queenofnosleeps · 8 months
God I fucking hate Jo Beverley. She apparently obsessed with making women fuck rapists and wife beaters, and then pretending those men are wonderful, swoon-worthy romantic heroes. Disgusting.
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queenofnosleeps · 4 years
Unpopular opinion (apparently):
I am , uh... really not a big fan of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries.
I mean I don’t, like, hate it to my dying breath or whatever, I just don’t especially like it that much. I guess apparently this makes me kind of an asshole.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad it’s a thing that exists, and there are several things they did that I loved because it was a really good way of translating the story into modern terms in a way that shows that the creators really get it. But there’s also a lot of things that for me were just a little bit too clunky, especially some of the biggest, most important things, where the choices they made didn’t make any sense especially given what the context is supposed to be, and it made it very cringey for me to watch.
And you know what I’m just going to say it, I don’t especially like some of what they did with Lydia. I understand why they made those choices, and I can respect that—I can respect that they wanted to make her a more well-rounded human and more sympathetic, and I absolutely understand not wanting to slut shame her or whatever. But I’m still going to say I disagree with it—it wildly misses some of the points of the original. You don’t have to stick to the strictly religious views in the book to understand that a massive part if the problem with Lydia’s behavior is her extreme selfishness—she doesn’t care if anything she does hurts anyone else, or everyone else around her. She doesn’t care if she’s in fact ruining her entire family. She doesn’t care about anything except her own shallow, selfish desires and getting their immediate gratification. And absolutely we can point out the fact that she’s very young and she’s never been taught how to be considerate of anyone else (hell she’s actively encouraged to be petty and selfish by her mother, and effectively shielded from ever having to deal with the consequences). But none of these things change the fact that she is in fact very selfish, and I don’t think that showing this makes her a cartoon charicature because not every single action has a deep and soulful reason behind it, sometimes humans (yes, even the 15 year olds) are just being selfish assholes. But I guess this just makes me a terrible fucking person, so fine, whatever.
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queenofnosleeps · 4 years
Dear any writers ever:
• Torture is not a good way of getting information. People will say anything just to make the pain stop. Even if you are dealing with someone who has vital information that they know you want and are withholding, torture is not going to get you any accurate or reliable answers. At best, you will maybe get some accurate information mixed with an info dump of garbage as they scramble to spit out anything they think will make you stop. The longer it goes on, the more garbage and less reliable it will be as they scramble to say whatever it is they think you want to hear.
• Precocious, gifted, or genius level children do not just act like tiny adults. Human development is not a download that goes faster if you’re smarter.
• Physical tics repeated ad nauseam are not character development.
• Have you considered having love interests who are not unlikeable douchebags?
• Go read Le Mort D’Arthur. Then do it again. See all those endless lists of who stole whose horse? See how events are just listed at random with no build up or context? See how unbearably boring that is? THAT’S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DECIDE TO TELL NOT SHOW. Malory doesn’t believe in show don’t tell. Malory has no conception that audiences might actually need him to DEMONSTRATE why these characters are interesting or admirable and why we should care. Malory doesn’t show any of the characters’ experiences or inner lives other than to say, “then so and so said do this so they did that.” Don’t be like Malory.
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