predacious · 3 years
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I don’t want the world to see me, because I don’t think that they’d understand.       when everything is made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am
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predacious · 3 years
( legatium​ ):
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❝  for  now  .  ❞    she  doesn’t  establish  eye  contact  ,    knowing  how  much  he  despises  this  conversation  .    and  yet  ,    she  can’t  help  but  bring  it  up  .    in  fact  ,    it  crosses  her  mind  nearly  every  second  of  the  day  .    today  moreso  than  others  .    ❝  you  seem  to  always  forget  that  i’m  going  to  get  old  and  wrinkly  and  you’re  going  to  stay  just  as  beautiful  as  ever  .  .  .    you  know  ,    unless  .  .  .  ❞
Her words caused a pucker between his brows, a frown on his lips suddenly. He felt his throat go dry, even the bitter taste of venom disappearing. ❛ Is this your way of breaking up with me ? ❜ Questioned the vampire until she continued to speak and just as suddenly as he began to stress himself out, he calmed. ❛ Oh. ❜ The pucker didn’t disappear, nor did his frown. ❛ How many times do we have to go over this ? ❜’
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predacious · 4 years
( legatium​ ):
𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝  🎤 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐥𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫  —    ❛  @predacious​
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❝    you  know  the  greatest  loves  of  all  time  are  over  now  .    ❞
❛ I wouldn’t say all of them are, ❜ he mused, twirling a lock od auburn hair around a single finger. He watched the way she breathed, the way her body moved with each twitch.  ❛ Ours is still going, is it not ? ❜
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predacious · 4 years
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i tried to write again
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predacious · 4 years
( thatprettylittlething​ ):
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𝐇𝐄’𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐀 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅, because they’re not dead. She knows what they feel like, up close and personal. And he’s not like the others either. He’s not a human she witnesses perish, not some innocent mortal in the wrong place at the wrong time ━ he’s supernatural, that’s obvious. But each conclusion she comes to seems more ridiculous than the next; some sort of reanimated cadaver of a Shelley ilk, or Stoker’s infamous vampire … both are unbelievable. And he had been real, as solid as the rest of the campus; far from fiction.
It doesn’t take much for Lydia to track him down. Concern for her safety deflates as time passes since the encounter, curiosity surpassing alarm. A few stints of batting her eyelashes and flashing her sweetest smile provide her with his timetable; organised columns dictating his movements. A map to his whereabouts. She spots him after one his classes and subtle trailing ensues, need to satisfy her suspicions overwhelming the banshee.
He worries; he worries about what he saw and what all that blood could mean for him. A prick of a finger and a single droplet was enough to turn him feral... but all of that ? There was no possible way of controlling himself if he was faced with a river. He thinks about the strange girl and finds her thoughts among the rest of the students. She was beautiful and charming, enough to get many of the males attention. He kept an eye on her through their eyes will prying through her head.
It made him uncomfortable that she so easily figured out he was not something human but by he memories that flashed across her mind like a flickering movie, he realized she had experience with the supernatural, that she was one herself. He didn’t know what she was because the word never crossed her mind and he didn’t have a lot of experience with other creatures that belonged in the dark.
❛ Are you going to continue to follow me or are you going to say hello ? ❜ Questioned the vampire, a single brow raising in question as he turned to glance at her.
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predacious · 4 years
( praecog​ ):
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           SHE DIDN’T MIND A LITTLE PAIN IF SHE COULD make sure that no harm would come to her soulmate. and sure, jasper could take care of himself, but if there WAS any danger and she could see it coming, she would go to him. “this is why i don’t like when he goes alone.” despite her brother’s warning, she kept watching. “besides, you’re hardly the one to judge me for being too CONCERNED.” she teased, with a smile.
Soulmate. He heard that word echo in Alice’s mind and he almost scoffed. He was bitter; Carlisle had found his, Rosalie hers and Alice had seen her own coming for years. Edward wondered if he would ever find someone. Did he even want to ? Or was he just sick of being lonely ? He didn’t let his thoughts change his facial expression, the only tell that he was unhappy was the slight pucker between his brow.
❛ He’s the second strongest out of all of us. ❜ All his training had really paid off. ❛ He can take care of anything. ❜ Then when Alice teased him, he rolled his eyes. ❛ You give me plenty of reason to be concerned, you’re not exactly subtle. ❜
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predacious · 4 years
( theimpalpable​ ):
  REGARDLESS OF HIS INSISTENCE, her distrust didn’t diminish. It was actually SADDENING, to come to the point of not having CONFIDENCE over something that looked like a SHEER act of KINDNESS. These days, trusting someone so EASILY could have a heavy cost, she was very aware of that. Besides, the fact that he seems so SURE about danger still ROAMING around makes her feel a bit UNSETTLED. Why is he so CERTAIN? It’s almost as if there’s SOMETHING behind it. 
   Despite her wariness, she also has to admit that continuing on her path ALONE isn’t a good IDEA, either. Even when she’s walked by herself many times in the past, this is one of the few times where she’s been found in the streets so late at night. She usually tries to be at home before most lights fade out across the city, but this time her work definitely got the best of her; she lost track of time and, before she knew, it was after midnight. 
    A shaky sigh leaves him, brown eyes falling to the ground as she clutches her bag firmly. She feels that if this Edward guy had ILL-WILL, she would’ve been in TROUBLE by now instead of just TALKING with him. He could’ve DONE something rather than holding a conversation. She guesses such thing is RELIEVING in itself, and so she decides to relent. 
    Her head lifts to address him, and she ends up nodding.
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   “Okay, I’ll…trust you. Just a little–a little bit, mind you. I–I feel you, uhm, understand my position here.” A pause. “Thank you for, for taking the–the, uhm, time to do this.” Slowly, she walks so she can be by his side. “It’s…this way.” She gestures with her chin, taking a few steps forward. “May I ask—what…brings you here so, uhm, late at night?” 
He listened to the distrust in her head, listened as she filtered through her thoughts and tried to make a decision. It amused him slightly when she thought that if he had wanted to do something bad, he would have done it already. Such was true; Edward didn’t really like playing around with his food. But his eyes were a bright gold and even if the scent of her blood was painfully tempting, he had been fed so there was no danger here for her from him. Not tonight at least.
❛ No, of course, ❜ he responded in dulcet tones, his brow lifting and tense muscles relaxing. ❛ You’re in a very difficult position and I think it’s entirely unfair. I’m just glad that I’m here when you need it the most. ❜ His words sounded slightly cryptic but the sincerity was overwhelming. He meant every word. Edward was a gentleman first; his mother had raised him that way over a hundred years ago and old habits die hard. ❛ Please, there’s no need to thank me. I’m only doing what’s right... ❜ His smile widened as he heard the angry cursing of the enemy as Edward stood close to her side. He was having a hard time deciding if he should go in for the kill or simply find another defenseless woman. ❛ Women should be allowed to walk where they want, when they want. Maybe it can be like that in the future, but until then... I hope there will be more men like me to ascertain your safety. ❜ He spoke so proper, sounded so intelligent.
When she questioned his reason for being out so late, he was thoughtful. ❛ I couldn’t sleep, ❜ he answered; not entirely a lie but not exactly the truth. He couldn’t sleep; he was cursed to walk this earth for all eternity without rest. Distracted by her thoughts, making sure she didn’t suspect something strange of him, he hadn’t realized the dangerous turn of the attackers mind. The only reason he caught it was the sound of his grunt.
GOlden hues widen. ❛ Watch out ! ❜ He pressed his hand against Lexine’s arm but expelled too much strength and sent her flying half way across the street but it was just in time before the blade pressed into her skin. Not her. He thought. Her blood did not deserve to be spilled on this ground. He would not become a monster because this undeserving women was attacked. Edward’s hand moved to tighten around the fat neck of her would-be killer.
❛ So you like attacking defenseless women ? ❜ There was danger in his voice and the attacker was slowly beginning to realize who the real predator was.
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predacious · 4 years
Welcome to predacious, an independent roleplay blog for Edward Cullen of the Twilight Saga, written and adored  by Ami (25+, she/her) !
This is a selective & private blog which means mutuals only. This blog is multi-verse and multi-ship and should be considered canon divergent
OTHER BLOGS:   Catwoman  Princess Peach   Amelia Sinclair
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predacious · 4 years
"I'll walk with you" is just an excuse to spend more time with someone before they go and that's romantic as fuck
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predacious · 4 years
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predacious · 4 years
@savieors​     //       𝑆𝑇𝐴𝑅𝑇𝐸𝑅 𝐶𝐴𝐿𝐿
❝ You’re gonna have to teach me sometime, ❞ he spoke quietly but she could hear him just fine from beneath the vehicle. ❝ How to deal with cars. ❞ Rose was tuning up his volvo; it wasn’t running at it’s best, probably because of how hard he drove it. ❝ So I won’t have to bother you with this anymore. ❞
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predacious · 4 years
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deathtake, an independent crime-centered original character written and adored by ami.
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predacious · 4 years
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About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him and I didn’t know how potent that part might be that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.
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predacious · 4 years
( thatprettylittlething· ):
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𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐈𝐍𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐄’𝐒 𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐓𝐎 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘, wide-eyed expression giving away to normality. Purse is hitched up higher on her shoulder, only giveaway the frantic thump in her chest. The drumbeat resounds in her ears too, reddened cheeks displaying that practised false smile as she walks. The banshee only makes it about ten paces before her body stills once more, a nauseating sense of dread trickling through her petite frame. Head twists around sharply in an attempt to locate the source; a sudden awareness of death nearby consumes the girl.
But it’s not a corpse that the gaze of harbinger settles upon ━ instead, a young man, a student, she presumed, like herself. One that appears entirely living. Their gaze meets though, his already having resided upon her. The instinct that he’s far from human nips at her skin, an unnerving sensation she’d be foolish to deny. This time when she moves, there’s no sign of halting again; her pace is brisk, heels slapping concrete in the same erratic rhythm of her heart.
What had just transpired ? The vampire was at a total loss; he had never experienced anything like that in his hundred years. That sound, that vision; was it her own mind playing cruel games with her, or was it something else entirely? Was she like ALICE ? He could smell the blood trickling through her veins as it warmed her fragile skin, feel the unsteady thrum of her heart from where he stood. She was human; that’s what he thought, at least. Had she witnessed death before it happened, or again, was it her own head showing her horrifying visions for no reason at all ?
He wanted to ask, desperately so; his curiosity would not get the better of him, however. He would not allow it. Edward could not simply just tell this girl what he could do then rudely question her about what she could possibly do. The thought of it made him chuckle. The sound was sweet, made people draw nearer until they realized he was laughing at nothing at all. The ducked away then, finding him strange even if he was ethereal and beautiful.
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predacious · 4 years
( @euphury· ):
           HONESTLY, WHAT THE HELL?! did no one else feel slightly taken by how impressively good-looking he was? well, maybe they were all just used to him. she WAS the new kid after all. she didn’t expect him to greet her back, but it gave her an opportunity to engage — which for her, was unusual. mostly, juliet liked to stay on her lane, quietly. unless SOMETHING or SOMEONE wanted to get a rise out of her. didn’t seem to be the case in that school so far.
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          ❝i’m juliet. sanders. i just transferred.❞ she hesitated before reaching her hand out to greet him. ❝you’re edward, right?❞maybe she was just too honest for her own good. juliet liked to tell herself that she just didn’t care about consequences most times.
He expected to find something familiar within her mind but instead, there was tense silence. It was like closing your eyes to darkness, only to see vague flashes of different colours. That was what her mind was like. Vague, quiet, different. It was not something he came to expect from the rabble in highschool. His eyes grew hard as they attempted to focus on the quietness. There were flashes of images if he concentrated enough but there was still nothing he could decipher. It took him a moment to even realize that he was staring at her. No one would be comfortable being looked at so intently.
He cleared his throat and cast his gaze elsewhere, to the board filled with information he already knew, while she introduced herself. It brought a wry smile to his lips when she questioned his identity. She would obviously know of him and his strange family, the gossip would have made its way to Juliet’s ears. ❝ Ah, yes. My name is Edward Cullen. It’s... a pleasure to meet you, Juliet. I’m sure you’ve heard of my family and I already. ❞ And he chuckled, feeling rather uneasy around her with this strange decline in his power.
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predacious · 4 years
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predacious · 4 years
who wants an emo vampy boyfriend?
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