quebecnerd · 3 years
i came to a conclusion for the whole scott cawthon mess
1- don't go and say "Markiplier made fnaf". Scott still own fnaf and will still get the money from it if you say that. it worked for minecraft since the og creator isn't getting money from it anymore
2- even with his right wing donations. he still donated to pro lgbt groups and children hospitals in way bigger amounts. it doesn't erase the right wing donations but it shouldn't be forgotten
3- he's still a big exemple on how game developpment companies should act. he took his biggest weakness and turned it into it's biggest strenght and litteraly makes games to apologise for the delay his team is experiencing on their bigger release instead of crunching them down. also the whole fangame initiative where he'll pay the costs for fangames to let them come out on consoles is a thing that could interest other devs (looking at you nintendo)
so while he lost my a part of my respect as a person, i will still respect the game dev. And i hope he can be safe from the doxxing and death treaths at least now.
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quebecnerd · 3 years
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quebecnerd · 3 years
💕385+ Follower Giveaway!💕
It’s that time again, folks! I’ve hit past the big 380 and I’m close to my next goal! You know the drill.
Reblog and Like this post
You must be a follower in order to participate
If you wanna spread the word but not participate, go ahead! Just tag this as a boost
I’ll be holding this for a week or two. Have fun!
First place winners get a sprite set of 5, Second place gets a Thigh up, Third will have a Chibi, and finally Fourth will have a sketch. Have your character of choice ready for me if you’re picked! Good luck! ✨💕
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quebecnerd · 3 years
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quebecnerd · 3 years
pan pride
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here are some images of pansexual pride because i don't ever see any pan representation and it breaks my heart.
please non-pan people reblog it would mean the world
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quebecnerd · 4 years
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in this house we stan dionysus!
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quebecnerd · 4 years
Aro culture is wanting someone (anyone) to have a crush on you, but not knowing what to do if it turns out they do indeed have a crush on you.
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quebecnerd · 4 years
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quebecnerd · 4 years
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quebecnerd · 4 years
aro culture is wanting a wife but like #NoRomo
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quebecnerd · 4 years
Dungeon Master Essentials
I decided to make a list of DM stuff that I personally use or think are important to know when it comes to being a DM. So here’s my list:
Medieval Fantasy City Generator: This generator is now my LIFE. It generates incredibly complex cities with good customization. (Thanks to plantkat for sharing this site in their post here)
Naming Your Towns/Cities: Now that you’ve made your city, time to name it and give it some character! This post contains lots of great information.
Index Cards Rule: Fuckyeahdnd shared a SUPER convenient way of keeping track of turns and HP in combat. I use this system now for every single session I run.
Tricks & Traps: I am AWFUL at coming up with good Dungeon traps and challenges, this PDF includes some incredible ideas. The original poster, Courtney C. Campbell also runs a blog where she shares tons of great stuff. (Thanks to we-are-rogue for sharing the PDF in their post here)
Playing Different Types of Characters: Writeinspiration has a masterpost on how to write/play lots of different types of characters.
Unique NPC Jobs: Lauraharrisbooks wrote a list of different Fantasy Jobs which can help populate your world with some unique characters! Another similar post by Thewritershandbook also covers Common Occupations in the Middle Ages. 
Developing Characters by Threes: Monticusrex’s method of creating characters help you really flesh out who they are. Useful for Players and DM’s.
Troublesome Players? Speak Up: Dicebound brings up an incredibly great point. If someone is being a jerk, speak up and call them out. This is especially important and relevant now to crush awful behavior before it even has a chance to show it’s ugly face.
List of D&D Resources: And finally, pretty much anything you might need for D&D.  (Character stuff, spells, online communities/ways to play, etc..) A lot of people contributed to this post but thank you Mushroomancy for posting the original list.
Donjon: And finally, this site is a great resource for looking up Spells and Monsters along with tons of other generators. Not every single Spell or Monster is on here, but most are listed.
(I tried to give credit to the original posters or the actual URL for websites, unless those sites or URLs were no longer active)
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quebecnerd · 4 years
this is almost perfectly accurate to me wtf
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How is this tweet SO specific?????????
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quebecnerd · 4 years
why are you doign thsi to me adra. those bois terrified me in hollow knight
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The sensible side of my brain: You hate Corpse Crawlers, you literally get hurt in order to avoid them in the game. Don’t draw a human version of one.
The part of my brain that apparently enjoys vivid night terrors:  :)
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quebecnerd · 4 years
2 for allergy reasons. but that’s all
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I’m at 5 what about you?
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quebecnerd · 4 years
why the hell are more truscum and exclusionist freaks following us lately unfollow us and go the actual legitimate fuck away
good fucking morning get off this blog right now if youre
“anti-pansexual” or whatever you head ass idiot clowns call yourselves
an aspec exclusionist (ie a fucking aphobe)
a truscum / transmed in literally any sense of the word get away from us
anti nb gay / nb lesbian (INCLUDING being averse to gnc gays + lesbians who use pronouns that arent respectively he / him or she / her)
anti nonbinary in fucking general
literally every mod here could be sorted into the “pansexual”, “aspec”, “nonbinary” or “nb gay / lesbian” labels here and if you dont support any of that shit then were not the blog for you. we hate you all our homies fucking hate you
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quebecnerd · 4 years
(( Hey so just wanted to make this post cuz i think it's important
If you're in the fantroll community, reblog if you support aromantic people and think it's perfectly valid for people to just not be that invested in shipping
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quebecnerd · 4 years
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