quadsector-blog · 7 years
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quadsector-blog · 7 years
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quadsector-blog · 7 years
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quadsector-blog · 7 years
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quadsector-blog · 7 years
Metagaming: Using OOC information in roleplay. -Ex: Common situation is people taking OOC information about a character, then having their character know IC without interaction to learning the information. As well, your character is kidnapped and you ask your friends to get on to help rescue your said character, giving them information OOC as to where they are and so on.
Powergaming: Where you are being OP, in terms being unbeatable and very over powering to other players when you are not meant to be. -Ex: Your character has amazing talents and powers to the point that they can beat anybody without much effort, even beating God with ease even though they are level one and new. Including having no weaknesses. Another giving little to no chances for the other player to emote in a fight, all the while your character isn't suppose to be skilled while the other is, but even still you emote already killing them with one blow.
Roleplaying: Is a form of story telling using two or more people to help create said story. It can also be a form of acting using words as well the skill of story writing, may it be script style or paragraph format. RP is fully fictional, events happening within it happening to the characters and not in real life to people. An escape from reality to play as somebody or something else.
I'm a lover for RP and playing on one server can really end up becoming boring, so I look for new ones to try out. Also the fact bigger RP servers have more jerks and bad RPers, really BAD RPers. So finding this is a good new start, new people to meet, and different experience!
Personality: -Secretive- Lavina is a closed off type of person, raised not to disclose much about her own tribe or herself to others. "If they don't know anything about you, then how will they be able to get to you?" -Lavina. At least the upside is that if you tell her a secret, she'll keep it. Though, this doesn't mean to trust her fully.
-Closed Off- Being so secretive makes her to be a person to say little of herself, especially to people she distrust and barely even know. Though if you were to be somebody she knew for long amount of time, one to trust and rely on, then she may open up to you.
-Judgmental- She is one to judge a person by their cover, by how they carry themselves and how they act. Believing that your true first impression on others is your outer layer of yourself, which is why she makes sure she looks presentable and speaks with maturity. If you act childish, she'll see you as a child. If you act with manners, she'll see you as a well mannered person. If you dress properly and nicely, then she'll see you as a respectable person. So on and so forth.
-FreeSpirited- Lavina hates to be restrained from being able to go where she please, do what she please, or see what she please. This being a major factor caused by her past and her passion to learn more of the world. You could say she can't stay in one place for too long, otherwise she'll get antsy and start walking in circles if she can't leave. Because of this she refuses to even have another relationship, finding it to be like chains to her wrist and her neck, keeping her from what she truly loved. Freedom. The Great Unknown. Exploration. At heart and by heart she is a nomadic gypsy.
^ Bastille - Laura Palmer can express this part of her best ^: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApIZSDPdVCo&index=1&list=PL7cFwA-Zm0Z-yIIlcEitLaEUGoCrzOvkF
-Motherly- Despite her secretiveness and closed off nature, it can been seen through her treatment to plants and animals that she is motherly! This can be seen easily with children, caring for them and even playing with them. It doesn't show easily with adults however, believing that adults should be treated as adults, not mothered like children, but in dire needs Lavina will become one to care for somebody.
-Insecure- Lavina is one about beauty and looking to your up most best, so she is insecure about the scars she gains and tries to hide them and find ways to rid of them, worried of the judgement from others. If she has to perform a dance or song with exposed skin, then she'll wear makeup to cover the areas with scars. Otherwise, if she is alone then the scars do not matter to her and she is usually covered head to toe anyway.
(There is more, but I'll leave it off here.)
Some Traits: --Positive-- -Adventurous -Passionate -Daring -Serious -Spontaneous
--Negative-- -Aloof -Hidebound -Insecure -Irritable -Strong-willed
--Neutral-- -Sarcastic -Quiet -Invisible -Hypnotic -Deceptive
Appearance: I'm able to draw and will save you the trouble of having to read endless descriptions. Link: https://68.media.tumblr.com/596c30b401229555f330d8a12107f161/tumblr_ovkvqaVd9y1wyacruo1_540.png
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Note: This character was inspired by Gypsy history and fire dancing. Top half will be about what she grew up in and below will be her personal history. Sorry for the amount you have to read, but there is a bit to explain for the idea of this character.
The Gypsy Ways:
If you asked Lavina where she was from, she wouldn't be able to tell you and only say, "I have no true home and no true roots set in one place. I've been everywhere my feet could carry me thus far and set my home to that of anywhere under the sky." The reason to why would be the obvious, she was a gypsy. Never truly staying in one place for too long and surviving in the world by more traditional ways, even her accent sounding foreign along with one of her languages that would be of old elvish tongue. The gypsies ways rooted in the old culture of elves before the wars, before the mix of cultures as races joined each other through kingdoms, and before the evolution of science and technology. Wanting nothing more than to make sure their ways of life wasn't forgotten and they weren't brought into the mess that was created, but this doesn't mean they never changed in some ways and not make their own culture. 
At first they only worshiped one god, Falena, but then the group of elves started to admire the moon and love it's beauty in the night sky. Slowly they became lovers and worshipers of the moon goddess, Arteniah, because of the effect the moon had on the tides and the light reflected off her moon within the dark. Though, they couldn't simply give love to the moon without some thanks to the burning bright sun, after all it was because of the sun they could travel easily unlike in the dark. Soon they would make dances and songs to performer for the gods they loved, using fire with their routines in dance for the sun, beautiful haunting songs for the moon, and instrumental music for nature. Though, they were ones to also celebrate life and death, but they never considered to worship Sogmir; same for Asla for her fire, even though they use it with their worship and during the night as light. 
With their new found ways of life and their own traditions, they would then use their performances to exchange for coin, food, skills in craft, and needed materials. It was found to be a success as they continued to travel all around as a nomadic tribe, to this day never settling in one place. Though as they slowly made their way to connect back with the masses, they would notice that their physical appearance has change to that of ash grey skin and colorless white hair over time. Why? Nobody knows and could only assume it be caused by being outside constantly, or a change made by one of the gods.
Who Lavina Became:
Lavina having been born and raised as a gypsy, would take on training at a very young age to become one of the performers, but not by her choice as all girls were expected to learn. Luckily she was one to enjoy fire dancing and singing, having a burning like passion to put her energy into each dance and try to experiment to make better routines. In her free time she would study all types of plants she'd gathered through their travels, testing on various small animals captured to see if some were poisonous and if any could be used as medicine. Even while searching for creatures she would find a new interest in the venom snakes have, curious if it could be beneficial in some way. Due to the tribe never allowing written journals to keep their ways secret, Lavina would have to memorize all she learned the best she could as her research went on.
At one point her elder sister would gift her a small journal with an ink and quill, letting her to be able to write down her knowledge without having to remember everything.
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quadsector-blog · 7 years
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quadsector-blog · 7 years
Alternatives for 25 overused words in writing
1. Interesting- note worthy; thought-provoking; fascinating; attracting; appealing; attention-grabbing; captivating; gripping; invigorating; engrossing; engaging; electrifying.  
2. Beautiful- striking; stunning; magnificent; lovely; charming; gorgeous; radiant; dazzling.
3. Good- acceptable, wonderful, exceptional; positive; brilliant; first-rate; notable; stellar; favorable; superb; marvellous; prime.
4. Bad- awful; lousy; poor; unacceptable; crummy; dreadful; rough; inferior; substandard; atrocious; appalling; dreadful; defective.
5. Look- glance; fixate; observe; stare; gaze; peer; scan; watch; study; browse; eye; glimpse; review; inspect.
6. Nice- lovely; superior; pleasant; satisfying; delightful; likeable; agreeable; correct; adequate; swell; fair; okay; approved.
7. Very- extremely; exceedingly; exceptionally; immensely; tremendously; abundantly; particularly; remarkably.
8. Fine- satisfactory; worthy; respectable; exquisite; suitable; well; imposing; decent; admirable; praise-worthy; decent.
9. Happy- cheerful; delighted; pleased; content; amused; thrilled; elated; thrilled; ecstatic; on cloud 9. 
10. Really- genuinely; truly; honestly; actually; undoubtedly; certainly; remarkably; incredibly; downright; unquestionably; extremely.
11. Sad- miserable; gloomy; devastated; down at heard; distraught; distressed; dispirited; sorrowful; downcast; feeling blue; desolate.
12. Big- massive; huge; giant; gigantic; enormous; large; colossal; immense; bulky; tremendous; hefty; sizable; extensive; great; substantial. 
13. Shocked- taken aback; lost for words; flabbergasted; staggered; outraged; astonished; astounded; stunned; speechless; appalled.
14. Small- tiny; petite; mini; miniature; microscopic; minuscule; compact; pocket-sized; cramped; puny; undersized; limited; meager; modest; minute; pint-sized. 
15. Angry- irate; enraged; touchy; cross; resentful; indignant; infuriated; wound-up; worked-up; seething; raging; heated; bitter; bad-tempered; offended; frustrated. 
16. Know- understand; comprehend; realize; learn; perceive; recognize; grasp; sense.
17. Change- alter; transform; replace; diversify; adjust; adapt; modify; remodel; vary; evolve; transfigure; redesign; refashion; advance; transition; shift; adjustment.
18. Old- aged; ancient; matured; elderly; senior; veteran; decrepit; seasoned; venerable; past one’s prime; doddering; senile.
19. Think- ponder; reflect; conceive; imagine; contemplate; consider; determine; realize; visualize; guess/assume; conclude; envision. 
20. Funny- comical; ludicrous; amusing; droll; entertaining; absurd; hilarious; silly; whimsical; hysterical; joking; witty; facetious; slapstick; side-splitting; knee-slapping.
21. Go- move; proceed; advance; progress; travel; walk; journey; depart; exit; flee; make one’s way; clear out; get underway.
22. Give- grant; donate; hand-out; present; provide; deliver; hand over; offer; award; bestow; supply with; contribute to; send; entrust.
23. Get- acquire; obtain; receive; gain; earn; gather; collect; buy; purchase; attain; score; secure; take possession of; grab.
24. Easy- effortless; simple; clear; smooth; straightforward; uncomplicated; painless; accessible; apparent; basic; plain; child’s play; facile; elementary; cinch. 
25. Fast- agile; brisk; rapid; nimble; swift; accelerated; fleeting; high-speed; active; dashing; winged; hurried; turbo. 
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quadsector-blog · 7 years
Send ❤️ for a romantic kiss. Send 💝 for a plationic kiss. Send 💞 for a awkward kiss. Send 💓 for a heated kiss. Send 💟 for a delicate kiss. Send 💔 for a interrupted kiss. Send 💘 for a static shock kiss. Send 💗 for a repetitive lip peck kiss. Send 🖤 for a forced/harsh/firm kiss.  Send 💚 for an eskimo kiss. Send 💙 for a spiderman kiss.  Send 💜 for a quick kiss. Send 💛 for an air kiss. Send 💕for good night/morning kiss. Send ❣️ for a kiss to a specific spot. <insert location> Send 💑 for a first kiss.  Send 😍 for a surprise kiss. Send 💋 for a random kiss. <receiver’s choice>
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