Maddox still wasn’t entirely sure how she’d landed herself in a worse situation than she had in her previous encounter with her student. Now, they were tangled up on campus, in her fucking office. The situation felt comically like the plot of a porno, all that was missing were the cheap school girl outfits and fake tits. It was almost laughable, if not for the fact that it was simultaneously incredibly dangerous, and thinking too hard on the subject was enough to brew a dizzying cocktail of excitement and horror in the young professor.
Her blood felt carbonated, despite the abject scientific implications, Maddy couldn’t quite shake the hot feeling swelling in her, burning just beneath her skin.
Nothing about the situation felt real, despite the malleable warmth of Lyndsay’s lips on hers. It was the first day of the semester, they weren’t even done with morning classes for goodness sakes, yet here she was Lyndsay’s tongue in her mouth. It had been hilariously noble and ill conceived to think she could’ve avoided her apparent attraction for her student, despite her valiant, not so strong willed effort. Maddy had never been one for religion, though scripture of any kind always made for an interesting read, still every touch bestowed by the brunette ached like both a blessing and a curse.
The wet glide of the brunette’s tongue melted her insides like butter on a hot day, making the belated throb of neglected sex all the more obvious. Her fingers   cautiously slipped down towards the hem of her lover’s skirt, her blunt nails skimming the bare thighs beneath the fabric. Maddy gave a hum into the kiss they shared, returning the playful nip of the lip as she teasingly stroked her fingers over the cotton-clad seam of Lyndsay’s sex. The blonde couldn’t help but savor the small squeak that resulted from her teasing, the fabric feeling evidently damp beneath her fingers, as they slipped back and forth.
“Oh yeah [...]” 
Maddy gave a small noise in response as Lyndsay’s fingers tangled with her own, dropping their linked hands down and away from the brunette’s tight body. Everything was happening so quickly, faster than it had the first time they were together, which was a feat in itself. The brunette was urging her back into her chair, agile fingers plucking at the fly of her jeans. 
That fizzy rush of her blood burning her ears and cheeks throbbed as Lyndsay urged her to shimmy out of her pants and underwear, the action had been less embarrassing earlier when she had been lacking an audience. Still, Maddy persisted, the brunette seemed like she might dissolve in puddle of dissatisfaction if she didn’t get a taste of the honeyed cleft that resided between the professor’s thighs. Revealing herself, drooling sex on display with her thighs opened in offering to her student.
This is so fucked up, Maddy thought to herself, her thigh twitching at the familiar sensation of warm breath washing over the flushed skin. Her hips shifting and stomach sinking concave as Lyndsay’s curious fingers sank shallowly to part her embarrassingly folds. Maddy swallowed, cheeks burning crimson as she stared down at the brunette crouched between her legs. She was beginning to wonder what the hell she was looking for down there, Lyndsay had seen all there was to see already. Her thoughts were soon silenced at the slick lap of Lyndsay’s eager tongue, thighs flexing at the sensation that bolted through her body, tingling hotly in her stomach. It was like a single taste was enough to send her student into a frenzy, that same dextrous tongue was pushing between her legs.
“Fuck-” Maddy hissed, clamping a hand over her mouth, her head lolling back as she surrendered to the feelings provided by that pretty raspberry red mouth. Her tongue was insistent, impatient, reigniting the smoldering dredges of her former orgasm into a crackling fire. A heady combination of her own liquid desire and saliva decorating Lyndsay’s full lips. Those big blue eyes reminiscent of marbles staring up at her as that wet tongue pushed inside of hole.
“Jesus,” The blonde whispered beneath her breath, shifting her position in the chair, her legs spreading a little wider allowing unobstructed access to her needy sex. Using the hand not occupied covering her mouth, Maddy tangled her fingers in Lyndsay’s long hair, angling her hips to grind the wet gash against the hungry tongue lapping at her. Up and down, her toned abdomen flexing at the movement as Maddy shifted her hips rhythmically, smearing her slick against against her student’s cheeks, lips and chin. 
Again and again, the professor wasn’t soon to cease her relentless grinding, her little lover had yet to complain. Each of her movements were matched with the hot plunge of a tongue and the accidental, yet delicious bump of Lyndsay’s nose against Maddy swollen clit. The heat bubbling in her belly resumed it’s path, burning her up until that telltale warmth tingled in her chest.
“Don’t stop.” Maddy growled between her teeth, her grip in Lyndsay’s hair going a little tighter and the professor prayed she wasn’t hurting her. Her breathing grew shallow as her orgasm inched closer and closer with each hungry twist of her tongue. The blonde’s spine went stiff as those full lips wrapped around her clit, suckling on the fleshy pink pearl, hot tongue flicking against the overworked little bundle of nerves. It was sudden and blinding, thighs shaking and eyes watery and her orgasm swallowed her up under a debilitating tide of endorphins.
Blinking bleary eyed, unencumbered by anything like inhibition in the aftermath of her mind blowing orgasm, Maddox marveled at Lyndsay’s familiar pleasing face, skin slick with her juices.
“You look so pretty wearing my cum.” The blonde mumbled dreamily, the fingers twisted in the roots of Lyndsay’s hair softening their grips.
“Can we talk professor?”
Maddy stared owlishly at the brunette, her green eyes gone wide at the sight of that pretty face which was becoming rapidly familiar. It seemed that quite suddenly her steamy daydream had turned into an ice cold nightmare. Nodding her head to accommodate for her uncharacteristic lack of words, the young professor eased her door back, allowing her student into her office. The small space smelled embarrassingly of sex, sex which was poorly masked by the canned peppermint scent of the cheap candle burning away in the corner of the room.
Something akin to guilt burned in Maddy’s chest, they had only spent a single night together after all, maybe it had been strange and a bit presumptuous of her to get her rocks off thinking about her student? She certainly felt a little dirty in the anticlimactic aftermath. She briefly wondered if Lyndsay’s ears had been ringing given how much she had been thinking about her, or more adequately with the rate Maddy had been pleasuring herself, the poor girl’s head was probably burning.
The brunette gave a short stride into room, her eyes drifting over the bookcase in the corner and collage of pastel sticky notes clinging to veritably every surface. Maddox chewed the inside of her cheek as she observed Lyndsay, her belly burning from her frustratingly unachieved orgasm. Her guilty hand still wedged stubbornly in her back pocket in an attempt to hide anymore evidence of her transgressions.
“Uh, if this is about how I left things earlier, I didn’t mean to blow you off, it’s just I do have things to do…”
Maddy explained, while not entirely dishonest, as she did have more important things to attend to than rubbing one out in her office, it seemed she was too base of a creature to let her desires go unchecked. Her cheeks burned with shame at the thought of having been caught, by the object of her affection no less.
Her brows inched up, a few delicate wrinkles appearing on her forehead in the process at Lyndsay turned to her with a hungry gleam in those big blue eyes and her raspberry red lips crooked in that wicked smirk, the same one she given Maddy the other night before practically pouncing on her out on the curb outside the bar. Her tongue had tasted of beer that night, bubbly and bright, with eager hands taking ahold of her face. Now, they were in the present and Lyndsay was giving her that same look. The door slammed shut reminding the blonde of a starter’s gun in a race, bang and now the brunette was getting closer and closer.
Maddy sucked in a short breath as Lyndsay’s fingers hooked into the unoccupied belt loops of the professor’s jeans. She should stop her, she should rebuff her advances, scold her, do something other than stare dumbstruck at her wide Cheshire grin.
Holy shit! Maddy mused, by some stroke of luck her nightmare had turned back into a daydream. They walked back towards Maddy’s desk, tangled up in one another, Lyndsay’s warm lips on hers, that wicked tongue in her mouth, coaxing hers into a dangerous dance. Despite herself Maddox couldn’t quite swallow her desperate moan, her ears burning as she felt Lyndsay smile against her lips. Another hot gush of heat dripped from between her already damp folds…
“I really did stop by to talk, I swear.”
The words giving Maddy the window of clarity she so desperately needed. Her breathing was ragged, like she’d gotten winded going up a flight of stairs, ironically she did too much cardio for that exact reason.
“Lyndsay…” Maddy hissed, her fingers flexing where they were cupping the brunette’s round little rear beneath her adorable skirt. There was a warmth beneath her palms, having been so caught up that she hadn’t even realized she was grabbing two beautiful hands of her tight ass.
Staring into those big blue eyes, Maddy recognized this moment for what it was, the moment she could say no, the moment she should say no. She could make things entirely transparent and let the girl down gently, tell her why this was a bad idea, a horrible ethical dilemma that neither should wet their feet in. The young professor stared for a moment longer, noting the sweet hopeful expression staring back at her, an earnest excitement that Maddy’s wasn’t sure she could say no to. Letting out a defeat sigh, the blonde took a step back, ensuring this decision would be one that she made entirely free of Lyndsay’s influence, she leaned her weight against the firm edge of her desk.
“If we’re going to do this,” Maddy began, hungrily letting her eyes drink in every inch of the young woman in every way she hadn’t allowed herself to earlier, “you should lock the door.”
“If we’re going to do this, […] you should lock the door.”
A wicked smile molded to her lips at the blonde’s suggestion, Lyndsay nodded once, but hesitated to release the other woman to actually complete the action. There was a hesitation in Maddy, rightly so Lyndsay knew, but she didn’t want to risk giving the other woman a chance to rethink her acquiesce. 
Unthreading her fingers from the denim loops, the younger woman returned to the door that she’d just entered through. The lock snicked as she flipped it into position. Spinning on her heel, the brunette grinned at her companion, “Now where were we?”
Bridging the distance between them, she pulled her professor into another kiss. This one was less demanding, but no less focused as she looped her arms around the other woman’s waist. Nipping at the swell of Maddy’s lower lip lightly, she swiped the flesh with a brush of her tongue. 
“Oh yeah,” she said as she dropped her hand to interlaced her fingers with Maddy’s slightly longer digits. Leading her instructor to her chair behind the desk, she winked at the blonde before pushing her back into the seat. Lyndsay dropped to her knees in front of the chair’s wheels and made quick work of the fastening on the denim.
She hissed behind her teeth at the sight of the other woman’s soaked underwear and the outline of a needy pussy beneath the fabric. “God, you must be aching…” she mused under her breath, helping the other woman shimmy jeans and underwear down to her knees, before leaning in and parting the slippery folds. The clit was so swollen that Lyndsay knew she’d interrupted her professor at the worst possible moment. Leaning in, the brunette ran the flat of her tongue over the little bundle of nerves for a moment before diving in and feasting.
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“Can we talk professor?”
Maddy stared owlishly at the brunette, her green eyes gone wide at the sight of that pretty face which was becoming rapidly familiar. It seemed that quite suddenly her steamy daydream had turned into an ice cold nightmare. Nodding her head to accommodate for her uncharacteristic lack of words, the young professor eased her door back, allowing her student into her office. The small space smelled embarrassingly of sex, sex which was poorly masked by the canned peppermint scent of the cheap candle burning away in the corner of the room.
Something akin to guilt burned in Maddy’s chest, they had only spent a single night together after all, maybe it had been strange and a bit presumptuous of her to get her rocks off thinking about her student? She certainly felt a little dirty in the anticlimactic aftermath. She briefly wondered if Lyndsay’s ears had been ringing given how much she had been thinking about her, or more adequately with the rate Maddy had been pleasuring herself, the poor girl’s head was probably burning.
The brunette gave a short stride into room, her eyes drifting over the bookcase in the corner and collage of pastel sticky notes clinging to veritably every surface. Maddox chewed the inside of her cheek as she observed Lyndsay, her belly burning from her frustratingly unachieved orgasm. Her guilty hand still wedged stubbornly in her back pocket in an attempt to hide anymore evidence of her transgressions.
“Uh, if this is about how I left things earlier, I didn’t mean to blow you off, it’s just I do have things to do...”
Maddy explained, while not entirely dishonest, as she did have more important things to attend to than rubbing one out in her office, it seemed she was too base of a creature to let her desires go unchecked. Her cheeks burned with shame at the thought of having been caught, by the object of her affection no less.
Her brows inched up, a few delicate wrinkles appearing on her forehead in the process at Lyndsay turned to her with a hungry gleam in those big blue eyes and her raspberry red lips crooked in that wicked smirk, the same one she given Maddy the other night before practically pouncing on her out on the curb outside the bar. Her tongue had tasted of beer that night, bubbly and bright, with eager hands taking ahold of her face. Now, they were in the present and Lyndsay was giving her that same look. The door slammed shut reminding the blonde of a starter’s gun in a race, bang and now the brunette was getting closer and closer.
Maddy sucked in a short breath as Lyndsay’s fingers hooked into the unoccupied belt loops of the professor’s jeans. She should stop her, she should rebuff her advances, scold her, do something other than stare dumbstruck at her wide Cheshire grin.
Holy shit! Maddy mused, by some stroke of luck her nightmare had turned back into a daydream. They walked back towards Maddy’s desk, tangled up in one another, Lyndsay’s warm lips on hers, that wicked tongue in her mouth, coaxing hers into a dangerous dance. Despite herself Maddox couldn’t quite swallow her desperate moan, her ears burning as she felt Lyndsay smile against her lips. Another hot gush of heat dripped from between her already damp folds...
“I really did stop by to talk, I swear.”
The words giving Maddy the window of clarity she so desperately needed. Her breathing was ragged, like she’d gotten winded going up a flight of stairs, ironically she did too much cardio for that exact reason.
“Lyndsay...” Maddy hissed, her fingers flexing where they were cupping the brunette’s round little rear beneath her adorable skirt. There was a warmth beneath her palms, having been so caught up that she hadn't even realized she was grabbing two beautiful hands of her tight ass.
Staring into those big blue eyes, Maddy recognized this moment for what it was, the moment she could say no, the moment she should say no. She could make things entirely transparent and let the girl down gently, tell her why this was a bad idea, a horrible ethical dilemma that neither should wet their feet in. The young professor stared for a moment longer, noting the sweet hopeful expression staring back at her, an earnest excitement that Maddy’s wasn’t sure she could say no to. Letting out a defeat sigh, the blonde took a step back, ensuring this decision would be one that she made entirely free of Lyndsay’s influence, she leaned her weight against the firm edge of her desk.
“If we’re going to do this,” Maddy began, hungrily letting her eyes drink in every inch of the young woman in every way she hadn't allowed herself to earlier, “you should lock the door.”
Maddy wasn’t sure what to expect out of the brunette, sure they had shared a night together, but that wasn’t as revealing about the personality as it was about the body.
“[…] I’ll stay here, thanks.”
The blonde tensed as she stared at her student, big blue eyes staring expectantly back at her. It seemed Lyndsay was determined to stay, just about as unmoving in her decision as one could get. A gently arched brow inching higher as Maddy snorted in amused disbelief, her gaze softening as it landed on the brunette. She was too cute for her own good and Maddy didn’t have the strength not to fall prey to her.
“You’re not going to make this easy on me, huh?” Maddy drawled, a dimple darkening her cheek as her gaze swept over her student in a less than professional way. Reaching blindly, the professor sought out the strap of her messenger bag, shrugging the strap of her bag atop her shoulder while keeping her gaze on the incredibly stubborn brunette.
“Fine.” Maddy relented after a moment with a fond sigh, though it wasn’t really much of a decision in her defense, if it came down to a choice between having Lyndsay in her class and not having her - well, Maddy knew what option she would choose. The smile that followed was easy, natural even, contagious while around Lyndsay.
Rolling her eyes good naturedly, Maddy glanced down at the face of her masculine wristwatch, realizing another class was bound to head in soon and if anyone caught her staring at Lyndsay like that she might lose her job. Christ, she didn’t have to do anything, just stand there, with her pale skin sweet like confectioners sugar, the pronounced apples of her cheeks dusted with the faintest hint of an even sweeter rosy blush, her teeth caught on the inviting swell of her raspberry red bottom lip.
This semester is going to be hell…
“We should probably go,” The professor suggested, only then realizing the possibility of misinterpretation of her words, “Not like together, I-you know what I mean.” Maddy scoffed at her own foolishness, striding over to the door and holding it open for the brunette. As they stepped out into the hallway, the bustle of other students and professors alike was exactly the shock that Maddox needed, reality wrenching her head clean from the clouds of whatever subconscious fantasies she may have been entertaining. This was real life.
“Ms. Marno,” Maddy began with a slight tilt of her head, “I will see you in our next session.”
With that message imparted the young professor began backpedaling leisurely down the hall, her messenger bag swinging with her movements, the soles of her Vans squeaking as she swiveled on the tiled floor, beginning her loping stride towards the stairs.
Jogging the short trek down the multiple flights of stairs, Maddy headed down the hall to her office for some much needed privacy. Just because Lyndsay was determined to remain in her class and it likely broke an unseemly amount of rules to be involved with a student…that didn’t mean Maddy couldn’t think about it.
Tossing her bag down on her desk, shutting and locking the door behind her, the simmering heat that had been aching between her thighs the entirety of the class period, became all the more pronounced with the introduction of privacy into the equation. Drawing the blinds in her office, the young professor eased her weight into her office chair, her legs spread wide as she got comfortable. She was too impatient to shrug off her blazer, simply focusing her energy on undoing the fly of her pants with shaking hands. Shimmying the denim down, Maddy hissed at the sight of her underwear, practically glued to her sex with her own abundant wetness. The wet material clinging to every curve of her slick seam, to her damp pussy lips, adhering to the swollen bead of her clitoris.
Oh, fuck.
Maddy gave a hiss as she peeled away the sticky fabric, delicate translucent strands of her wetness clinging to the fabric and webbing between her fingers. Her skin was embarrassingly wet, her fingers gliding over her bald nether lips with ease, her hips give a tremble as her fingers dance cruelly around her plump aching clitoris.
The blonde gives a shuddering sigh, the bubbling pressure building in her makes her feel like she might explode if she doesn’t let off some steam soon. Swallowing to wet her dry throat, Maddy glances at the small scrap of paper hanging above her desk. Her eyes latch onto the winding trail of that pretty bubbly cursive, well what is able to be glimpsed from beneath the colorful post-it atop the page. A crease formed between her brows, a line of concentration marring her features as her fingers began a feverish rubbing of the engorged bundle of nerves. Maddy gave a sharp gasp, her hips twitching in response to her own impatient touch. Her eyes remained trained on that silly piece of paper, her mind flooded with a million thoughts, each one of them featuring Lyndsay. Having shared a sloppy drunken night together, while fun, hadn’t been an indicator of just how much the blonde could offer to her student.
Maddy’s eyes fell closed, easily sinking into fantasy without effort, she could picture it clearly like a movie playing on the inside of her eyelids.
Maddox would encourage the brunette down on her knees with a firm hand atop her head. Those big blue eyes reminiscent of her marbles staring up at her, sweet pouty lips pursed in an adorable, malleable expression.
Maddy’s fingers swirled in a hurried mess of circles over her juicy clit, her seam dripping more desperate wetness as she crooned, falling back into her fantasy.
She would give the brat a little pat to the cheek, commanding her to undo the fly of Maddy’s jeans with her teeth. The blonde only giving her student a moment’s reprieve to push the fabric lower, exposing her saturated underwear, soaked from having to endure a class session with Lyndsay looking at her like she was the embodiment of sin. Guiding that pretty face, Lyndsay’s face pressed against Maddox’s clothed pubic bone.
“Clean up the mess you made, sweetheart.” Maddy would whisper, head tilting back in a long moan as she felt the younger woman mouthe at the fabric. Her teeth pulling at the saturated cotton, exposing the wet seam, the state of which she was responsible for. It was dripping wet for her.
Maddy’s fingers were a blur now, legs spread wide with abandon as she was relentlessly rubbing her clit, the friction making her thighs tremble.
She was rewarded with the expert flick of that talented tongue, a moan rising up from the head between her legs, if Lyndsay was enjoying herself so much, Maddy was sure she could accommodate her more often. She could cram that tight little body beneath her desk and let her enjoy herself under her jaw ached and Maddy’s pussy was raw.
Her rubbing was hesitant now, hips shaking, sweat sticking to her skin with her orgasm so terribly close. Once, twice, her fingers circled over that swollen bundle of her nerves. The professor’s hips cantered to meet her slick fingers, desperate for release-
Knock, knock
Maddy’s eyes flew open, her cramped fingers stilling their movements, her clit twitching from the lack of attention. No, no, this couldn’t be happening. Her orgasm fading, embarrassment burning in her chest as she scrambled up from her chair. Fixing up her underwear and her jeans in the process, the fabric felt cold and sticky against her swollen, desperate sex.
Lighting that stress relief candle in the corner of her office to help disrupt to scent of her sex, Maddy swallowed as she approached the door, brows furrowed at the thought that maybe she had just been hearing things.
Knock, knock-
Fuck, it was real. Cramming her hand, wet with her own desire in the back pocket of her jeans, Maddy unlocked the door of her office. Sucking in a deep breath, she pulled the door open.
Lyndsay tried to ignore the guilt that rolled her stomach as her professor walked away. Had she perhaps been a touch too blunt in her refusal to switch courses? She’d a terrible habit of being too frank with people. It had been a new year’s resolution of hers to be more…
The young brunette knew why Maddy made an offer to transfer her out; having a student she’d screwed in her class would undoubtedly raise moral dilemmas for the teacher. From the blonde’s perspective, transferring her out probably seemed the smartest decision. Perhaps Lyndsay should have explained her position a little more thoroughly?
After glancing at her cellphone and doing some quick mental math regarding her next course, the brunette figured she could stop by Maddy’s office and briefly explain her point of view than head to her next class. Pulling up the e-mail containing the class’ syllabus, she mouthed the address to herself before tucking her device back into her pocket and heading in the direction that Maddy had. She mentally went over every point she wanted to impart to her reluctant teacher as she walked, nodding lightly to strangers in a polite greeting as she went.
Finally coming to a halt in front of a door, with a gold plate beside it that declared it to be Professor Fletcher’s office in English, Spanish, & Braille, Lyndsay tugged nervously at her clothes. She knocked twice on the wood, taking a deep breathe, her ears straining to hear any noise inside the room. Had she misheard Maddy’s office hours? The young woman didn’t think so, she’d been paying the utmost of attention in class perhaps too much attention. Knocking for a second time, Lyndsay gnawed lightly at her lower lip as she strained to hear any movement inside. Nothing. Had the older woman been waylaid on the way to her office? Either way, Lyndsay was debating whether or not to settle for writing a letter to the platinum blonde, when the door in front of her opened suddenly.
“Can we talk professor?” Lyndsay asked.
When Maddy stepped back, allowing her to enter, Lyndsay was hit immediately with two distinct scents. One was the scent of a store-bought candle. The second was a scent that she was acutely familiar with; while finding time for ‘personal time,’ had always been a bit of a struggle in her teen years, Lyndsay managed to figure it out (along with some other things.) She knew well the scent of a pussy in need. Suddenly, all her prepared talking point fled from her mind.
Wicked smile all the warning that Maddy got, Lyndsay kicked the office door shut behind her before putting her fingers in the denim beltloops on Maddy’s jeans. She used this point of contact to pull the blonde back towards her desk, kissing her as they moved. She intertwined their tongues with ease, grinning when the older woman moaned into her mouth. So responsive.
Breathless as she broke the kiss, Lyndsay whispered, “I really did stop by to talk, I swear.”
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Maddy wasn't sure what to expect out of the brunette, sure they had shared a night together, but that wasn’t as revealing about the personality as it was about the body.
“[...] I’ll stay here, thanks.”
The blonde tensed as she stared at her student, big blue eyes staring expectantly back at her. It seemed Lyndsay was determined to stay, just about as unmoving in her decision as one could get. A gently arched brow inching higher as Maddy snorted in amused disbelief, her gaze softening as it landed on the brunette. She was too cute for her own good and Maddy didn’t have the strength not to fall prey to her.
“You’re not going to make this easy on me, huh?” Maddy drawled, a dimple darkening her cheek as her gaze swept over her student in a less than professional way. Reaching blindly, the professor sought out the strap of her messenger bag, shrugging the strap of her bag atop her shoulder while keeping her gaze on the incredibly stubborn brunette.
“Fine.” Maddy relented after a moment with a fond sigh, though it wasn't really much of a decision in her defense, if it came down to a choice between having Lyndsay in her class and not having her - well, Maddy knew what option she would choose. The smile that followed was easy, natural even, contagious while around Lyndsay.
Rolling her eyes good naturedly, Maddy glanced down at the face of her masculine wristwatch, realizing another class was bound to head in soon and if anyone caught her staring at Lyndsay like that she might lose her job. Christ, she didn’t have to do anything, just stand there, with her pale skin sweet like confectioners sugar, the pronounced apples of her cheeks dusted with the faintest hint of an even sweeter rosy blush, her teeth caught on the inviting swell of her raspberry red bottom lip.
This semester is going to be hell...
“We should probably go,” The professor suggested, only then realizing the possibility of misinterpretation of her words, “Not like together, I-you know what I mean.” Maddy scoffed at her own foolishness, striding over to the door and holding it open for the brunette. As they stepped out into the hallway, the bustle of other students and professors alike was exactly the shock that Maddox needed, reality wrenching her head clean from the clouds of whatever subconscious fantasies she may have been entertaining. This was real life.
“Ms. Marno,” Maddy began with a slight tilt of her head, “I will see you in our next session.”
With that message imparted the young professor began backpedaling leisurely down the hall, her messenger bag swinging with her movements, the soles of her Vans squeaking as she swiveled on the tiled floor, beginning her loping stride towards the stairs.
Jogging the short trek down the multiple flights of stairs, Maddy headed down the hall to her office for some much needed privacy. Just because Lyndsay was determined to remain in her class and it likely broke an unseemly amount of rules to be involved with a student...that didn’t mean Maddy couldn’t think about it.
Tossing her bag down on her desk, shutting and locking the door behind her, the simmering heat that had been aching between her thighs the entirety of the class period, became all the more pronounced with the introduction of privacy into the equation. Drawing the blinds in her office, the young professor eased her weight into her office chair, her legs spread wide as she got comfortable. She was too impatient to shrug off her blazer, simply focusing her energy on undoing the fly of her pants with shaking hands. Shimmying the denim down, Maddy hissed at the sight of her underwear, practically glued to her sex with her own abundant wetness. The wet material clinging to every curve of her slick seam, to her damp pussy lips, adhering to the swollen bead of her clitoris.
Oh, fuck.
Maddy gave a hiss as she peeled away the sticky fabric, delicate translucent strands of her wetness clinging to the fabric and webbing between her fingers. Her skin was embarrassingly wet, her fingers gliding over her bald nether lips with ease, her hips give a tremble as her fingers dance cruelly around her plump aching clitoris.
The blonde gives a shuddering sigh, the bubbling pressure building in her makes her feel like she might explode if she doesn’t let off some steam soon. Swallowing to wet her dry throat, Maddy glances at the small scrap of paper hanging above her desk. Her eyes latch onto the winding trail of that pretty bubbly cursive, well what is able to be glimpsed from beneath the colorful post-it atop the page. A crease formed between her brows, a line of concentration marring her features as her fingers began a feverish rubbing of the engorged bundle of nerves. Maddy gave a sharp gasp, her hips twitching in response to her own impatient touch. Her eyes remained trained on that silly piece of paper, her mind flooded with a million thoughts, each one of them featuring Lyndsay. Having shared a sloppy drunken night together, while fun, hadn’t been an indicator of just how much the blonde could offer to her student.
Maddy’s eyes fell closed, easily sinking into fantasy without effort, she could picture it clearly like a movie playing on the inside of her eyelids.
Maddox would encourage the brunette down on her knees with a firm hand atop her head. Those big blue eyes reminiscent of her marbles staring up at her, sweet pouty lips pursed in an adorable, malleable expression.
Maddy’s fingers swirled in a hurried mess of circles over her juicy clit, her seam dripping more desperate wetness as she crooned, falling back into her fantasy.
She would give the brat a little pat to the cheek, commanding her to undo the fly of Maddy’s jeans with her teeth. The blonde only giving her student a moment’s reprieve to push the fabric lower, exposing her saturated underwear, soaked from having to endure a class session with Lyndsay looking at her like she was the embodiment of sin. Guiding that pretty face, Lyndsay’s face pressed against Maddox’s clothed pubic bone.
“Clean up the mess you made, sweetheart.” Maddy would whisper, head tilting back in a long moan as she felt the younger woman mouthe at the fabric. Her teeth pulling at the saturated cotton, exposing the wet seam, the state of which she was responsible for. It was dripping wet for her.
Maddy’s fingers were a blur now, legs spread wide with abandon as she was relentlessly rubbing her clit, the friction making her thighs tremble.
She was rewarded with the expert flick of that talented tongue, a moan rising up from the head between her legs, if Lyndsay was enjoying herself so much, Maddy was sure she could accommodate her more often. She could cram that tight little body beneath her desk and let her enjoy herself under her jaw ached and Maddy’s pussy was raw.
Her rubbing was hesitant now, hips shaking, sweat sticking to her skin with her orgasm so terribly close. Once, twice, her fingers circled over that swollen bundle of her nerves. The professor’s hips cantered to meet her slick fingers, desperate for release-
Knock, knock
Maddy’s eyes flew open, her cramped fingers stilling their movements, her clit twitching from the lack of attention. No, no, this couldn’t be happening. Her orgasm fading, embarrassment burning in her chest as she scrambled up from her chair. Fixing up her underwear and her jeans in the process, the fabric felt cold and sticky against her swollen, desperate sex.
Lighting that stress relief candle in the corner of her office to help disrupt to scent of her sex, Maddy swallowed as she approached the door, brows furrowed at the thought that maybe she had just been hearing things.
Knock, knock-
Fuck, it was real. Cramming her hand, wet with her own desire in the back pocket of her jeans, Maddy unlocked the door of her office. Sucking in a deep breath, she pulled the door open.
After fielding some pretty standard questions and going over the syllabus, class didn’t last that much longer, which was turning out to be both a blessing and a curse for the young professor. As eager as Maddy was to deal with the complicated situation she had managed to land herself in, addressing the problem also meant acknowledging that she would inevitably have to do the dreaded mature thing. It probably went against some rule of her profession, the kind of rule that was chiseled in stone, don’t sleep with your students, Maddy supposed in her case the rule was more aptly articulated as don’t keep her in your class. The idea of having Lyndsay withdraw from her course was not the kind of idea she wanted to entertain, but alas, she wasn’t sure she had a choice.
One of the humanities professors could definitely talk her ear off about the ethic and moral implications of keeping a student she has had sex with, in her class, not to mention the unavoidable imbalance of power and undoubted preferential treatment. Things worked so much better when they were just two strangers who met in a bar.
Maddy managed to distract herself for a few minutes by shutting down the projector and tugging on the extendable projector screen, sending the thing zipping loudly around the spool like a big hysterical window shade. As she worked she began to think of other courses Lyndsay could take as an alternative, she was an English major, there was certainly a number of literature courses and credits she needed to meet. Courses, preferably she did not teach. Walking back over to the podium, Maddy drummed her fingers against the wood as she signed out of her school account and waited for the device to shut down. 
Glimpsing a peek in Lyndsay’s direction over the edge of the desktop, despite her better judgement, her eyes greedily soaked up the sight of the brunette after denying herself for nearly the entire class duration. And damn, it was like drinking water after wasting away in the desert, except in Maddox’s case it wasn’t her tongue that was growing wet. She vaguely registered Lyndsay passing a scrap of paper to another student, Everly, she recalled. 
A brief stab of jealousy burned in her chest as she watched Everly accept the piece of paper with a smile, wondering if Lyndsay had written in that pretty bubbly cursive or if she had curled the tail of the y into a heart…
Subtly shaking her head at the hilarity of her own thought process, Maddy swore beneath her breath, whether or not Lyndsay was interested in other people shouldn’t have been her first priority. Still, Maddy gave the girl a soft reflexive smile as she passed by the front desk on her way out of the classroom. Leaving the professor with the haunting realization that she and Lyndsay were the only two remaining in the room. She pretended to be busy on the desktop, despite the screen being inactive, her ears attuned to subtle squeak of Lyndsay’s shoes as the brunette grew closer and closer to the front desk.
“come here often?”
Maddy glanced up at the sound of that sweet voice, all pretense of maintaining an aloof, professional composure disintegrating as soon her gaze met those big blue eyes. Swallowing to wet her dry throat as her stare lingered for longer than what any rational person would consider appropriate on those full raspberry red lips.
Fuck, the blonde thought to herself, this wasn’t going to be easy was it?
“Often enough to get a paycheck.” Maddy replied, not entirely able to stifle the urge to fidget.
“So, I was thinking,” Maddy began, eager not to let the short silence that had bloomed between them to stretch on any longer, “The window to withdraw from the class should be open for at least the first week of classes, and I’ve got a friend in the department who is teaching a 19th century women’s literature course. I’m pretty sure it meets the same criteria credits wise as this course, so you wouldn’t really be wasting the semester, I can send her an email to add you to her roster.” Maddy explained, nervously twiddling her thumbs as she awaited a response.
This semester is really going to suck without you, Maddy thought as she stared at the brunette.
A surprised laugh tumbled from her lips as Maddy quipped back with the same teasing air that Lyndsay had asked the question. Looking back on it yet again, Lyndsay blamed the fact that she failed to ask Maddy about her occupation the pervious night because she’d been so flattered to be the focus of the brilliant blonde’s attention that she’d forgotten to care about her job. That paled greatly in comparison to the feeling of kissing the blonde’s neck in the back of the Uber. 
“The window to withdraw from the class should be open for at least the first week of classes, […] I can send her an email to add you to her roster.”
“Thanks, but no thanks.” Lyndsay answered quickly, definitively. There was a moment of silence before she softened her tone, “I appreciate the offer, but this is the one class I signed up for this semester that isn’t general bullshit. I’ll stay here, thanks.”
It was obvious by the nervous micro actions of the older woman that she wasn’t comfortable with Lyndsay remaining in her class. The brunette had to do something to ease that discomfort, but how? That was the question.
10 notes · View notes
After fielding some pretty standard questions and going over the syllabus, class didn't last that much longer, which was turning out to be both a blessing and a curse for the young professor. As eager as Maddy was to deal with the complicated situation she had managed to land herself in, addressing the problem also meant acknowledging that she would inevitably have to do the dreaded mature thing. It probably went against some rule of her profession, the kind of rule that was chiseled in stone, don’t sleep with your students, Maddy supposed in her case the rule was more aptly articulated as don’t keep her in your class. The idea of having Lyndsay withdraw from her course was not the kind of idea she wanted to entertain, but alas, she wasn’t sure she had a choice.
One of the humanities professors could definitely talk her ear off about the ethic and moral implications of keeping a student she has had sex with, in her class, not to mention the unavoidable imbalance of power and undoubted preferential treatment. Things worked so much better when they were just two strangers who met in a bar.
Maddy managed to distract herself for a few minutes by shutting down the projector and tugging on the extendable projector screen, sending the thing zipping loudly around the spool like a big hysterical window shade. As she worked she began to think of other courses Lyndsay could take as an alternative, she was an English major, there was certainly a number of literature courses and credits she needed to meet. Courses, preferably she did not teach. Walking back over to the podium, Maddy drummed her fingers against the wood as she signed out of her school account and waited for the device to shut down. 
Glimpsing a peek in Lyndsay’s direction over the edge of the desktop, despite her better judgement, her eyes greedily soaked up the sight of the brunette after denying herself for nearly the entire class duration. And damn, it was like drinking water after wasting away in the desert, except in Maddox’s case it wasn’t her tongue that was growing wet. She vaguely registered Lyndsay passing a scrap of paper to another student, Everly, she recalled. 
A brief stab of jealousy burned in her chest as she watched Everly accept the piece of paper with a smile, wondering if Lyndsay had written in that pretty bubbly cursive or if she had curled the tail of the y into a heart...
Subtly shaking her head at the hilarity of her own thought process, Maddy swore beneath her breath, whether or not Lyndsay was interested in other people shouldn’t have been her first priority. Still, Maddy gave the girl a soft reflexive smile as she passed by the front desk on her way out of the classroom. Leaving the professor with the haunting realization that she and Lyndsay were the only two remaining in the room. She pretended to be busy on the desktop, despite the screen being inactive, her ears attuned to subtle squeak of Lyndsay’s shoes as the brunette grew closer and closer to the front desk.
“come here often?”
Maddy glanced up at the sound of that sweet voice, all pretense of maintaining an aloof, professional composure disintegrating as soon her gaze met those big blue eyes. Swallowing to wet her dry throat as her stare lingered for longer than what any rational person would consider appropriate on those full raspberry red lips.
Fuck, the blonde thought to herself, this wasn’t going to be easy was it?
“Often enough to get a paycheck.” Maddy replied, not entirely able to stifle the urge to fidget.
“So, I was thinking,” Maddy began, eager not to let the short silence that had bloomed between them to stretch on any longer, “The window to withdraw from the class should be open for at least the first week of classes, and I’ve got a friend in the department who is teaching a 19th century women’s literature course. I’m pretty sure it meets the same criteria credits wise as this course, so you wouldn’t really be wasting the semester, I can send her an email to add you to her roster.” Maddy explained, nervously twiddling her thumbs as she awaited a response.
This semester is really going to suck without you, Maddy thought as she stared at the brunette.
It was hard to care or be particularly invested in discussion with her new batch of students, particularly when it seemed like getting answers from them was like pulling teeth; that and she already knew who her favorite was. Still, Maddy figured the only way to make things more bearable was to give it her all, and ignore the beautiful, incredibly distracting elephant in the room. Lyndsay didn’t have to do much, Maddy quickly surmised, just pensively chew the enticing swell of her raspberry red bottom lip and bat those pretty eyelashes and the young professor was practically drooling and tripping over her own feet, which quite honestly she did enough on her own time.
“Alright, show of hands, how many English majors do I have in here?” Maddy asked, unsurprised when an achingly familiar hand flagged in her peripheral, because of course Lyndsay was an English major. It was embarrassing really that she hadn’t pieced two and two together until now. Because the odds of her running into an individual who could actively hold a conversation about literature, at a bar not far off from campus and not have said individual be a student in the English department was high - or low? There was a reason she preferred letters to numbers, regardless the fact of the matter was hindsight was 20/20 and it was so ridiculously obvious that Lyndsay was a student; her student. Maddy might have hopefully chalked it up to a cruel joke, but there she was Lyndsay with a y on her student roster. This was really happening, huh?
A few more hands joined Lyndsay’s, bobbing in the air, not many, but still more than she was used to having, hopefully the rest of the English majors in the class were as competent as Lyndsay.
“Okay, so a couple…” Maddy commented with a contemplative nod of her head, her eyes careening over toward the little brunette in the corner.
“That’s fine by me, I’m still holding all of my non-english majors to the same standard, I’m not necessarily looking for flawless execution, but do know that I do expect effort out you.”
Strolling over to the computer which had thankfully not logged her out, like some of the school’s devices were known for doing, Maddy found the remote to the projector installed on the ceiling and waited as the device booted up. Walking back to the whiteboard, spotting the projector screen, the young professor lifted herself up on the tips of her toes as she pulled down the blank white screen by the handle. The screen flashed blue as the projector hummed and blinked to life. Leaning against the podium, Maddy regarded her rather bored looking students, as well as the one who was far too interested…
“So, while that dinosaur gets going, why don’t we talk house rules?” Maddy suggested, talking the general underwhelming reaction as a green light to continue.
“Lateness policy and office hours, pretty standard stuff, which is also on the syllabus, but it doesn’t hurt to cover it twice. By the way, you all received my email, right? If you have no clue what I’m talking about, then give me an updated email I contact you at.” She explained, watching the impassive faces, some blinked lazily, others seemed preoccupied with the task of pulling out their laptops, likely in search of her email. Glancing back at the projector screen, Maddy was pleased to find the thing had actually booted up quicker than usual, thank god, the sooner they could get through this, the sooner she could deal with the infinitely more pressing matter. Having opened the syllabus link prior to turning on the projector, the screen now displayed the document on the screen.
“Alright,” Maddy began, “Office hours, like I said, if you feel like you need to meet with me to go over any assignments or just need some input, catch me on campus or shoot me an email, I try to respond relatively quickly.” The young professor scrolled on through the document, pausing briefly to read out the very canned course description, hopefully they all knew what they were signing up for. Inadvertently peeking over the edge of the desktop, Maddy caught a glimpse of Lyndsay and those big, beautiful blue eyes, brows furrowed with the same intensity and focus the brunette had employed when she had been eating her-
“Professor?” Turning as the sound of her title, Maddy tried to suppress a shiver as a trickle of heat bloomed between her legs, fuck.
“Yeah?” Maddy said, addressing her attention to the young lady glancing between herself and the syllabus displayed on the board.
“Under course materials you have some books listed, do we have to get all of them?” The girl asked, seeming far too inconvenienced by the idea.
“Remind me of your name, please.” Maddy insisted.
“Everly.” The girl said quickly, Maddox quickly determined that she wouldn’t be forgetting Everly any time soon.
“Okay, Everly, this is a literature class,” Maddy began, unintentionally arousing a few stifled laughs, “I didn’t mean that as joke,” She amended quickly, though Maddy feared the damage might’ve already been done, “I’m simply saying we do need the actual literature for this class, if you can find the right editions of the texts online, or for a reduced fee, by all means I’ll allow that, as long as you have access to all of the titles listed on the syllabus.” Maddy elaborated with a nod, catching a glimpse of Lyndsay scribbling something in a notebook, in that adorable bubbly cursive no doubt. The thought sent another rush of heat between the professor’s legs.
Get it together, Mads, she thought to herself, she wasn’t sure how she was going to handle a full semester of this if she could hardly endure a handful of minutes without getting soaked.
“That goes for everyone here,” Maddy continued, directing the spotlight from Everly to the entire class, “It’s the start of the semester and the bookstore is going to be backed up with orders, so if you can find the texts online or on Amazon or something, go for it.”
Scrolling further down through the document, Maddy paused on an aptly named section.
“The one I’m sure you’ve all been waiting for,” Maddy began with a small laugh, drumming her fingers against the wood comically, “My lateness policy.”
“Alright, show of hands, how many English majors do I have in here?”
Lyndsay’s hand was in the air almost immediately, not wanting Maddy to think she wasn’t serious about her choice in degree. She wasn’t someone who choose English randomly or under any misconception that it was an easy-A type degree. For her, literature and writing, they were a passion that she was determined to see fulfilled.
“[…] but do know that I do expect effort out you.”
Lyndsay really thought that shouldn’t need to be said, but the slight nervous shifting and small uneasy chuckles behind her in the back of the classroom told the young woman found that it apparently did need to be said. How sad it was that they’d settled for coasting through secondary school. They were sure to be shocked by the demands of college. Lyndsay, however, had always taken her education super seriously, no matter where they’d found themselves, and so she wasn’t too worried about the demands of college.
A few minutes later, one of the young women in the back of the class unknowingly proved Lyndsay’s upspoken theory by asking whether they needed to purchase all the books listed in the syllabus. Seriously? Lyndsay thought, rolling her eyes uncharitably, it’s a fucking literature class!
As soon as the unkind thought entered her mind though, Lyndsay felt bad. That wasn’t nice of her. She didn’t know what her fellow student was had been and was currently going through. She’d no right to judge any other person.
Of course, when Maddy’s answer to the curious student mirrored Lyndsay’s own mental response (sans the meanness and inappropriate cuss words,) the English major couldn’t help grinning for a few seconds. Great minds think alike, she thought before smothering her smile behind her hand. When Maddy said, ‘if you can find the right editions of the texts online, or for a reduced fee, by all means I’ll allow that,’ a way to rebalance her karmic scales after her unkind thought, occurred to Lyndsay.  Picking up her pen, Lyndsay jotted down her name, cellphone number, and dorm number and tore it off.  
The rest of the class went by as usual first class always did and soon enough they were being dismissed. While everyone else was packing up their stuff, Lyndsay approached Everly. “Which books do you not have?”
For a several seconds the other student looked disquieted by her rather blunt approach, but Lyndsay didn’t want to talk too long. She didn’t want to risk letting Maddy slip out before they could chat. They clearly had to.
“Uh, yeah, the most two expensive ones, of course,” Everly admitted, slightly sheepish as her eyes dropped to the ground, “I mean, it’s just criminal what they charge for textbooks. Then there’s the ‘recommended reading…”
“Yeah, it’s insane.” Lyndsay agreed, “well, I got all of them and I-uh-read really fast so just text me and once I’m done with the chapter/book/whatever, you can borrow whatever you don’t have.” Everly thanked her, took the piece of paper and then only Lyndsay & Maddy remained.
“So,” the brunette said making her way towards the front of the class, “come here often?”
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It was hard to care or be particularly invested in discussion with her new batch of students, particularly when it seemed like getting answers from them was like pulling teeth; that and she already knew who her favorite was. Still, Maddy figured the only way to make things more bearable was to give it her all, and ignore the beautiful, incredibly distracting elephant in the room. Lyndsay didn't have to do much, Maddy quickly surmised, just pensively chew the enticing swell of her raspberry red bottom lip and bat those pretty eyelashes and the young professor was practically drooling and tripping over her own feet, which quite honestly she did enough on her own time.
“Alright, show of hands, how many English majors do I have in here?” Maddy asked, unsurprised when an achingly familiar hand flagged in her peripheral, because of course Lyndsay was an English major. It was embarrassing really that she hadn’t pieced two and two together until now. Because the odds of her running into an individual who could actively hold a conversation about literature, at a bar not far off from campus and not have said individual be a student in the English department was high - or low? There was a reason she preferred letters to numbers, regardless the fact of the matter was hindsight was 20/20 and it was so ridiculously obvious that Lyndsay was a student; her student. Maddy might have hopefully chalked it up to a cruel joke, but there she was Lyndsay with a y on her student roster. This was really happening, huh?
A few more hands joined Lyndsay’s, bobbing in the air, not many, but still more than she was used to having, hopefully the rest of the English majors in the class were as competent as Lyndsay.
“Okay, so a couple...” Maddy commented with a contemplative nod of her head, her eyes careening over toward the little brunette in the corner.
“That’s fine by me, I’m still holding all of my non-english majors to the same standard, I’m not necessarily looking for flawless execution, but do know that I do expect effort out you.”
Strolling over to the computer which had thankfully not logged her out, like some of the school’s devices were known for doing, Maddy found the remote to the projector installed on the ceiling and waited as the device booted up. Walking back to the whiteboard, spotting the projector screen, the young professor lifted herself up on the tips of her toes as she pulled down the blank white screen by the handle. The screen flashed blue as the projector hummed and blinked to life. Leaning against the podium, Maddy regarded her rather bored looking students, as well as the one who was far too interested...
“So, while that dinosaur gets going, why don’t we talk house rules?” Maddy suggested, talking the general underwhelming reaction as a green light to continue.
“Lateness policy and office hours, pretty standard stuff, which is also on the syllabus, but it doesn't hurt to cover it twice. By the way, you all received my email, right? If you have no clue what I’m talking about, then give me an updated email I contact you at.” She explained, watching the impassive faces, some blinked lazily, others seemed preoccupied with the task of pulling out their laptops, likely in search of her email. Glancing back at the projector screen, Maddy was pleased to find the thing had actually booted up quicker than usual, thank god, the sooner they could get through this, the sooner she could deal with the infinitely more pressing matter. Having opened the syllabus link prior to turning on the projector, the screen now displayed the document on the screen.
“Alright,” Maddy began, “Office hours, like I said, if you feel like you need to meet with me to go over any assignments or just need some input, catch me on campus or shoot me an email, I try to respond relatively quickly.” The young professor scrolled on through the document, pausing briefly to read out the very canned course description, hopefully they all knew what they were signing up for. Inadvertently peeking over the edge of the desktop, Maddy caught a glimpse of Lyndsay and those big, beautiful blue eyes, brows furrowed with the same intensity and focus the brunette had employed when she had been eating her-
“Professor?” Turning as the sound of her title, Maddy tried to suppress a shiver as a trickle of heat bloomed between her legs, fuck.
“Yeah?” Maddy said, addressing her attention to the young lady glancing between herself and the syllabus displayed on the board.
“Under course materials you have some books listed, do we have to get all of them?” The girl asked, seeming far too inconvenienced by the idea.
“Remind me of your name, please.” Maddy insisted.
“Everly.” The girl said quickly, Maddox quickly determined that she wouldn’t be forgetting Everly any time soon.
“Okay, Everly, this is a literature class,” Maddy began, unintentionally arousing a few stifled laughs, “I didn't mean that as joke,” She amended quickly, though Maddy feared the damage might’ve already been done, “I’m simply saying we do need the actual literature for this class, if you can find the right editions of the texts online, or for a reduced fee, by all means I’ll allow that, as long as you have access to all of the titles listed on the syllabus.” Maddy elaborated with a nod, catching a glimpse of Lyndsay scribbling something in a notebook, in that adorable bubbly cursive no doubt. The thought sent another rush of heat between the professor’s legs.
Get it together, Mads, she thought to herself, she wasn’t sure how she was going to handle a full semester of this if she could hardly endure a handful of minutes without getting soaked.
“That goes for everyone here,” Maddy continued, directing the spotlight from Everly to the entire class, “It’s the start of the semester and the bookstore is going to be backed up with orders, so if you can find the texts online or on Amazon or something, go for it.”
Scrolling further down through the document, Maddy paused on an aptly named section.
“The one I’m sure you’ve all been waiting for,” Maddy began with a small laugh, drumming her fingers against the wood comically, “My lateness policy.”
Meet the Teacher: Maddox & Lyndsay
Maddy took the stairs two at time, of course her 8 AM class was on the third floor. Some onlookers seemed exhilarated by the amount of energy she seemed to be displaying at such an early hour, but Maddy couldn’t afford to be distracted. This was the first and last fucking time she decided to bike in to school, at least until the new wave of freshmen learned how to not clog up the school’s entryway.
“Hey, Professor Fletcher?” A voice called distantly, a former student she noted as she looked in the direction of the voice, shifting her weight from foot to foot in an effort not to lose her momentum.
“Yeah?” Maddy asked in return, not wanting to rebuff the young man, but still making an effort to show she clearly had somewhere to be.
“I still need that letter of recommendation-” Maddy hissed as she remembered the post-it note she had stuck on her laptop to remind herself, damn it she could be so oblivious sometimes.
“I’ll get it to you by the end of the day.” She assured with a nod and a shaky thumbs up before taking off once more. Back up the stairs, hopping and maneuvering through the other hurried throngs of latecomers.
Her messenger bag slapped against her side with each leap she took, there was a consistency it, that and the squeak of her Vans against the floor as she skidded around the corner. Exhaling a breath, Maddy continued her path down the hall towards her classroom, raking a hand through her white-blonde curls in an attempt to tame them, she was quick to push open the door to the classroom. The entry of a new person into the classroom was enough to draw almost every eye in the room, some students were preoccupied on their phones, other zombified from the early hour. God, 8 AM classes were always a mixed bag.
“You’re all here for Professor Fletcher’s class right?” Maddy asked a little out of breath, envious of the students that were sipping at some iced coffee. What she wouldn’t give for some coffee at the moment.
“Yeah,” One man said, his lips quirked in a frown, “but if this guy’s not here in another 5 minutes, we get to leave.” Maddy gave a tight lipped smile before pushing farther into the room, her name tag was clipped to her belt and likely covered by her messenger bag. Still, as far as first impressions went, she wasn’t a fan of this guy. 
Shrugging off her bag, she placed it on the desk at the front of the room, only earning a few stares as she went - it seemed no one had caught on yet. Staring at the whiteboard, Maddy grimaced upon the discovery that two of the markers resting on the metal frame of the whiteboard were dead. By some stroke of the luck the third and last available marker still had some juice left into it. Letting out a sigh, Maddy began to write the course info on the board.
“You’re all here for this class, right?” Maddy asked, turning on her heel to survey her audience. She was greeted with some raised brows and wide eyes, she guessed she might not fit everyone’s version of what a professor looked like in their heads - what with her blazer and t-shirt underneath and her bleached white-blonde curls.
Strolling with ease to the podium beside the desk, Maddy drummed her fingers against the wood as she waited for the desktop on the podium to boot up. These damn computers could be so slow sometimes, but, she needed to use it to take attendance.
“First we’ll take roll call and then we can get into the syllabus, today will be an abbreviated session.” She announced, noting out of the corner of her eye, the guy from earlier seemed to sink into his seat a little.
The computer booted up pretty quickly, thankfully not making her look any more unprofessional than her late arrival had. She had a decent sized class for such a small college. She went through the list, doing her best of sticking faces to names.
“Sophia Larson?” She called, perking her head up at the soft spoken ‘here’ that followed.
“Michael Lewis?” Maddy called, quickly recalling the face of the man who had been oh so friendly upon her entry. He gave a sheepish lift of his hand and an even quieter ‘here’.
Maddy’s gaze refocused on the list of names on the screen, smiling briefly at the name that followed.
That’s funny, she thought to herself, Lyndsay with a y, just like earlier…
“Lyndsay Marno?” Maddy called, her stomach a bit fluttery at the memory of the brunette from the bar with soft lips and pretty handwriting, glancing up at the raised hand, the flutter in her stomach turned violent as her gaze landed on-
No, no - holy shit, this is actually happening. This had to be every professors worst nightmare, that or getting untenured.
Maddox felt her breath fleet from her lungs as her gaze met those big blue eyes, oh god, her tongue felt dry and rubbery in her mouth. Shaking her head, the professor was quick to rattle of the short handful of names that remained on the list. Submitting her attendance list, Maddy strolled back around towards the front of the desk, attempting to seem casual despite the feverish thump of her heart.
“Alright, so as you’ve figured out, I’m your professor - Maddox is a pretty unusual name, so most folks call me Maddy. If you’re trying to get my attention most times, it’s probably not going to register in my brain unless you say my name. I know I worked hard on my degrees, so I should happily wear the title of professor, but it is what it is.” She said with a small shrug, earning a couple chuckles.
Leaning back against the desk, her legs crossed at the ankles she gazed out at the class, making a conscious effort not to let her eyes linger on Lyndsay despite how badly she wanted to.
“So, I’d love to hear about you guys, then we’ll get into the boring stuff.”
Lyndsay offered the harried barista a soft smile as she placed the breakfast smoothie on the pick-up counter. “Thanks,” she said softly, aware that freshman working behind the counter was about to be bombarded with all the students unfortunate enough to have gotten stuck with morning classes.
The young woman had no doubt that the morning rush was filled with grumpy, half-asleep, whiny children with unreasonable demands and shitty attitudes. It was not a task that the future novelist envied; she did, however, slip a five dollar bill into the tip jar on her way out of the campus coffee shop.
She shrugged her used messenger bag up her shoulder before picking up her pace. The last thing she wanted was to be late for the first day of the only course she actually wanted to take this semester. Professor Fletcher was the pride of the English department and most of what Lyndsay had heard from her fellow English majors was positive. Apparently the professor had high expectations, but Lyndsay liked a challenge.  The brunette didn’t want the professor’s first impression of her to be ‘the girl who arrived late.’
Skidding to a stop in front of the classroom that she’d remembered from her  class schedule was the location of Professor Fletcher’s course, her tennis shoes making a terrible sound in the process. Pulling open the door, Lyndsay entered the classroom and scanned the seats for an open spot, finding one, she made her way over to it and removed her bag from her shoulder to place it on the attached desktop before sitting down.
After unpacking the bag, Lyndsay pulled her iPhone from her pocket. Lighting up the screen, the young woman felt a small stab of disappointment at not seeing a missed call on her screen. She quickly buried that feeling though; it was unreasonable of her to hope that Maddy would have called her already. It had only been a few hours since they parted… If she called at all. Chill, Lynd, chill.
With nothing else to do but await the beginning of class, Lyndsay flitted between her social media accounts idly, not really engaging with it. She wasn’t really active with social media, but it was decent time-waster.
“You’re all here for this class, right?”
Hearing the sound of a melodic voice at the front of the classroom, commanding attention, the young woman quickly flipped on Airplane mode before setting the phone face down on the desk. Looking up, Lyndsay’s eyes widened. Maddy?
Oh no. Oh, she’d really fucked up this time.  Only she could manage to screw her professor before classes had even begun. Guess I don’t have to worry about my first impression…
“Lyndsay Marno?”
Trained by years of practice of roll-call in secondary school, Lyndsay put her hand in the air out of instinct. Lyndsay had to consciously suppress the urge to shiver when she met the professor’s ice-blue gaze. The young woman felt like a deer in headlights. What’s she thinking? Lyndsay wondered, biting at the inside of her bottom lip in nervousness.
Thankfully the moment passed and roll-call continued on, but Lyndsay’s mind was a whirl. What were the chances that the sexy older woman she’d met at the bar with the charming laugh and killer body, was also the one professor she’d been looking forward to learning from? It had to be astronomical, didn’t it?
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Meet the Teacher: Maddox & Lyndsay
Maddy took the stairs two at time, of course her 8 AM class was on the third floor. Some onlookers seemed exhilarated by the amount of energy she seemed to be displaying at such an early hour, but Maddy couldn’t afford to be distracted. This was the first and last fucking time she decided to bike in to school, at least until the new wave of freshmen learned how to not clog up the school’s entryway.
“Hey, Professor Fletcher?” A voice called distantly, a former student she noted as she looked in the direction of the voice, shifting her weight from foot to foot in an effort not to lose her momentum.
“Yeah?” Maddy asked in return, not wanting to rebuff the young man, but still making an effort to show she clearly had somewhere to be.
“I still need that letter of recommendation-” Maddy hissed as she remembered the post-it note she had stuck on her laptop to remind herself, damn it she could be so oblivious sometimes.
“I’ll get it to you by the end of the day.” She assured with a nod and a shaky thumbs up before taking off once more. Back up the stairs, hopping and maneuvering through the other hurried throngs of latecomers.
Her messenger bag slapped against her side with each leap she took, there was a consistency it, that and the squeak of her Vans against the floor as she skidded around the corner. Exhaling a breath, Maddy continued her path down the hall towards her classroom, raking a hand through her white-blonde curls in an attempt to tame them, she was quick to push open the door to the classroom. The entry of a new person into the classroom was enough to draw almost every eye in the room, some students were preoccupied on their phones, other zombified from the early hour. God, 8 AM classes were always a mixed bag.
“You’re all here for Professor Fletcher’s class right?” Maddy asked a little out of breath, envious of the students that were sipping at some iced coffee. What she wouldn’t give for some coffee at the moment.
“Yeah,” One man said, his lips quirked in a frown, “but if this guy’s not here in another 5 minutes, we get to leave.” Maddy gave a tight lipped smile before pushing farther into the room, her name tag was clipped to her belt and likely covered by her messenger bag. Still, as far as first impressions went, she wasn’t a fan of this guy. 
Shrugging off her bag, she placed it on the desk at the front of the room, only earning a few stares as she went - it seemed no one had caught on yet. Staring at the whiteboard, Maddy grimaced upon the discovery that two of the markers resting on the metal frame of the whiteboard were dead. By some stroke of the luck the third and last available marker still had some juice left into it. Letting out a sigh, Maddy began to write the course info on the board.
“You’re all here for this class, right?” Maddy asked, turning on her heel to survey her audience. She was greeted with some raised brows and wide eyes, she guessed she might not fit everyone’s version of what a professor looked like in their heads - what with her blazer and t-shirt underneath and her bleached white-blonde curls.
Strolling with ease to the podium beside the desk, Maddy drummed her fingers against the wood as she waited for the desktop on the podium to boot up. These damn computers could be so slow sometimes, but, she needed to use it to take attendance.
“First we’ll take roll call and then we can get into the syllabus, today will be an abbreviated session.” She announced, noting out of the corner of her eye, the guy from earlier seemed to sink into his seat a little.
The computer booted up pretty quickly, thankfully not making her look any more unprofessional than her late arrival had. She had a decent sized class for such a small college. She went through the list, doing her best of sticking faces to names.
“Sophia Larson?” She called, perking her head up at the soft spoken ‘here’ that followed.
“Michael Lewis?” Maddy called, quickly recalling the face of the man who had been oh so friendly upon her entry. He gave a sheepish lift of his hand and an even quieter ‘here’.
Maddy’s gaze refocused on the list of names on the screen, smiling briefly at the name that followed.
That’s funny, she thought to herself, Lyndsay with a y, just like earlier...
“Lyndsay Marno?” Maddy called, her stomach a bit fluttery at the memory of the brunette from the bar with soft lips and pretty handwriting, glancing up at the raised hand, the flutter in her stomach turned violent as her gaze landed on-
No, no - holy shit, this is actually happening. This had to be every professors worst nightmare, that or getting untenured.
Maddox felt her breath fleet from her lungs as her gaze met those big blue eyes, oh god, her tongue felt dry and rubbery in her mouth. Shaking her head, the professor was quick to rattle of the short handful of names that remained on the list. Submitting her attendance list, Maddy strolled back around towards the front of the desk, attempting to seem casual despite the feverish thump of her heart.
“Alright, so as you’ve figured out, I’m your professor - Maddox is a pretty unusual name, so most folks call me Maddy. If you’re trying to get my attention most times, it’s probably not going to register in my brain unless you say my name. I know I worked hard on my degrees, so I should happily wear the title of professor, but it is what it is.” She said with a small shrug, earning a couple chuckles.
Leaning back against the desk, her legs crossed at the ankles she gazed out at the class, making a conscious effort not to let her eyes linger on Lyndsay despite how badly she wanted to.
“So, I’d love to hear about you guys, then we’ll get into the boring stuff.”
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Maddy sat in the dimly lit solitude of her office, her legs folded up in her chair with her MacBook balanced on her knees despite the presence of her desk. The meeting had been fine - boring, but fine - and the cinnamon raisin bagel she had snagged was decent enough (and free to boot) to make the meeting worth her while, she supposed. The empty email stared back at her, the long list of student emails accounts had been inputed in the top bar of the draft. It was hard to focus, she would admit she wasn’t really making much of an attempt at the moment. 
There was an eerie warmth that tingled across her lips, which she was certain hadn’t resulted from her bagel, she had been too lazy to toast the damn thing, no, the warmth that stole across her lips was the result of an entirely different culprit. Her fingers traced across the swell of her lips, shivering at the sensation, recalling the warmth of the woman’s lips on hers - Lyndsay, as Maddy had been informed, which was apparently spelled with a y instead of an i and somehow all the more sexy as a result. The kiss Lyndsay had bestowed on her had been a fleeting affair, much like their night together, yet there was an invitation in it too as well, the simple press of their lips spelled out ‘goodbye’, yet implied so much more. So much more that Maddy was eager to investigate.
The tempting square of paper was practically burning a hole into the pocket of her jeans, shaking in her hands when she freed it from its prison. The hotel’s name was printed across the top, creases in a squarish pattern lined the rectangular sheet of paper. Written in with the cheap ballpoint, unsurprisingly also bearing the name of the hotel, that had laid beside it on the nightstand in the hotel room. Lyndsay had written her name in a cute bubbly cursive, the tail of the final y looping sweetly into a heart, which admittedly made Maddy’s stomach do something funny. Her number was written underneath, in equally bubbly numbers - somehow even her penmanship was attractive.
Give me a call sometime, if you want.
Maddy gave a hum as she stared down at the piece of paper in her grasp, recalling the words Lyndsay had said to her. And damn it, it had only been a few hours since she and the brunette had been up in their shared hotel room and it was already taking effort not to call her. 
Reaching for the tape dispenser on her desk, Maddy pulled a small tab of tape from the dispenser, tearing the length of tape and immediately sticking it to page with Lyndsay’s number. Sticking the page to the wall above her desk, Maddy marveled at the cute bubbly handwriting once more. Snagging a sharpie from her desk, while also balancing her laptop on her knees was quite the task, but the young professor managed to achieve it. She could swing a stick in her office and inevitably hit a half-used stack of post-it’s. Snagging a colorful little square, Maddy uncapped the marker with her teeth before quickly writing the words ‘call Lyndsay’ across the brightly  colored square. Capping the marker, Maddy shifted her weight, rising up onto her knees, laptop in one hand, with her post-it the other, before slapping the colorful square atop the paper with Lyndsay’s number. The placement was a little crooked, but the sentiment was still there.
Once she found her footing this semester, she’d be sure to give the pretty brunette a call. The company was too good to not take up the invitation.
Plopping back down in her seat, her laptop returning to its position balanced precariously on her knees, resuming her staring contest with the blank email. Casting a brief glance up at Lyndsay’s number, the professor reminded herself that she would call her, the thought alone was enough to sweeten her mood. Like a carrot on a stick, dangling before her, the number represented a treat she supposed, something she could only indulge in after addressing her other responsibilities - like the stupid email. Before she knew it, her fingers were flying across the keys and she had typed a short but sweet introductory email. She hated when emails dragged on. Ending the email with her signature, Professor Maddox Fletcher.
Moments before sending the email, Maddy remembered to attach the syllabus as a document the students could download. She was trying to go paperless after all.
Rereading the entirety of the message a few times, the young professor deemed it worthy of being sent, sucking in a quick breath, she hit ‘send’ - only exhaling as her laptop made a little ‘whoosh’ sound. Now, all she could do was wait, wait for the semester to start.
“Fuck.” Maddox murmured in long exhale.
“You aren’t sneaking off on me without a word, are you?”
Maddy had been frozen stiff like a deer in headlights, all panic of being late to work sort of melting away as the warm body she had been snuggling with mere moments ago was standing bare and tempting before her. It was hard to be worried about anything when faced with a pair of round, youthful breasts - all plump and pretty. All she wanted to do in that moment was drag her partner back down on the bed for some mind-blowing morning sex, though, Maddy supposed if they had sex again that no longer made it a one-night stand. The thought wasn’t as off-putting as it usually was, after the night she had, had, she was tempted by the idea of going a few more rounds.
“Wow.” Maddy said in a quiet exhale, marveling at the body before her, it was one thing to grope at a beautiful body in the dark, while drunk, but it was another thing entirely to appreciate it, unabashedly sober, in the light of day. Oh, but she wanted to appreciate every inch of her, just for a little while longer. Crouched down, she was quick to snatch up the pair of black boyshorts she had been wearing the night before where they laid abandoned on the floor, shimmying the dark fabric up her legs to cover up herself up.
Fair was fair she supposed as she rose to her full height, sinewy arms down at her sides as she regarded the young woman. The defined muscles of her stomach drawn taut as she was on display.
“No, I have plenty of words…” Maddy said with a little hum, rocking on the balls of her feet at little nervously, “It would’ve been a glowing review, actually.” She tacked on, though immediately wincing at her words.
That was stupid, Maddy - I’m sure she thinks you’re hilarious, give her 5 stars her like she’s some inanimate object. 
It was hard to fight a frown as her companion put on her bra, seemingly eager to be dressed and on with her life. But, she was big girl and admittedly had things of her own to attend deal with. A moment or two passed and she felt the tingle of those big blue eyes sweeping over her.
“Have you seen my top…”
I’m right here, gorgeous, Maddy thought to herself, trying not to think too hard on the innocent use of the word.
“[…] or my skirt for that matter?”
“Uh, yeah, right here I think.” Maddy murmured, as she bent over to collect a garment from the ground, dusting off some nonexistent lint from the fabric before handing the skirt back to its owner. She spotted her jeans thrown over a lampshade behind the other woman. Stepping around her with a gently uttered ‘excuse me’ Maddy grabbed her pants before shimmying into them and doing up the fly. Maddy did her damndest not to peek as the brunette slipped into the slimming little pencil skirt, showing off those long pale legs. Her gaze instinctively flickering up the to her pretty face, lingering knowingly on those pillowy pink lips, shivering at the memory of what those full lips and agile wet tongue could do.
Now is seriously not the time to be thinking about that…
Spotting her t-shirt thrown onto a chair across the room, Maddox was quick to tug the loose fitting garment on over her head, covering her naked chest. Not far off from where she found her own shirt, was the discarded blouse belonging to the brown haired bombshell she had spent the night with.
“Found it.” Maddy exclaimed, handing the top back with a small smirk.
Beyond her better judgement, she couldn’t not talk about last night, “Listen,” she began, her eyes raking over the woman she had shared the night with once more, “you were incredible last night, and as much as I would love to hang around a little longer, I’ve got work stuff to take care of.”
In hindsight Maddy thought perhaps that sounded like an excuse, though she was entirely sure, if she didn’t have to go to work at the moment, she wouldn’t.
“It was great getting to know you.” She added, her nose scrunching at how formulaic the words might’ve seemed. Still, it had been good fun getting to knock boots with the pretty brunette from the bar, but also indulge in some shop talk during their discussion on Jane Austen, while crunching on peanuts and sipping beers.
To say that Lyndsay was distracted was the understatement of the century. How could she not be? There was a beautifully sculpted body before her. The fact that her previous night’s paramour had a defined six-pack was both mouth-watering and a little self-shaming too. Lyndsay really needed to start working out more diligently, Instead she’d spent her summer working to earn enough money to pay for the coming semester; a consequence of which was that any semblance of a gym-routine fell by the wayside. Self-shame aside though, Lyndsay happily appreciated the chance to enjoy the vision of beauty that was Maddy’s form.
“It would’ve been a glowing review, actually.”
Lyndsay laughed good-naturedly at that, “Glad to hear it. I’d give you a enthusiastic review too, you know if such a thing was an actual thing.” Taking her shirt from the other woman’s hand with a soft, ‘thanks,’ before slipping it on. She situated the fabric carefully, not wanting to pull out any seams or anything.
“Listen, […]  I’ve got work stuff to take care of.”
As soon as the word ‘listen’ left the other woman’s lips, Lyndsay prepared herself for the brush off. This wasn’t the young woman’s first one-night stand; she knew the drill well enough. “Yeah, no worries.” Waving off the excuse with a flick of her hand and a soft smile, Lyndsay said, “Mondays are always a bitch.”
Finding a note pad on the nightstand, the brunette scribbled down her first name and number. She peeled the page off the pad and folded it in half.
“It was great getting to know you.”
Spotting her heels, she went over and slipped them on before returning to Maddy’s side. She pressed a parting kiss to Maddy’s plump lips,  “You too,” the young woman said, holding out the paper between two fingers, “Give me a call sometime, if you want.”
With that parting line, Lyndsay left the hotel room behind her. She had a long day ahead of her, but at least she had a skip in her step.
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“You aren’t sneaking off on me without a word, are you?”
Maddy had been frozen stiff like a deer in headlights, all panic of being late to work sort of melting away as the warm body she had been snuggling with mere moments ago was standing bare and tempting before her. It was hard to be worried about anything when faced with a pair of round, youthful breasts - all plump and pretty. All she wanted to do in that moment was drag her partner back down on the bed for some mind-blowing morning sex, though, Maddy supposed if they had sex again that no longer made it a one-night stand. The thought wasn’t as off-putting as it usually was, after the night she had, had, she was tempted by the idea of going a few more rounds.
“Wow.” Maddy said in a quiet exhale, marveling at the body before her, it was one thing to grope at a beautiful body in the dark, while drunk, but it was another thing entirely to appreciate it, unabashedly sober, in the light of day. Oh, but she wanted to appreciate every inch of her, just for a little while longer. Crouched down, she was quick to snatch up the pair of black boyshorts she had been wearing the night before where they laid abandoned on the floor, shimmying the dark fabric up her legs to cover up herself up.
Fair was fair she supposed as she rose to her full height, sinewy arms down at her sides as she regarded the young woman. The defined muscles of her stomach drawn taut as she was on display.
“No, I have plenty of words...” Maddy said with a little hum, rocking on the balls of her feet at little nervously, “It would’ve been a glowing review, actually.” She tacked on, though immediately wincing at her words.
That was stupid, Maddy - I’m sure she thinks you’re hilarious, give her 5 stars her like she's some inanimate object. 
It was hard to fight a frown as her companion put on her bra, seemingly eager to be dressed and on with her life. But, she was big girl and admittedly had things of her own to attend deal with. A moment or two passed and she felt the tingle of those big blue eyes sweeping over her.
“Have you seen my top…”
I’m right here, gorgeous, Maddy thought to herself, trying not to think too hard on the innocent use of the word.
“[...] or my skirt for that matter?”
“Uh, yeah, right here I think.” Maddy murmured, as she bent over to collect a garment from the ground, dusting off some nonexistent lint from the fabric before handing the skirt back to its owner. She spotted her jeans thrown over a lampshade behind the other woman. Stepping around her with a gently uttered ‘excuse me’ Maddy grabbed her pants before shimmying into them and doing up the fly. Maddy did her damndest not to peek as the brunette slipped into the slimming little pencil skirt, showing off those long pale legs. Her gaze instinctively flickering up the to her pretty face, lingering knowingly on those pillowy pink lips, shivering at the memory of what those full lips and agile wet tongue could do.
Now is seriously not the time to be thinking about that...
Spotting her t-shirt thrown onto a chair across the room, Maddox was quick to tug the loose fitting garment on over her head, covering her naked chest. Not far off from where she found her own shirt, was the discarded blouse belonging to the brown haired bombshell she had spent the night with.
“Found it.” Maddy exclaimed, handing the top back with a small smirk.
Beyond her better judgement, she couldn’t not talk about last night, “Listen,” she began, her eyes raking over the woman she had shared the night with once more, “you were incredible last night, and as much as I would love to hang around a little longer, I’ve got work stuff to take care of.”
In hindsight Maddy thought perhaps that sounded like an excuse, though she was entirely sure, if she didn't have to go to work at the moment, she wouldn’t.
“It was great getting to know you.” She added, her nose scrunching at how formulaic the words might’ve seemed. Still, it had been good fun getting to knock boots with the pretty brunette from the bar, but also indulge in some shop talk during their discussion on Jane Austen, while crunching on peanuts and sipping beers.
Morning After: Maddox & Lyndsay
There was a welcoming warmth against her skin, a tempting mingling of body heat that reminded the young professor that she wasn’t alone in bed. The room wasn’t particularly cold, but there was a drowsy safety in the warm body beside her. Her bare shoulder surfaced in from beneath the sea of blankets, drawing a hiss from Maddy, the contrast in temperature heightened in her semi-conscious state urged her towards the blissfully warm skin splayed out before her.
A hum left her lips as she squirmed down beneath the pocket of heat bubbling beneath the covers, rumbling a pleased sound against the soft skin of the warm body’s neck, the generous curve of a rear pressed against her pelvis.
There was a lackadaisical energy that hung in the air, lulling in the way it seemed to siphon any urgency from the professor. Settling down, her previously rapidly cooling shoulder was now happily reheated in their intimate bubble of body heat. Sleep came naturally, sinewy arms looped lazily around the midsection of her blessedly warm companion.
They fit together nicely, Maddy thought, tingly limbs sparkling dully with pins and needles where they overlapped. Every now and again there would be a subtle shift, a drowsy sigh, an audible swallow wetting her parched throat, the unconscious jab of a pointed elbow against the soft part of her belly. All notes to the tune strung together under the darkness of the purplish morning sky.
A subtle chime joined in, inconsistent and too sharp in the company of all other soft sounds.
A soft nasally inhale sounded, the air smelled too clean…
The sleepy flutter of eyes crusted with sleep and mascara…
ding, ding-
“What the fu-OH” Maddy croaked, grimacing as her phone continued it’s irritating chime following every single notification. Her skin felt clammy with sweat and some of her cropped white-blonde hair hung in her face, her curls sort of smooshed from the way she had been sleeping. The sheets, while blissfully warm, felt a little too nice to be hers…
Blinking as her eyes adjusted to the dim light that filled the room, Maddox studied the pretty champagne colored curtains that she didn’t remember putting up. Sitting up in bed, the sheets pooled around her waist, chest bared to the air. Casting a glance down at the warm body beside her, pretty hair that smelled of vanilla spilled over the sheets, snippets of the previous night spiraled through her mind like a film on a reel.
Dainty fingers tapering into manicured nails pressed over enticing too-pink lips in an attempt to smother a peal of laughter, she had a radiant smile, her laughter arousing a cute forked vein in her forehead…
Maddy blinked, rubbing at her tired eyes-
She remembered smiling, bits of conversation garbled in her memory, her lover’s lips tasted sweetly of the strawberry flavored lipgloss she been wearing, her hands were impatient as they pulled at her, those manicured nails biting into her skin…
Right, she had gotten laid last night, and they were in hotel, which explained the unfamiliar decor.
The chime drawing Maddy’s attention and away from the tattered memory of the previous night. Her companion giving a small sleepy sound as another chime soon followed.  Those mewling too-pink lips looked just as nice without the added benefit of inebriation.
Feeling around the bed for her cellphone, the professor bit back the urge to swear out in annoyance when she remained empty handed. The chime sounded again, just as grating probably even more so than the other times. Stumbling out of bed, naked as the day she was born, Maddox mourned the loss of warmth as she searched for her cellphone. Finally finding the device on a table by the door.
Despite being awake, the brightness of the screen still earned a squint from the blonde as she scrolled through the sea of notifications. All of which were emails…from work
oh, shit, WORK-
That was right, the department was holding a meeting…one that she was probably late for. Scrounging the floor for her scattered clothing from the previous night like a mole looking for food, Maddox, paused at subtle squeak of the bed’s springs. Her little friend from the previous night was awake - wonderful.
Lyndsay was a light sleeper normally, and so she wasn’t surprised to find the shifting of the mattress was what awoke her, but she didn’t exactly remember how she’d gotten to bed. Much less how she ended up in a bed that wasn’t her own. The slight crinkle of the sheets below her cheek was her first clue. Her eyes struggled to open, weighed down by the heaviness of the mascara that lingered on her lashes, and she barely resisted the urge to rub at her eyes. She’d have to settle for blinking the fogginess from her vision.
She watched as her bed companion began to search the floor (presumably for her clothing.) Maddy, right? Lyndsay didn’t think anyone could forget that cropped white-blonde hair or that wicked smirk. It had certain caught Lyndsay’s attention the previous night. Searching her memory as hard as she could without making it known, she was awake just yet.
Her cheeks were tinged a charming pink as she gestured wide with passion.  Lyndsay was driven speechless. Lyndsay couldn’t totally remember which title inspired such enthusiasm, but she did recall that it was a book. Lyndsay had been thrown when the beautiful woman at the bar was as avid a reader as she was herself. It was always a big turn on for her when the beauty had brains to match. She also remembered that getting a room had been her idea; she had no regrets.
Sitting up in the bed slowly, she pulled the white sheet up to mid-chest instinctively, before clearing her throat and calling out teasingly, “You aren’t sneaking off on me without a word, are you?”
Sliding over to the nearest side of the bed, Lyndsay swung her legs off and scooped her panties off the floor. She slid the pair up her legs until they were on securely and then let the sheet drop. There was no need to be modest, right? Lyndsay’d had the blonde’s shapely legs over her shoulders last night, after all.
Having found her bra and doing the clasp with one hand, “Have you seen my top… or my skirt for that matter?”
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Morning After: Maddox & Lyndsay
There was a welcoming warmth against her skin, a tempting mingling of body heat that reminded the young professor that she wasn’t alone in bed. The room wasn’t particularly cold, but there was a drowsy safety in the warm body beside her. Her bare shoulder surfaced in from beneath the sea of blankets, drawing a hiss from Maddy, the contrast in temperature heightened in her semi-conscious state urged her towards the blissfully warm skin splayed out before her.
A hum left her lips as she squirmed down beneath the pocket of heat bubbling beneath the covers, rumbling a pleased sound against the soft skin of the warm body’s neck, the generous curve of a rear pressed against her pelvis.
There was a lackadaisical energy that hung in the air, lulling in the way it seemed to siphon any urgency from the professor. Settling down, her previously rapidly cooling shoulder was now happily reheated in their intimate bubble of body heat. Sleep came naturally, sinewy arms looped lazily around the midsection of her blessedly warm companion.
They fit together nicely, Maddy thought, tingly limbs sparkling dully with pins and needles where they overlapped. Every now and again there would be a subtle shift, a drowsy sigh, an audible swallow wetting her parched throat, the unconscious jab of a pointed elbow against the soft part of her belly. All notes to the tune strung together under the darkness of the purplish morning sky.
A subtle chime joined in, inconsistent and too sharp in the company of all other soft sounds.
A soft nasally inhale sounded, the air smelled too clean...
The sleepy flutter of eyes crusted with sleep and mascara...
ding, ding-
“What the fu-OH” Maddy croaked, grimacing as her phone continued it’s irritating chime following every single notification. Her skin felt clammy with sweat and some of her cropped white-blonde hair hung in her face, her curls sort of smooshed from the way she had been sleeping. The sheets, while blissfully warm, felt a little too nice to be hers...
Blinking as her eyes adjusted to the dim light that filled the room, Maddox studied the pretty champagne colored curtains that she didn’t remember putting up. Sitting up in bed, the sheets pooled around her waist, chest bared to the air. Casting a glance down at the warm body beside her, pretty hair that smelled of vanilla spilled over the sheets, snippets of the previous night spiraled through her mind like a film on a reel.
Dainty fingers tapering into manicured nails pressed over enticing too-pink lips in an attempt to smother a peal of laughter, she had a radiant smile, her laughter arousing a cute forked vein in her forehead...
Maddy blinked, rubbing at her tired eyes-
She remembered smiling, bits of conversation garbled in her memory, her lover’s lips tasted sweetly of the strawberry flavored lipgloss she been wearing, her hands were impatient as they pulled at her, those manicured nails biting into her skin...
Right, she had gotten laid last night, and they were in hotel, which explained the unfamiliar decor.
The chime drawing Maddy’s attention and away from the tattered memory of the previous night. Her companion giving a small sleepy sound as another chime soon followed.  Those mewling too-pink lips looked just as nice without the added benefit of inebriation.
Feeling around the bed for her cellphone, the professor bit back the urge to swear out in annoyance when she remained empty handed. The chime sounded again, just as grating probably even more so than the other times. Stumbling out of bed, naked as the day she was born, Maddox mourned the loss of warmth as she searched for her cellphone. Finally finding the device on a table by the door.
Despite being awake, the brightness of the screen still earned a squint from the blonde as she scrolled through the sea of notifications. All of which were emails...from work
oh, shit, WORK-
That was right, the department was holding a meeting...one that she was probably late for. Scrounging the floor for her scattered clothing from the previous night like a mole looking for food, Maddox, paused at subtle squeak of the bed’s springs. Her little friend from the previous night was awake - wonderful.
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