puerxsubmersus-blog · 6 years
{{ moving dustin to a multi-muse here }}
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puerxsubmersus-blog · 6 years
{{ tinymute }}
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The world was cruel. It did not care what she had already endured. Death didn’t discriminate between good, evil, young and old. No, illness did not care for social status. It just…was.
These things were what brought her to Dustin, her chest aching and her throat sore from holding back ugly, heaving sobs. Tears streamed down her face, nearly rubbing her cheeks raw as she desperately wiped at them.
Her eyes were as bright as ever, but in the wrong way, practically clear in the light.
“Dustin,” her ragged voice was barely more than a whisper. There was no strength in her to care what she sounded like.
“She…is gone.”
All self control she had broke, and so did she. Julie crumpled, curling in on herself like she had so many times as a child, begging him to fix it. 
Why couldn’t the damn universe let the poor girl catch a  B R E A K ?  He’d watched her grow up, seen all the bullshit she’d endured, did his best to be there when she needed him... if there was ever anyone who deserved to have some good in their lives, it was HER. And, from the start, he’d been so determined to make that happen. But, as much as Dustin despised the thought, there were some things not even he could fix.
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        “ Juliette, I’m... “   Any trace of his usual smile had faded in an instant the second he’d seen her tear-streaked face. Now, there was only concern as he stepped forward, one frigid hand already rising to rest on her shoulder.   “ I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Listen... what do you need?  Hugs? Food? Or... wait, you’ve been crying a lot. Do you need water?   Whatever you need --- Hell, whatever you WANT --- all you have to do is ask. “
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puerxsubmersus-blog · 6 years
therapy / talking about trauma / post - trauma starters. feel free to change things as necessary. 
would you like to talk about it?
please tell me what’s bothering you.
hey, are you okay?
i don’t have to know everything. just what you’re comfortable telling me.
i’m your friend. of course i care.
there’s nothing bad about going to therapy.
would you like to try a different approach?
i – i didn’t know that. i’m sorry.
is this helping?
i’ll try not to ask a lot of questions.
i’m always here if you need me.
shh, it’s alright. shh. 
we’re safe now. you’re safe now.
it was just a nightmare.
sweetheart, you have to tell me these things.
you know i’d never judge you for that, right?
i’m worried about you.
is something going on? 
everything you say will just be between you and me.
what method do you prefer?
do you need help falling asleep?
anything i could do to help?
why are you like this?
i understand. 
sweetie, is there something you aren’t telling me? what’s wrong?
let’s get you cleaned up.
this is good. this is important. 
you’re healing, and healing takes time. 
we can do more tomorrow.
how about you get some sleep, hm?
it’s ok not to be ok.
tomorrow is another day.
hey, hey, hey. look at me, look at me. it’s okay.
breath in for seven seconds, exhale for eleven …
do you need some space?
remember, look for things that you can touch. ground yourself.
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puerxsubmersus-blog · 6 years
{{ plot idea bc i am all about the angst tonight... memory loss. Dustin just starts slowly fading. pieces of him and his past that he just can’t remember. People he’s met, choices he’s made... all gone. He’s just drifting through the park, aimless, trying to make sense of who he is / what he is / what his purpose is. }}
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puerxsubmersus-blog · 6 years
Sailor J   {Sentence Starters}
“Blend in the cruelty.”
“I regret buying both.”
“It didn’t work, but we tried.”
“Just gonna erase that one.”
“When in doubt… more glitter.”
“Number four: find a will to live.”
“Its too late, now. I’ve committed.”
“I’m sweating. Because I’m panicking.”
“The shit I wrote in here is pretty dark.”
“Nothing screams ‘fuck me!’ like glitter.”
“Responsibility? I’ve, uh, never felt that.”
“My life skills include whining and glitter.”
“The truth is I don’t shapeshift, I contour.”
“What can I say? I’m a fountain of wisdom.”
“Even by MY standards, that was a bad idea.”
“No one has complimented me in seven seconds.”
“I found a box! I don’t need a box, but I found one!”
“Fine, I’ll just start over. Seventh time’s the charm.”
“Anything with kissing and slaughter… I’m your gal.”
“Why? Because I will drown you to reach my goals.”
“Pink, like the blooming dawn of my unnecessary wrath.”
“That one hurt my feelings a little bit, I’m not going to lie.”
“Don’t make eye contact with me if you don’t want to fight.”
“Start a new hobby… like taking responsibility for my actions.”
“I’m gonna go with the golden glitter, cause they’re greedy as shit.”
“I would call you ‘friends’, but no one can be trusted. Especially me.”
“I don’t cry real tears, because I don’t know what emotion tastes like.”
“Start a family of Sims and avoid leaving them all in the pool to drown.”
“Ready to take some fucking souls… and ruin some gODDAMN LIVES!”
“I’ve got fifteen different battle plans and no way to execute any of them.”
“We’re gonna go ahead and use every goddamn shade. What a way to live.”
“Please don’t say anything about my hair, because… I’m not going to brush it.“
“Everyone deserves love. And there’s no better place to find it than at the club.”
“I only stayed ‘cause I thought they were gonna touch my flowerpots, and that’s just not acceptable.”
“I can do a ‘man’ voice right now, because I got sloppy drunk on Saturday and still haven’t gotten my voice back.”
“Contouring is for women who want to leech the souls of their dead lovers and collect the inheritance of their ex-boyfriends who disappeared under mysterious circumstances.”
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puerxsubmersus-blog · 6 years
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                                                      (  HAUNTED AESTHETIC  )
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puerxsubmersus-blog · 6 years
{{ meme call }}
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{{ poke the heart if you want this     spooky ass-soul in your askbox }}
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puerxsubmersus-blog · 6 years
“It’s a smile but you’re sad. It’s like two emotions at once. It’s like you’re malfunctioning.“
{{ @tinymute }}
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     “ Can’t get anything past you, huh, kiddo?          Don’t need to worry about it, it’s nothing. I’ll try          to keep my happy-sad smiles to a minimum          from now on, promise. “
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puerxsubmersus-blog · 6 years
           Just stuck,                            hollow,                                     alone…
& the fault is my own.  
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puerxsubmersus-blog · 6 years
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puerxsubmersus-blog · 6 years
Christina Perri —  Lovestrong Album  {Sentence Starters}
“No, I won’t fight.”
“I try to be brave.”
“You’re a fool to believe.”
“I can’t say that I’m satisfied.”
“'Cause all that’s waiting is regret.”
“I only remember feeling so alone.”
“Please don’t stand so close to me.”
“A secret’s safe behind a pretty smile.”
“I’m afraid of what you’ll see right now.”
“I believe that it’s easier for you to let me go.”
“I’m the ghost of a girl that I want to be most.“
“You put your arms around me and I’m home.”
“I’m the shell of a girl that I used to know well.“
“I said that I hadn’t seen you in quite some time.”
“Can you find the time to let your lover love you?“
“What’s with all the late night liquored phone calls?“
“I should just give up in trying to right your wrongs.”
“Proud of me… that’s the only way I want you to be.”
“I’m scared today, more than I told you I was yesterday.”
“You’re gonna catch a cold from the ice inside your soul.”
“I wish I wasn’t always cold. I wish I wasn’t always alone.”
“My eyes are so tired… they should sleep, but they won’t.”
“But, I have grown too strong to ever fall back in your arms.”
“There’s been so many fights that I fought and I never won.”
“I never thought that you would be the one to hold my heart.”
“And who said it was cool to be asking me these questions?“
“I wish I wasn’t always wrong. I wish it wasn’t always my fault.”
“I never want to leave you, but I can’t make you bleed if I’m alone.”
“Why did you feel the need to prove that everybody else was right?”
“The world is coming down on me and I can’t find a reason to be loved.”
“How the hell does a broken heart get back together when it’s torn apart?“
“But, you came around and you knocked me off the ground from the start.”
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puerxsubmersus-blog · 6 years
Send me 🎁for a present from my muse
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puerxsubmersus-blog · 6 years
{{ open }}
He’s been hanging garlands and lights from every possible surface around the park… and the wide grin is a sure sign he has no intention of stopping.
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              “ I guess you could say I’m really                  getting into the holiday… SPIRIT! “
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puerxsubmersus-blog · 6 years
{{ open }}
          “ ————  FUCK. “
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                      “ I have fucked up. “
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puerxsubmersus-blog · 6 years
{{ open }}
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      “ -------- Dude, can you not just take a hint?                                                         Walk away. “
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puerxsubmersus-blog · 6 years
{{ dustin is in the mood to spam people with memes, so poke the heart if you’re cool with this ghosty boi popping into your inbox and throwing stuff at you }}
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puerxsubmersus-blog · 6 years
Rachel Platten — Wildfire Album  {Sentence Starters}
“Don’t try to get close.”
“You quiet my demons.”
“Love, you’re not alone.”
“I really got a hold on you.”
“'Cause I’m gonna stand by you.”
“Starting right now, I’ll be strong.”
“Just give me that touch, I want it.”
“I know you’re hurting, but so am I.”
“Can you hear my voice this time?”
“Stop moving your lips and kiss me.”
“Why does this part always go so fast?“
“Baby, don’t worry, I’m good as can be.”
“I’m turning you up; I’m turning you on.”
“Hands, put your empty hands in mine.”
“And I don’t think you understand at all.”
“Yeah, you’re all I never knew I needed.”
“My heart just pounds, pounds, pounds…“
“It’s a better place since you came along.”
“Everything’s alright when you’re with me.”
“'Cause I’ve still got a lot of fight left in me.”
“And scar… show me all the scars you hide.”
“And maybe things are finally getting better.”
“We threw words like they were sharp knives.”
“And I don’t really care if nobody else believes.”
“You never seen nobody do the things I do before.”
“I know you don’t settle and I know you’re not weak.”
“You think you’re innocent, pure gold and heaven sent.”
“I’d take the worst of it and carry you like you carry me.”
“I don’t need a reason when you make me speechless.”
“You say that you’re alright when tears are in your eyes.”
“And everywhere I look tonight, I see angels around me.”
“Even if we can’t find heaven, I’ll walk through hell with you.”
“We’ll be so calm up there, we’ll fly around with the quiet air.”
“Congratulations… got what you wanted, you’re winning, now.”
“Let the world disappear, there are places up here we can hide.”
“Even if we’re breaking down, we can find a way to break through.”
“If your wings are broken, please take mine so yours can open, too.”
“Your head’s saying ‘danger, danger’, but your heart must be drunk.”
“Much less brave than I admit, much more scared than they all think.”
“And when you can’t rise, well, I’ll crawl with you on hands and knees.”
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