racistrenee-blog · 9 years
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Halloween is coming up, and while some may try to brush this under the carpet as “a little harmless fun”, Renee Young’s Halloween costume last year was an example of insensitivity, cultural appropriation and racism.
Renee Young is not Native American, she has no native ancestors, yet still felt it was acceptable to turn their culture, significant parts of people’s heritage and lives into a costume.
If it stopped there, it would still be wrong, but she continued to stamp over the heritage of Native people by further pushing her costume, adding the accessory of wound make up and deciding that a dead Native American was an appropriate choice for a Halloween costume.
The genocide of Native Americans is no secret, it is very likely that Renee knew the meaning of such a costume, yet she continued and then refused to apologise, tweeting “People, ugh.” In response to criticism, silencing the voices of those trying to educate her on why her costume was insensitive instead of listening and learning.
Renee put her own feelings ahead of those who have suffered, she decided her happiness, her costume, her Halloween fun meant more than the hurt of those that she was insulting, who had already suffered, and continue to suffer these kind of attacks.
This Halloween, please call on Renee to stop playing the victim, own up to what she did and apologise to the people she hurt.
People will tell you that fans were over sensitive, or that it was just angry Dean Ambrose fans, but people who don’t even watch wrestling were hurt and outraged. This isn’t a case of people bullying her, this is a case of people who have been hurt, to the worst extremes, asking her to stop treating their culture and their pain as a fun costume.
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racistrenee-blog · 9 years
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