preetisahu · 4 years
10 Benefits of Using WordPress website to Power Your Company’s Website
Over the last few years, WordPress has also become the content management software of choice for non-blogging websites. Here are the top 10 reasons why WordPress is so popular and why you might want to consider switching to a WordPress platform for your company’s website.
1. Ease of Use WordPress is very easy to use and has an intuitive interface. Adding new pages, blog posts, images, etc. on a regular basis is a breeze and can be done quickly. Because the technology is so simple, time spent on formatting is greatly reduced.
2. Manage Your Website from Any Computer WordPress is browser-based. You can login from any Internet connected computer and manage your site.
3. No HTML Editing or FTP Software Required WordPress is a self-contained system and does not require HTML editing software (such as Adobe Contribute or Dreamweaver). You can create a new page or blog post, format text, upload images (and edit them), upload documents, video files, image galleries, etc. all without the need for additional HTML or FTP software.
4. Search Engines Love WordPress Sites The code behind WordPress is very clean and simple, making it easy for search engines to read and index a site’s content. In addition, each page, post, and image can have its own meta tag keywords, description, and title, and be optimized for specific keywords, allowing for very precise search engine optimization. You can also use tags to further enhance your search engine optimization efforts.
5. You Have Control of Your Site No more waiting for your web designer to make simple updates to your site. With WordPress, you have control of nearly every aspect of your site and can easily make those simple updates yourself.
6. The Design of Your Website is 100% Customizable WordPress acts as the engine for your website. The look and feel of the site can be 100% customized so your brand can shine through on your site and provide a unique experience to your visitors.
7. A Blog is Built-in and Ready to Go Since WordPress was originally created as a blogging platform, blogging capabilities are built-in and are easy to integrate, if desired. Setting up RSS / email subscriptions to your blog, commenting capabilities, and automatically adding the most recent blog posts to other pages of the site (your home page, for example) are also very simple to set-up, and help to extend your company’s reach and make your site more dynamic and interactive.
8. Extend the Functionality of Your Site with Plugins Want to add an event calendar, video gallery, Twitter Feed, Facebook Fan Box, and more to your site? WordPress makes this possible with plugins, most of which are free or very reasonably priced.
9. Your Site Can Grow as Your Business Grows WordPress sites are very scalable. You can have hundreds of thousands of pages or blog posts on your site and the performance of the site will not be compromised in the least.
10. Have Multiple Users As an administrator of a WordPress site, you can set-up multiple users for the website and assign access levels and capabilities to each user.
For WordPress Theme visit our website – www.techbee.site
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preetisahu · 4 years
5 KEY Benefits of SEO for Small Businesses
SEO helps small business owners create fast, robust, and user-friendly websites that rank higher in search engines, which in turn helps bring more qualified potential customers to their sites and eventually increases conversion rates.
SEO also helps build brand awareness for your business as search engine users are more likely to trust a site that are on first page of search engine results pages (SERPs) than brands who are not.
If you’re a small business owner, you should utilise SEO to build a strong web presence and bypass your competitions to gain new customers for your business and take it to the next level.
Here are top 5 KEY benefits of SEO for small businesses:
User-Friendly Websites
SEO will help small business owners create a faster, smoother, and user-friendlier website. Although most people still hang on to the old definition of SEO, thinking that it is only about optimising for the search engines, however, today SEO is also about improving user experience too.
Well-structured, clean, and uncluttered websites compels a casual visitor to stay longer, thereby decreasing bounce rate and increasing page views. Similarly, highly relevant content (sales pages and blog articles) keeps you readers happy as they are more likely to solves answer their questions, solve their pressing issues and helps them find exactly what they’re looking for on your site.
On-page SEO, if done properly, makes your users happy, which makes search engines happy too as they love to serve high quality information to their users.
2. Bring in MORE Customers
Let’s face it, one of the main reasons for having a website is to stand out from your competition and increase your customer base. Otherwise, why invest 1,000s of pounds (£) on marketing, right? Businesses that have a SEO optimised website bring MORE customers and grow as twice as fast than businesses who do not have one.
SEO is probably the most efficient and affordable marketing strategy that exists today. Moreover, it will only bring in customers who are actively seeking to find your product or service!
If you’re willing to spend few hours of time, energy, and small amount of money, SEO will help brings “targeted” traffic to your website, and eventually more customers to your business than any other marketing tactics you’ll ever use.
3. Better Conversion Rates
SEO-optimised websites loads faster, are easy to read and surf, and will display properly in almost all types of devices, including mobile and tablets. Websites that are easy to read and navigate are more likely to grab and hold attention from your readers or visitors – i.e. they’re more likely to become your loyal customers, subscribers, and returning visitors.
4. Build Brand Awareness
One of the benefits of getting higher rankings on the SERPs is building brand awareness. When your sites appear on the first page of major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing, your potential customers are more likely to trust your brand when they search for a particular term rather than other brands that don’t have a strong web presence.
That is why small businesses that want to build better brand awareness (either locally or expanding nationally) must invest in SEO and start gaining top rankings for the KEY terms related with their business. We’re not in the 90s anymore; search engines now play a significant role in making or breaking your brand.
5. Bypass Competition
Let’s take an example of two businesses that are in the same industry, selling similar products, at similar prices. One of them has an optimised website while the other has a non-optimised website. Considering everything is else is equal, which company do you think will attract more customers to their website from local searches? Which company will likely grow faster and become more successful?
Search engines and SEO are very powerful. If your competitors are doing SEO marketing, simply you must ask yourself why you haven’t invested in such a strategy yet too.
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preetisahu · 4 years
How to Build hunger for learning in students?
Would you agree that a positive mental attitude is very important for learning, or for almost everything?
In fact, without a positive learning state which is primed for learning, you won’t be able to learn anything.
The real question is: how do you get your students into that learning state?
Before the learning starts, you want to build a hunger for it. Here are few things you would like to stroke in your students to build their desire for learning.
Desire and motivation [what’s in it for me?]
Humans need a reason for their actions, however small it is.
In a research, people were 50% more likely to give their chance to use a photocopy machine when asked with a reason, no matter what the reason. In this case, people were more likely to comply to - "Can I use the photocopier because I need to copy these?" than "Can I use the photocopier?". The reason here, even though non-sense, worked.
So, in order to better engage, give a reason - what can the learning do for the students.
However, If you are like me and not fond of preaching, use the following method.
Start with a question
Ask your students a question, and let them make conjectures (intelligent guesses), let them reason out and verbalize their reasoning. Once they are reasoning, then start explaining why their conjectures are wrong or right.
This has two advantages:
Since they would have started with what they already know, it's easier for them to link new information to the existing information.
Most importantly, they would be curious. You want them to be curious. When students are curious, they pay more attention and thus absorb more and learn better.
Ask them the potential benefits of learning what you are going to teach
What's important is that they see the learning as an investment, and not a wasteful activity. If they think it's a wasteful activity, that will surely turn off the learning mind.
So ask your students.. What do you think is a possible benefit of learning this topic?
Let them suggest answers. Write the answers down. Once they can see the answers it will engage them more, which translates to better learning.
So, what motivated me to learn about learning?
Learning helps throughout life academically and professionally
knowledge and skills become obsolete, learning doesn't
Good learners make more money are more productive and flexible.
You can also impart good skills to children and people around
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preetisahu · 4 years
The importance of having an online presence for attracting new customers cannot be understated. Given the fact that the vast majority of people turn to the internet when they are considering purchasing a new product or service having a branded website is of great importance.
This being said, not all websites are created equal. When looking at two competing businesses a customer is likely to go with the one that has a more professional, engaging, website. In this article, we will look at ways one can improve their small business website.
Focus On functionality: A website is only as good as the functionality it delivers; whether this functionality is simply to inform the customer of one’s product or service, place and process orders, or to create an avenue of communication. Improves the functionality improves the user experience, which ultimately translates into more sales.
Optimize Site For Mobile Viewing: According to Google, there are nearly 28 billion more search queries executed on mobile devices than desktop computers. If one’s site is not optimized to be viewed and function on mobile they are ultimately going to fall behind in attracting new customers. Having one’s website optimized for mobile may require hiring a quality Kansas City website design firm.
Rewrite Website Content: A common technique businesses use to find the least well-written page on their website and rewrite. Performing this process 3 or 4 times a year can drastically improve content quality.
Improve Load Times: Slow load times can try a user’s patience and ultimately result in them leaving the page altogether. Getting people to come to one’s website is the hard part, it would be a shame for them to click off just because load times are slow.
Search Engine Optimize: Most people come across websites as part of a result set to a search inquiry. For this reason, having one’s website optimized to be included in a search engine result set is of extreme importance. Even more so, ranking at the top of the results list is one of the best ways to attract new customers.
If a website is not search engine optimized no one will view. If no one views it the website is not performing its primary purpose; to increase sales.
Improve User Interface: The user interface (UI) is the physical layout of a website; the location of banners, forms, drop-down menus and lists. UI is important because it is the general impression the user receives of the site. A sleek, professional-looking site is much more likely to attract new customers than a poor looking one.
Improve User Experience: User experience (UX) is a concept in web design that describes the experience an individual gets while interacting with the site. Concepts such as site navigation, ease of use, and intuitive layout all contribute heavily to UX. Improvement here may require the help of a professional web designer but will be a worthwhile investment.
Find And Fix Broken Links: Broken links cause a website to look less professional and poorly maintained, ultimately affecting consumer confidence in the business. There are many inexpensive testing services manually check links and functionality that one can use.
Search Engine Optimize: Search engines use specific algorithms to determine what website, and in what order, are listed in response to a search query. Having one’s site rank higher is of great benefit. The process of improving a sites ranking is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
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preetisahu · 4 years
Top 10 Benefits of Having a Website
Today, having a company website is as crucial as having a shop, office or telephone number. Research has found that 6/10 customers expect brands to have content online about their business. Why wait any longer your customers are looking for you! If you own or operate a business which hasn't taken that step into the online world, here are 10 reasons that will leave you wondering why you hadn't done it sooner. to stretch again.
#1 Online Presence 24/7
Having a website means customers are always able to find you – anytime, anywhere. Even outside of business hours, your website continues to find and secure new customers. It offers the user convenience as they can access the information they need in the comfort of their own home, with no added pressure to buy. Plus, as most companies nowadays have their own website, there’s every chance you could be losing customers to your competitors by staying offline.
  #2 Information Exchange
At its simplest, a website provides a quick and easy way of communicating information between buyers and sellers. You can list your opening hours, contact information, show images of your location or products, and use contact forms to facilitate enquiries from potential customers or feedback from existing ones. You can even upload promotional videos to really engage your customers and sell your business in an effective and cost efficient way. This is also a good way to promote your social media channels and build up a community with your customers
  #3 Credibility
In today’s modern world, there is an expectation for any reputable company to have some kind of online presence. Potential customers would likely be distrusting of any business that didn't have a telephone number or a physical address, and the same can be said for not having a website and email address. These are useful tools to share crucial information about your business with customers and answer all the What’s and Why’s that they may have. What’s more, having a good quality, easy-to-use website makes customers feel comfortable using your services, as they will assume they can expect the same positive experience in all areas of your business.
  #4 It Cuts Costs
As well as simply displaying information, you can also use your website to sell goods & services directly to consumers, in some cases removing the need to use “brick-and-mortar” stores which involve large operating costs (staff wages, rental, utilities to name just a few). Eliminating these overheads will also allow you to lower your prices, giving your business that real competitive edge. It can also be used internally within your business; do you have any news you want to share with colleagues or have any important information that can be accessed by management? Having an internal website can save you a lot of time as everything you need is one place and can be accessed at any time
   #5 Market Expansion
As your site is accessible to anyone all over the world, the ability to break through geographical barriers has never been easier. Anyone, from any country, will be able to find your company and as such, is now a potential customer.
   #6 Consumer Insights
Analytic tools allow you to identify who your typical customer is, how they found you, what they like, and adapt your business to maximise purchases through your site. The diverse range of data available can also help you better understand how your social media channels affect your brand, and can even highlight opportunities to change the offline aspects of your business such as branch opening times, promotions and product ranges.
  #7 Advertising
Tools like Google AdWords or advertising on Facebook give you the power to reach customers with much more accuracy and reliability than with traditional offline advertising methods. SEO and online advertising are a great way to help build up awareness, if it’s done correctly traffic to your website can see an increase. Be the first company that a potential new customer sees when searching for a specific product or service online, and use your website's contact page or e-commerce features to make purchasing a product or finding a retail outlet easier than ever before.
  #8 Competitors Online
If you don’t have a website it is highly likely that your competitor will do, this means that you are missing out on gaining new customers and can be in the forefront of their minds. It is crucial that no opportunities are missed and are gained by the competition
   #9 Customer Service Online
Websites provide an easier way to handle customer service. Offering answers to regularly asked questions in a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section, you can reduce customer service costs and save yourself time and money, as well as providing much more information. This also means that customers can receive a reply instantly and saves time, which helps to encourage positive customer relations in the long run. This could be a benefit for you, all positive feedback can be uploaded into a testimonial, your customers are happy why not show it off?!
  #10 Growth Opportunity
Websites, in general, are great ways to in providing a place that potential investors can be referred to. It shows what your company is about, what it has achieved and what it can achieve in the future.
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preetisahu · 4 years
4 Magical Unicorn Gifts for Kids
You never outgrow your unicorn phase (and thank goodness, because these unicorn presents are so cute)!
We are endlessly fascinated with unicorns. Every time we think the unicorn trend is going to fade away, something happens that makes it come back stronger than ever. It could be the rainbow hair, the glittery horns, or the increasingly popular flower crowns that seem to adorn their manes, but for some reason unicorns have a mystical hold on us and won’t let go.
Don’t try to fight it — just go with it. After all, everyone’s day can use a little more magic. If you have a unicorn lover in your life who is enamored with all things rainbow and sparkle, the upside is that unicorn gifts are exceedingly easy to find. These enchanted equines can be found on everything from backpacks to Priceless Deals Metal Tin Pouch for Return Gift Ear Phone, Coins, Memory Card, Pen Drive and Jewelry
to pillowcases (both for kids and for adults). If there’s a maker in your family, there’s a host of unicorn DIY kits. Someone who loves accessorizing? Try a necklace, a watch, or a flower-ringed horn that you can wear around the house. Kids can sit down for an imaginary hot beverage with a unicorn tea set, while adults can sip their real brew out of a unicorn mug. Oh, and while you're at it, don't forget to browse our guide to the best kids' gifts of 2020.
⦁ Priceless Deals Unicorn sequins color changing College and Tuition Bags
Sequins color-changing backpack for girls. Ideal for college girls and casual travel backpack to carry essential items. Easy to handle while traveling in Scooty & public transport
Ideal for Birthday Gifts and Return Gifts, Party Gifts, etc
2.Title- Priceless Deals Unicorn large capacity 3D Pencil Case  
Multifunctional: Can be used as a pen, pencil box for kids/students to store all kinds of stationery, also can be used a cosmetic bag for girls to put their cosmetics.
Unique 3D Design: Your kids will love this pencil box! The bright color and a little bit of magic makes this pencil holder so special !!!
3.KCR Glitter Blue Ink Stylish & Attractive Unicorn Gel Pens
Super smooth and elegant for use. Best Colors and smooth Writing Experience
You can switch to change colors, easy to use and quick to change for multiple purposes, the unicorn design on the top make the ballpoint pen pretty and cater it kids' interests
Ideal for returning gifts in Birthday celebration. One Pen will be sent and the colors of the pen will vary .Explore Priceless Deals Brand for more cute products
4. Priceless Deals Unicorn Coin Bank and Storage Box
Multi-purpose box and can also be used as Jewelry box by Girls
     Ideal for Birthday Gifts and Return Gifts, Party Gifts etc
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preetisahu · 4 years
Why You Should Use WordPress ? Benefits Of Using WordPress?
WordPress is an open source CMS and free to use to any level (unless you want to upgrade some plugin).
Even if your website makes millions you don’t need to pay any single money to  to WordPress company (unless you want to upgrade some plugin).
There is no license fee or support fees.WordPress is the most popular CMS out of all . More than 50% of all website are running on WordPress.
It is extremely popular among the bloggers due to its inbuilt blogging system. Anybody can join it's  a vast community.
WordPress is extremely easy to install. Its biggest benefit is its popularity that it comes with also all script installers.
If you have cPanel based hosting, you can definitely find any script installer using which you can install WordPress with just few clicks. In case you don’t have cPanel based hosting, you can also install WordPress manually without much hassle in following steps :
Just download the latest version of WordPress from WordPress.org
Upload it in the root folder.
Then create a database and keep its username and password safe.
Now open the website URL and you will see the WordPress installation window.
Follow the steps and enter the required details. And done.
It is very easy to learn to work on WordPress. Some Basic internet skills are required  enough to start with the wrodpress.
Installing a theme or plugin are super easy tasks. Unless you need any specific customisation in theme, you don’t need to know any coding.
Admin panel of WordPress is so creatively designed with  Creating a  new page or post is very much easy.
The Process of installing themes and plugins is very simple as compared to other CMS.
As WordPress has a huge community of developers, they keep contributing new themes to the WordPress database.
Most of them provide it for free of cost. Some charges for premium features.
WordPress is quite a magnet to Search Engine. As it is the most reliable CMS and is there around since quite a long time.
Google and other search engines are quite familiar with its structure. Also there are a number of plugins available to boost the SEO of your WordPress website.
WordPress is made upon PHP and with MVC structure. Though it is general perception that WordPress websites are a bit slower than general HTML & CSS websites. But if you look at the functionalities and security aspects comes with WordPress. It will not feel slow. If you plan to make a custom website with similar security and functionalities,
it is going to be super slow and will need multiple iterations and man hours to reach optimal performance.
The WordPress admin panel can be accessed from anywhere from any system with basic internet connection.
So a WordPress website can be managed from anywhere. As we discussed earlier there is no specific software or
hardware needed to manage a WordPress website. It is specially good for people who are managing a part time blog or website.
They don’t need to manage any specific office or other resources.
Websites made on WordPress are mobile responsive and perform quite well on mobile devices with small screen sizes.
The themes comes for WordPress are also mobile friendly. It is very necessary for a website to be mobile friendly as most of the people are visiting your website on mobile phones. Also it is necessary for a website to be mobile friendly for SEO perspective.
A number of social connection and sharing options are available in WordPress. Some themes comes inbuilt with these options. Also there are several plugins which provide options for social sharing.
Social login options also can be inserted with some plugins. By use of widgets and shortcodes you can also display these social options at various locations on your website.
For wordpress theme info visit our website  - www.techbee.site
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preetisahu · 4 years
Why Digitechmax is a better option for your business ?
Ever wonder how the big companies do it? How are they so successful?
It’s as a result of they invest in customized marketing, specifically for their business. Your business, too, will see this success if you've got a customized marketing plan.
One size most undoubtedly doesn't work tired digital marketing. When you work with us, we make sure we send out the right message to the right people at the right time so you see the greatest return on investment (ROI).
At Digitechmax, we are determined; our mission is to fly above the numerous digital marketing agencies and creative agencies that have popped up recently.
We're different because we're not afraid to shift gears in the ever-changing world of algorithms. Playing with layouts that are fresh and add the much-needed zing to your brand, make our designs unique or one-of-a-kind. Writing content that has an exact rhythm and force like a sea tide, that's what gives us an edge & a power to your business.
When we do get to work with our unique digital marketing strategies, Join us and discover how accommodating to change we are.
We understand the dynamic nature of the industry and push our limits until it is time to stretch again. Beneath the unruffled exterior, we work with a similar dedication that makes a sportsman glide through look effortless.
We follow a simple work philosophy:
Think Big - Start Small - Scale Fast
Highest Standards of Quality
Personalized Attention
Results-focused Innovation
Exceeding Client Expectations
Digitechmax is dedicated to earning bout and understanding your business. by building a relationship with each of our purchasers, we are able to guarantee our promoting strategy is constructed with the only real focus of finding the issues your business faces. We are open about what we have a tendency to do and the way we have a tendency to do it for our clients to gift them with the most effective long-run value.
What requires hard work is its execution concerning projecting the values that a brand stands for through a medium. We have always tried to raised ourselves all the methods each time a client has something to mention regarding our services. We like to see brands prosper within the cut-throat market. We work intending to add value to any project that we undertake.
Visit us on our Facebook, Instagram pages for daily updates.
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preetisahu · 5 years
Top 7 Most Popular Seo Tools Quickly Grow your Business-
1. Ahrefs SEO toolbar
Perceive how much traffic the present website page gets every month, what number of watchwords it positions for, what number of back connections it has, and then some. Additionally shows the pursuit volume, CPC and trouble of each catchphrase looked in Google.
2. Keyword.io
Despite the fact that this is one of the more essential SEO devices, it's as yet the best device for its namesake: catchphrases. Constrained in an investigative capacity, Keyword.io compensates for it by being one of the broadest watchword search instruments on the web
 3. SEO Web Page Analyzer
Website design enhancement Web Page Analyzer plays out a far reaching on-page examination to reveals issues like missing picture alt labels, heading structure mistakes, and page swell.
 4. SERP Simulator
Perceive how your meta title and portrayal will show up in the query items before you even distribute your website page. Works for work area and versatile. Check for truncation issues and fix them quickly.
5. Schema Creator
Make custom code with the goal that your audits, occasions, associations, and individuals are shown the manner in which you need in Google's query items. When you've made your pattern code, reorder into your site.
6. Patent Seo
Patentseo is a Website Audit & Reporting platform that can examine a website in under 30 minutes. We report and examine on matters that matter to customers like page load speed and usability that is cellular, in addition to the elements Search Engines attention about when ranking a page. Small businesses can use Patentseo to improve their rankings and online presence.
 7.  Browseo
Enter your site, and this tool will strip out everything but the guts, revealing your website the way search spiders see it. This particular view can be helpful to see the hierarchy you’ve given particular elements.
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preetisahu · 5 years
2019 Top10 Best Seo Tool for your web site
1. SEMrush
A common tool used by most of the SEO experts, SEMrush is a wholesome marketing suite that allows SEO experts to run competitor research, analyze content and it also comes with a keyword research tool. It does some amazing work; you can research a keyword in more than 10 ways. You can also run a backlinks analysis tool. It works seamlessly with other applications like Google Docs, Search Console, Google Analytics to refine your keyword search and the entire content. 
  2. SE Ranking
SE Ranking is one of the proven Google Ranking’s checkers that provides 100% accurate results and it is a fully automated tool. It also provides results for competitor keywords, ads, and organic search results.
3.MOZ Pro
A tool that helps you to understand your customers! Yes, MOZ Pro is a tool that allows you to search for keywords used by customers to search for your products or services. You can target the exact keywords by using the keyword explorer tool. You can track the ranking for all your keywords using the search visibility score. MOZ Pro helps in checking for issues that keep the search engines away from your sites without crawling it. It shows alerts whenever there are issues with the site. Optimize the entire content through frequent Content Audits offered by MOZ Pro. It does more.
4. Patent Seo
Patentseo is a Website Audit & Reporting platform that can examine a website in under 30 minutes.
We report and examine on matters that matter to customers like page load speed and usability that is cellular, in addition to the elements Search Engines attention about when ranking a page.
Small businesses can use Patentseo to improve their rankings and online presence.
Digital Marketers can utilize our coverage solution to generate PDF reports that are gorgeous and easy to prospects and their clients, also, to embed a branded version of their audit tool in their sites to work as a generator.
We pride ourselves easy to follow, yet quality SEO reporting. We maintain current on search engine algorithm changes and trends always, and so that you do not need to use these to enhance our calculations.
  It has gone through significant feature development and rapid expansion to:
Over     100K monthly visitors
Over     800 customers globally
9     report languages
Millions     of audits produced
5. SEO Powersuite
You can track almost everything using SEO Powersuite that includes links, keywords, website rankings and more. It is an all-in-one toolkit for SEO beginners and experts. It comes with some essential tools – keywords, backlinks, on-page and content, mobile, social media along with analytics & reports.
6. Raven
Raven is an amazing SEO reporting toolkit that helps in boosting your search ranking on the SERPs. It improves your web traffic and also helps in retaining your clients. Best uses for Site Audits, Keyword & Competitor Research, Backlink Analysis, Rank Tracking, SEO Data, PPC, Social Media & Email Marketing Reporting.
7. Netpeak Spider
As the name suggests, Netpeak Spider just walks through your website and looks for different SEO issues and gives a detailed report. Netpeak Spider is your crawler for your website. 
8. Yoast SEO
If you are using Word press, then you ought to have this plug-in Yoast SEO. It allows you to optimize keywords & key phrases. Attract more visitors from various digital platforms and increase your visitor engagement. It is also available on other platforms like Magento, Drupal TYPO3. The main key factor of this tool are Optimize keywords, preview your page in Google & Social Media, get suggestions for internal linking, avoids creating duplicate URLs, get content insights and more.
9. Wordtracker
Optimize your page with keywords that work just for you. Get more than 10k+ keyword suggestions. Wordtracker is an effective keyword research tool. It suggests with similar words along with SERP preview and from multiple sources. 
10. KW Finder
KW Finder is a keyword research tool that comes with a keyword difficulty score. You can search for several long-tail keywords with exact keyword search volumes. Search keywords based on locations, create keyword lists and organize them, filter keywords base on usage and relevancy, import keywords, search trends, and keyword metrics.
and organize them, filter keywords base on usage and relevancy, import keywords, search trends, and keyword metrics.
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