rabbaniway · 1 month
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rabbaniway · 10 years
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"Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem,Though we are in different Tariqah (Paths), there are still some principles that bond us together, the Principles that is imprinted in my heart is from the heavens,beyond the ideas of human traditions and perceptions, which is granted by Allah through His Mercy (Rahmatan lil Aalameen alaihiswalathu wa salam), it is to be Rabbani, to be abide by the Nature of God. in the divine presence all principles, differences,ideologies, existence and authority vanish and Only Muhammad is in the divine Presence, only Muhammad is the servant hood (Abdullah), and Muhammad is transcendental in the Created world to guide them to the Divine Presence, swalla Allahu alaihi wa Baarik wa sallam.........." - Jouhar Ali Naqshbandi Al-Hassani
 Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, zikr with Shaykh of Tijani Sufi Way Shaykh Abul Malick Cisse.
Jouhar Ali Naqshbandi Al-Hassani with guest from Senegal .Sheikh Abul Malick Niass , son of sheikh Ibrahim Niass (Q.S)  29 November 2014
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rabbaniway · 10 years
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Life in this world is an exam to the hereafter life. So most important and toughest exam is to live life as Allah wanted, not as how we want. So no exams have finished yet so tell your children that our exam is until last breath. 
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rabbaniway · 10 years
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Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem.
It was narrated from Aisha (R.A) that the Messenger of Allah 
(alaihiswalathu wa salam) said: "A Muslim should not abandon 
another Muslim for more than three days. If he meets him, and 
greets him with salam three times and he does not return the
 greeting each time, he will bear the sin." (Hasan)
Sunan Abu Dawud-The Book of Etiquette.
-Do you greet each other?
-Do you return the greetings?
-Do you greet 'salam' properly according to Sunnah?
-Do you aid the Muslim brother near you when he ask for aid?
-if not, then why I am claiming to be a VIP Muslim, Sufi Muslim, 
Sunni Muslim, toofi Muslim etc and advising others to be righteous 
when I am not righteous?
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rabbaniway · 10 years
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The Holy House Hold (Ahlul Bayth) of Prophet Muhammad(alaihiswalathu wa salam)- The Guidance for Umma
Followers of Ahlul Bayth with the Main body of Muslims and their leaders (Abbasids/Ottomans etc)- the Saved Sect-Al Firqathu Najiya
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rabbaniway · 10 years
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Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem
Quran 17:7 The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked [Your] anger or of those who are astray.
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