praxidice-carcajou · 2 months
Cryptid of the Day!
Side note: Later on your going to see a LOT of creatures from Brazil, because god DAMN do they have some interesting stuff. It’s funny, all around the world you see repeats of similar cryptids with slightly different aspects and names. I could spend all day talking about different cryptids from different parts of the world that are bipedal, unusually large primates, or long necked, humongous sea monsters the seem to find their way into any lake big enough to fit a kayak. But Brazil?? If you want something unique and original , look to almost any cryptid that’s popped up in Brazil.
Capelobo: NOW, I best be getting to the actual topic of the day; the capelobo of Brazil! Capelobo’s are lycanthropes, like Werewolves! ….. except werewolves are probably not the best comparison. So let’s go through the process of the Capelobo. Let’s say you’re old, wrinkly, hunched over and frankly just sick of being well…. Old. So! You do what any sensible senior citizen such as yourself would do: sell your humanity and sense of morality in exchange for a new body, your Capelobo body!! Now remember, once you have chosen to become a capelobo, you may never return to your human body or your humanity, but you are gifted with two new forms! These two forms would include your animal form, a tapir with some oddly dog like features, and your humanoid form. Now, the animal form is really just for disguise, what capelobos are REALLY known for is their primary humanoid, ‘werewolf’ form. You are given the head of an anteater (or in some, rare myths, the head of a tapir or a dog), the body of an incredibly buff man (plus a bunch of fur), long, powerful anteater claws, and two bottle shaped legs with PERFECTLY rounded hooves that make your tracks especially unique! Plus! You are also gifted with a banshee screech that can be heard from over ten miles away and drive victims straight up insane, incredible strength, basketball player hight, impenetrable skin, and a foul smell! And yes I know, compared to all of your other new abilities, foul smell sounds like an insult, but honestly….. it’s kind of your new best weapon. When I say foul, I mean FOUL. The sheer power of the capelobo’s stinky-ness is enough to stun its prey, rendering it completely unconscious and giving it headaches and dizziness for days after if it were to somehow survive the encounter. All together, I don’t know about you but that sounds like a pretty damn good deal to me! You could waste away in a nursing home watching jeopardy as you slowly fade into eternal unconsciousness, OR, you could spontaneously become an (honestly ) kind of over powered buff ass furry that lives significantly longer life being a forest goblin! I mean, really, of course my default answer would initially be “FUCK YEAH!! FURRY-IFY ME!” But before we get to hasty, let us into our ‘lovely’ little capelobo life style first….
The Tea:
Despite what you may assume from their giant claws and muscles capable of ripping a man in half without a sweat, capelobos aren’t necessarily meat eaters. But they sure as hell are carnivores! Capelobos are actually vampiric! They survive primarily out of sucking the blood out of their victims, and sometimes sucking the brains of their prey straight out of their skull.
Capelobo’s are beasts, and they are considered evil, but not because they’re man eaters. Don’t get me wrong, capelobo’s are known for draining a guy who’s in the wrong place at the wrong time, but humans really aren’t on their list of common prey. See, it’s the diet that me back the hell out, and drops these guys out of lost for my top three favorite cryptids. These guys just live off cute baby animals. Specially kittens, puppies and baby goats. Like- all of the cutest baby animals of all time.
Where to find in other media:
Capelobo is a monster that can be found in DND, and an inscription mod set! Unfortunately though, that’s all I could really find for this one!
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credit to cryptidwiki and H. Kyoht Luterman!
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credit to Oddityhive on Reddit!
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praxidice-carcajou · 2 months
❝ I wish I could say fanfic writing as a part of my special skills while applying for a job ❞ and what if I say you actually can? because writing fanfic can actually be used as a part of your special skills while applying for a job and it is valid. writing is writing. literally the only thing differentiate fanfic writers from writers who publish and sell original works is that fanfic writers can’t publish and sell their works. that’s all. that’s the only difference. don’t let anyone tell you “fanfic writers aren’t real writers because their works aren’t as good as those of writers who write and sell original works” because that’s utter bullshit. I’ve read so many well written fanfics that are so much better than some published original novels. (here’s the proof.)
wanna know the trick? if you don’t think you’re gonna be taken seriously if you say you write fanfics while in a job interview, then say creative writing. because writing fanfics is considered creative writing. it is creative writing.
fanfic writers can write novel-length fiction, fanfic writers can write as good as any other writers who write original works if not better. fanfic writers are writers and they are just as valid.
you, a fanfic writer, may even be more dedicated and passionate than writers who sell original works because, while they write because it’s their job, you literally write 👏🏻 for 👏🏻 free 👏🏻 out 👏🏻 of 👏🏻 pure 👏🏻 love 👏🏻 and 👏🏻 passion.
that’s a whole novel and you wrote that with pure love and passion. that’s pretty mind blowing.
so yes, you absolutely can and should say creative writing while applying for a job, and say it proudly. you are a writer.
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praxidice-carcajou · 2 months
AHHHH I AM SCREAMING DUDE THAT IS SO CUTE!!!! I love your art style!!!! And pffft yeah, yeah I’m pretty sure you got it, I mean- where else could they wear a tutu lol? Seriously, YES! Dare I say this is the most beautiful work of art I have ever laid eyes upon!!
Cryptid of the Day!
The Fresno Nightcrawlers:
Ahh of course we have to talk about the Fresno nightcrawlers, they are my favorite spooky pairs of pants after all! These funky guys are just that; funky. In fact, I’d even argue that these guys are the very definition of funky, perhaps even the funkiest of them all. Keep in mind that later on I will be getting into some weird shit, but there is little as biologically bizarre as whatever’s going on with these guys. Now, this cryptid was brought to the media in the form of blurry CCTV footage, leaving us to gather little on its appearance. Nonetheless , years passed after the blurry video footage was posted and we actually ended up with a couple of supposed sightings that basically described them as exactly what we had assumed them to be in the footage. So for appearances, let’s just imagine a stump with legs. Let me tell you, these guys never missed leg day, not once. They have an itty bitty upper body with little features, some stating that they have round tops and wide eyes, but otherwise devoid of a face. The rest of their body is just legs, lanky, white/grey legs.
“THEY TRIED TO PUT ME ON THE COVER OF VOGUE, BUT MY LEGS WERE TOOOOO LOOOOOONG.” A 100% real Fresno nightcrawler quote. Totally.
The tea:
Of course, these guys were first spotted in Fresno, California, strutting their award winning legs out on some random guys lawn. This was where the infamous ‘Fresno nightcrawler’ footage came from! Later on, they were also spotted on a trail cam in Yosemite, national park, where the ‘mysterious’ corpse of a deer was found near by. I don’t know about you, but I would pay see how the hell these guys supposedly killed this deer. Seriously, did they crush its head in with their thighs?? Can you imagine taking a walk in the woods, everything is nice and serene and then BOOM! BUFF LEGS JUMP YOU AND SMASH YOUR SKULL IN WITH THEIR THIGHS! They’re was also a few sightings around the world, specifically in Poland and Montana. The were never described as violent, more like they were just vibing!
Considering the incredibly unrealistic chances of long term survival for an arm less, slow, bright white creature, many doubt these guys are anything more but a pair of pants on a string. That’s boring though, so more fun theories range from categorizing these guys as alien life showing off their thighs to the planet Earth, advanced species of fungi, deformed monkeys, or perhaps even a new, undiscovered type of animal!
Where to find in other forms of media:
Fact or faked Actually did an episode on these guys, declaring their famous video to be impossible to prove OR disprove!
They have a variant that can be found in ‘Singing Monsters!’
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Credit to Cryptid Wiki and curious archive for information!
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praxidice-carcajou · 2 months
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praxidice-carcajou · 2 months
Cryptid of the Day!
The Fresno Nightcrawlers:
Ahh of course we have to talk about the Fresno nightcrawlers, they are my favorite spooky pairs of pants after all! These funky guys are just that; funky. In fact, I’d even argue that these guys are the very definition of funky, perhaps even the funkiest of them all. Keep in mind that later on I will be getting into some weird shit, but there is little as biologically bizarre as whatever’s going on with these guys. Now, this cryptid was brought to the media in the form of blurry CCTV footage, leaving us to gather little on its appearance. Nonetheless , years passed after the blurry video footage was posted and we actually ended up with a couple of supposed sightings that basically described them as exactly what we had assumed them to be in the footage. So for appearances, let’s just imagine a stump with legs. Let me tell you, these guys never missed leg day, not once. They have an itty bitty upper body with little features, some stating that they have round tops and wide eyes, but otherwise devoid of a face. The rest of their body is just legs, lanky, white/grey legs.
“THEY TRIED TO PUT ME ON THE COVER OF VOGUE, BUT MY LEGS WERE TOOOOO LOOOOOONG.” A 100% real Fresno nightcrawler quote. Totally.
The tea:
Of course, these guys were first spotted in Fresno, California, strutting their award winning legs out on some random guys lawn. This was where the infamous ‘Fresno nightcrawler’ footage came from! Later on, they were also spotted on a trail cam in Yosemite, national park, where the ‘mysterious’ corpse of a deer was found near by. I don’t know about you, but I would pay see how the hell these guys supposedly killed this deer. Seriously, did they crush its head in with their thighs?? Can you imagine taking a walk in the woods, everything is nice and serene and then BOOM! BUFF LEGS JUMP YOU AND SMASH YOUR SKULL IN WITH THEIR THIGHS! They’re was also a few sightings around the world, specifically in Poland and Montana. The were never described as violent, more like they were just vibing!
Considering the incredibly unrealistic chances of long term survival for an arm less, slow, bright white creature, many doubt these guys are anything more but a pair of pants on a string. That’s boring though, so more fun theories range from categorizing these guys as alien life showing off their thighs to the planet Earth, advanced species of fungi, deformed monkeys, or perhaps even a new, undiscovered type of animal!
Where to find in other forms of media:
Fact or faked Actually did an episode on these guys, declaring their famous video to be impossible to prove OR disprove!
They have a variant that can be found in ‘Singing Monsters!’
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Credit to Cryptid Wiki and curious archive for information!
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praxidice-carcajou · 2 months
What the hell am I even doing?
Good question! I sure as hell don’t know yet, but I was thinking of starting this public diary of sorts in the form of posts, where each day I would add a new entry. This ‘journal’ would be a collection of all of my favorite cryptids with an intro, list of facts, and an eye witness report (as well as my own biased commentary on why their cool.) Basically, this would just be a little nerd thing for myself, so I can work on my writing and research skills a little bit as well as dive deeper into a rabbit hole I’ve been wanting to dive deeper into for awhile. I just thought it might be a fun little side thing to help me get better at procrastination and shit! So! If anyone actually sees this and is interested, please feel free to throw out critiques or suggestions on the format of these little entries, as well as throw out any suggestions for cryptids that you think would be cool to look into!
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praxidice-carcajou · 2 months
Cryptid of the Day!
THE YUKON BEAVER EATER: or as it was originally know as the saytoechin, is a Canadian cryptid with a multitude of sightings down on the west coast. Now, in my humble opinion, I humbly say this guy is underrated as fuck! Sure some people say he’s a lot like big foot, but c’mon! This guy is a blood thirsty ground sloth that could crush the skull of a grizzly bear with the sheer density of his ass!
The tea:
He’s known for snacking on beavers, like- all the time. I mean, saytoechin, his traditional name, literally translates to ‘beaver eater.’
His sightings were originally described as basically a fucked bear until the eyewitnesses were given a photo of the suspected culprit; the 10,000 year extinct ground sloth. From this day forward, most sources say he’s a super buff ground sloth, while some say he’s a giant cannibalistic beaver…. or a fucked up bear. Eye witness report: "The latest report was from Violet Johny, my husband’s sister, who was fishing with her husband and her mother at the head of Tatchun Lake 4 or 5 years ago. An animal came out of the woods, 8 or 9 feet high, bigger than a grizzly bear. It was a “saytoechin” and it was coming towards them. They panicked, fired a few shots over its head and finally managed to get the motor going and took off. There are other reports. There is also a report that a white man shot one in a small lake in that area. Beaver eaters are supposed to live in the mountainous area east of Frenchman Lake."- Dawn Charlie, 1990
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praxidice-carcajou · 2 months
PLEASE- tell me I’m not the only person who loves this guy with all my heart and soul. 10/10 cryptid. The most handsomest boi of them all.
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praxidice-carcajou · 2 months
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praxidice-carcajou · 3 months
Anybody else kind of love The Granny??? I mean, she’s definitely not my FAVORITE LN monster, but she’s at least a little underrated! She’s like a sewer dwelling naked mole rat. I’m a sucker for naked mole rats.
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praxidice-carcajou · 3 months
dnd jokes that will always be funny no matter what your dm tells you
"jesus christ" "who's that"
"this is just like (tv show/movie)" "that's my favorite play"
referring to famous musicians or actors from the real world as "bards"
adding the word "fantasy" in front of modern things (i pull out my Fantasy iPhone and open Fantasy Tinder)
"how hurt are you" "on a scale of one to twenty-eight i'd say i'm at about a nine."
feel free to add more
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praxidice-carcajou · 3 months
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praxidice-carcajou · 3 months
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Shout out to this one woman from Blair Witch Project. According to the directors everyone involved in the scene was a plant, except for her, some random woman from the real Burkitsville who was asked about the Blair Witch and immediately made up a story about seeing a documentary on the Discovery Channel about disappearing hunters. While carrying a child. Unsung MVP of horror
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praxidice-carcajou · 3 months
This may just be the most beautiful work of art I’ve ever seen
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Been drawing the lady a lot… planning to animate her for my RK animation so I gotta know how
@queen0fm0nsterz since I know you’ll want to see your bbg
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praxidice-carcajou · 3 months
Christ Jerry
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Goddamn Jerry
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praxidice-carcajou · 3 months
“Listen to a different song”
If anyone needs new music to focus on and find a different outlet this is gonna be a list of artists and music that might catch your ear! That sound similar and give me similar feelings that Lovejoy and Wilbur’s music would give me.
Mother Mother just released a new album this past month, sounds really freaking good, and they’re currently selling tickets for a tour with Cavetown this upcoming year!
Ricky Montgomery released a new album back in September, also sounds really good and definitely a vibe! He’s also currently on a tour!
The Beaches have a newer album that they released in May, they’ve got a really good sound, sounds kind of a mix between Wet Leg and Florence and the Machine. Female band, I personally haven’t listened to them a ton but I’m in love with their sound so far!
McFly is a British pop rock band that’s started music in 2003 and they’ve been making music for years. They took a break for awhile to do their own thing but have recently released a new album. There were many times when listening to Lovejoy I could hear many similarities to some of McFly’s older music! Would 10/10 recommend them.
Sarah and the Sundays, they’ve got a groovy sound, I found them sometime last year and I really like their stuff! Started getting bigger during the pandemic and seem like they’re doing a tour rn in the US!
Motherfolk, groovy amazing music! Indie rock, based from Ohio! They have a few shows going on later in the year. Absolutely recommend them too.
As someone who spent the entire beginning of the year pretty much only listening to Wilbur’s new music and Lovejoy, and being very consumed by their music last year, I understand! This makes me want to scream because I find a lot of everything with music. But fuck abusers and believe and support victims.
I’m probably gonna add to this list as I find music and listen to more! And if anyone has recommendations they’d like me to add, feel free to share and I can add it! I love discovering music and I’m sure people who loved this band do too.
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praxidice-carcajou · 3 months
Hey guys! here are some alternatives for wilbur soot and/or lovejoy!
Joe Goldsmith - Lead guitarist/backing vocalist for lovejoy, has his own solo career with amazing music similar to lovejoy (I want to clarify the one I linked in the comments is NOT the Joe we’re talking about here! Im so sorry about that!)
James marriott - Amazing vocals and catchy tunes! He's also a commentary youtuber
Cavetown - Pretty similar to lovejoy, lots of good vocals
Ricky Montgomery - Easy to listen to, has lots of quiet catchy songs
The Strokes - Indie rock band with instrumentals a lot like lovejoy + very nice vocals
The Fairways - Less well-known indie band with calm vocals and similar instrumentals
Fish in a birdcage - Modern renaissance indie band with amazing instrumentals
Los Campensinos - Lovejoy/wilbur has covered a lot of songs by them! Very catchy and great to sing along to
Beach Bunny - Rock band, very catchy and great to sing to
Bully - Probably the most like lovejoy. Great instrumentals and amazing vocals
Neon trees - Great angry music, loud big instrumentals
Arctic monkeys - Calmer, great vocals and easy to sing to
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