quiet--desperations · 2 years
You've already stretched your body as far as you could, as if you're hugging a continent in your arms, shouldering the sky on your spine, while standing with your feet on the edge of the world that could collapse at any time. And that's powerful, isn't it? So don't ever let anyone else tell you're weak. You owe it to the universe inside of you to tell them otherwise.
- 05/17/21, anastasiasyah
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quiet--desperations · 2 years
“Stupid dreams. Even the good ones are bad, because they remind you how poorly reality measures up.”
— Neal Shusterman, Unwind
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quiet--desperations · 2 years
“I moonbathed diligently, as others sunbathe.”
— Denise Levertov, excerpt from “The well”   (via paper-fairy)
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quiet--desperations · 2 years
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— The Truth the Dead Know, Anne Sexton
[text ID: It is June. I am tired of being brave.]
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quiet--desperations · 2 years
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quiet--desperations · 2 years
You make me feel,
what Autumn does to the leaves,
I saw you once,
have been falling for you ever since...
-Aditya Mohanty || And I'm Falling for You
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quiet--desperations · 2 years
"You say my name like it's the sweetest poem ever written."
-Aditya Mohanty || And now, it doesn't make sense when others say it
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quiet--desperations · 2 years
Am I the only one who is too scared and reluctant to watch an amazing show or the finale of a series just because the moment I'll watch it, it'll be gone? I would never get to experience it again for the first time. I feel that, to watch the ending of our favourite show, means to finally acknowledge that the thing that was so close to our heart, is finally gone, and that loss is too overwhelming for me to bear.
-Aditya Mohanty || Delaying the Inevitable by Holding on to it for a Bit Longer
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quiet--desperations · 2 years
Usually, when people tell you to leave, they're secretly asking for a hug. Don't leave them for real; unless they say that a lot- in that case, screw them.
-Aditya Mohanty
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quiet--desperations · 2 years
The intimacy of dropping your loved one at their home and to keep waiting there until they get in❤️
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quiet--desperations · 2 years
Not every storm you experience is meant to wreak havoc in your life. Some are simply there to clear your path and make space for something new, something spectacular that resonates with your soul.
-Aditya Mohanty || On Embracing the Storm
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quiet--desperations · 2 years
I often wondered, what if someone was genuinely in love with me, and I couldn't even realise it until it was too late. What if I were to miss upon the love of my life just because I wasn't sure of their intentions? The truth is that if someone genuinely loves you then you'll know.
The way their face brightens up when they see you, the sparkle in their eyes before they whisper your name, the faint smile at the edge of their lips when you tuck your hair behind your ear, the way you're thinking of them right now even though I haven't mentioned their name. You see, there is always something that gives it away; all you have to do is look.
- Aditya Mohanty
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quiet--desperations · 2 years
People will eventually get tired of you being sad all the time, and that's okay. Your healing was never in their hands.
-Aditya Mohanty // Nobody Can Heal Your Wounds Except You
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quiet--desperations · 2 years
Growing up, I was always told that boys shouldn't cry over little things or share their emotions too much, as they are supposed to be strong. Now years later, whenever I'm suffering from something painful, I don't cry; I don't share it with anyone. Even if I wish to, the tears won't come. I simply isolate myself and go numb for days, hoping it'll eventually get better.
- Aditya Mohanty // Why Do I Feel like I'm not Strong Enough Everytime I'm in Pain?
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quiet--desperations · 2 years
I came across this line today, "he hugs her like she's oxygen, and he's struggling to breathe," and I've been thinking about it eversince🥺
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quiet--desperations · 2 years
"Falling for you was like eating my favourite ice cream on a rainy winter night. I knew it wasn't the wisest thing to do, and the consequences would be terrible. Then again, how could I stumble upon someone so amazing like you and still not love you?"
-Aditya Mohanty // I'll face the repercussions knowing I followed my heart, and it was worth it all.
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quiet--desperations · 2 years
Does anyone else get this unexplainable feeling that you're soon going to meet the love of your life, your soulmate, and it would be like a page from a fairytale? I'm not saying this as a dreamy, hopeless romantic who is desperately looking for love. It's more like someone, who is perfectly content with his solitary existence, is having this unshakable feeling that something magical will transpire soon.
-Aditya Mohanty // I Feel Like Love is Around the Corner, Waiting For Me to Take a Turn.
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