princessgirlpet · 7 hours
FMK: Guild Wars 2 edition
Spin the wheel to get a character
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princessgirlpet · 11 hours
Hottest bodily fluid and why is it drool
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princessgirlpet · 14 hours
There's something about gradual mind breaking that drives me wild.
Imagine this. Your life is shit, you're stuck ina deadend cubical job. 9-5 bullshit galore. One day, you're assigned to train a new coworker. She's pretty, way above your league. And yet she's kind. She compliments you and your skills honed to perfection working these bullshit shifts. But still, she's way prettier than you so you feel awkward even acknowledging them.
The two of you have lunch together. The two of you were talking, and she was still complimenting you for some reason. About how pretty your hair is or how cute your smile looks. You can't even comprehend looking anything but shit. She pouts and fiddles with her phone a bit. Then she asks you to watch a video. Suddenly you're back at work. When did the break end? No matter.
She tells you how pretty your eyes were. You smile because good girls accept compliments and tell her how gorgeous her lips are because good girls are honest. The rest of the day the two of you compliment each other.
It's beenmonth since then and both of you just keep complimenting each other. Sure, your compliments are getting kind of weird. You don't know when you started calling her Mistress as a joke, but it's hard to stop now. But she tells you that it's normal for good girls to call their Mistress Mistress so you keep doing it anyway. Besides, her compliments are getting weirder too. Mistress has made it a habit to pin you to a wall before telling you them. Then she just tells you how submissive and docile you are. She kisses you a lot now. Good girls deserve to be kissed by their Mistress ofc, so you don't complain.
Work itself is harder now. You just can't keep up like you used to. You're just so horny and Mistress doesn't help. You know that good girls are horny messes, but it's so aggravating. The tight clothes that show off so much don't help, but good girls are required to wear them so what can you do? Mistress has to pick up a lot of your slack, but she doesn't seem to mind. And besides good girls let Mistress do the work for them.
Breaks are great. Mistress shows you another video and you feel so good and good girls deserve to feel good. You feel so good that you don't remember what happens during them. You've started finding bruises and bite marks on your skin after them, though you don't know why. You don't care because good girls need to be marked. For the rest of the shift, she keeps touching you and teasing. By the end you can barely stand.
At the clock terminal, Mistress pins you to the wall and makes out with you before leaving. You're frozen by lust for several minutes before stumbling to your car.
Three months in and things are now really weird. You can't tell why anymore. Your head feels like cotton most of the time. You ask Mistress why everything feels so weird, because good girls always ask Mistress for help. She gives you some pets and kisses you, reminding you that dumb puppies don't think. Your boss threatens to fire you because of poor performance, but it's not your fault you're a dumb puppy. Everyone knows that dumb puppies don't work. Dumb puppies are to be submissive and docile. Mistress does most of the work, she's so good at it that she's up for promotion.
Breaks are so fun. Mistress shows you another video. When you wake up, you feel sooooooo good. Like all the energy built up during the morning was just released. Mistress cleans you up and then she starts working again while you heel. Then when you clock out, Mistress attaches a leash to your collar and gives you a walkies home. The walkies home is the best part.
Six months in and life is perfect. You don't work anymore and that's okay. Dumb puppies don't work anyway. You and Mistress live together at her place. You sleep in your cage and if you're a really good puppy, Mistress lets you sleep at the foot of her bed. The best time is when Mistress works. She works at home now. Your job is to be adorable by sleeping in a dog bed under her desk. Well, that and pleasure her, because a dumb puppy's only role is to be her Mistress's fucktoy.
During lunch Mistress fills your bowl with kibble and it tastes amazing. She doesn't show you videos anymore. She says you're perfect now. You don't understand what she means but it doesn't matter. Dumb puppies don't think after all.
After Mistress finishes working, she takes you on walkies and plays with you. It's so fun and nice and amazing. And if you're a really good girl, the best puppy in the whole world, she'll let you sleep in the bed with her. Your life is amazing.
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princessgirlpet · 14 hours
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this post sponsored by those memes about holding up subway surfers gameplay while talking to people to keep their attention
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princessgirlpet · 3 days
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The Bluefia After Hours Desktop Power Pack allows advanced users to alter the Bluefia Avatar in unique ways not available in the base package. With the option to edit or remove garments, you can fully customize your little blue helper however you see fit. Powered by an expanded AI, she can also react in totally unique ways to your interactions, ensuring she'll always be a delight to have on your desktop!
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princessgirlpet · 3 days
Have you ever considered how lucky you are that I pay attention to you? Because I have. Regularly. I am so much better than you, yet I allow you into my home, take care of you, keep you fed and clothed. Doesn't it gnaw at you? How pathetic you are, compared to me?
Ohhhh, does it make you angry to hear the truth? As if your blood was worth anything keeping you alive. You're merely its keeper, holding on to it until someone more worthy comes along. Someone like me. If I took all of it, no one would miss you, would they? I suppose your continued existence depends entirely upon my generosity.
So get on your knees and crawl to me, cattle. Bare your neck and give me what is my due - and then thank me for the privilege.
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princessgirlpet · 7 days
why do you still have free will. hasn't someone fixed that yet?
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princessgirlpet · 7 days
using hypnosis for kidnapping 👍
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princessgirlpet · 7 days
smaller dicks are just cuter, you know?
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princessgirlpet · 7 days
hiring maids to drug your tea and hypnotize you to make all the political decisions that favor me! yaay
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princessgirlpet · 7 days
hiring maids to drug your tea and hypnotize you to make all the political decisions that favor me! yaay
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princessgirlpet · 7 days
hiring maids to drug your tea and hypnotize you to make all the political decisions that favor me! yaay
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princessgirlpet · 7 days
"obedient" is such a horny word
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princessgirlpet · 7 days
You know what I love? When characters are almost unconscious, but not quite.
Slumped over, a complete ragdoll in the others’ hands, but alert enough to groan softly at different sensations, eyes hooded and glazed, just wide enough to gather a blurry image of their surroundings. Though they’re dizzy and their limbs feel like lead, they gain comfort in the others’ touch, unconsciously leaning into them, eyelids fluttering in hazy relief at the soothing, concerned gestures. 
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princessgirlpet · 8 days
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Bound by desire. ♡
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princessgirlpet · 8 days
don’t overthink things, forcefem is always the morally correct decision.
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princessgirlpet · 9 days
how is penis not the hottest thing to everyone. imagine somebody being visibly horny imagine having a body part that literally narcs on u imagine that. is that not the hottest thing
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