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(via dylanoblrien)
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Ziam is rising and we are bearing witness.
Chris (li-z-and-zayonce)
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This is freaking gold!!
i’m going to tell you a story about something absurd. so okay. when i was in high school, i would wear a ton of brown eyeliner, eyeshadow, and mascara, and because i was an ungrateful little brat i would wipe it off on my mom’s white hand towels every night. i’d wash my face, put on moisturizer, and make a beeline for the towel and smear my face all over it. perfect. i’d stand back and admire the eye-shaped smears on the towel and go to bed with a weird sense of pride. it was my terrible, lazy routine and i took some kind of strange joy in seeing how much i could get off onto that night’s hand towel.
mind you that i did this for years (years!!!) because i was the Worst and my mother is a literal saint who would grumble and bleach and re-bleach them again and again. from ages fifteen to seventeen, the only way i would remove my eye make up was to leave a gross rorshach stain on my mother’s beautiful bathroom linens. two perfectly spaced apart vaguely eyelid shaped blotches waiting to be bleached out of existence every night.
so fast forward to my freshman year of college. i’m home for thanksgiving break and i’m eating honey nut cheerios on the couch watching tv after taking a shower and wiping my makeup on a hand towel – business as usual. suddenly my brother bursts into the living room from a shower in a wild fury with a towel around his waist.
“okay” he starts, looking around wildly “who did it?!?!”
“who did what?” i don’t look up from my cheerios. he should know the drill about my awful makeup removal habits by now.
“who started wiping their ass on the towels again?? it stopped for a while and now someone’s doing again! i didn’t want to say anything but come on, i have to use those too! jeez!” and he storms off in a huff.
i have just found out that my brother, from ages eleven to thirteen, had been laboring under the notion that our bathroom hand towels were constantly covered in shit. for years. FOR YEARS HE BELIEVED THIS. for years he went into the bathroom, saw my makeup stains, and went “ugh, gross” and continued his day. as if this was something that happened all the time. as if this was a minor inconvenience. for LITERAL YEARS he looked at the distinctly eye-shaped stains on the bathroom towels and went, “man, what a bummer, there’s shit on these again. that’s life i guess!!!”
i am still in shock to this day. i’ve asked him about it since then he’s just said “i don’t know, i just assumed it was shit. that seemed the most likely.” unbelievable. 
that’s my story.
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This is Money Snake. She only appears every 312 years. 
If you reblog her picture within the next twenty-five seconds you will have good luck and fortune for the rest of your life. 
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so you've all probably seen this picture
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well, i don’t know the girl in the “don’t support fag marriages” picture, but i did come across this:
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and i feel really bad that she’s getting so much hate for a simple misunderstanding. i’m not tumblr famous or anything, so this probably won’t go too well, but i’m trying to get the word out because i feel bad for this girl. thanks
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Watch: Her bravery is utterly astounding — and her advice for all victims of domestic violence is beyond necessary.
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Pixar‘s  Sanjay’s Super Team 
“For the first time, Pixar has two original films that will be released this year. The Good Dinosaur will follow Inside Out in November, and with it, a brand new short.
‘Sanjay’s Super Team’ will be the first Pixar film starring a character of color. Director Sanjay Patel drew on his childhood experiences to create the 7 minute short, which chronicles a Hindu prayer ritual with his father.
It’s also the first time religion is the subject in a Pixar film. The short concerns Sanjay daydreaming about the Hindu gods as ancient superheroes, not unlike Marvel’s The Avengers…
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Patel is the third Asian American director at Pixar, joining Ronnie del Carmen, co director of Inside Out, and Pete Sohn, director of The Good Dinosaur. He was candid in describing the difficulties of embracing his Indian heritage as a boy and even into adulthood…”
Keep reading at  pixarplanet
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This scene deserves so many awards. Laverne Cox is a gem.
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My Drawing Of Zayn Malik
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it would mean the world to me if u can tweet him about the drawing please , my twitter is ( hazzathing ) 
(via harrything)
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watching this is us for the 100th time. the camping scene they r putting up the tents. li looks for the instructions they r in Swedish but H n N r like we r way too cool to read inst. lol n keep chattering about it showing off. meanwhile li works silently n as louis says"clocks it in 5 mins" that's the truest description of li. goes by the rules usually but if required he can solve any problem on his own intellect n works in silence in the background not asking for any recognition for his work.
Hi Anon,
Firstly, sorry if I what I say comes out as gibberish or more so than usual here.
You’re spot on. Especially re the recognition. Anyway first of all, here’s the clip btw.  x  Btw, I think its Zayn that says the 5 minutes line and of course he would. Probably so proud as he knew at least he and Liam would have a tent that wouldn’t collapse in on them in seconds. Ha.  Anyway…moving on.
I haven’t watched This is Us for a long time but the camping scene is great for observing them all even if the rest is meh.
Here I go again harping back to the Sony Wikileaks but they were every bit as informative about the way Liam’s ‘personality’ was forced upon us as anyone else, although it was nowhere near as harmful on the face of it as the image foisted upon Zayn.
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Caring,. Driven. Kind. Sensible.    I mean none of them are bad qualities but man they dull him down and take away half of the man he is.   I won’t repeat it but I definitely prefer Louis and Zayn’s descriptions of him.
I think from some instances we’ve seen particularly in the early days, he was a bit harder to loosen up and he perhaps had barriers up, no doubt at least in part with his school experiences and otherwise.
And I certainly don’t see him as someone who flagrantly breaks rules like you but when needed, he will absolutely take risks.  Like he’s been doing for months, hell years, the ‘hate’ t-shirt on the first sighting of Payzer 2.0.  This man is nothing other than highly bright, intelligent and smarter than even the smartest bear, never mind the most average.
And as for not seeking praise, so true. Liam and Louis have both resisted talking at length about their songwriting partnership particularly when in the company of the others.
I think he has quite rightly an innate confidence in his own abilities and therefore doesn’t feel the need to shout about it. His future within the music industry I feel sure will do all his talking for him.
Good job others will do it for him or speak well of him for our sakes at least.  Influential people.
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And yet when I did a search for ‘Musicians praising Liam’ all you got on the front page was ‘Liam is jealous of 5SOS success’ from all the usual suspect MM mouthpieces.  Sad. 
So yeah, Liam is damn intelligent, will adhere to rules but will never be afraid to stray if he needs to for those he loves (we’ve seen it for Zayn) and for his own sake.  And he’s not the slightest bit arrogant. I wonder who we don’t know about that he’s made connections with here and in the US, the stuff he’s done off the radar. Can’t wait to find out one day.  
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“Society and just the media in general sort of idealizes women and paints this specific perfection that we’re supposed to be. And when you look at us you see we have short people, we have tall people, we have skinny people, we have curvy people, we have totally different skin tones and ethnicities. We kind of represent the majority of girls. We try to represent ourselves as embracing ourselves as we are and trying to be that for those girls who don’t have that representation in the media.” - FIFTH HARMONY
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I didn’t watermark any of them, so please give credit if you repost them
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Medieval au: Liam & Zayn
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soooo here we are, tinkletogram (ily <3 .. or do i ?) tagged me to choose my 10 fav pics of Lima the Mighty Bean and I did it. now I’m going to take a shower. with my own tears. 
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THIS! This so important to understand because Zayn has faced just as much hate from within the fandom as from outside sources when he was in the band, so it’s not surprising that these people have started an open season on Zayn now that he left. I just don’t believe you can switch on a person like that unless the hate was always there. 
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