psofialv · 4 years
poema de responsabilidad ambiental: Todos sabemos lo que es el reciclaje Cartón y vidrio el medio ambiente para cuidar, hermoso trabajo que todos podemos disfrutar El aire, el agua y nuestra tierra cuidan y el medio ambiente disfruta Tierra como nuestra vida conserva Bueno, esta gran casa es como tu casa Si sabes cuidarlo como tu paraíso podrás disfrutarlo Podrías ir y venir como las olas del mar No olvides que la Tierra te esta mirando Sigiloso y sin parpadear en el viento Dolor esperando sin aliento y con amor tu vida conserva Pero si tu corazon es de piedra Ella se convierte en cidra Su clorofila se transforma en veneno y tu universo es ajeno
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psofialv · 4 years
environment responsibility poem: We all know what recycling is,  Cardboard and glass the environment to take care of, beautiful work that we can all enjoy Air, water and our Earth take care and the environment enjoy  Earth as our life conserve  Well this great house is like your home If you know how to take care of it as your paradise you could enjoy it You could come and go like the waves of the sea Don't forget that the Earth is watching you  Stealthy and unblinking in the wind Sore breathless waiting and with love your life conserves But if your heart is made of stone She is turned into a citron  Its chlorophyll is transformed into poison  and your universe is alien
Paula sofia lozano V.
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psofialv · 4 years
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How to make a terrarium?
The described procedure is useful for a horizontal or vertical terrarium.
Wash the pot and stones to prevent fungal growth.
Once dry, tape the mouth of the pot to prevent dirt from escaping.  If you decide to give it vertical orientation, you can skip this step.
Place a thin layer of activated carbon.  It will keep the water cool and fight any bacterial growth in your terrarium.
At the bottom of the pot are placed the small stones, which will serve as drainage.
Place a first layer of soil, trying to cover the entire terrarium.
Put the seedlings in the arrangement that we consider most appropriate.  It is recommended to use those that need a high degree of humidity.
Once the plants are in place, their roots are covered with soil.  You can evaluate if you put moss (do not take it from the field), since it is a soil conditioner and beautifies the terrarium.  Don't take moss from nature.
The decoration can be completed by placing stones of different sizes.
Irrigate water two or three times, no more.  This will nourish the plant, which will recycle it through respiration.  Once this step is completed, the terrarium can be closed.
You can place a decorative figure to highlight the beauty of the DIY piece.
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psofialv · 4 years
He is worth as much as our life
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psofialv · 4 years
how difficult is it to take care the environment?
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psofialv · 4 years
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What is the cost of planting a tree?
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psofialv · 4 years
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“We will not have a society if we destroy the environment”
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