16 OC Questions
🌲 What is the kindest thing your OC has ever done for someone? What is the kindest thing someone has ever done for them? On the flip side, what is the worst thing your OC has done to another person?
🌳 What does your OC do when they see others upset or in pain? An upset friend? A stranger?
🌿 What is something true about your OC that they refuse to admit about themselves? Is there any reason to this besides embarassment?
🍃 Describe a regular day for your OC. What is their schedule (if they have one).
🍂 How does your OC think they will die? Does death scare them? Is there any reason for this?
🍁 What is your OC’s most traumatic experience? (If they don’t have just one traumatic experience either pick one or describe them all!)
🍄 How would your OC react to the death of a friend/family member/loved one? Is there anyone they can confide in?
🌾 What would your OC be like if they were evil. Or if they’re already evil what would they be like as the good guy?
💐 How would your OC react to somebody telling them that they love them? (+ bonus give another characters/OC name!)
🌷 What does your OC hate about themself? What lies about themself do they believe? On the flip side, What does your OC love about themself?
🌹 Does your OC have any scars? How and when did they get them?
🥀 What is something your OC blames themself for and is it really their fault? Does it keep them up at night and is there any lingering trauma?
🌺 In what situation would your OC be pushed to commit an act of violence? Would they go as far to kill someone if they had to? How would this affect them and their relationships with others?
🌸 What would your OC do if they were given god-like powers or the ability to change anything about the world for a whole day?
🌼 Describe one of your OC’s worst nightmares.
🌻 What advice would your OC give to their younger self? What advice does your OC need now?
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Good Traits Gone Bad
Exploring good traits gone bad in a novel can add depth and complexity to your characters. Here are a few examples of good traits that can take a negative turn:
1. Empathy turning into manipulation: A character with a strong sense of empathy may use it to manipulate others' emotions and gain an advantage.
2. Confidence becoming arrogance: Excessive confidence can lead to arrogance, where a character belittles others and dismisses their opinions.
3. Ambition turning into obsession: A character's ambition can transform into an unhealthy obsession, causing them to prioritize success at any cost, including sacrificing relationships and moral values.
4. Loyalty becoming blind devotion: Initially loyal, a character may become blindly devoted to a cause or person, disregarding their own well-being and critical thinking.
5. Courage turning into recklessness: A character's courage can morph into reckless behavior, endangering themselves and others due to an overestimation of their abilities.
6. Determination becoming stubbornness: Excessive determination can lead to stubbornness, where a character refuses to consider alternative perspectives or change their course of action, even when it's detrimental.
7. Optimism becoming naivety: Unwavering optimism can transform into naivety, causing a character to overlook dangers or be easily deceived.
8. Protectiveness turning into possessiveness: A character's protective nature can evolve into possessiveness, where they become overly controlling and jealous in relationships.
9. Altruism becoming self-neglect: A character's selflessness may lead to neglecting their own needs and well-being, to the point of self-sacrifice and burnout.
10. Honesty becoming brutal bluntness: A character's commitment to honesty can turn into brutal bluntness, hurting others with harsh and tactless remarks.
These examples demonstrate how even admirable traits can have negative consequences when taken to extremes or used improperly. By exploring the complexities of these traits, you can create compelling and multi-dimensional characters in your novel.
Happy writing!
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5 simple exercises to awaken dormant muscles
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If a website has a paywall, like New York Times, DO NOT use the ctrl+A shortcut then the ctrl+c shortcut as fast as you can because then you may accidentally copy the entire article before the paywall comes up. And definitely don't do ctrl+v into the next google doc or whatever you open because then you will accidentally paste the entire article into a google doc or something!!!! I repeat DO NOT do this because it is piracy which is absolutely totally wrong!!!
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Best Prompts of 2023!
Prompt #1025: "You told me you loved me." "Yes." "While you thought I was dying in your arms." "Yes." "Well, I’m still alive. Care to repeat that?"
Prompt #1011: "I sometimes miss that little girl you once were." "I don’t, she was a coward."
Prompt #1018: "Shut up, I’m trying to confess my love to you."
Prompt #1026: "I thought a few candles would be very romantic." "You almost burnt down the house."
Prompt #1037: "Sometimes you annoy me so much that I want to start planning our wedding, just so I can very publicly divorce you."
Prompt #1016: All their kisses so far had been full of anger. Too rough, too desperate. This one was their first kiss that was soft, without urgency.
Prompt #966: "Why did you never tell me?" "It was a personal issue." "You being in love with me kind of also involves me."
Prompt #1023: "Why do people keep saying I’m doing well considering the circumstances? I’m feeling awful!" "Since the circumstances were you almost dying, I would say you are doing quite well being able to whine to me about it."
Prompt #1057: "Just admit it, you have feelings for them." "Only the worst ones."
Prompt #1050: "Can you feel it?" "Can I feel what?" "My disappointment in you."
Goodbye 2023 and hello 2024! I wish you all a wonderful start into the new year!
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! 🥰
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Best Prompt Lists of 2023!
good traits gone bad
seeking out physical affection
make 'em swoon
short & impactful
Drunken Love Confessions
Touch Starved Prompts
Six Word Sentences
Angry Confessions
Five Word Sentences
Super soft intimacy
The year 2023 is coming to an end. I wish all of you only the best for 2024!
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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The Evermore Grimoire: Magic Powers
Dark Magic is the power to use magic that is malevolent in nature. Those that wield this power can utilise a malevolent system of techniques that is based around the darker side of magic that is typically used for selfish, self-serving and/or nefarious purposes. Though it is not necessarily "evil" magic, it tends to focus on destruction, harming, cursing and otherwise complicating the lives of others while advancing the wielder's personal state. They often reject social convention and the status quo, which some suggest is in a search for spiritual freedom. As a part of this, they embrace magical techniques and practices that would traditionally be viewed as taboo and are generally willing to go farther than most in order to serve their own selfish needs. However no one is born with dark magic and it can change depending on the wielder's temperament. If they start to use their magic for selfless reasons, it will gradually become more benevolent and pure in nature. This is known as White Magic.
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Writing Prompt #2503
"You have nothing to apologize for. If anything, we should be making them apologize to you."
"Don't...don't hurt anyone."
"Oh, because they ever gave you that courtesy?"
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Pieces of A Novel - Wordsnstuff November Monthly Writing Challenge
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The idea of this challenge is to plan one piece of your story per day. For those participating in NaNoWriMo, this may be a helpful tool to use in conjunction with your daily writing goal. This can help you sustain inspiration, and it can help you find that balance between careful planning and spontaneity that many struggle to maintain.
This tool is designed to help you plan and/or write a longer story in a short amount of time, particularly a novel. If you choose to both plan and draft each scene assigned to each day, you should in theory have a near complete first draft of your story in a single month. Instead of basing the challenge on a word goal, it's organized into a list of tasks. Once all/most of these scenes are planned or written, you will have a nearly complete draft, missing only the scenes unique to your story.
The inciting incident of the beginning of your story.
Establish your protagonist(s) core need and bring key characters into the picture.
A scene that progressively complicates the beginning of your story.
A scene that establishes the protagonist(s)'s strengths and/or weaknesses
A scene that creates a crisis question at the beginning of your story.
A scene that foreshadows the arc of the main characters.
A scene that climaxes the beginning of your story.
A scene that establishes what the protagonist wants, versus what they think they need, versus what they actually need, as well as what they're willing to do to get it.
A scene that resolves the beginning of your story.
A scene that gives the reader a glimpse into the antagonist's power, needs, or goals. Alternatively, if there is no antagonist, a scene that establishes the background of the main challenge the protagonist is trying to overcome..
The inciting incident of the middle of your story.
A scene with a twist—something new happens. A new friend, minor antagonist, or new information arises as a result of the middle inciting incident.
A scene that progressively complicates the middle of your story.
An unexpected twist gives the protagonist(s) false hope. An important clue or weapon arises.
A scene that creates a crisis question in the middle of your story.
A scene that establishes how the protagonist(s) and antagonist(s) motivations could become their downfall.
A scene that climaxes the middle of your story.
A scene that reveals the protagonist(s)'s and/or antagonist(s)'s greatest fears.
A scene that resolves the middle of your story.
A scene that foreshadows what the protagonist(s) and antagonist(s) will gain/lose in the process of pursuing their goal.
The inciting incident of the end of your story.
A scene that establishes that there is no turning back for your main character(s)
A scene that progressively complicates the end of your story.
A scene that establishes how the main character(s)'s strengths/weaknesses help or hinder their success
A scene that creates a crisis question at the end of your story.
A scene that establishes what the protagonist(s) and antagonist(s) learn once they initially succeed/fail
A scene that climaxes the end of your story.
A scene that answers one of the major questions of your story, or resolves an important dramatic theme.
A scene that resolves the end of your story.
(bonus) A scene that hints to the continuation of the story, if a sequel is to come.
If you enjoy my blog and wish for it to continue being updated frequently and for me to continue putting my energy toward answering your questions, please consider Buying Me A Coffee, or pledging your support on Patreon, where I offer early access and exclusive benefits for only $5/month.
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So, let me guess– you just started a new book, right? And you’re stumped. You have no idea how much an AK47 goes for nowadays. I get ya, cousin. Tough world we live in. A writer’s gotta know, but them NSA hounds are after ya 24/7. I know, cousin, I know. If there was only a way to find out all of this rather edgy information without getting yourself in trouble…
You’re in luck, cousin. I have just the thing for ya.
It’s called Havocscope. It’s got information and prices for all sorts of edgy information. Ever wondered how much cocaine costs by the gram, or how much a kidney sells for, or (worst of all) how much it costs to hire an assassin?
I got your back, cousin. Just head over to Havocscope.
((PS: In case you’re wondering, Havocscope is a database full of information regarding the criminal underworld. The information you will find there has been taken from newspapers and police reports. It’s perfectly legal, no need to worry about the NSA hounds, cousin ;p))
Want more writerly content? Follow maxkirin.tumblr.com!
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in Grey's Anatomy 2.03: Make Me Lose Control
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The Evermore Grimoire: The Elements
The Fire Element is represented by the Sun and its light, as well as the stars, deserts, and volcanoes. It’s the element of transformation, and is associated with illumination, health, strength and creativity. It’s always in motion, even when rooted in one spot, Fire is the most active and animated of the Elements. As a contribution to the natural order of the Earth, it keeps forests healthy through cycles of burning and regeneration. However this same power is also dangerous and deadly when unchecked, which is why it commands such respect from those who seek to use it. Fire can be extinguished by any of the other Elements (Earth, Air and Water), but it is also the only one that must have another substance to consume in order to maintain its existence. It is also mesmerising and yet it’s the only element that can’t be touched without harm to the body. While not technically necessary for human survival Fire is certainly integral to a healthy and comfortable existence. 
artwork by Sandra Winther
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Character Sheets and character creation →
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When creating a character, there’s a lot of questions you ask yourself. Whether it’s an original character or one you’ve been playing for a long time, using a character sheet to get to know your character better can always be a nice idea. With it’s help, you’ll be able to think about things you didn’t necesarily thought about, and ask some important questions to yourself that might activate your character’s voice, or help you to get your muse back with them. Everyone has their favorite character sheets, some people prefer to have a lot of questions, some others like it a bit more vague, so here’s a masterlist of the character sheets I found on various websites and found quite interesting, plus some other things that could be used to help you see, for example, how other character view yours. 
Blank Character Sheet (+370 Questions)
Abridged Character Sheet (100 Questions)
Big-Ass Character Sheet
Character Creation Form
Character Sheet by Jody Hedlund
Creating a character Bio Sheet
Character Analysis Worksheet
100 Character Development questions for writers
Create a Character Profile
Character Development Worksheet
Original Character Bio-Sheet
Character Chart for Fiction Writers
A Character Chart By Charlotte Dillon
Fiction Writer’s Character Chart
Detailed Character Sheet
Character Sheet Template
Character Twenty-Question Worksheet
In-Depth Character Sheet
Character Worksheet
Character Interview Sheet (First Person)
Background Questionnaire (First Person)
Characters Perceptions (How do other people perceive your character?)
With these sheets, you could also try to find your character’s Jung and Enneagram Type or use the Moral Alignment tool. All of these things can be really useful to get a better grip on a character.
Then, if you’re trying to create a character, and do not have many ideas, or get stuck, I’d suggest for you to roam around TVTropes, which gives you a lot of tropes used for character creation. Maybe you could try to mix a few of these and create an original character?
Or, if you’re a skillful writer and know how to make your character different from another, make a list of characters in fiction you happen to find interesting and why. Try to keep it short. Then, maybe, try to mix and match things from two or three characters, take a character and change their backstory, to see what would change. Play with them to inspire yourself and create something new, original and truly yours.
Oh, and here’s a little guide to Mary-Sues and OCs, just in case you want to make sure your character isn’t going to become a Mary-Sue or a Gary-Stu
And last but not least, this article about building fictional character definitely seemed interesting to me, and is full of many other links that could guide you during the creating of your character and help you file one of these sheets.
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if you are getting the "adblock isn't allowed on youtube" warning
ensure that you're using firefox and ublock origin (yes, i'm being serious. chrome and every other browser based on it (if you don't know if your browser's based on it it probably is) isn't going to work forever. you're trying to block ads from a google site on a google browser)
if you have "enhancer for youtube," make sure it's adblock is off in settings!!! only ublock origin works
click on the ublock origin icon, go to the settings gears, then go to "filter lists" and click "purge all caches" and then "update now"
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if it's still not working, check the pinned post here about youtube for more info on what you should be doing
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Isabel Allende, The House of The Spirits // Anne Carson, Red Doc> // F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Short Stories // Ocean Vuong, On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous // 肉包不吃肉, The Husky and His White Cat Shizun // Bernhard Schlink, The Reader (trans. Carol Brown Janeway) // Heart Like Yours— Willamette Stone
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Romance Masterpost
How to write it
How to write romance
Love Language - Showing, not telling love
Love Language - Showing you care
Slow burn
Forbidden Romance (+ prompts)
Reasons for a break-up while still loving each other
How to write a wedding
How to create quick chemistry
How to write a love-hate relationship
How to write enemies to lovers (+ prompts)
How to write lovers to enemies to lovers
Arranged matrimony for royalty (+ prompts)
Date gone wrong
Academic rivals to lovers
Romantic Fall Date Ideas
How to write a polyamorous relationship
Milestones in a relationship
How to write age difference
Fluffy Kiss Scene
Reasons a couple would divorce on good terms
Reasons for having a crush on someone
Ways a wedding could go wrong
Prompt Lists
Romance Prompt Lists (Masterpost)
Bad romances/unrequited/break-up (Masterpost)
Flirting + Teasing Prompts (Masterpost)
Kisses Masterpost (Prompts, First Kiss, Accidental Kiss, …)
Two smart and also stupid people in love
Push and pull romantic prompts
Lovers to enemies
Love to hate relationship
Smut Prompts (Masterpost)
One-Liners Dialogue - Romantic, Smutty + Physical
Things said during sex prompts
Jealousy Prompts
OTP Christmas Prompts
Fluffy Winter Holiday Prompts
Romance Sentence Starters
Romantic Question Prompts
Domestic Fluff Prompts
Fluff Prompts
Fluff Bingo
Fluffy Sentence Starters
Sleepy Starters
Fluffy Dialogue Prompts
Super soft intimacy
make ‘em swoon
Cute Interactions
Romantic, non-sexual intimacy prompts
Fake Dating Prompts (Masterpost)
OT3 Prompts (Masterpost)
Meet Cutes/Meet Uglies
Royal Love (Masterpost)
Hurt/Comfort Dialogue Prompts
Hurt/Comfort Prompts
Caring for their partner prompts
Roommates to Lovers (Masterpost)
Professor/TA Romance
Friends with benefits to lovers Prompts
Romance Dialogue Prompts – Uncomfortable with affection
Matchmaking Prompts
Valentine’s Day Prompts
Physical Reactions
Casual Affections
Intimate Moments
Bed Sharing Scenarios
Seeking out physical affection
Love Confessions (Masterpost)
Lovers being caught Prompts
Love Triangle Ideas
Soulmates AU (Masterpost)
WLW Plot Ideas
Second chance trope
Cooking/Baking Dialogue Prompts
Quiet movie night Prompts
Grumpy + Sunshine Dialogue
Grumpy Affectionate Dialogue
Exes to lovers Prompts (Masterpost)
Reluctant allies to friends to lovers dynamic
Best friends to lovers Prompts
Childhood friends to lovers Prompts
Workplace Romance (Masterpost)
Secret relationship dialogue
Date Prompts (Masterpost)
Parallel Universe Romance Prompts
Lover being hurt Prompts
Relationship Milestones (Masterpost: moving in, getting married, honeymoon)
Relationship Problems
Relationship Changes
Ship Dynamics
OTP Prompt Challenge
Enemies to Lovers Masterpost
‘Imagine your OTP’ Prompts
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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