rachelxcx · 1 year
voltei a coletar maana pra terminar eldarya e nuss que evento flopadíssimo esse 
me deixou até surpresa pq o evento do dias dos namorados costumam ter alguns dos trajes mais bonitos de evento 
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rachelxcx · 2 years
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When I saw Daemon’s pic with short hair I just thought I had to because it’s so fitting ???
The pic is traced I just did it and shared for fun :)
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rachelxcx · 2 years
Nevra's and Erika's bonding
Erika: My father kill faeries
Nevra: My father kill humans
Nevra & Erika: *Look at eachother*
Nevra & Erika: We're so made for each other
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rachelxcx · 2 years
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Well, this dress is TOTALLY inspired by Jessica Rabbit. A this point I just want our gardy to come and say "i'm not bad i'm just drawn that way"
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rachelxcx · 2 years
I’m really disappointed that Beemoov didn’t show the good side of living in Earth. That would be funny to see them react to social media, or listen music (I want them to react to some rappers like Kanye West or Doja Cat or even Eminem🤧). Imagine just Nevra enjoying a video game or see Lance trying to understand a young talking. Huang Chu trying to do a handshake. The trip could have been so much fun that just go to a fast-food and being kidnapped by some mf. We didn’t have any interaction with some “normal” humans.
Our crush and Erika could have some much interaction and spend some time together. I don’t feel any connection between Nevra and Erika , I was even embarrassed when they kissing at the end of episode. And Nevra just said something like “we gotta go Huang Hua want to talk to u” 😐🧍‍♂️. THATS SO TRAGIC TO WATCH WHAT THEY DO TO NEVRA🥲🥲
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rachelxcx · 2 years
Espero que tenham gostado
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Bem faz um tempo desde que eu disse que ai fazer o Lance do jeito "Brasileiro" [ acho que vocês nem devem lembrar] ,ficou bom ,ficou mas não ficou do jeito que eu queria .
Mas tem uma certa parte dessa fanart , que tive dificuldade de me concentrar .
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A pele dele ficou mais clara por conta da iluminação .
Bom é isso bye.
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rachelxcx · 2 years
Eldarya writers when there’s a scene with the LIs: “we hugged and then we didn’t see each other for 10 days”
Eldarya writers for the rest of the episode: “I don’t know what to do today.
Should I go pick some flowers?
Should I go fight someone that did nothing to me?
Should I go on and ramble about the same thing for the 174935th time today?
There’s so much stuff I could do.
Yet I don’t know what to do.
This is unlucky.
Well I guess I need to find myself something to do.
I wonder what should I do.
This is a sunny day too.
Which means the sun is out and shining brightly.
The sun is orange I think.
And the sky is blue sometimes.
I really like sunny days.
I guess I’ll just lay in bed all day and overthink.”
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rachelxcx · 2 years
Rezando um salve rainha para todas as leiftans stans
oh povo sofrido viu
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rachelxcx · 2 years
A normal day with a normal release of Eldarya's episode soon.
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rachelxcx · 2 years
alright it's four a.m. and I just can't sleep for the love of god so i started thinking (surprising, right?) and just hear me out, i know it doesn't make sense but gimme a sec
the crystal WAS successfully corrupted in TO, and I'm not talking about the whole bad bitch witch thing
so the crystal is created when eldarya is created, therefore it have never been on earth
there comes a faelin (half blood), with mostly human blood, and enters a crystal that has never been exposed to human essence before
It could be considered a strange corpse, right? so the crystal started changing (in both color AND size bc I don't accept that it stayed that little thing) and no one noticed it wasn't because it was curing itself from past events
New companions started appearing because they are MUTATIONS, THINGS THAT SHOULDN'T EXIST
New plants started appearing because they are also GENETIC MUTATIONS, LIKE GINGERS AND ALBINISM (jk)
Even new species (like the fucking gennie guy) started appearing because there was a strange body inside the crystal that gives life and set pace to the whole world
lets imagine that there's a vail that divides earth and eldarya
all those seven years the crystal was involuntarily attacking said veil, not because it wanted to, but because it was (in it's poitnt of view) being attacked by something that cane from the other side. Until, finally, it was successful on breaking said veil and wrapping tentacles around earth, while seven years of accumulated magic hit it like my mom's shoes when I did something bad
And to give life to eldarya it gave, but it also took a lot from the world. that's why you coudn’t plant anything there (story for another time)
now, there's this whole fucking world, which was never touched by magic before, it was like throwing a piece of meat to a lion, so it started to devour what it had in hands
because of that, earth started getting pushed in eldaryas direction the worlds started fusing because they are already touching, and they don't have much time left if they want to keep it from fully happening
and just like a pearl is a strange body, the crystal started covering Erika with something to protect itself from her human blood, and the only thing right then and there was Leiftan
so it took his powers and started isolating her with it, and when she was covered enough, it spat her and leiftan out but it doesn't change how much human essence it had consumed
now, if the crystal swallows earth, who is it to say that it won't want to go after other worlds now that it knows how to?
daMB i was supposed to be writing about the affect ERIKA had in the crystal but ended up taling about my theory that the crystal is a omnipresent being (it is and no one chnage my mind) who swallows worlds 😮‍💨😮‍💨
but anyway thats my take on things at least I want to sleep now to recover from all the bs i just wrote
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rachelxcx · 2 years
You guys also construct the universe of Eldarya and its characters the way you want it to be, you think things through in your own way and even what happens in each episode and each character's behavior and words you see in your own way, so it's not so shitty? I remember arguing with a person in a group and he said something like "I see Valkyon and Lance as shitty because they act shitty and are shitty in the plot, and you see them the way you want to see them. You're separating the characters from the writers who came up with them, and therefore you think the characters aren't bad, but the writers are bad. I see no point in proving to you that they're shit, because you see them in your own way, not the way they're actually shown."
And I had nothing to say, because this person was terribly rude, but maybe he was right...?
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rachelxcx · 2 years
Unpopular opinion: I believe that Erika's official Guard is Absinthe and the canonical flirt is Leiftan.
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rachelxcx · 2 years
Unhinged Lance with technology headcanons Part 2
Don't let him hold the phone when you show him a picture because he will scroll and he will blame you for seeing something he wasn't supposed to.
Somehow breaks a Nokia brick phone.
Is learning seven different languages on Duolingo. Cannot understand why you humans find monolinguality normal with tools like this at your convenience. (He thinks you guys are dumb, get it together!)
Talks to bots and thinks they're just very stupid people.
Ends up on minion meme hate my wife boomer Facebook and mega gay communist kill all men tiktok. We don't know how he did it, he wasn't even supposed to get a Facebook cuz he has no friends.
You can pry educational videos made by Indians out of his cold dead hands. Go ahead and try.
Looks everything Mathieu and Erika say to each other up on urban dictionary. Still doesn't understand.
Thinks that the SCP foundation is legit.
His username on any given site is auto generated but Mathieu changes it to something stupid like (@)Certifiedwarcriminal or (@)Literallykilledhisbro. Perhaps (@)Professionalbitchsnatcher.
Not allowed to upload anything because he's simply too sexy to not go viral.
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rachelxcx · 2 years
after this episode, I think more than ever that Erika is adopted… I mean, look at her father when from one day to the next nobody else remembers his daughter and what did the guy do? research and study until he discovered a hidden world that proves he is not crazy, that man is a genius, so if the human/faery war has him on the side of the humans, eldarya is really screwed.
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rachelxcx · 2 years
serio nesse episodio ela ja começa a refletir sobre como as atitudes da guarda não são tão nobres quanto parecem, eu espero que a beemov não desperdice essa chance e comece a desenvolver essa relação da erika com a guarda
seria tão bom se depois dessa conversa que a erika teve com pai dela virasse uma chavinha nela e ela começasse a questionar, se impor e exigir mais clareza por parte da guarda. Pq não existe mocinho nessa guerra de humanos X faerys, os 2 possuem atitudes questionáveis e ela não tem muito pra onde fugir e provavelmente vai ficar do lado dos faerys pra salvar o mundo.
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rachelxcx · 2 years
seria tão bom se depois dessa conversa que a erika teve com pai dela virasse uma chavinha nela e ela começasse a questionar, se impor e exigir mais clareza por parte da guarda. Pq não existe mocinho nessa guerra de humanos X faerys, os 2 possuem atitudes questionáveis e ela não tem muito pra onde fugir e provavelmente vai ficar do lado dos faerys pra salvar o mundo.
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rachelxcx · 2 years
Episódio 12
 Mano, não tenho palavras pra descrever o quanto eu amei o pai da Erika (em questão de personagem)
 Não sei se ele realmente mentiu pra gente desde o início do episódio, pois pode ser que tenha outra reviravolta na história. Mas se ele realmente mentiu, então o cara é profissional demais, extremamente babaca e manipulador, e eu adorei
( De qualquer forma, mesmo que ele tenha sido sincero sobre o que falou, ainda acho ele um personagem bastante carismático, na minha visão )
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