princess-aurora- · 3 months
the year is 2024. I am watching The X Files 1x08 with my blissfully offline boyfriend. We reach the scene where, in confinement, Mulder and Scully examine each other's backs for alien marks. My boyfriend, who has never seen the show before, makes an amused noise and utters a strong contender for understatement of the year:
"I'm guessing there's fanfiction about these two"
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princess-aurora- · 9 months
my top 10 sassy scully moments (for today) as promised!
10/ agua mala
that one time that mulder dragged her into a hurricane, in her free time, directly after the worst fight of their whole lives, to look for a sea monster, and then the sea monster fatally attacked him, and she was like “he’s gonna die!!” and she was kinda just like…..well…..what will be, will be……and continued on with what she was doing
there is literally no other day of their lives where she wouldn’t have busted that door down but “you’re making this personal”-gate had just happened and she’s in florida with a water monster and she’s like, let go and let god! obsessed.
(also in the car earlier when she was on the phone with the police telling them that they’re lost because they were driving into a hurricane and she kinda looks over at mulder when she says “no, it wasn’t very smart, was it?” 👌👌)
9/ the list
MULDER: Imagine if you could come back and take out five people who had caused you to suffer. Who would they be?
SCULLY: I only get five?
MULDER: I remembered your birthday this year, didn't I, Scully?
i love this moment so much. i love the way that he uses cases to ask her questions, to get to know her. and i love her casual lil sweet…i can only kill 5? and the way both of them smile but she gets a teeny bit bashful afterwards, staring at him. they’re so cute. i love it because, yeah, it is a joke, but also, yes, scully holds violent grudges, and she rarely gets to express that side of herself
8/ one son
scully mouthing offffff at diana while mulder anxiously sits next to her going “scully….scully…..scully….” gradually more impatiently 😭 LET HER SPEAK!
no, my real pick, is in the next scene: “mulder, this stinks! and not just because i think that woman is a….well, you know what i think that woman is.”
(and his sarcastic “no, you hide your feelings very well.” sjjdsjjd)
god, i feel for her during this era, but i love how you can feel her rage in this episode. she’s not sneaking out back to cry quietly in her car anymore. she’s like…this sucks!!! and your girlfriend is a BITCH!!!!!
and i love this little tussle and tension between them, normally they wouldn’t be nearly so explicit with how they’re feeling, but her line implies that her feelings about diana have not been kept to herself, and his implies that he’s sick of it.
7/ bad blood
the way that in her version of the story, the sheriff is just soooo into her, to the point that mulder has to interject and be like?? he didn’t know your first name?? when the sheriff in her retelling calls her “dana” 😭😭😭😭 and she’s just like “🙄 are you gonna interrupt me?”
everything about her version is so fucking funny because it’s kind of unlike her to jeopardize her integrity by exaggerating or fudging details, like we know she lied about the sheriff using her first name, but she makes herself this sort of ultra-sympathetic action hero that everyone is fawning over, while mulder is just like a bumbling idiot, because she’s pissed at him, and it’s so good.
also i like to think that mulder didn’t actually sing “shaft” and she made it up because she knew he didn’t remember
6/ chinga
when she goes on her self-care vacation to maine and tells mulder she’s turning her phone off!! there’s this moment where she’s leaving the motel and the answering machine light is blinking (with a message from mulder) and she just kind of sighs and keeps walking, without checking it, and i love this scully so much. this is the dana that has a copy of affirmations for women who do too much on the bedside table and just wants to take a bubble bath.
5/ war of the coprophages
this whole episode is sooo good (“her name is bambi? her name is bambi?”) but my favorite favorite moment is when she pulls up in this town, after days of continuously saying she wasn’t coming, because she heard mulder was working with this other scientist lady. and she pulls her car up next to bambi, and bambi is like “fox told me to wait here” and you can see scully just whisper “fOx” to herself quietly 😭😭😭😭
just my favorite moment ever she’s so real
4/ fire
her bitchy little finger wave when she meets phoebe!! and the way she mocks her accent!!!!
i love the way that like…the more clear it is that phoebe is abusive, the calmer scully gets, and she just focuses on trying to control the situation and make sure that mulder is okay. but in that first scene when they’ve just been introduced, she’s just instantly so snippy and annoyed skfjdjfj and showing it! a very classic dana scully “y’all, i do not like her” moment
3/ how the ghosts stole christmas
when mulder goes in the haunted house and she’s talking to herself like “i’m not gonna do it. my new years resolution.” before following him into the house 😭😭
2/ alpha
oh, y’all remember that time that this kinda reclusive dog lady kinda had a thing for mulder because she really struggled socially and he was the only person she felt that she really could talk to, and scully bullied her to suicide, right?
now, to be fair, you could argue that scully bullying her did not cause her suicide. but she definitely did bully this woman and then this woman definitely did kill herself.
what cracks me UP though, is in the last scene, when she comes down to the office to check on mulder, and she’s just like 🥺🥺 are you okay 🥺🥺 you think this is your fault, don’t you 🥺🥺 that’s not true 🥺🥺 you’re gonna go home and get some sleep right 🥺🥺
she is sooo!!!! i love this about her because she is so nasty to other people but she just adores him. she’s so sweet on him, truly. i know a lot of these moments are her getting snippy with him (i love them because they’re so rare) but she’s never actually been harsh with him for a moment, she’s not capable
(related: when mulder found the genie, so the genie was like commanded to stay with him until he’d made 3 wishes….jesus, help that woman…when scully came into the office and jenn was there, and scully asked if she could leave them for a moment “like, today.” 😭😭 DANA THE 500 YEAR OLD MYSTICAL JINNIYAH DID NOT WANT YOUR MAN)
1/ sleepless
and finally, scully refusing to shake krycek’s hand ❤️
just a classic. a classic. the “y’all, i do not like her” scully moment, of all time. because mind you, all that she knows about krycek at this point, was “this is alex krycek, we’re working the case together.”
but it was a person other than her working with mulder and that’s ENOUGH!!! anyway, she’s so crazzzzy love her ❤️
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princess-aurora- · 9 months
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She Comes First ❤️💦
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princess-aurora- · 9 months
What makes scully wild what Mulder does to her?
Nuzzling her behind her ear
Gentle little kisses to her clit over her panties
Dragging his fingertips slowly up and down her back when she lays on top of him to cuddle
Kissing her throat
Squeezing her wrists and holding her arms over her head while he pounds into her
Whispering "good girl" in her ear while she comes (she will NEVER admit that this drives her wild)
Grabbing her by the hips to hoist her on the counter for a kiss
Whimpering her name while she goes down on him
Nipping at her hipbones
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princess-aurora- · 2 years
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Gillian Anderson study by James Allen.
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princess-aurora- · 2 years
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Happy 29 years since the debut of The X-Files! Here's a selection of some of my more recent X-Files episode prints. If you're interested in any prints of these or more XF stuff, check out my patreon page and sign up to get access to exclusive XF art.
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princess-aurora- · 2 years
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Dana Scully and her life partner, Fox Mulder
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princess-aurora- · 2 years
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princess-aurora- · 2 years
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princess-aurora- · 2 years
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princess-aurora- · 2 years
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face of genetic perfection
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princess-aurora- · 2 years
jean milburn is stella gibson’s sister and nobody can tell me otherwise
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princess-aurora- · 2 years
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David Duchovny & Gillian Anderson behind the scenes of The X-Files
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princess-aurora- · 2 years
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THE X-FILES | Requiem (7x22)
— he wants it all with her 🥹
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princess-aurora- · 2 years
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THE X-FILES | 11.02
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princess-aurora- · 2 years
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princess-aurora- · 2 years
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