r41nb0wm00n · 14 hours
(Also Please this scene is forever too intimate LIKE HUSBANDSSSSSS IN PUBLICCC like what the purpose for the HAND ALL OVER HIS FRONT LIKE THAT MR VARADHA RAJAMANNAAAAAAR)
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r41nb0wm00n · 14 hours
How much y'all wanna bet that Dhaara and Shiva mannar were besties as well???...
Ps:let's make prabhas to play Dhaara tho..
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r41nb0wm00n · 2 days
Whenever I heard Deva and Varadha calling each other Ra or Rey all I could heard just "babe" 😂 when it came from them the word that basically just mean hey, bro or nothing significant to it but because it is them it sounds intimate.
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r41nb0wm00n · 2 days
I knew you were taking your sweet time with my ask to cook up something amazing and I was right. Really enjoyed & appreciate the long post. 6 hours?!? THANK YOU, Riri. I haven't watched RRR so it was quite surprising to see that veiled scene pic, looked very intimate. I'm aware of the mainstream SM talks of RRR's bromance but surprised there's barely any for Varadeva. This is the 2nd south indian movie that I've liked, the first one was Aarya 2, great film and songs, coincidentally it also has a possessive, psychotic character who'll do anything for his male friend but that's where the similarity ends with Salaar. The difference is in the essence of their friendships. One seems "toxic" but platonic while Varadeva seems like love and has chemistry. I fully relate to all your posts on Varadeva because I had those exact thoughts while watching the movie. Cannot choose one from the pile of greatness (love the parallels). Hope you write more such posts and yes I really enjoyed your mob boss Deva and his Varadha. I'd love it if you make one post about the tattoo on Aadya's arm and what can it mean and can or will cause in the (varadeva) future. All tattoo saga.
Apology for such a long ask.
Part of the reason why Salaar wasn't talked more than RRR bromance I think because they have so little promotion tour, that's the first reason while RRR they have so many press tour to the point I couldn't even catch up with all of the amazing interviews Tarak and Charan give to promote RRR. And they definitely promoting this movie as bromance, without any hints of hesitation.
While Salaar there are only 2 like T W O interviews where Prabhas and Prithvi was in the same room 😂 while the movie is indeed about these two character and even the song all just about these two ..I don't know why they didn't highlight it in all the release short clip, they advertised this movie like the most violence men or whatever while in reality this movie is all about drama between the rulers in khansaar (and Varadeva romance).
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They advertised the left poster too heavily while in reality they should have just used the poster on the right everywhere and we all be flocking to the theater lmao
People who just listened to their (unreliable) promo stuff without pondering toward the meaning of this movie they quickly just agree, yes this movie is about violence..and move on. Lmao this is like the case of shot fired wrong advertising strategy. (But aren't we all here even though like only 100 of us maximum trying to make up to it by talking about Varadeva bromace day and night like our lives depend on it.) I really want to talk with their advertising team for Salaar. It's just not as engaging as with Rajamouli.
Perhaps it wasn't their fault. Perhaps because Prithvi and Prabhas are hella busy with their other projects so they couldn't really take their times the way Tarak and Charan could who literally promote RRR movie for a whole year. RRR success I think beside the movie is really good and entertaining (I made a full review about RRR here but it contain spoiler so only read it after you watch RRR or if you're okay with getting spoiler. I post a lot of RRR meta as well you can just click RRR tag in my account and scroll scroll lol), the advertising was top notch as well, they didn't hold back. I mean Salaar getting the 750 crores return with that level of advertising 😭 it was almost a pure luck because if they didn't double the money they spend in production for ceasefire we might not even got Salaar 2 news 😭 thankfully now we can just wait for the continuation of varadeva story.
Second reason beside the advertising I think the content of the movie is also a big part of the consideration, RRR is just more colorful so people could engage with it in lighthearted nature about their bromance because there were also the element of humor when they interact with each other, while Varadeva, they exist in bleak world, no color, black and white, only people like us (what is us actually lmao) who spends more time to really really sit down and rewatch this movie could really pick out the true essence of this movie from within khansaar violence world and pulled out Varadeva love story.
Arya 2? I haven't watched it but it's on my list because I love Sukumar with Allu arjun, they made one of my favorite telugu movie together which is Pushpa, and Pushpa 2 will be released soon, the 2 songs they already dropped for the movie sequel were really great (especially Pushpa Raj whoaa) So someday I will definitely check Arya 2 when I have the time (now I am drowning in Prithviraj 134 credits to his movies lmao he has so many I am literally trying not to be too overwhelmed and take it slowly)
Mob boss Deva and bbg Varadha is literally my favorite so far from what I have written for them lmao the AU was so much fun, they will make a comeback someday lol
And for Aadhya and the tattoo actually, I really really want to talk about this in some kind of continuation story from the canon event in the movie in fic format and not just writing meta, let's see what I can do, but as you can see I am quite slow in many things haha but this time I feel like I shouldn't delay a reply to you only to wait for me writing a fic about the tattoo 😂 while making gifs might take me 6 hours (seriously that might be my longest post in this fandom that I made lmao (thank you to everyone who have like and reblog too 💯💕💐)) and to others I am sorry in advance if that post bothered you with how long you have to scroll when you see it on your dash lmao I keep adding the gifs when i re read about the analysis to support the explanation I think it's more than 25 now 😂 in that single post). writing fics it's at least 6 days business for me or even 6 weeks then would turn into 6 months, it happened so many times 😂 (so no promise for fic but it might be written)
Tell me about what you feel if you managed to watch RRR 👏👏 it's as gay as Salaar no doubt lmao RRR is the door that introduces me to the wonder that's south indian cinema.
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r41nb0wm00n · 2 days
Talking with your tall boyfriend be like :
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r41nb0wm00n · 3 days
Comparing how Deva react when someone touched Varadha (his moon and sun) vs Aadhya (the supposed love interest somehow)
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Deva here was so annoying lmao I feel so so bad for Aadhya 😭 I mean when the goon literally grabbed Aadhya into their arms and took selfie with her blatantly in front of him, what did he do? Lmao he just stand there like not reacting or reacting but it’s just so delayed, in the 1st gif he was staring at what they do to her but there’s no uncontrollable instant rage there because he still could hold that tiffin carrier perfectly without shaking even a little bit 😂😂 and he only moves his feet forward after the goon started dragging Aadhya with them.
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And quickly afterward he could hold himself back and even went as far as stepping one step back lmao so freaking annoying 😭😭 man your mother told you not to fight, she wasn’t forbidding you from showing your emotions or anything unless there’s none when it’s not about your Varadha, his annoying ass care more about Amma caught him with a cigarette in his hand that he quickly hide it behind his back as soon as he saw Amma 😭 drop the freaking cigarette already boy this wasn’t the time to care about such thing!! Drop the food container too instead just drop everything and quickly show a fist (the way how long it took Deva just to form a fist lmao Prashanth really is not serious at all to make them as love interest) even though you’re not gonna use it, show some real anger 😬 react!! That’s your future baby mama (say sike) as your director intended boy.
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Let’s compare Deva’s reaction when it is his real baby mama that his heart desire Varadha. At first Naarang looked only at Deva, Deva immediately accepted his fate, he looked down ready to die for his own action, it was him who killed Vishnu during the ceasefire so he was ready to die for that, he’s okay with his fate because he didn’t regret his action it was the right thing to do and for his conscience.
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But then Naarang looked over Varadha, this was just a mere look okay, Naarang shifting his gaze from him to Varadha and this little movement of an eyeball enough to make Deva react instantly, look how immediately he was moving in front of Varadha to shield him even from Naarang’s gaze, only then he experienced dread in his bones, his face looked so panicked, only now he felt the weight of his action. This man is insane when it came to Varadha’s safety you can’t play with it at all.
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Then when Naarang step one step forward, Deva already sprinting toward him because no, not Varadha, not when he’s still breathing he just couldn’t handle it, his whole being couldn’t handle the possibility of seeing Varadha to be in any kind of harm when he’s right there with him and he was the cause for Varadha to be in that danger.
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Only then he knows regret, now he is regretting his impulsive action (even though it was the right thing to do but if it caused Varadha's life, he rather not do it, he basically was wishing he could turn back time so he didn't have to kill Vishnu, selling his own principle even his own soul and conscience) because the price is too great which is Varadha's safety that's why suddenly this strong capable man who just killed dozens of people plead, pleaded with his hands clasped together in front his chest, there's fear in his expression he was so desperate, he went as far as begged on his knees, anything he would do for Varadha.
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It resonated with what Amma said 7 years after this event like either plead or make them bleed, just stop them (the way you did back then when you desperately want to save your loved one, oh Amma have heard this story from Bilal again and again and this was definitely the call back for that action) because Deva did both for Varadha, he will plead for his safety, will be on his knees begging and definitely (as last resort) will make anyone who dare to lay their hands on Varadha bleed.
Deva looked so damn pitiful I feel so sorry for him, the whole court room was watching, this was honestly another declaration of love from Deva just like the way he did 25 years ago when he held the electric wire in his hands and bleed for Varadha in front of the crowd putting a nose ring back to him with his own hand. I mean you have to be blind or deaf in Khansaar after this blatant display of devotion in front of the entire courtroom from Deva to Varadha to not understand that Deva belongs to Varadha body and soul.
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I know how scared Deva was in this moment because he didn't even flinch or heard even Varadha's own warning anymore to just stop, because just like Deva, Varadha was also so ready to die in Deva's state (because for Varadha he was the one to blame, he brought Deva to this wretched place that is Khansaar knowing damn well of his hero complex and his impulsive tendency to fight what's wrong and Khansaar is full of all the damn wrong things).
Deva's focus was solely in making Naarang to stop going toward Varadha, he was just getting knocked with the back of that sword on his head but he quickly get back up to put himself between Varadha and Naarang again, and went as far as grabbing Naarang's shoulders forcing him to face him and yet again making himself as a shield for Varadha with his body so Naarang couldn't even look at Varadha.
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Also in this moment when they taunted to touch Aadhya, oh Deva was mad, I mean who wouldn't be mad when you see a girl getting harrassed right in front of you, but the eyes weren't actually murderous kind of mad and he still could hold himself back, he was angry for Aadhya because she didn't deserve to be treated that way, because it was just generally wrong and anyone with conscience would be furious for Aadhya's sake and would love to teach those goons a good beating lesson.
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But with Varadha it was so damn personal, Varadha belongs to him and no one should touch him, the way his expression flipped instantly to murderous intent as soon as Naarang touched Varadha, and he wasn't even looking but he was that offended!! I mean also the way he was ready to jump at Vishnu's men who "only accidentally" brushed Varadha's shoulder but his fury was something else if Varadha didn't stop him he definitely gonna beat them into pulp too.
The conclusion of Deva's action (reaction) in this essay is that was the case of common rage, natural rage in the face of evil wrongdoings when he was fighting for Aadhya because that was the right thing to do because he was a capable man for that VS the instant uncontrollable rage that's so personal it offended his entire soul when he was fighting for Varadha because he was protecting the one he considered his family, part of his own soul, the one who we usually call a lover.
If I was Aadhya I too would have laughed pitifully at myself lmao for falling for a man who already have his own moon and sun that he would do anything for
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Comparing how he was reacting when he was saving me to when he was with his own baby lmao “damn that man is clearly not right in the head. A true maniac and it’s all for Varadha’s sake.” . Aadhya is pretty much aware to whom Deva belongs to after she listened the full story from Bilal about their relationship, just like Radha Rama who said that Deva is Varadha’s Salaar, Aadhya said “Varadha got himself a maniac” lol everyone with eyes and perfect ears listening to their story alone enough to understand and know that these two men belong to each other and no one can come between them. (And definitely not a new girl from USA who just came to Deva's life maximum 7 days 😭 girl just go home. It's 7 years + 25 years + 10 years of pining against your 7 days. You have lost before even fighting this battle girl.)
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r41nb0wm00n · 3 days
Thank you for answering my ask! Also, since you don't mind let me say;
That scene where Varadha lays his head on Deva's lap , especially the part where Deva puts his hand on varadha's chest, it is shown and shot through a veil-ish, net/rope whatever thingy which gives it an illusion of intimacy and privacy. Like there was no need for that split second scene but Mr. Blue directed it that way intentionally.
Also, Mr. Blue (in his barely colored world) really hammered it home with all the parallels between Varadha and Aadhya just to show that Varadha is the ideal one for Deva and not her. I loved that you talked about this too in your blog. You're doing amazing work with all the gifs and short fics. Kudos.
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You are very welcome! You are right about the illusion of "veil" for privacy and intimacy, it was so damn intentional to make it more romantic. I mean look at the out of focus frame for a while letting the two men to have their time for themselves alone and we audiences shouldn't prey more for it. Add more with the fact that Deva keep looking down at Varadha's face inspecting him and even throwing his hand on Varadha's chest for a good measure. Like they're not just friends!! Friends didn't do what these two were doing. (I ASK YOU PRASHANTH NEEL HAVE YOU EVER LAY YOUR HEAD ON YOUR BESTFRIEND LAP while drunkenly called out his name . Wtf 😭😭) I refuse to believe with all my being that these two are not in love.
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Rajamouli did the same thing in RRR by providing the "veil" during Ram and Bheem confession scene, just look at the shot above lmao that's intentionally gay your honor. 😭 I am so tired.
Also yes. Prashanth Neel consistently presented to us to our own faces that Aadhya got nothing on Varadha (the raw chili powder case and the don't touch my lover case) , Deva's true love interest. Haha if Prashanth planned on making Deva fall for Aadhya in Salaar 2 then he was making a bad job at convincing us in the first movie that there's something going on between them.
I think part of the reason why everything not going according to the plan (see ugramm plot that got adaptated to Salaar) with Aadhya and Deva, it's because of Prithviraj Sukumaran himself 😂 Prashanth said in Rajamouli interview that he changed so many thing about their background and give more depth to Varadha and Deva's background relationship because of the way Prithvi act as Varadha. (I will make a comparison in another time how Varadha's Prithvi version take the spot of Aadhya role in Ugramm. Gosh this movie kicking my ass trying to crack code like fbi or anything 😂) ...
Also Prabhas basically said in that same interview that he fell in love more with Prithvi more than Shruti,
I know he meant as with their character. Prabhas is not a new actor he has played so many roles so he must be the one who knows the most how his own character would feel. So that's why when we watch Salaar we could feel how much Deva loves Varadha because that's exactly what Prabhas (and Prithviraj) were trying to convey about their characters. VARADEVA ARE IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER 📢📢
So far we truly win with Salaar. Lgbtq movie representation as far as I am concerned 👏👏👏 😌😌
(Thank you once again for appreciating my gifs and ficss...so far what's your favorite posts that I make? If I may know and what fic that you like most?👀👀 also Prashanth is called Mr. Blue? I didn't know that, why???)
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r41nb0wm00n · 3 days
Salaar Scene Analysis: Velamgadi Trial!
When Varadha and Deva were brought to the trial and Naarang started walking towards them, Varadha was concerned for Deva. While Deva was ready to face all consequences, Varadha was afraid that Naarang would kill Deva. He keeps looking between Deva and Naarang.
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Then Naarang started walking towards him and he straightened himself to face him.
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But the moment Naarang looked at Varadha, Deva's nonchalance turned into anxiousness. Deva didn't wait for Naarang to come to them, he went forward to beg to spare Varadha.
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Watching Deva, who was so proud that he wouldn't even take cover when shot at, beg for him, Varadha got emotional. He tried to stop Deva, but Deva was so far gone in his desperation to save him that he didn't even hear him.
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Deva reminded Naarang that he was the one who killed Vishnu and finally Naarang's focus shifted from Varadha to him. When Naarang was going to strike at Deva, Varadha rushed forward to draw Naarang's attention towards himself, saying he was the one who was responsible as Deva killed Vishnu for him only. He even called Naarang Anna, putting himself in a lower position than him. That too after being insulted by him the last time they met.
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And then Naarang made the biggest mistake of his life, that would not only cost him his hand, but also his life. He held Varadha's collar and the look in Varadha's eyes said, "you have just dug your own grave." He knew exactly how Deva would react, you can see it in his eyes.
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But when Deva actually cut off Naarang's hand and then his head, he was overwhelmed. He couldn't believe Deva would go this far for him, even though he knew it would happen. At the same time he was guilty. He felt he destroyed Deva's chance of a normal life away from Khanshar's violence. Maybe he thought he let Amma down as she didn't like Deva being violent. His gaze was focused on the cut hand, while everyone else stared at Deva in fear and awe. He only shifted his gaze when Naarang's head rolled towards his feet.
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When Baachi questioned him about Deva, he was too dazed to react. As if he could listen to Baachi, but couldn't understand what he was saying. He was immersed in his guilt and overflowing emotions.
It was Deva's 'sorry' that pulled him out from that dazed state. And what was his first reaction? He apologized for bringing him back to Khanshar.
And that's why Varadha is different from the conventional hero's best friend, who normally cheers or feels proud of the hero's bold actions. It's not that Varadha isn't proud of Deva. From the way he replied to Baachi in Mahara when he asked him to stop Deva, you can clearly hear the pride in his voice.
But when Deva takes risks for him, Varadha behaves like the 'love interest' who is overwhelmed by the love the hero has for him, who can't believe someone can do such things for him. He's more concerned about how the actions would affect Deva than how he would benefit from them.
This is totally opposite to Ugramm, where Bala intentionally provoked Agastya to fight for him and enjoyed the benefits that came from his actions.
This also contrasts with Aadhya's reaction during the coal mine fight scene, when she sat on that truck and watched the fight with wonder and reverence. Unlike Aadhya, Varadha won't judge Deva for not standing up for him. But he would rather have Deva safe than put himself in danger for him. He brought Deva to Khanshar as a last resort to save Baachi, not himself. He neither expects or wants Deva to fight for him.
Varadha's love for Deva is like a concerned, self sacrificing spouse who puts their husband's interests before him.
This is another proof that Varadha is the real heroine of Salaar.
@ririsasy thanks for letting me use some of your gifs.
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r41nb0wm00n · 3 days
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r41nb0wm00n · 3 days
Mehram/Varadeva edit!
Video Clips Source: Salaar Movie
Music Source: Mehram (Asfar Hussain x Arooj Aftab, Coke Studio Season 14)
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r41nb0wm00n · 3 days
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Whatever you see in my eyes✨
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r41nb0wm00n · 4 days
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r41nb0wm00n · 4 days
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Kajol in Maharagni - Queen of Queens (2024)
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r41nb0wm00n · 4 days
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r41nb0wm00n · 5 days
*Bacchi walks in on deva looking at pictures on ceiling*
Bacchi: what are you doing?
Deva: Stargazing.
Bacchi: these are pictures of anna
Deva: stars are beautiful tonight☺️
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r41nb0wm00n · 5 days
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Varadha wouldn't have reached 40s if Deva didn't leave Khansaar because how much stress he would have experienced daily because Deva keep putting himself in danger even though he already begged him not to. Especially seeing how people be treating Varadha like shit every single day it's either Deva died young for protecting Varadha's honor or Varadha have a heart attack whenever Deva just run off fighting anyone who dares to challenge him lmao I mean look at the poor boy he was so stressed out! When he realized that Deva wasn't standing beside him anymore when he talked with Rudra lol he was so panicked like where the hell was my boyfriend going and sprint in instant trying to catch up to him no way he was doing what I thought he would do.
Varadha is indeed not like any other bestfriend a hero would have in another kind of movie where they usually would have cheered or encouraged his friend at first if they got into a fight or anything but not with Varadha, he has this love interest concern when a hero got into a fight, afraid for their safety and wish they didn't have to do that in the first place.
Also I need to include the video clip for this because the way Varadha was dropping to his knees and then calling Deva with the softest "Deva" I have heard from him like he's calling him from the afterlife pulling him back to life by his voice alone because there's no way he's allowing him to die and leave him behind in this wretched place.
The way Varadha gritted his teeth, grabbed on his shoulder so tightly till his knuckles literally turned white and punched Deva's chest with all his might so his heart will not stop, he was so so scared that he might lost Dvea. Varadha is not going to let Deva die on his watch. Gosh the love that they have for each other ever since they were young making it hard to believe that one day they would want each other's death. It's just didn't add up.
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r41nb0wm00n · 5 days
Mehram Cover for the doomed friendship of Deva and Varadha. We don't entirely know what happened between them. But whatever it was, it made strangers out of two people who could have been two halves of the same whole in a kinder world.
The song 'Mehram' is originally a Coke Studio Pakistan creation. Here, I have sung from the point where Arooj Aftab begins singing in the original version.
The word 'mehram' in Arabic means "familiar." There is a legal definition of this also in Islamic law. But often, this word has been used as a term of endearment in South Asia by people who speak Urdu and Farsi. To no longer be "mehram" to each other implies the end of a relationship.
I have also translated the lyrics here for you-
The silence spoke such words, I had to hear them quietly.
And lo, I finally chose the darknesses I couldn't bear for all these lifetimes.
How much ever I may desire togetherness, and beg the moon for it, my heart must content itself with mere sighs of yearning...
And yet, I could not weep.
You are no longer my intimate one... No longer, my intimate one...
I was listening to your words that I could not hear before,
trapped in a web of desires,
trapped in the storm of weighted words,
there is no shelter for the likes of us,
no shelter remains for the tender heart.
You are no longer my familiar... No longer my familiar, my intimate one.
-- Please let me know what you think of the song. Again, it is not one of my usual things. As you know, my bread and butter is opera and Western classical music. But I adore our Desi music and can't help singing it!
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