selective when it comes to what kind of information you are consuming, because if you aren't then it can lead to overthinking/anxiousness.
Pluto in 4H
You are extremely private. Especially if pluto makes a conjunct to any personal planet, you have clear boundaries between your personal and public life. You do not like to put your matters out in the world, or even feel like opening up with just anyone. Your family life is something that can often get you worked up. You desire control over your private life, over family matters, and this naturally makes you someone assertive when it comes to proving dominance in your home. There could be a lot of clashes with people because you have conflicting ideas about what measures to take in certain situations, and this can lead you to keeping a very hard shell around you. You may feel like the need to constantly protect your personal space, your vulnerability and to not let people get close to you. You may have experienced a lot of turbulence in your home life while growing up or had issues with your father.
Pluto in 5H
You are someone who can have impulsive tendencies when it comes to pleasure. Pluto in fifth often manifests as someone who happens to get way too comfortable in all the good things that it may turn harmful to their well-being. You can become obsessed with all kinds of pleasures out there. This is mostly in extreme cases if pluto is conjunct any malefic. At the same time you are someone who highly values their personal freedom. You have a desire to take control over your happiness, your passions and what your inner child needs. You don't do well in enviorments that restrict you from creating something for yourself. You could have had experiences in life where you felt like you didn't have control over your joys. You always had to oblige to other or people came between you and your passions.
Pluto in 6H
You are someone intensely focused on perfection. You do not like when things are not being done the way you planned it. This is especially intensified if pluto makes a conjunct to any personal planets. You like control over your routines, your surroundings, doing small things for yourself. This can indicate someone picky, someone particular of what they need in their life or on the other hand this can indicate someone who hates following through routines as they feel it limits them in some way. Struggling with procrastination is also one thing for some people. You are the type to want control over any tasks, sort of become the manager. This may make you someone who is overly bossy, like in a good way if you know other people's boundaries. You may struggle a bit with 0CD, feel like you have stay on top of your work, etc.
Pluto in 7H
What you love, is to be in control of your relationships. You may have bit of obsessive tendencies when it comes to the people you are romantically involved with and you also seek this depth in all your friendships. You are the type to not open up with just anyone, and relationships often come as a challenge because you look so deep within all the situations with other people. Casual relationships, platonic or romantic, aren't your thing. This is especially heightened if any personal planets make a conjunct to your pluto. You seek control over your relationships as well, to gain a good amount of understanding of it. Relationships transform you, this is due to the very depth with which you seek to understand other people. Needless to say, you may have had difficulty in maintaining relationships, or you may have had quite challenging people in your life that highly affected your ability to connect with others.
Pluto in 8H
You are someone who wants control over how you involve yourself with other people. This is especially effective when a personal planet is conjunct your pluto. You either end up in alot of drama or not end up in one at all. Because you need to be in check of what you are giving out and receiving form others. This can make you quite an intense person when it comes to business. Pluto does indicate loss due to an intense amount of transformation, and eight house is the house of transformation. So you can be quite good at knowing when it's time to shed the skin and become someone new. Or it may get challenging for you to find the light at the end of the tunnel due to a lot intense thoughts about what is out there in life. You may have tendencies to overthink your interactions with other people, and sometimes feel like everybody involve themselves in your business.
Pluto in 9H
You are some extremely selective about the beliefs you embody. But at the same time you have this desire to explore the true meaning of reality itself and sort of completely challenge the already set status quo. You seek to transform because of the philosophy you embody. It is deeply intertwined with how you seek to approach the world itself. You observe and learn on a very deep level. This is especially intensified if pluto makes a conjunct to any personal planets, it gives you this power over influencing people's beliefs and even be this ideal person people can learn from. Knowledge is very important for you to understand the world at large on a deep lens. You are generally interested in the more challenging side of "humanity" like world hunger, poverty, etc. You seek to find the core meaning and whether that meaning is acceptable or not.
Pluto in 10H
You are someone who knows the importance of taking actions that leave a mark. You do not let people dictate what you do, at all. So, you want to have the most control over the way you present yourself, act on your goals and your reputation. You could have dealt with a controlling mother, or people who tried to get in your way in front of everyone else. You may deal with a fear of public or being afraid of social interactions because of being so conscious about your self-image. This is true mostly if you have pluto conjunct a personal planet in your tenth house. On the brighter note, you wish to gain complete control over your career as well. You absolutely do not like taking orders from other and are a boss of your own rythmn. Your public image is something that allows you to assess your actions very deeply.
Pluto in 11H
Social interactions are a key to your personal transformation. This is especially true if pluto is conjunct any personal planets. You are someone who needs to be the best one between your peers or you are someone who struggles with social anxiety. This placement can make people either ambitious or anxious. And both are okay. The thing is you put a lot of emphasis on how well you are doing in your social circles and how many people you are able to, sort of, "gather" for yourself. You need people, you want control over the way people react to you in different circumstances and you truly want them to be on your side. This may induce either a fear of actually making such networks or an overzealous ambition that may lead to an obsession over your social status. You need as many connections as possible because of this fear of either being alone or not having a good status or even just beliefs instilled by your peers that you always have to crave validation.
Pluto in 12H
This is bit of a challenging placement, but I will say that it can be overcome if you use these situations to propel you even further in life, and not stay stuck anymore. It's about recognizing and accepting. This is especially true for those with pluto conjunct a personal planet in twelfth house, because pluto alone has weak effects. You really think deep, and it's almost this fear of how deep you can actually go. Your subconscious is something that really holds the power for you to understand how these thoughts can be channeled in the right direction. Meditation is one big game changer for you. You can struggle with excessive thinking, almost to a point that it's just challenging to even detach from those thoughts. Ground yourself as much as possible. You experience these intense insights into people's underlying intentions and your own psyche.
Thank you for reading 🩵!
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radoatshakedefendor · 6 months
Astrology: How the moon signs grieve
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Aries - when they're not showing sudden burst of anger, they're being stoic, trying to do what needs to be done for everyone else. Not to say this isn't done with empathy, but the main motivation is to distract themselves from their own grief, and being of use gives them purpose when in hopelessness. Their grief feels primal to them, and they may confuse others with their immature and childlike behaviour.
Taurus - they can sit in their grief for a long time, especially if they also have water placements. They would like to nest at home in their own comforts, but they can wait for that while first they get done what needs to be done.
Gemini - will over intellectualise the reason for the death, breakup, or loss. If their mercury is in water, they'll likely internalise these thoughts. They can get themselves into a frenzy, just trying to get all of the pieces together to make some sense.
Cancer - they feel sorry for themselves and go into full bed rotting mode. They need to put their unused love somewhere, so they do well when surrounded by those closest to them. They can grieve the nurturing that they didn't receive or that they feel they never will.
Leo - differing from their usual need to be the star of the event, they'll cry alone, silently, in their room or the bathroom. They won't want to let others know that they're hurting, but they'll still do it in style like someone's watching, playing the right mood music, deleting old messages, and burning photos.
Virgo - they can get almost scorpio-onic with their grief. They'll be calculated and analytical in sorting through the practical components of a breakup or death. They can also be hyper critical of others around them.
Libra - they want to share their grief and emotions with another. They'll feel deeply that what they have suffered in unfair, and they may even consider getting even. If it's a breakup, it's important to them that they come out of it looking good and glowing up.
Scorpio - they fall into a pit of sadness that is hard to get out of, although they may not share this with anyone. If others around them are openly grieving, the Scorpio moon will walk a fine line of being empathetic and critical of others not keeping it together. If they've been hurt, they'll want the other person to hurt like they do.
Sagittarius - they'll have an abundance of grief and emotion, but they'll want it contained somehow. They'll want to grieve within the grieving steps or a deeper purpose for their suffering. They'll want to tell the people around them what they really think of them.
Capricorn - their grief manifests as a feeling is defeat and be prolonged, leading to depression. They'll want to seem practical about moving on, but they can hold onto the memory and sadness much longer than others realise. Can also be true for Saturn aspecting the moon.
Aquarius - they'll want to grieve with a group and be able to intellectualise their emotions openly. They may feel shocked at the deepness of their feelings, and this may even shock others around them. They're naturally very independent and will want to be distracted by outings with their friends.
Pisces - they struggle with grief because they can't find the right narrative or intellectual reasoning to grasp onto. It can feel like they are lost in a sea of their grief. They can detach and disassociate from themselves and everything happening around them.
Astro Tip: Also, check your 8th House ruler
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