psgacademy · 2 years
Female Football Academy in Qatar
Paris Saint-Germain Academy Qatar is a highly qualified football training program with experienced local coaches located in the capital of Qatar, Doha. The goals of the school are to provide high quality football training and to give the players an opportunity to play at an international tournament. Whether you want to develop your talent or play with others, Paris Saint-Germain Academy Qatar offers female students football programs that are tailored to their specific needs.
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psgacademy · 2 years
Sports Academy in Qatar - Paris Saint-Germain Academy is located in the heart of Qatar and open to everyone, especially the youth, who would like to learn and enjoy football in a fun and friendly environment. Whether you are a beginner at football or someone with plenty of practice, we are here to offer you a great experience! The Paris Saint-Germain Foundation is an international humanitarian organisation created by the Paris Saint-Germain football club.
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psgacademy · 2 years
Sport that enhance physical and mental activity
Many women still consider sport as a transitory experience. In that case, a group of girls dream of being able to play football and transform a passion into a project, a goal, a goal to be achieved successfully. Football can also be a sport for girls, despite being a sporting world historically the prerogative of the male gender and consequently male-dominated.
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However, in recent decades there has been a turnaround that has seen an increase in female participation in the practice of this sport. You can choose Female Football Academy in Qatar to enhance physical activities through football.
Training divided through age groups In particular, the experience they intend to tell is the one shared with a group of between 14 and 20 years old, united by a passion for football and, as teenagers, engaged on a double front: on the one hand, the development of an adult personal identity in a socio-cultural context strongly characterized by gender stereotypes, on the other hand, the investment of a life project, often complicated by social and family dynamics that prevent a reflection on aspirations, desires, goals. Kids Sports Academy provides the best training to young children to gain mental and physical activity.
The role of young women is often in line with the gender expectations linked to a stereotypical social system, which sees them engaged in assuming an early function of care and support for the family, perhaps leaving school for a job or sacrificing social life to take care of the management of the house.
Consequently, the idea of ​​giving life to a women's football team in a context in which the discomfort is manifested, especially during the adolescent period, seemed to them a possibility of social inclusion, growth and prevention concerning the difficulties that they place themselves every day in a phase in which the need for autonomy is accompanied by the need for effective and relational support. 
Advantage Many ladies will crowd the football fields and their "derivatives" (from five-a-side football to football) as soon as the news spreads that running after a ball helps women stay in shape and increases their determination and grit. The ladies who kick a ball lose weight more than those who engage in jogging and do it with less effort. The psychological aspect also benefits from this: football also increases determination and stubbornness in women, refines learning skills and increases the ability to relate to others and face new experiences.
Sports Academy in Qatar provides greater attention to physical effort and the (all female!) Counting calories burned, the ladies began to play no longer obsessively about losing weight and physical fitness - as was the case for those who ran. But they concentrated on the match, the result, and the sporting competition and they had fun. Another interesting fact emerged from the survey: the benefits of football, compared to running, are to be found precisely in the social interaction it entails and in fun.
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psgacademy · 2 years
Sports Academy in Qatar
Paris Saint-Germain Academy is located in the heart of Qatar and open to everyone, especially the youth, who would like to learn and enjoy football in a fun and friendly environment. Whether you are a beginner at football or someone with plenty of practice, we are here to offer you a great experience! The Paris Saint-Germain Foundation is an international humanitarian organisation created by the Paris Saint-Germain football club.
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psgacademy · 2 years
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Kids Sports Academy - The Paris Saint-Germain Academy Qatar is the most reputable and professionally kids Sports academy in Qatar. Located at Aspire Zone, it is the perfect location for young and old players alike to be given top quality training by highly qualified coaches.
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psgacademy · 2 years
Doha Pearl Academy
The Doha Pearl Academy is open to youth footballers from 6 – 18 years old and will provide junior members with access to Paris Saint-Germain’s methodologies and philosophy, via this unique partnership with one of the world’s most recognized football clubs. The Academy will also offer access to training events, coaching sessions and camps led by Paris Saint-Germain coaches, and will give children an opportunity to meet the club’s professional players in Qatar
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psgacademy · 2 years
Advantages of playing football
From a very young age, many boys and girls have fun playing the ball and developing their football skills. While as they grow older, some decide to put it aside or take it as a mere hobby, others bet on it and want to continue training for one day, who knows, to play in higher categories professionally. This is the right time to enroll in a specialized academy, such as Football Academy in Qatar.
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You do not call football a simple sport. You know that practicing this activity regularly provides great advantages, especially during childhood and adolescence.
Psychological advantages of playing football 1. Acquisition of values: by practicing it, children learn to improve themselves, acquire discipline and manners, as well as the ability to work in a group and strive to achieve common goals.
2. Development of learning abilities: rehearsing plays and thinking of the right move at all times helps to enhance their skills. As it is a team sport, players also socialize with each other.
Physical advantages of playing football
Increased muscle power.
Blood oxygenation.
Improvement of peripheral vision. 
Stimulation of motor coordination.
Improvement of cardiovascular capacity.
Increased bone density in the femur.
Doha Pearl Academy is committed to specific game models that helps young talents trained at your football school in Qatar benefit from all these advantages and develop personally. 
You take each player with the appropriate guidelines to improve their level of play and become a professional capable of playing in high-level teams, regardless of their nationality or in which country they want to debut. Sports Academy in Qatar, taking football to the next level.
Sport represents a great opportunity to build on the previous commitments of international, national, and local actors to improve the possible contribution of the practice of sport to sustainable development.
Football in the educational system This program is not designed to subtract from class time but to complement the efforts of educators and enhance educational advances to help governments.
Football (and sport in general) is essential for the well-being of young people and promotes the acquisition of skills and other important values ​​for life. A 2003 United Nations study shows that children who spend five hours a week playing sports tend to do better academically than those who spend less than an hour a week.
Football and health This data is especially important if you consider that the rates of physical activity are declining throughout the world, and diseases associated with a certain lifestyle are on the rise, according to what was published by the World Health Organization in 2014.
Here are some examples of possible benefits of sport, such as football:
It improves health and well-being and reduces the probability of contracting serious diseases.
It mobilizes society, builds bridges, and unites people.
It plays a fundamental role in the educational system by instilling essential values.
It adds economic value through employment and increased productivity.
It offers healthy alternatives, contributing to the general development of youth.
It promotes intercultural dialogue, tolerance, conflict resolution, and peace.
Provides an accessible way to communicate about sensitive topics (e.g., HIV/AIDS)
It transforms gender stereotypes and empowers women and girls.
Football (sport) as a human right Access to football, or any other sport, is a universal human right. Today worldwide have recognized this by signing declarations that commit to ensuring that all people, regardless of their origin and abilities, have access to sport.
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psgacademy · 2 years
Kids Sports Academy - The Paris Saint-Germain Academy Qatar is the most reputable and professionally kids Sports academy in Qatar. Youngsters between the age of 4 and 15 can be part of PSG Academy, a sports club and elite training program. As one of the best football academies in Qatar, academy is dedicated to furthering the development of promising young players as they train daily under a world class coaching staff.
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psgacademy · 2 years
What is the role of football for wellness?
Anyone should play football at least once in their life and experience the emotions and happiness that a match can give. But the beauty of playing football is not just that Speed, agility, and endurance are just some of the essential qualities for playing football. Sports Academy in Qatar provides facilities for practicing football at a high level.
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But do you know the best part? The skills you can develop and the benefits of this sport are numerous. Playing football is suitable for all ages; as long as the doctor does not indicate contraindications and that the general health is good.
Playing football: a strong heart, health, and cardiovascular benefits Football involves running, sprinting, and exercises that require a lot of energy. The activity involves the cardiovascular system.  Motor skills Playing football improves many fine motor skills, including speed, agility, and strength. Players can exploit these skills across the board and perform well in other sports. This speeds up the metabolism and serves to burn more calories. Switching from aerobic to anaerobic activity makes training decidedly invigorating. The competitive aspect helps to learn to deal with disappointments, develop resilience, practice sportsmanship, and first play and learn from mistakes and criticisms. Playing football improves confidence and self-esteem and helps players overcome shyness.
Advantages of playing football. Football is a democratic sport as everyone can play it in any place. Just have a ball, and you can play anywhere: on the street, in the park, in an open space, in a field, in the backyard, or, for the little ones, in the house itself. The ball does not have to be made of good leather: a standard rubber ball is also sufficient.
However, it is one thing to organize a match in the courtyard. There are the costs for the suits, bag, football shoes, and for the transport of busy children, from Sunday to Sunday, in different playgrounds and often far from their city or country.
The parents of the "baby footballers." Commonly, most children who practice a particular sport do so because they are driven or directed by their parents' passions. Many football fans and many parents hope for their son's football career. The stories of many famous players are fascinating who, starting from scratch and in poverty, with perseverance, training, and even a bit of luck, have reached very high levels.  The first supporters of the "baby footballers" are the parents who stand, follow them in every match, encourage them at every training session, motivate them and encourage them in the locker room. However, the important thing is not to create false expectations in children, and Football Academy in Qatar must always be attentive to their natural inclinations. This is an important fact to consider before shelling out so much money for football nurseries without considering the talent and the actual preferences of the children.
Football and fun In the light of what has been said, football is a sport that is good for children with due care: it is necessary to combine exercises for the upper body with the actual football training. Take care to guarantee the child a complete workout. Fun is a must for babies, and competition must certainly be put aside to give more space to the playful aspect of a sport. 
Sharing your progress with the rest of the team is a way to strengthen relationships, experience coexistence, and share within a group. You learn to cheer for a goal and metabolize the disappointment of a defeat and make the best of yourself available to the Doha Pearl Academy.
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psgacademy · 2 years
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The Paris Saint-Germain Academy Qatar is the most reputable and professionally run football academy in Qatar. We cater for everyone who has a passion for football and want to develop their skills. Located at Aspire Zone, it is the perfect location for young and old players alike to be given top quality training by highly qualified coaches.
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psgacademy · 2 years
Football Academy in Qatar - The Paris Saint-Germain Academy Qatar is the most reputable and professionally run football academy in Qatar. We cater for everyone who has a passion for football and want to develop their skills. Located at Aspire Zone, it is the perfect location for young and old players alike to be given top quality training by highly qualified coaches.
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psgacademy · 2 years
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Football Academy in Qatar - The Paris Saint-Germain Academy Qatar is the most reputable and professionally run football academy in Qatar. We cater for everyone who has a passion for football and want to develop their skills. Located at Aspire Zone, it is the perfect location for young and old players alike to be given top quality training by highly qualified coaches.
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psgacademy · 2 years
Football Academy in Qatar
The Paris Saint-Germain Academy Qatar is the most reputable and professionally run football academy in Qatar. We cater for everyone who has a passion for football and want to develop their skills. Located at Aspire Zone, it is the perfect location for young and old players alike to be given top quality training by highly qualified coaches.
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