Proyecto Integrador de Ingles
Mission and Vision of the Unidad Educativa “Antonio Nariño”
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The Antonio Nariño Educational Institution committed to comprehensive training of children and young people, contributes to strengthening its principles, values, human rights and Life projects; promoting the progress of society, leadership, cultural, technical, technological and scientific development; responding to the needs of the country from a dynamic and transformative perspective, through the Education in Pre-school schooling, Basic Education Primary and Secondary and Academic Middle, at its headquarters Major; and the flexible pedagogical models of the School New and Post-Primary in the annexed or unitary Headquarters.
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In 2020, the Antonio Nariño Educational Institution plans to as a community at the forefront at the rural municipal level, in practice, promotion and dissemination of values ​​and rights humans; with high competitiveness of its graduates to face daily life situations and the challenges of the future with suitability, ethics and humanistic sense.
Life of Antonio Nariño
Antonio Amador José Nariño y Álvarez del Casal (Bogotá, April 9, 1765-Villa de Leyva, December 13, 1823) was a Colombian politician and military man who participated in the work of independence of the Viceroyalty of New Granada. Along with Pedro Fermín de Vargas, Francisco de Miranda, José Cortés de Madariaga and Eugenio Espejo, he is considered a precursor of the emancipation of the American provinces from the Spanish Empire. He made the first translation for Spanish America of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen in 1793.
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The main event of my life, where I felt part of the “Antonio Nariño” Educational Unit.
From the beginning of my arrival at the institution I felt very happy for the great friendship that I formed and the great camaraderie that I created until today I feel very welcomed and I am grateful for the happiness that it brings me and the teaching that the teachers give us every day. through learning they teach me values and teaching every day.
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