prismalizzeette · 2 years
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♡ ࣪ ִֶָ 𓄹Jin!𓄹 ࣪ ִֶָ ♡
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prismalizzeette · 2 years
Seokjin and his [REAL] lobster phone
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prismalizzeette · 2 years
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like or reblog please ♥︎
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prismalizzeette · 2 years
Jin 🍤
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prismalizzeette · 2 years
Сокджин и его любимое '✌'
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prismalizzeette · 2 years
Playground Love
Jin x Luna
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 1.4k
Luna and Jin have been dating for around 6 months. This night they found themselves out and around on a nice cool night. When the playground is in their sight, the children in them comes out. Jin then brings her home where they share a special moment and a quiet time together.
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"Race ya!" Luna says as she bolts away from Jin and runs to the playground. Jin chases after her and climbs up the slide instead of the ladder she opted for.
"I win!" Jin says as he stands at the top of the structure.
"Hey! Slides are for going down! You cheated." She yells standing up beside him. She crosses her arms and narrows her eyes at him.
"Since when is there a rule book?" He says elbowing her arm.
"Since now, it's rule number two, no going up slides."
"What's rule one then?" Jin asks leaning against the metal railing.
"The oldest kid always start as it for tag!" Luna says as she slides down the large twisting slide.
"Hey no fair!" Jin says pushing himself off the railing and following her down the slide. "Get back here!" He yells as he chases her around the playground.
Luna giggles like a child as she runs away from him, she rushes up the stairs and stands on the platform. Jin slows and stands in front of the platform she stands on. They both pant as they stare each other down. Jin sticks his arm through the bars and waves it around trying to hit her ankle. Luna squeals and jumps away from him. The couple laughs as Jin continues swinging his arm around as Luna jumps around like a kangaroo.
"You're such a kid." Jin says looking up at her seriously. Luna stops jumping around and narrows her eyes down at him.
"Thank you." She says sticking her tongue out at him. She screams out when she feels a hand wrap around her ankle.
"Got ya silly." He says sticking his tongue out before running away from her. She pouts for a moment before chasing after him.
After their game of tag the two find themselves sitting on the swings holding hands. There is a comfortable silence as they sit, the only noises are from the occasional cars and the leaves swaying in the light breeze.
"What time is it?" Luna asks, breaking the silence.
Jin lets go of her hand and pulls his phone out of his jacket, "Nine thirty." Both of them let out a sigh at the same time. They turn and lock eyes in surprise.
"Jinx!" Luna yells out laughing.
"That was breathing, you can't jinx breathing." He says yelling back to her. Luna throws her head back and lets out a loud laugh. Jin can't help but laugh along with her. As she slows her laughing she rests her head against the chains of the swing, she closes her eyes with a big smile still on her face.
Jin stands up from the swing and stands in front of hers, he holds one of hands out to her. She opens her eyes and peers up at him.
"We need to get you home soon sweetheart." Jin says grabbing the chain to stop her swaying.
Luna pouts and shakes her head, "Mmm no, I don't want to go."
"I take it back, you're not a kid, you're a toddler." He says poking her cheek. She puffs them out in response, his finger immediately pokes her cheek again. "A cute little toddler, come on cutie lets go home."
She lets out a little giggle as she sticks her arms and legs out in front of her waiting to be picked up. Jin chuckles at her before crouching down slightly, she wraps her arms and legs around him and cuddles into his neck. Jin holds her hips as he stands up, they then move to wrap tightly around her back so she is smushed right against him.
Jin sets off to her home which is a couple blocks away, he smiles as she snuggles tight against him. Every once in a while Jin would lay a kiss on the side of her head or on her shoulder, each time she would respond with a tired giggle.
"Can I tell you a secret?" she whispers to him as she moves her head right into the crook of his neck.
"Of course sweetheart." He says squeezing her a little tighter to imitate a hug.
"Um... I love you..." She says so quietly Jin barely made out what she said.
"I love you too sweetheart." He says kissing her hair.
"Hehe... I've wanted to say that for a couple months now but I've gotten too scared." She says untucking her head from his neck, she instead lays it on his shoulder.
"I've wanted to for a while too, I just didn't want to pressure you into it."
"Mmm thank you." She hums.
Jin silently carries her around the block and up to her house. He tries opening the door but the door doesn't budge. He sighs and knocks on the door waiting for one of her family members.
"You asleep?" he asks lightly. The lack of answer tells him that she is in fact sleeping.
The door opens up and her mother coos at them. "Sorry kids, I forgot to leave it unlocked for you."
"That's okay, should I bring her up to her bed?"
"Oh is she sleeping?" she asks much quieter this time. Jin nods and walks into the home when her mother steps out of the way. "Don't bother with taking your shoes off honey."
Jin heads down the hallway that leads to the twin's rooms. He heads to the right door that is already opened wide. He walks the length of the room to her bed. He leans over the bed and slowly lets her lay down on it. Her legs flop down but her arms stay interlocked around his neck. Jin huffs out as he tries to get her arms apart. He holds both wrists and tugs as hard as he can but they don't budge. He gets confused and goes to duck his head out, but hands wrapping around his neck and shoulders stop him.
Jin gasps, "You were awake the whole time?!"
"Mmm no, I just woke up when you laid me down." She says in a sleepy tone.
"Mmm no don't apologize, if you didnt I wouldn't have gotten to say goodbye."
"Well then, goodnight Luna, I love you." He says giving her a hug, and pecking her lips once before trying to stand up.
"Nooooo stay." she whines holding onto him for dear life.
"Luna, I need to go home."
"No" she pouts, swinging one of her legs around his waist. "Stay for ten minutes, please..." She pleads to him, making him sigh.
"Ten minutes, that's it." He says looking in her eyes seriously.
"Thank you Jinnie." Luna says smiling and schooching her body backwards to give him room to lay down. When he lays down his feet dangle of the edge off the end off the bed. He chuckles lightly as he tries to configure himself to lay properly on the bed but her tiny bed wouldn't allow for it.
Luna grabs the squirming Jin and cuddles against him, he stops moving and instead holds her. He puts an arm on her waist, he slides the other one to lay under her neck.
"I love you too by the way, Jin." she whispers to him. Jin contently smiles, he moves forward and puts his lips on her forehead. He holds them there for a couple of seconds before pulling back and shutting his own eyes.
An hour had gone since Jin and Luna had gotten home, Mrs Jeon had been sitting in the living room reading and waiting to lock the door once Jin had left. But he still hadn't come out to leave. Second guessing herself she looks out the window, his car was still parked in their driveway.
She gets up and heads towards her daughter's room. The door was wide open allowing her to see into her room, all the way to the bed. She lets out a gasp as she sees Jin and Luna laying there together, she rushes in prepared to rip him away from her.
But she stops and instead awes at the two of them snuggled up on her bed. Mrs Jeon grabs one of Luna's throw blankets from her basket and lays it on top of the two of them. She smiles seeing their sleeping faces up close, each of them looking rather adorable.
She moves to the end of the bed and shakes her head seeing both of them still had their running shoes on. She slowly unties all four shoes and tugs them gently off their feet and sets them at the foot of the bed.
Before leaving the two of them alone, she takes a couple pictures of them. She awes one more time before shutting the door behind her.
Taglist: @jiminie-and-his-pinky-finger @softbobamilktae
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prismalizzeette · 2 years
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Title: Baby Come To Me  | ♞ | | ♛ | | ♚ | | ♜ |
Paring: Kim Namjoon x reader
Genre: Prince Namjoon Au, baker reader, enemies to lovers au, co-workers to lovers au, runaway prince au, fluff, romance, angst, comedy and smut
Summary: A smart prince gets into a fight with his mother over his arranged marriage with a princess that he doesn’t get along with at all. He comes up with a plan to go to his friend’s bakery to work to know what a normal life is before he is sent away to be married. Jimin agrees but as Namjoon works there he meets Jimin’s “sister” and his new co-worker (after dropping flour on her). When the two are forced to share a room at Jimin’s house, Namjoon finally sees his future and Y/N learns how to be patient especially with the clumsy prince. 
Warnings: Abuse, overbearing mother, and a sex scene  
Author’s note: I was inspired by Baby Come To Me and Say Yes by WJSN! 
Keep reading
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prismalizzeette · 2 years
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💨✈❄ like / reblog if you save 🐾🌱🪴
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prismalizzeette · 2 years
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seokjinnie layouts!
like or reblog if you use <33 do not repost.
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prismalizzeette · 2 years
all the kinks #25 - domesticity (Seokjin x Reader)
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Pairing: Kim Seokjin x Reader
Rating: Fluff
Word Count: 720
Warnings: It's soft, pregnancy?
Listening to: (Coffee's for Closers) by Fall Out Boy
my masterlist <3
You were supposed to relax, but you’d never really done that. A whole day off from work in the middle of the week and you were going to waste it by sleeping in and not cleaning? Laughable.
The kitchen and bathroom were done, you were focused on cleaning the couch when you heard the front door open. Grinning, you didn’t stop until you heard him sigh behind you, “You were supposed to rest today.”
“No rest for the wicked,” you said, pushing the last cushion back into place before turning to face him. Draping your arms over his broad shoulders, you smiled up at him, “How was it, handsome?”
“Meetings, nothing special,” he said, his hands on your hips. He gave you a quick kiss before asking, “What else did you do today? Did you at least sleep in?”
Your face dropped, “I cleaned and no, sleep is for the weak.”
His forehead was against yours as he sighed again, “Then you leave me no choice.” Giggling at his serious tone, you waited for him to finish, “Get dressed, we need to go to the grocery store.”
“Why?” you asked, hoping that he was planning what you thought he might be.
Pressing his lips to your forehead, he said, “We are going to have a nice night in, I cook and clean, and you-”
“You don’t have to clean, I can-” one of his fingers was pressed against your lips.
He said in a stern but kind voice, “You are going to rest or else.”
At the store, he grabbed what he needed, not even letting you push the cart. You were used to this. As much as you wanted to do everything yourself, he would occasionally insist on taking over, especially lately.
Back at home, you sat on one of the bar stools and watched him cook while snacking on some of the extra carrots. He placed a finished plate in front of you, watching you carefully as you took the first bite of the stir fry he’d made, then asked impatiently, “Well?”
“Oh my God, Jin,” you sighed, “You are seriously a witch.”
Smiling proudly at you before sitting down next to you to eat, he kissed the side of your head as you ate. About half way through he cleared his throat and said in a forced casual tone, “I was thinking that after… you could stay home?”
You froze. You’d been dreading this. It wasn’t like you were dying, and both of you talked so cautiously about everything, but you were past any of the real danger. Gently setting your spoon down, you sat up straight and said the same thing you always said when he brought this up, “I am taking some time off then I plan to continue working.”
Keeping the same light tone, Jin added, “But you don’t have to.”
“I want to.”
He sighed and turned to face you, taking your hands into one of his, he said, “After everything, please. For me?”
“I’ll think about it,” you said after a long silence.
It wasn’t until he gently placed his other hand over your swollen stomach that you had to fight back tears. Three years of trying and failing to get pregnant, and you were finally close to the end of your first successful pregnancy.
“Cut it out,” you said, taking your hands back and pushing him away, “You don’t get to trick me because I’m riddled with hormones.”
“I’m just happy he seems to like my cooking,” Jin said, turning back to his plate.
Rolling your eyes, you were going to give staying at home actual consideration. You could freelance if you got bored, but spending time with the little potato you were growing was starting to seem more important every day.
You stood to put your plate in the sink, wanting to at least rinse it before Jin put it in the dishwasher, when you felt a sudden rush of liquid between your legs followed by a slight cramp in your lower back. Your eyes were wide as you looked at Jin, frozen to the spot as you tried to process what had just happened.
All your plans? They didn’t mean shit. Less than six hours later, you had a very hungry baby boy that looked just like his dad.
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prismalizzeette · 2 years
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he should be in a museum 🖼
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prismalizzeette · 2 years
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goodnight ♡
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prismalizzeette · 2 years
{ Masterlist in *tiny* }
Welcome to the Drabbles and Short Requests Masterlist
Last Update: 20220206
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"Send me a picture of your BIAS" (x) Brick Wall // Jazz Nights //
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"Send me a picture of your BIAS" (x) I have this glorious pic of Chim in my inbox and I still don't know what I wanna do with this.....
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- Coming Soon -
For Oneshots and Series click here
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prismalizzeette · 2 years
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*。゚ °. 。+ I left all the doors unlocked .. and you said your on you way — when you get here dont say a word we got no time too play … 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏽 🎧🦷🕸
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prismalizzeette · 2 years
all the kinks #26 - too big (Seokjin x Reader)
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Pairing: Kim Seokjin x Reader
Rating: NSFW
Word Count: 2,529
Warnings: Angst, almost panic attack, trauma response, and a dick that is too big.
Listening to: Twin Size Mattress by The Front Bottoms
my masterlist <3
You sat back, unsure how you were supposed to act now. The last few days had taken its toll and even though you were happy to be away from all the arguing and violence, being around your friends felt strange. Being around Seokjin, specifically.
He was acting like everything was normal, even though you were currently sleeping on his couch. You didn’t understand how he could act so normal after everything that happened. It was nice though. Gave you hope that eventually you’d get over what happened and be able to enjoy moments like these again.
“You should try eating something,” Seokjin whispered in your ear as he leaned over the back of your chair.
Shaking your head, you said, “Not hungry.”
“Wanna leave?”
That was a difficult question to answer, so you didn’t. Turning away from him, you felt his weight leave the back of your chair and he went back to the group. You could hear him announce that the two of you were done for today.
Jimin and Yoongi came over to give you a hug goodbye, Jungkook didn’t come near you. He still had a black eye from the week before and nothing anyone said would convince you it wasn’t your fault. That should have been your trophy, not his.
In the car, Seokjin turned off the radio and said, “It’s gonna be okay now, you know that, right?”
“In theory but not in practice,” you muttered, looking out the window.
“And I like having you at my place,” he added, leaning over the steering wheel to check for traffic and smiling kindly at you, “It’s like a sleepover but no parents around to make- shit.”
Your face went slack as he said the magic word. Taking a deep breath, you just wanted to be alone now. His hand was on your thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze instead of saying anything, and this was better.
Back at Seokjin’s you went into the bathroom. You were going to take a bath, but you forgot your phone and headphones in your backpack. Sighing before you opened the door and went out to what used to be his living room, but was now your bedroom. You knelt, digging through your bag and standing when you had what you needed.
“I ordered some pizza,” he said as he stepped out of his room, “Think you’ll be done in an hour?”
Nodding, you walked around him and closed the door to the bathroom. Leaning against it, you slid down the door and did your best to cry in silence. Sometimes it had to come out, and you couldn’t deal with Seokjin trying to help calm you down. You needed to come undone, and take a bath in searing hot water to burn away the nonsense.
The bath salts he had picked up for you were eucalyptus and spearmint. You hadn’t planned on using them, but after giving the bag a sniff, you tossed some into the steaming water. Getting into the bath was a process, and any part of you that stayed in too long was hot to the touch after, like you had a fever. It was perfect.
You listened to some loud music, staring at the ceiling, and the tears stopped. The heat from the water started to relax your muscles that always seemed to be tense, and you could feel yourself calming down. There was a knock at the door, but you didn’t say anything, then the door opened.
“Jesus, fuck, Jin!” you shouted, curling up in the bath to cover yourself.
He only opened the door enough to talk through the crack, “Sorry! Pizza is here, can you come out and eat?”
“Two minutes,” you replied, pulling the plug in the tub as he closed the door.
Drying off, you got dressed, and knew that you had to make a point to eat at least three pieces. Didn’t matter what kind of pizza it was, you needed to eat it so he’d at least have one less thing to worry about.
To your surprise, you ate four pieces, laying back on the couch that was also your bed, you said, “We should get this every week.”
“Ohh… pizza Thursdays,” Seokjin said as he leaned forward to grab another piece.
Once he was done eating and the leftover pizza in the fridge, he joined you on the couch and asked, “Want to watch a movie?”
You rested your head on his shoulder, “I’m going to fall asleep.”
“That’s how you get a dick drawn on your face,” he said, trying to not laugh at his own joke.
Rolling your eyes, “You draw a dick on my face, and I’ll steal your bed.”
“Sleeping on the couch is that bad?” he said, all humor gone from his voice.
“No, beds are always better than couches,” you tried to explain, because you knew what was coming.
He turned to face you, and said, “I said you could have my room.”
“And I said the couch was more than enough until I can get a place of my own,” you reminded him.
Grimacing, but it looked more like a pout, he said, “Why not just stay with me? Do you hate me?”
“I need to be on my own, Jin,” you said, and trying to distract him you asked, “What movie should we watch?”
“We could share my room,” he offered, “And split rent, then you just live with me and…”
“And what?” you asked, glaring at him.
He took a deep breath before he said, “Then I don’t have to worry anymore. You’d be here, you’d be safe.”
You stared at the ceiling, hoping that something would come to mind so you could get out of this conversation. His hands were on your cheeks, guiding your head to look at him as he said, “Stop that, the ceiling doesn’t know shit.”
Swallowing thickly, you stared into his eyes and this wasn’t just a friend being concerned about your wellbeing. The air between you was different and you weren’t sure if he was leaning in or if you were. Didn’t matter as his lips met yours, close-mouthed and sweet. He pulled back a little, whispered an apology, and you lost it.
You pushed him back against the couch, swung a leg, and straddled him. For a moment, the grip you had on his hoodie tightened as you searched his eyes, then you kissed him. His full lips moved against yours as he wrapped his arms around you. His hands gripping your shoulder and waist, pulling you even closer to him.
As you started to kiss along his jaw, planning to go for his neck to see what kind of noises he might make, he asked, “Is this a, oh fuck… that feels good… is this a good idea?”
Pausing, your lips against his skin and hand on the back of his head, you were pretty sure you knew the answer to that question. Your silence, as usual, ended up being your answer.
He twisted away from you, just enough so he could make eye contact with you, and said, “I don’t want to stop, but, should we slow down or see how you-”
Clamping a hand over his mouth as you stared daggers at him, you said more confidently than you felt, “Stop talking, you aren’t going to break me.”
Seokjin looked skeptical, but he nodded and you took your hand back. He sat up again, his hands on your hips as he looked up at you, “I mean…”
“I’m not a virgin, and there is no way you have anything I can’t handle,” you said, already starting the process of regretting this, but you were in too deep to stop at this point.
He pulled you toward him, holding your body tight against his as he thrust up. Your eyebrows disappeared into your hairline as you felt what he was trying to grind into you. There was no way, you thought as you pushed back and stared down at his smug face. Reaching between you and gripping the monster in his pants that was at least as thick as a can of coke, if not more, you shook your head, “Sonuvabitch.”
“Ever wonder why I don’t date much?” he asked, the smugness gone and replaced with something sad, “It’s a neat party trick, but the practicality… oh well, worse things have happened.”
“You are so weird,” you muttered, still trying to wrap your mind and hand around the situation. “I mean, I’m not a size queen but I’m willing to try.”
“Willing to try?” he asked, and that’s when you saw the isolation in his eyes. No wonder he acted like everything was normal and okay, he had to deal with being a sideshow attraction.
“You aren’t some spicy wing challenge,” you said quickly, but your words didn’t deliver like you’d hoped, “It’s just, I mean it’s you, and you are… a lot.”
“We don’t have to-” he started, but you pushed off his lap and got on your knees. As you started to unzip his jeans, his hands were on yours, “Seriously, it’s not a big deal.”
“I’m not trying to gawk at it, calm down,” you said as he lifted his hips to get his jeans out of the way.
Despite your haste to get to this point, now you were taking your time. Running your hands up his thighs and looking up at him, when it hit you: you felt like you again. It wasn’t going to last, you’d have more bad days, but you knew this was something you would have done. Smiling up at him as you teased the waistband of his boxer briefs, you asked, “How long?”
“I don’t like to measure it anymore, but at least ten inches,” he replied quickly.
You shook your head as you dropped it into his lap giggling, “Damnit, Jin, how long have you had feelings for me or is it new?”
He laughed, leaning his head back as he sighed, “Fuck, the whole time? Maybe before we were friends.”
“Same,” was all you said before you ran your tongue up the underside of his cock.
It wasn’t as comically large as you had imagined, but you wouldn’t be able to give him head like you wanted to unless you learned how to unhinge your jaw. Between your legs, you were aching to see what he’d feel like as you continued to stroke and suck the head of his cock.
He squirmed under you, making such cute noises as you did your best, when he leaned toward you, “Please, you’re going to kill me.”
His cheeks were flushed and he was practically panting, as you asked, “When’s the last time?”
All he did was shake his head, and now you had to be brave for both of you. You rolled your eyes at how dramatic you were being about this in your head. After seeing his cock and playing with it a little, you knew that you’d be able to take it as long as you were careful.
You stood, taking your pants and underwear off before getting on top of him again. Feeling how tense he was beneath you, but unsure of what to say to help, you raised yourself up as much as you could and started.
His hands were on your thighs, squeezing hard, as you slid the head of his cock between your folds. Biting your lip as you started to lower yourself, you got maybe an inch down before you had to back off. One hand on his shoulder and the other on your thigh, you gradually made progress.
With about half of him in you, you weren’t sure who was going to break first. Either Seokjin was going to cum or stroke out, or your body would give out. What you couldn’t deny was how good it felt. He was stretching you wide and the deep satisfaction at every little grunt and moan he made had you grinning.
“You okay?” you asked, sounding breathless like you’d been running for half an hour.
He looked up at you in panic, “Are you?”
Smiling at him, you said as you pushed yourself a little further, “If I came I’m pretty sure I’d be able to get you in.”
“It doesn’t hurt?” he asked, somehow more concerned.
“Fuuuuck,” you hissed as you rolled your hips a little, “You’re a lot, but it’s so good, Jin.”
“Shutup,” he said, nearly gasping the words out, and when you looked into his eyes, they were worse. He was the picture of disbelief. Goddamn.
Raising your eyebrows, and moving closer as you rocked your hips, “Feels so good, Jin.”
His hands were on your ass as he stared into your eyes, “Seriously? You aren’t joking?”
You stilled your hips, moving a little further down his cock, before you explained as best you could, “I don’t know how to tell you I’m serious, can you just… enjoy it and we can talk after?”
Furrowing his brow, he took a steadying breath and said, “Prove it.”
You were confused for a split second before you narrowed your eyes, and asked, “How would you like me to prove that I like fucking you, Jin?”
“You know, the…. You… you know,” he said, clearly uncomfortable talking dirty.
Wrapping your arms around his neck as you started to raise your hips, you said, “Tell me to cum on your cock.”
His face buried into your shoulder as he muttered, “I can’t.”
You started to move faster, and didn’t try to hide what he was doing to you as you moaned, “Play with my clit… make me cum, Jin.”
His hand was between your legs, sliding his fingers around his own cock for a second to feel how stretched you were, and he groaned.
“It feels good,” you breathed, “You feel so good… fuuuck.”
Dropping your head as he circled your clit, you pushed yourself further and further until you came. The intensity of it only increased because of his cock, your cunt unable to do anything but spasm around the intrusion.
Seokjin didn’t seem to care about anything after that, rolling you onto your back and thrusting into you. The concentration on his face as he grunted with each time his cock bottomed out, you were desperate to cum again.
Your hand between your legs, playing with your clit and feeling his cock sliding in and out of you, he collapsed on top of you. His hips rutted against you while his arms snaked around you, he pleaded, “Cum for me, cum again, please cum, tell me it’s good, I need you to cum.”
He was completely inside you and your nails were digging into his back as you fell apart beneath him. You cried out as you felt his cock throb as he came inside you.
Feeling his lips on your neck as you both started to come down, you patted him on the ass as you asked, “Well… was it good for you?”
His head fell onto your shoulder as he laughed, “I was just going to ask you that.”
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prismalizzeette · 2 years
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Even their profile’s are gorgeous
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prismalizzeette · 2 years
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goodnight ♡
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