Stewardship, Service and Spirituality
Ancheta, Princess Michelle L.
October 07,2021
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“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.” 1 Chronicles 16:34
Thanking God for all of the blessings even though my life is simple, I am still happy and contended every day. But today it’s more full of joy and love since it is the birthday of one of the most important person in my life, none other than my mother.
I was able to express my love for my mother since I knew she was delighted there even if it was only a simple feast and a surprise for her birthday. There was bonding, night time partying, and of course the night dinner. And with that, I think it was the one of the happiest things that ever happened in my mother's life because He gave my mom a new life to live and led her through the challenges she encountered and because of that, me and my family eternally grateful to God for everything that He has given us.
October 08,2021
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On this day, I stared at the sky since it didn't appear that the weather was good when I woke up, so I looked at the sky and seemed to be praying for the sun to shine because I knew that if it rained, many people would be affected, including myself as a student. In my prayers, I prayed sincerely, and I have great faith in our God that He can give me what I pray for today if I believe in Him, and I am not discouraged because I believe in the biblical letter that Elijah then prayed sincerely that it would not rain, and that is exactly what happened, as confirmed in James 5:17, and as a result, my relationship with our God evolves because it demonstrates that nothing is impossible for Him.
October 09,2021
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I'm at our church today to worship God, and as a result, I'm listening to our God's words, which are the bread of life or lesson that the evangelists can explain. I listen to God's word because I know I'll learn a lot from it, that it will be planted in my heart and mind, that He will be a guide for me and my actions, and that I'll be able to use it in my everyday life. The significance of God's word is not hidden in my mind because I understand that not only bread is man's food, but also for every word that will come out from His mouth, as stated in Matthew 4: 4, and because of His words, we learn a lot and gain wisdom to know what is right and wrong.
October 10,2021
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”Spending time with God is the greatest treasure.” - Lailah Gifty Akita
It’s week end and we all know it’s time to spend our time with God. So I wake up early in the morning together with my family to prepare going to church. And to show my love, faith and trust to God, I sing spiritual songs, playing guitar and of course I’m listening to those who preach the words of God.
This day, I dedicate my life to Him and to serve Him through what was also said earlier, to sing, play the guitar, and listen to the word of the Lord, so that I may accumulate treasures in heaven so that it will not steal from anyone, because I believe that it can not be grab by thief when we store up treasures here on the land we live in as we find it in Matthew 6:19-20 states that “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.”Moreover, if I could, I'd go to church regularly because I'm afraid of having a lot of debt that I'll never be able to pay off, and because of that, I'm scared of being punished because I have a lot of debt because I know how important a day is , as it shows in 2 Peter 3:8 states that “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.”
October 11,2021
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It’s new day and it’s Monday, and its the start of class again. So this day, it’s a little bit nervous because I’m preparing to do my school works, such as quizzes and the given assignments and also I ask God that everyone be safe of any calamity, for the weather today appears to be terrible, and everyone is affected. In behalf of that, I’m still praying that I hopefully finish all my school works and requirements this week so that my families shall be more proud to me. I’m wholeheartedly praying because I believe that in everything we do, we must commit it to Him so that we can attain what we pray for as we can find it in Proverbs 16:3 states that “Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be achieved.” and also, I truly believe that sincere prayer can do much as we see it in James 5:16 declares that “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”
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Hi everyone! I’m here to tell something or describing about myself before we go to succeeding content of this blog. Everyone is different from the rest of others. There is nothing without the purpose in this world. Every individual has some different purposes.Also, humans are the best creation, and each of us is exclusive. Thus, when I write about expressing or describing myself, I write something about my journey, expressing myself that what I see, what I experience and what I plan for my life. I try myself to be modest, be passionate about my reams and hobbies, live honestly, and work hard to achieve all of the things that I want to make.
I’m from the middle-class family of Ancheta, wherein I am Princess Michelle Leal. In this life, nobody comes in this world without the love and support of family and friend. Actually whatever ypu will be, it is because of your family.
My father namely Armando Catacutan Ancheta wherein he is a famer and my mother namely Romana Tutaan Leal Ancheta where she as an occupation of Liaison officer. They both embraced and love their occupation and with that thing, I have learned a lot from my parents like how they value their time, being honest,and for being a hardworking person.
My mother gave birth to three children and I am the youngest child in family. My two brothers namely Siegfreid L. Ancheta and Edwin L. Ancheta wherein thy have already finished their study and also they have their own job until now and with that statement, I just the only child that is still studying now in family. Being the youngest child in family is very hard and it is not easy for me most especially that my siblings are already finished their study and have their own job. Yes, I am one of the luckiest child in the family because I experience the things that they didn’t experience in the past but I am the one who is sad today because they left me but not all days are not we together especially to my second brother who is working in Mallig Plains Rural Bank Inc. That he is able to go home but the oldest sibling in family didn’t able to go home because he is working on abroad wherein he is OFW.
In terms of my study, I am studying now at St. Paul University Philippines. I feel happy to be a part of this school with good friends, helpful, and loving teacher even though we cannot meet in personal but we already meet through virtual. I can say on my own that I have a little skills in some subjects whereas I am very weak in few.
In compare to my studies, I am little bit good at sports which is in chess that this is I considered as my strength and also each person has different hobbies and doing different things gives them joy. I considered that capturing natural resources, playing a guitar, and singing are my hobbies. This is all I want to do if I am being bored an also if I’m doing nothing in home. I want to improve my strength and most especially to my hobbies that is playing a guitar and singing because it is the one that I considered as I serve myself to God in our church and I am proud that I am the one of singer and guitarist in our church which is the religion of mine is Union Espiritista Cristiana de Filipinas Incorporada because serving to god is one of the most important thing for me.
In every individual, we have our own weaknesses, so have also like I am not good in terms of drawing, how to communicate to a crow people,how to swim, also I am not fluent on how to speak in English language, but those weaknesses makes me stronger, also it can help me to focus on improving myself, it can help me to fight mental illnesses and the last one is that, it can help me becomea better version of myself. In that situation, I try my best to overcome my weaknesses.
In terms of my ambition in life, everybody has an ambition. Aim or ambition is the inner aspiration of us. No one of us can do anything in the world without aim. So all of us should be determined about aim in life.
While many people have dreams of becoming a lawyers, nurses,and doctors, I have always wanted to be an Accountant someday because becoming an Accountant is my dream when I was younger so that I pursue my study to achieve that dream of mine someday with the help of God.
My parents have always supported my dreams and aspirations . According to them, the most important thing that we have to do to achieve our goal is to pray because praying is God wants to bring us closer to Him. Prayer is our tool to win that battle.Prayer gives us the strength and the faith to finish the race victorious. And also to attain our goals in life, we have to do is to work very hard and never give up on them. So I hope that you will enjoy my blog. I hope you like it. THANK YOU.😊🥰❤
So now, we go or we will proceed to the first content of my blog which is the Question and Answer portion. I am going to answer the given question by my teacher in the subject, Empowerment Technology.
Where do I see myself 10 years from now?
I see myself 10 years from now with God’s grace. I will be an Accountant someday with the help of God. I will have a decent and stable job, good manager, and I will earn a lot of money to pay back for the sacrifices of my parents during those times that I’m still studying and to do what the things that I dream for an also I will be able to build my dream house someday. 10 years from now, I visualize myself as a woman who has a numerous struggle someday but won’t give up for she has a dream . To sum it all, 10 years from now, I will be SUCESSFUL.
Is my learning in SPUP vital to where I’m leading to?
I think my learning in SPUP are vital that will lead me to what I want in my life it is because they taught me the things that I must learn to pursuing adventure what I want in life.
2.Was ABM the best choice after all?
For me, the ABM strand is the best choice that I choose it is because it is related and connected with the course that I take comes with the college level.
3.What course will you take in college and why?
The course that I take in college is that Bachelor of Science in Accountancy because I am now in the ABM strand and most especially the reason why I take that course when I’m in college level someday it is because that is one of my dream life since I was young and also I want to become an Accountant someday with the help of God like my aunty,and my cousin’s in my mother and father side.
What topic would you like to learn more in this subject?
The topic that I would like to learn more in this subject is that how to use the modern technology because nowadays,technology is more on advance so I want to know more, in order for me to not lost my knowledge in future.
5.What the corona virus has taught you about life?
For me, the corona virus has taught me about the meaning o life and its purposes; it reminds me of what I am. Covid 19 taught me that life is essential or it is important, we must be grateful for what we have and learn how to be contented and also corona virus has taught me what is truly valuable in life and what’s facade. It’s given me an opportunity to slow down in this fast changing world to appreciate what truly matters: friends, family and the connections I’ve made over course of my life. Because of this pandemic, there are many changes that I have to do with my self like I am renewing with my passions, my likes and dislikes, my interests and, most importantly, my desire to live, rather than merely survive. And with that things, I’m rediscovering myself.
So we will proceed now to the second content of this blog which named as “ CREATE A TECH REVIEW”
Our teacher in Empowerment Technology say that choose your own favorite technology and make a review for it. And now, this are my answer and I hope that you like it. Please you may read it until the end of this blog. Thank you.❤
But before I will answer it, let me first elaborate what technology is, “TECHNOLOGY” means the use of scientific knowledge for practical purpose or application, whether in industry or in our everyday lives. So the technology that I choose was Gadgets specifically “CELLPHONE”.
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Here are the questions that I made for this Tech Review about the technology that I choose.
1. What is cellphone?
A cellphone is any portable telephone which uses network technology to make and receive calls and messages. It is also about the technology used to transmit calls and messages, rather than what the handset itself can or cannot do. As long as a phone can transmit signal to a cellular network, it is a CELLPHONE. This is also a wireless telephone that permits telecommunication within a defined area that may include hundreds of square miles, using radio waves in the 800-900 megahertz (MHz) band.
2.What are the characteristics that cellphone have?
Here are the characteristics of a cellphone:
- Has a Wi-Fi or cellular access to the internet
- A battery that powers the device for several hours
- A physical or onscreen keyboard for entering information
- Size and weight that allows it to be carried in one hand and manipulated with the other hand
- Touch-screen interface in almost all cases
- A virtual assistant, like Siri, Cortana or Google Assistant
- It has the ability to download data from the internet, including apps and books that we want to download and to use it
- Wireless operation
3. What is the importance of cellphone?
For me, the importance of cellphone was the perfect way to stay connected with othr people most especially a family member whose away from you. It also provides a user with a sense of security. Example, in an event of emergency, having a cellphone can allow you to help to seek for a help and it could even save lives of others. This is also capable of internet access, sending and receiving photos, videos and files, and some cellphone are equipped with GPS technology. This allows users in locating some places around the world and allowing the cellphone to be found and the user location in the event of loss or emergency.
4. What are the negative effects of cellphone among teenagers?
Here are the negative effects of cellphone among teenagers:
- Cause headaches
- Decreased attention
- Shortness of temper
- Sleep disorder
- Depression
- Lack of human contact
- Psychological problems
5. Why do we use cellphone?
Cellphones are used in a variety of purpose, such as keeping in touch with family members, for conducting business, and in order to have access to a telephone in the event of emergency. We also used this to socialize to other people in different places through the use of social media, we also use cellphones to share information to others, read news, stories and others and it is used as one of our source of information. To meet other people and etc.
The last but not least blog that I present for everyone. Th last content of my blog is that the “MOVIE REVIEW”. Our teacher again in Empowerment Technology say that choose 3 of our favorite movie that had a profound impact on my own or our life. After every movie, I should answer the given o guide questions given by our teacher. I hope that you enjoy reading of this.
So the first movie that I choose was FIVE FEET APART
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Five Feet Apart is a movie about Stella Grant (Haley Lu Richardson) who is a cystic fibrosis patient who actively uses social media to cope with her illness. She tries to live a normal life like others even if she had this kind if illness. At the hospital, she meet Willian “Will” Newman, who is there for a medical trial, in an attempt to get rid of the bacteria infection (B. cepacia) he has in his lungs. Those patients that have a CF are strictly kept six feet apart to reduce the risk of cross-infection, as a contracting bacterial infections from other CF patients can be dangerous – even life- threatening to them. Stella is determined to follow the rules not like Will who likes to break the rules and take dangerous risks sometimes. She notice that Will isn’t strictly following the treatment regimen and eventually gets him to agree to do so. As time goes by, Will and Stella began to fall for each other and secretly go on their first date, staying only five feet apart instead of six feet apart. Stella explaining she’s “taking that foot – for us”, they eventually end up to the hospital pool where they strip to reveal scars from their past surgeries they have. The next day is Will’s birthday and Stella throws him a surprise dinner party with the help of her best friend Poe and their fellow CF patients. The next day, Poe dies which leaves her devastated and because of this she pushes Will away. Later Stella realize how Poe did not get to live his life so she decided to live her life and see the lights with Will. As they walk on solid ice, Stella almost die but Will gave her a mouth-to-mouth and save her. At the hospital, the lung transplant for Stella was successful, and Will learns that Stella did not contract his infection. When Stella wakes up after her surgery, she sees Will through the glass of her room. He has set up a display of lights outside her room, saying that his only regret was that she did not get to see the lights, so he brought them to her. He tells her that his drug trial isn’t working, and he doesn’t want her to have to deal with his eventual death. He gives her a notebook of his drawings of her and he confesses his love for her. Will makes her close her eyes, because he says he won’t be able to leave if she is looking at him so Stella close her eyes and Will walks away. Years have passed, Stella can be seen in a video on her channel, saying she misses Will’s touch now that she has lost it forever.
1. What life lesson can be learned from the movie?
The moral lesson that I have learned from this movie FIVE FEET APART was: first, Even healthy young people can die; second, illness can devastate families emotionally and financially; third, it is scary to love someone and it can be even scarier to let someone love you, especially when you are embarrassed by your scars; fourth; always find a way to feel in control in something; and lastly, live life to the fullest, because you never know what might happen tomorrow; sixth, love can really conquer all.
2. What part of the story told by the movie was the most powerful? Why?
When Stella and Will fall for each other despite of the risk they may encounter in their life and that can give death to the both of them. It so hard to fall for someone who can’t be yours until the end because of the reason that he/she must let you go because of a reasonable reasons.
3. Who was your favorite character in the movie? Why?
My favorite character on the movie was Will, because of he was willing to give up his love for Stella even if it will break her heart because he doesn’t want Stella to deal with his eventual death because the medication is not working to him.
4. Did anything that happened in the movie remind you of something that has occurred in your own life or that you have seen occur to others?
I haven’t seen any of the situation on the movie that was happened on my life but maybe it happened to other but I don’t who they are. But watching this movie makes me very emotional and I even think or put myself on Stella’s situation. Just thinking of it, it breaks my heart into pieces and that is true.
The second movie that I choose was TOMB RAIDER
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Adventurer Lara Croft (Angelina Jolie) defeats a robot in an Egyptian tomb, revealed to be a training exercise arena in her family manor, where she lives with her technical assistant Bryce (Noah Taylor) and butler Hilary (Chris Barrie). In Venice, as the first Lphase of a planetary alignment begins, the Illuminati search for a key to rejoin halves of a mysterious artifact, “the Triangle’” which must be completed by the final phase, a solar eclipse. Manfred Powell (Iain Glen) assures the cabal that the artifact is almost ready, but has no real idea of its location. Lara’s father Lord Richard Croft (Jon Voight) long missing and presumed dead, appears to her in a dream. Lara awakens to a mysterious ticking, and finds a strange clock hidden inside the manor. On her way to consult a friend of her father’s, Wilson (Leslie Philips), Lara crosses paths with Alex West (Daniel Craig), an American associate and fellow adventurer. Lara shows Wilson the clock, and he puts her in touch with Powell. Lara shows Powell photographs of the clock, which he claims not to recognize. That night, armed commandos invade the house and steal the clock, bringing it to Powell. The next morning, a prearranged letter from Lara’s father arrives, explaining that the clock is the key to retrieving the halves of the Triangle of Light, an ancient object with the power to control time. After misuse of its power destroyed an entire city, the Triangle was separated: one half was hidden in a Cambodian tomb, the other in the ruined city, now modern-day Siberia. Her father tasks her to find and destroy both pieces before the Illuminati can exploit the Triangle’s power. In Cambodia, Lara finds Powell, who has hired West, and his commandos already at the temple. West solves part of the temple’s puzzle, and Powell prepares to insert the clock at the moment of alignment. Lara, realizing they are mistaken, she finds the correct keyhole; with only one second left, Lara persuades Powell to throw her the clock. She unlocks the first piece of the Triangle, and the statue of the temple come to life and attack the intruders. West, Powell, and his remaining men flee with the clock, leaving Lara to defeat an enormous six-armed guardian statue. She escapes with the piece; recovering at a Buddhist Monastery, she arranges a meeting with Powell. In Venice, Powell proposes a partnership to find the other half of the Triangle, and informs Lara that her father was a member of the Illuminati, and offers to use the Triangle’s power to resurrect him; though reluctant, she agrees to join forces. Lara and Bryce travel with Powell, West, and the Leader of the Illuminati (Richard Johnson) to Siberia. Entering the tomb, they discover a giant orrey, which activates as the alignment nears completion. Lara retrieves the second half of the Triangle, and Powell kills the Illuminati’s leader to restore the Triangle himself, but the halves will not fuse. Realizing Lara knows the solution, Powell kills West to persuade her to complete the Triangle to restore West’s and her father’s lives. Lara complies, but seized the Triangle herself. In a “crossing” of time, Lara faces the memory of her father, who urges her to destroy the Triangle for good rather than save his life. Returning to the tomb, Lara manipulates time to save West and stab Powell instead, and destroys the Triangle. The tomb begins to collapse, and all flee but the wounded Powell, who reveals to Lara that he murdered her father. After a hand-to-hand fight, Lara kills Powell, retrieving her father’s pocket watch and escape the tomb. Back on her manor, Lara visits her father’s memorial and finds that Bryce has reprogrammed the robot, and Hilary presents her with her pistols, which she takes with a smile.
1.What life lesson can be learned from the movie?
The life lesson that can be learned from the movie was: first, Don’t be afraid to fail. Failures makes us stronger, learn from our failures and also it is a part of our life. Second, women are strong. Never ever under estimate what women can do cause sometimes they are more stronger than men. And lastly, believe in yourself. If you think you can’t make just believe in yourself that you will can do it.
2.What part of the story told by the movie was the most powerful? Why?
For me, the part of the story that was the most powerful for me was when Lara choose to destroy the Triangle rather that to retrieve his father’s life. It was hard to choose when one of the family member was involved, especially your father. It can make you confuse to think what to do or what to choose.
3. Who was your favorite character in the movie? Why?
My favorite character to the movie was Lara. She was so brave to face all things that she encounter in life l even her fears. She never ever let negativity surrounds her. She let her fear make her brave enough to face them.
4.. Did anything that happened in the movie remind you of something that has occurred in your own life or that you have seen occur to others?
When Lara decide what to do. That’s the thing that happened in my life. Deciding whether what to choose between two things, What to do, and others.
Lastly, the movie that I choose was MIDNIGHT SUN
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A girl named Katie Price (Bella Throne) has a rare genetic condition called Xeroderma Pigmentosum or commonly called as XP, in where she is allergic to sunlight. Katie’s condition prevents her from being out in the sunlight. At the age of 17-years-old, Katie was been sheltered since childhood and was confined to their house during day because of this rare disease that she have that makes even the smallest amount of sunlight are deadly or can kill her. She has her father and her friend named Jack and Morgan to keep her company. When she graduated from home schooling, she asked her dad to allow her to go out. Katie comes out of the house every night, when the ray of the sun is no longer present. One night, she was noticed and asked out by her longtime crush, Charlie, whom she had been watching from her window from time to time. She was playing a guitar at the train station that time. Charlie heard her voice that’s why he walked towards Katie. When Charlie tried to talk to her, Katie suddenly leave and forgets her notebook. Charlie saw the notebook that Katie forgot so he keep it. He returns the next day, hoping that Katie was there. When he arrived at the train station he saw Katie singing again, so he walks towards Katie and talk to her. He explains to her how he got his injury that prevented him from getting a scholarship to the University of California, Berkeley. They fell in love with each other as she secretly hide her health condition to Charlie. One night, she forgot about the danger and she was a little bit exposed to sunlight and eventually got her sick. She at first couldn’t accept the truth and didn’t want to see Charlie again. But at the end, she learn the importance of the time she could spent with the people she loved. She enjoyed her remaining days of her life with Charlie, her dad Jack and her best friend Morgan.
1. What life lesson can be learned from the movie?
For me, the life lesson that can be learned from the movie MIDNIGHT SUN is that it was be brave enough to faces every struggles, pains and most specially fears in life. But those struggles in life makes us stronger and we exceed those struggles through prayer with the help of God.
2. What part of the story told by the movie was the most powerful? Why?
For me, the part of the movie that is the most powerful was when Katie and Charlie slept outside and Katie woke up when the sun was going to rise, so she hurriedly run and told Charlie to get her home fast but still she was exposed to sunlight. This is the most powerful part of the movie MINIGHT SUN for me because it made me realize a lot of things like how special our life is, I have a lots of complaints in life not realizing how blessed I am among other people in the world, I have a life and freedom which I never a blessing from above, it also teaches me to use my time wisely, and lastly and most specially is that I realized that our parents can be overprotective with us but chose to allow us to be happy and enjoy the life outside the house.
3. Who was your favorite character in the movie? Why?
My favorite character on the movie was Katie Price, because she became brave enough to face the one she feared of the most.
4. Did anything that happened in the movie remind you of something that has occurred in your own life or that you have seen occur to others?
When the time that Katie was dying it reminds me when I was a child (I am 12 years old that time), when my aunty on my mother side is dying because of the illness she have.
So, that’s all for today.. Thank you very much for reading this kind of my blog😊❣ God bless us all😇❤
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