quagarl · 1 month
"hit His prostate this" "milk His prostate that"
where are the fucking posts about milking Her prostate.
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quagarl · 2 months
I’m crying over this picture
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quagarl · 2 months
I'm curious. Reblog this if you know how to cook
I don’t even care if it’s macaroni, ramen or those little bowls you stick in the microwave. Please, I need reassurance that most of the population on tumblr WOULDN’T STARVE TO DEATH if their parents couldn’t fix them food or they couldn’t go out to eat. 
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quagarl · 2 months
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quagarl · 2 months
If you know anyone who seems really chill to the point of being virtually indestructible, like nothing could ever bother them in any way, could get hit by a train and just shake it off and be totally fine, laughing it off as soon as they've dusted themselves off and stopped bleeding, but who occasionally just randomly falls apart to complete fucking smithereens with seemingly no cause nor warning, only to get back up again a few minutes/hours/days later like "ok yeah I'm fine again that was weird lmao", and you've ever wondered what the fuck is up with that:
They are actually not ok and most likely are not ok at any point. The whole "hardiest person you know who just collapses randomly sometimes" thing isn't a deliberately constructed façade, as a matter of fact it might be something that they actually personally believe themselves to be. But in reality this is somebody who's either unintentionally learned or has been deliberately trained to hide negative emotions and mask symptoms at all costs, as the #1 priority that goes over any other survival needs.
So even though it may look like they go from 1 to 100 completely at random and unpredictably, and then swing right back again to being totally fine, you have no way of knowing how long they've been at 95% before the last line of defense broke down and the system collapsed. And once they flip back up, odds are that they just managed to scrape their shit back together again just enough to get their backup masking systems running. The "check engine" light never turned on because the wire was clipped years ago.
If this is you, this is your callout to seek some sort of help. I'm telling on everyone in this room including myself.
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quagarl · 2 months
Reblog to heal the heart of the person you reblogged this from.
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quagarl · 2 months
playing this new game called indeed.com and it fucking sucks
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quagarl · 5 months
My girlfriend and I work at the same place in different departments, and I work like a half shift after her, so I just kinda tag along and wait for four hours by a Starbucks in the place. To kill time I've been watching anime, playing RoRr, and writing, a lot. Pen and paper of course.
I just got to a part in my book, like 70 pages in, and i got bored. Like mega bored. I've been prepping for this huge battle in the book, and it's supposed to go wrong and I don't exactly know how, and it's supposed to end up be a horror book inside of this fort they tried to take.
But I don't wanna actually like do any more prep for it.
So I said fuck it, cut a chapter in the middle of a dialogue, and dropped the pov to that same character waking up later that night at the bottom of a pit with a throbbing head.
ADHD writer besties, if you get bored, your audience is def gonna be bored during a section. Do what's most interesting to you. If it doesn't work it doesn't work, you can change it in the next draft.
Don't listen to the morons who say your story needs to be perfect on the first run through, or that you need a huge bubble chart and super convoluted story beats or a huge theme or even characters with motivation. Just write to have fun, and when you edit it on your next write through, you can start refining the crud.
You'll need that stuff later, but for the most part you'll figure it out as you write, and it will feel and be natural. During your second and third drafts, things can get more complicated, your characters can become motivated and moral and intricately crafted, your world can feel fleshed out.
Your first draft isn't gonna be great, but you didn't write to be great, you're writing cus it's fun. Add that character mid book that definitely was there since the start 😉 your audience will never know since by the time you finish it will be as if they had been there since the start
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quagarl · 5 months
been thinking a lot about anticipatory grief lately. i love you so much that i know losing you will devastate me. i haven't lost you yet but i already miss you. we still have time, but it won't be enough. i think about what i would say at your funeral, and say some of it to you now cause i need you to know how loved you are before you go. you will go where i cannot follow, but you will never really leave me. it won't make it hurt less but it is a part of healing somehow.
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quagarl · 5 months
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quagarl · 5 months
I'm not often big on conspiracy theories, but I know for a FACT that Fruit of the Loom is a lying sack of shit company. There was a cornucopia, there's no way everyone is imagining that.
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quagarl · 9 months
So we booked the next flight already lmao
Oct 4 to Nov 1
Saying goodbye this time is going to be harder than last
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quagarl · 9 months
Whenever someone tells you to not take HRT because "it will make you ugly" or "undesirable," they are putting their needs before yours, and projecting how they feel transition would make them feel. To them, it feels like something that would be miserable, because they do not need or want to change their body. They are already happy where they're at, they don't understand what you're going through.
Even if HRT does make someone look different in ways they did not anticipate or desire, HRT doesn't make anyone "ugly". Testosterone won't make you ugly, nor will Estrogens. If these hormones don't inherently make cis people ugly, they will not make a trans person ugly. They will help you be the person you want to be, and that is an inherently beautiful thing.
Preserving your mental health will always be more important than worrying about whether or not strangers find you attractive. People who are right for you will find you attractive regardless, but especially if you are doing something that makes you happier, and healthier. People should want that for you, not to change your mind. Spend time with people who care more about how you feel, then how they view you.
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quagarl · 9 months
I don't want to go home
This is too much
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quagarl · 9 months
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quagarl · 9 months
i see a post talking doom and gloom about how we'll never escape toxic masculinity. i think about back in 2017 when american girl released their first boy doll, and a review for him went viral in the collecting community. the review was written by a mom, who said they went into the store to get their daughter a doll, only to see their son's eyes light up like fire when he saw a doll that looked like him, and now every night he puts his doll in pajamas and rocks him to sleep. i think about the toddler in my daycare room a few years back who was obsessed with baby dolls, carrying them everywhere, and his mom proudly told us he uses his sisters' old baby dolls and wants to be just like them. that toddler saw another toddler crying one day and gave her the doll he had to cheer her up. i think about the eight-year-old boy i saw a few years back, excitedly waving around raya's sword in a target checkout line like all his dreams were coming true. there was a video on my instagram the other day of a little boy at disneyworld crying with joy upon meeting his hero, mulan. i think about the voice actor for bow in the she-ra reboot saying his nephews only wanted adora action figures. celebrity men are wearing dresses on tv now. last halloween i saw a little boy dressed as elsa. i went to go see spiderverse over the summer, and in the line ahead of me was a boy who couldn't be older than twelve or thirteen, bouncing and beaming, giddy with excitement over getting to see the female-led romance movie elemental. i think about the five-year-old boy at my library who breathlessly asked me where the pinkalicious books were, eyes widening when i had more on my cart, his mom explaining that he is all about pinkalicious and fancy nancy. i saw so many pictures online of boys and men dressed in pink to see barbie. teenage boys are gonna open their phones and see the man who wrote fucking game of thrones dressed in pink to see barbie. when i was a kid, a boy dressing in pink was practically a social death sentence. there are boys running around in pink on my street right now.
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quagarl · 9 months
getting rid of family vlog channels one state at a time let's gooo
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