rad-river · 19 hours
now that summer is upon us the absolute garbage hair removal ads I'm getting on insta are insane.
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rad-river · 4 days
Y’know it’s great people (esp. women) are becoming more critical of the transgender community and the misogynistic, pseudo-scientific bullshit they spew… that being said if you think that every single trans man experiences dysphoria solely because of what it means to be female in our society, and that every trans person can just “opt out” of this feeling by embracing their sex and that their dysphoria will eventually dissolve into thin air somehow… Just know that I don’t agree and you might want to do some more research lol
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rad-river · 4 days
Of course I do not feel comfortable sharing a bathroom space with a male of any sort, but, it truly disgusts how so many people (conservative specifically) just write off trans people as nasty and evil right off the bat. Like, I disagree ideologically with so many people and first of all you don't see me immediately trying to convince people of my opinions and secondly I'm not going to blindly hate anyone unless there is a valid reason and being trans isn't a good enough reason to hate somebody. It just bothers me how so few people choose to look at strangers with compassion over contempt. I have trans people in my family and in some of my social circles and while I think a lot of things they say is silly or just flat out untrue it's never made me wish to treat them with any less dignity, same as extremely religious people. Just another reason why the "evil terf" label is annoying...like, I'm nothing like the far rights spitting insults and slurs. I am a very critical and I hope scientifically analytical person when it comes to just about everything in life and I hate being lumped in with people so cruel and unfeeling towards others.
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rad-river · 6 days
i want female only sports, including chess. i also want female only book clubs and female only karaoke nights and female only whatever women want to enjoy without the threat of men breathing down their necks. it's not about physical or mental superiority and more about me just wanting one place where i don't have to deal with sexists and chauvinists, especially when im doing something i love.
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rad-river · 10 days
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rad-river · 16 days
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I find the growing political gap between women and men fascinating, especially with how insistent people are that it's because "Men are treated so so so badly :(".
But when have any of these people even seen misandry in real life? Their whole idea of it is based on seeing posts online, the majority of the time not directed towards them specifically. Ok, so a woman made a post saying "Men are bad", you know what you can do? Log off.
Women do not have that same experience. You log off and there is still misogyny. Girls being harassed in the streets, at school at work, just fucking anywhere. How many men are scared of women following them home? How many men are victims of "honour killings" by their female relatives? How many boys have to see themselves in advertisements, posters and movies as sex objects?
They complain that "women hate us", but if we did wouldn't they be scared? Scared to have a son? Scared to walk alone? Scared to have an uncovered drink?
A woman made a mean post and it hurt your feelings so much that you need to support politics that actively strip away healthcare, work and social rights?
Do they not see the terror inflicted on women as hate? Or is it that it's not hate to them, just putting women in their place?
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rad-river · 17 days
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Acknowledging how shitty periods can be and how women might have separate needs from men because of their biology is transphobic and ‘cringe’
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rad-river · 21 days
People that say “you forgot about trans men/women!” When gay people make jokes about pregnancy are making sexual threats and I’m tired of pretending otherwise. It is homophobic harassment and they know it.
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rad-river · 25 days
I have no problem with conservative women learning about radical feminism, and sharing their experiences as a women who’s faced a misogynistic world. What I DO have a problem with is acting like blatantly non-feminist beliefs should be accommodated in radical feminism. The number of radical feminist beliefs incompatible with conservatism is too many to count. Learn about different beliefs, share your perspectives, and keep an open mind instead of acting like anti-women beliefs and actions can be pro-women if only you call yourself a specific thing.
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rad-river · 27 days
this applies to literally everything: never blindly follow one side. don't let the internet explain nuanced dilemmas to you. research. read. if your beliefs cannot hold up against the reasoning of another side, consider why, and don't be afraid to ask questions. brainwashing can get you from any group, even the one you later find you agree with.
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rad-river · 27 days
A huge part of trans gender ideology is preventing “thoughtcrimes.” You can’t ask questions and are supposed to ignore things that go against your better judgement. A decade ago when trans stuff became more mainstream in the US the mantra was (and I even repeated this mantra to others) you don’t have to understand you just have to accept. Because yeah, when you first learn about it the whole “born in the wrong body” thing (which I know is now outdated) really doesn’t make sense. Instead of trying to explain it (because it can’t be explained) the messaging was always about how much trans people are suffering and how grateful we should be that we don’t understand it. And now with the whole “don’t assume gender or pronouns thing” we’re asked to pretend that we can’t tell what sex someone is and to try and reprogram our brains that subconsciously, since infancy, determine if someone is male or female. Every time I hear someone unironically say “a woman is defined as someone who identifies as a woman” I lose brain cells. And I used to do this too. Does it not concern people that this is not a definition and literally a meaningless string of words? Why have we all decided to abandon logic and grammar and common sense for this one issue? Why can’t we acknowledge that a movement or a philosophy that can only exist if we don’t think about it to hard and if we grant special exemptions from logic it maybe shouldn’t exist…
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rad-river · 27 days
I love being bisexual I love having no hang ups about it and being normal about sexuality. I love knowing sexuality is an innate unchanging reality that has no moral implications. I love that nothing I do can change the way I'm perceived and that people can be right or wrong about me and my sexuality and it doesn't matter. I love acknowledging my straight passing privilege or whatever
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rad-river · 27 days
you'll never catch me dead defending the tradwife tiktok industrial complex but i think some of you guys could really benefit from toning down the visceral sneering contempt you have for housewives/stay at home moms lol
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rad-river · 27 days
So many women think kink communities can heal them from their eating disorders and traumas and mental problems. This is because women are taught to believe that being sexually desired is being loved and accepted.
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rad-river · 27 days
It's so bizarre to me how even LIBERALS act like femcels and incels are the same thing just because they complain about the opposite sex. Incels are angry about the fact that women won't give them what they want, femcels are angry that men are constantly raping and murdering them, sometimes just for the fun of it but often because they aren't giving them what they want.
Even if you consider the most extremist versions of these kinds of people, the Elliot Rodger style incel who believes women should be murdered because they won't date them or the femcel who believes all males should be aborted or have their dicks cut off...they're still clearly very different. Even in these cases, the men are motivated because women aren't giving them what they want and have the audacity to make their own choices. The women are motivated because they are constantly being victimized at the hands of men. Even if you consider the most extremist incels and femcels, the former is motivated by entitlement, the latter is motivated by fear of predation.
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rad-river · 27 days
it really clicked for me how many men’s sexuality is all about domination, dehumanization and humiliation when I realized that teenage girls are the most over sexualized group but are also so deeply hated.. like the fact that the most popular porn genres have the word “teen” in them but also there is literally not one single thing teenage girls can do without being relentlessly mocked by men is crazy
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rad-river · 27 days
What's the point of asking for more gender non conforming/butch female/feminine male characters if y'all are just going to insist that them not adhering to gender roles makes them trans lmao
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