psychoclownbitch · 5 years
Harley took hold of Arthur carefully and helped him to his feet. He was heavier than she thought but she kept him upright. She put his arm around her shoulder so he could use her as a support. She knew that it would hurt but it was the best thing for him. She took each step at a time, carefully placing him on the couch. His blood sticky in her palms she could smell the metallic smell. She had to get the bullet out and stop the bleeding. "Don't you die on me I'll be a few moments" She stated, going to grab her bag and a bottle of whiskey. Alcohol to clean his wound. She kneeled beside him, ripping into his shirt it was the easiest way to get to the bullet hole.
"Have to say this isn't how I'd want to remove your clothes" She attempted to joke allowing a small smile on her face. Harley grabbed hold of a towel placing the rolled material in his mouth "This is going to hurt" She warned before pouring the Amber liquid onto the wound, she took her pliers from her bag in her medical kit to get hold of the bullet that was still inside of him. He was lucky there hadn't been an exit wound,she thought to herself.
Her hands were shaking but she tried her best to keep them steady as she removed the bullet. "Right that's the first bit done" She commented her voice quiet, she pressed bandages and gauzes on the wound now to help stop the bleeding thankfully it was beginning to work. "I just need to stitch it and bandage it up.. You'll be fine" Thanks to her help, Harley gave a reassuring smile.
@burnedpower continued ‘I’m here’
Harley leaned over Arthur, she already couldn’t help the tears which fell down her features. As he put quite literally a smile on her face she couldn’t help but laugh a little “I’m going to make you better” She stated gently, applying the pressure upon his stomach his blood coating her hands, she wasn’t a surgeon but she did have medical experience. “You’re not leaving me Mistah J.. I am going to stitch you up and.. And make this better” She could feel her hands trembling, she could feel her heart breaking. She had to focus, “I have some stuff in my bag.. But first I need to try and get you in a more comfortable position..the couch it’s just over there can you walk even for a few seconds? ” Her brain was working overtime, she wasn’t sure who had done this, whether it was the gangster who seemed to know everyone in gotham whom went by the name of Falcone, it definitely looked like his doing. Cartel gangs were certainly messy people to be caught up in and Falcone was the worst of them.
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psychoclownbitch · 5 years
"What do you expect me to do?! Not see anyone and risk complications?!" She now shouted. She couldn't understand why he was so angry, "Most doctors are male! He was just checking the baby's heartbeat Arthur to make sure everything is alright with our child."She knew reasoning with him was pointless. It was when he grabbed her by the shoulders so hard she was sure that it was going to bruise. Although Harley found herself afraid not for herself but for her child. Her face went deadpan, almost cold.
" Don't. You. Dare" She stated, taking hold of his hands to push them off of her. Tears rolled down her face, "I will do anything to protect this baby. If you hit me, bruise me whilst I am pregnant and risk hurting the life growing inside of me then I will make sure you never touch me again." She spoke coldly though she now didn't raise her voice. Speaking in the same monotone level. Her arms wrapped around the small bump again in a protective manner. She had never spoken to Arthur in such a way, guess that was what happened when you were being a protective mother, or even mother to be. She gave a small huff, rubbing at her temples as they started to throb "I will be sure to only see a female doctor so I don't have to go through this shit again with you and endangering my life and your child..now if you don't mind I'm going to lay down. I have a splitting headache"
@burnedpower​​ continued ‘you’re scaring me’ 
Harley continued to flinch as she cowered away in the corner like a scared puppy. She could feel her heart racing against her chest, she felt as if she could hardly breathe. “He’s a doctor Arthur..” She stated gently, her voice giving a wobble. “He’s just a doctor, a maternity doctor” Harley explained, her arms wrapping around her lower stomach almost in a protective manner. “I have to see a maternity doctor, I can’t go nine months without seeing anyone.. it was just a check up to make sure everything is alright” 
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psychoclownbitch · 5 years
Harley listened to the blonde, she did need someone who had loved and lost who she could speak to without getting the abuse thrown at her like Joker did. "I need a friend" She admitted, yes Harley had done wrong, she had fallen in love with a madman who in turn caused her to go a little mad too. "You'll be my friend and we can have sleepovers and make waffles in the morning?"
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“You want a whole universe. Someone who has seen it all, and that’s me. I’ve lived longer, seen more, loved more and lost more. I can share it all with you.”
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psychoclownbitch · 5 years
“Yes like a child” She replied giving him a smile, “I’m not.. or at least I don’t think I am” Harley explained, taking hold of his hands. “We better go, otherwise we’ll be late” They were already running behind, though it was Harley’s fault for that she wasn’t entirely sure what to wear - as per the usual, always indecisive. “We’ll take the porsche” She hummed, grabbing her clutch bag. 
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Harley smiled kindly to Arthur, adjusting his tie slightly “You look very handsome in it.. the crimson suits you” She stated gently, she wore a black dress herself. She was used to wearing nice dresses but she had never worn a dress like this, it was slender and black long like she liked it but for Harley it was the jewlery which made it. The diamond earrings, the necklace which too was laced in the jewel, and her bracelet matched. “Having this money.. it suits you too.. Hugo Boss makes very nice suits” She mused. 
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psychoclownbitch · 5 years
“You will” Harley reassured, “Just follow my lead, you’ll be fine I promise” She knew that it wasn’t his plan to be this rich and in all honesty it was never her plan either but she enjoyed it. “We live in a lovely house, two nice cars and even the neighbours are friendly... this dinner will be over in no time then we can relax” 
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“Never know, one of these days I might be feeding for two” She commented pressing a gentle kiss upon his lips. They had the comfortable lifestyle, now all she really wanted was the white wedding and the children.
Harley smiled kindly to Arthur, adjusting his tie slightly “You look very handsome in it.. the crimson suits you” She stated gently, she wore a black dress herself. She was used to wearing nice dresses but she had never worn a dress like this, it was slender and black long like she liked it but for Harley it was the jewlery which made it. The diamond earrings, the necklace which too was laced in the jewel, and her bracelet matched. “Having this money.. it suits you too.. Hugo Boss makes very nice suits” She mused. 
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psychoclownbitch · 5 years
Harley smiled kindly to Arthur, adjusting his tie slightly “You look very handsome in it.. the crimson suits you” She stated gently, she wore a black dress herself. She was used to wearing nice dresses but she had never worn a dress like this, it was slender and black long like she liked it but for Harley it was the jewlery which made it. The diamond earrings, the necklace which too was laced in the jewel, and her bracelet matched. “Having this money.. it suits you too.. Hugo Boss makes very nice suits” She mused. 
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psychoclownbitch · 5 years
Harley looked to Arthur relaxing a little as he examined her features. "Are you sure? I definitely didn't have a lot to drink last night so it isn't a hangover" though that was what it felt like. She huffed a little as he mentioned about not getting up, maybe she had simply exhausted herself, she had done a lot over the past few months with trying to sort out the money. "I can't stay in bed all day.. I'll be bored and my mind doesn't like it when I get bored" She complained a small frown forming on her features.
“I..think so..I can’t really move” Harley responded, “my whole body hurts, I feel like I have been hit by a bus” She added on, trying to move herself up from the bed. 
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“did I get hit by a bus?”
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psychoclownbitch · 5 years
“I..think so..I can’t really move” Harley responded, “my whole body hurts, I feel like I have been hit by a bus” She added on, trying to move herself up from the bed. 
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“did I get hit by a bus?”
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psychoclownbitch · 5 years
“No one trusts them” Harley responded, putting the gun into her clutch bag. “I won’t be more than a couple of hours, I should be done by 6pm by the time it gets dark. If I’m not then you know something has gone wrong” She explained though Harley knew that it wasn’t going to go wrong, she knew how to fight and a couple of goons wasn’t going to deter her.  She dropped the dressing gown she wore revealing her under garments in the room, grabbing the red dress which was strapless, elegant and long, hugging her figure. She pinned her blonde curls back, it didn’t take her long at all to get ready. “I’m going to take a taxi, I’m going to need you to be outside by 6pm to pick me up.. would take the motorbike but I’m wearing a dress” 
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@mister-a-fleck​ continued 
Harley gave a soft frown “I’m not going to get shot” She responded, arms folding over her chest. “All I have to do is get Falcone alone, that’s easy enough, then I will shoot him.. once he is dead his followers won’t bother with me, they won’t know what to do” She explained, now checking that the hand gun had the right amount of bullets. She still needed to get changed into her nicest dress, make herself up all pretty and then she could leave for the bar. “I know you’re nervous and that’s alright..but you need to trust me”
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psychoclownbitch · 5 years
Right gotta nip to the doctor for a check up I'll be home in just over an hour 👍💋♠️♦️
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psychoclownbitch · 5 years
@mister-a-fleck​ continued 
Harley gave a soft frown “I’m not going to get shot” She responded, arms folding over her chest. “All I have to do is get Falcone alone, that’s easy enough, then I will shoot him.. once he is dead his followers won’t bother with me, they won’t know what to do” She explained, now checking that the hand gun had the right amount of bullets. She still needed to get changed into her nicest dress, make herself up all pretty and then she could leave for the bar. “I know you’re nervous and that’s alright..but you need to trust me”
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psychoclownbitch · 5 years
As he said that he could do that it caused Harley to beam, "You leave that to me" She hummed, "I can get us money that will last us a lifetime I just have to kill the notorious gangster Falcone.. He won't be missed and the GCPD are offering a pretty good sum for him dead or alive at this point" She explained giving a small shrug of her shoulders. It would be easy enough for her to do "I can do it anonymously that way we can still get the cash and it wouldn't lead back to us" If it did then she was sure that was a one way ticket back to Arkham. "Then we can live comfortably, no need to worry about survival and we can hide, be safe"
His hand touches the bruises, delicately on her body. She was so _bruised. _He felt himself feeling even more anxious at the sight. He had turned into a spectacle - he was just one of those _wall street guys _which he had never intended to be. He was just one of them, dressed up in clownery, making a spectacle of it. He’d become something he _never intended. _
His eyes slowly looked away from her bruises into her eyes, hearing how she told him she loved him. Loved him more than the other side of him. The Prince of Chaos.
The idea of…being himself again - being Arthur Fleck - repulsed him in some ways…but here she was, promising him herself if he would just be _himself. “_I love you, so much..” his words are gentle, in a whisper. It was true. He adored Harleen. But most of the time, as Joker, he didn’t show it. He was violent with her, forceful, and he simply behaved as though her death would mean nothing to him. When in fact, Arthur would be _heartbroken. “_And you…wouldn’t _leave me?” _it’s a question that plagues his mind, the difference between him remaining as Joker, or being Arthur.
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psychoclownbitch · 5 years
Harley gave a shake of her head "No Arthur I wouldn't leave" She replied now taking hold of his hands. She had stopped crying, though her face was still wet from where she had been. "I'm loyal and I mean what I say.. I wouldn't leave you" Harley knew that she also didn't have anyone to go to, he was the only person she now had in this world and strangely Harley didn't care. "If you were to remain you.. I'd marry you and think about children" She admitted quietly, though Arthur would have to remain as Arthur, she couldn't risk Joker being around not if she was pregnant especially and definitely not with a child around.
His hand touches the bruises, delicately on her body. She was so _bruised. _He felt himself feeling even more anxious at the sight. He had turned into a spectacle - he was just one of those _wall street guys _which he had never intended to be. He was just one of them, dressed up in clownery, making a spectacle of it. He’d become something he _never intended. _
His eyes slowly looked away from her bruises into her eyes, hearing how she told him she loved him. Loved him more than the other side of him. The Prince of Chaos.
The idea of…being himself again - being Arthur Fleck - repulsed him in some ways…but here she was, promising him herself if he would just be _himself. “_I love you, so much..” his words are gentle, in a whisper. It was true. He adored Harleen. But most of the time, as Joker, he didn’t show it. He was violent with her, forceful, and he simply behaved as though her death would mean nothing to him. When in fact, Arthur would be _heartbroken. “_And you…wouldn’t _leave me?” _it’s a question that plagues his mind, the difference between him remaining as Joker, or being Arthur.
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psychoclownbitch · 5 years
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joker + smug grin
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psychoclownbitch · 5 years
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Joker (2019)
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psychoclownbitch · 5 years
"I like Arthur" She responded gently "He's soft and gentle.. Sweet" She brought his hand to touch her neck and her shoulder, bringing his fingers down further where there were bruises upon her body "Joker is harsh.. Violent and forceful" She added on speaking when he found the bruising which the other side of him had caused. "I won't let you go back to Arkham.. You have me now, back then you didn't and that was your missing piece" She commented softly looking back to him her hand now resting upon the side of his neck. "I love you more than I love Joker" She whispered, Harley made sure not to remove her gaze from his own. "And I'm not going to let you go like everyone else in this fucked up world" All she really wanted was someone who was soft and sweet with her and Harley knew that Arthur would be just like that. She knew that to him there was the difference to rough sex and the simple act of making love, which was to be gentle and not forceful. That was the man that Harley truly wanted.
 The lights were dim, noise of the traffic outside and the cold air blew into the room from the open window. It was warm in the bed, cuddled into the duvet she had missed his touch, the skin on skin contact and the thought of getting out of bed, into the cold made it harder to move. “Good.. because I don’t want to move” Harley whispered, blonde curls resting on her shoulders, fair skin almost glowing from the moonlight. She nuzzled into him a little more, feeling a soft smile appear on her features, how Harley just felt content.
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psychoclownbitch · 5 years
"No.. No you didn't hurt me" She replied, giving a reassuring smile "actually it's the complete opposite.. I forgot what it was like for you to be so gentle with me and I just wish that Joker wouldn't emerge and that you can always be Arthur.. Just Arthur" She admitted, leaning into him as he tried to soothe her. Her head resting upon his shoulder, she wasn't entirely sure if she was crying because she was happy or because she knew that tomorrow could be a different turn of events. "Sometimes I don't really know why I'm crying.. I guess I'm just an emotional wreck?" She couldn't help but laugh a little, to just how silly she was being. "I think I just missed you, the real you and now I'm only just realising it" Watery eyes looked back up to Arthur, how the blue now seemed to look like an ocean or even a clear blue sky as her tears created a glassy effect.
 The lights were dim, noise of the traffic outside and the cold air blew into the room from the open window. It was warm in the bed, cuddled into the duvet she had missed his touch, the skin on skin contact and the thought of getting out of bed, into the cold made it harder to move. “Good.. because I don’t want to move” Harley whispered, blonde curls resting on her shoulders, fair skin almost glowing from the moonlight. She nuzzled into him a little more, feeling a soft smile appear on her features, how Harley just felt content.
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