pottyprongs · 1 year
"Believe it or not, I can read," James quipped back to Bellatrix's remark, his eyes on the books rather than her. He scanned the shelf of potion book before him, taking one out and reading the back before he placed it back on the shelf. "I'm sure this is a regular haunt of yours though," he mused, picking up another. "You seem fitting of the.. clientele." He looked around at a few of the other costumers and then at her, tucking the book under his arm.
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Where: Fledermaus and Tanner Bats & Skins, Knockturn Alley Who: @pottyprongs
Running her fingers over the spines as she moved through the aisles of spell and potion books, there wasn't a specific book she was looking for but when Bella entered the shop she knew she was being followed as the bell above the door rang just seconds after she had disappeared into the shelves. Not knowing who had followed her in but knowing she had the advantage of being a regular here allowed her to find her way through the stacks before she could find herself behind her little follower. "Now what does a boy like you want with a shop like this?" The witch spoke up, leaning against the bookcase that housed various potion books as she faced James Potter.
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pottyprongs · 1 year
Where: Rosa Lee Teabag When: May With who: @roaringlilyevans
James was exhausted. After a long shift in work, he was signed up to do a watch for the Order in a couple of hours and was trying to give himself some energy again. Going home was tempting but he was sure any closeness to his bed would just put him to sleep and make him even more tired if he only got an hour or two. So he sat in Rosa Lee Teabag, staring at nothing and slowing sipping away at a coffee. His eyes were glazed over, daydreaming about nothing in particular, when he saw a familiar flash of red hair that dragged him out of it.
"Evans," he called as she walked in, not caring about people looking at him for the display. He gestured to the spare seat at his table, grinning as she walked over. He ran a hand through his hair, looking up at her with a sheepish smile. "Keep me company? What do you want to drink? I'll go get it."
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pottyprongs · 1 year
James' dreams of being an auror had somehow forgot to take into account that being an auror meant working all kinds of odd shifts. His ideals of fighting crime and putting away bad guys had failed to take into account the affect it would have on his sleep schedule. For example, he was currently on his lunch break despite people around him still queueing up for breakfast. He decided to leave the offices for lunch, needing some fresh air and a change of scenery. There was a rather tense atmosphere in the Auror Office these days and it was none to enjoyable.
All this was how he found himself sitting in Rosa Lee Teabag, sipping away at a coffee with a ham and cheese croissant in front of him. He glanced away from the window as he heard someone speak to him, smiling once he saw who it was. "Of course, mate. You can keep me entertained. There's no one interesting around to people watch."
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LOCATION: Rosa Lee Teabag, Diagon Alley DATE: May 9th, 1986 FEATURING: Edward Tonks and . . .
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Dawdling around Diagon Alley at 10 a.m, his day had a later start than usual. Apparating from Whitby and back within a week had taken it's toll on him. It was a brief stay. A much needed visit to see his relatives, with Ted insisting that he came to see them for his pre-mature birthday celebrations rather than the other way around. Given everything that happened as of late, he didn't feel secure in making any other decision. His family were safe at home. It would remain that way while he investigated the dangers emerging around the city.
Now back in London, it was all about his findings. It never stopped, really, the worry that didn't push from the back of his mind, even when at home. What could be next. . . or rather, who. Brought back to the present as his order was called from behind the counter, Ted paid for his breakfast pastry and cup of honeybush tea before seeking a place to rest. He approached an empty seat, hesitating before claiming it as the table itself was not empty. Shooting the person a bashful smile, he asked: "Do y' mind if I...?"
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pottyprongs · 1 year
"Unless I was a werewolf who wanted to hurt or turn people," he pointed out. It was at least one of the theories, the Order and his friends in work had been chasing. As much as the Ministry wanted to claim in was all just a freak accident, James was on the same side as Marlene in thinking that made absolutely no sense. "You know as well as I do that there are some werewolves who purposefully let themselves change near public spaces, for loads of different reasons." Some did it out of bitterness for being changed themselves, some just because they enjoyed hurting others, while others did it to increase what they viewed as their 'pack'.
"Werewolves are angry and out of control when they don't take wolfsbane, Marls, that's why so many of them stay so far from people when they turn. They can't be themselves anymore," he pointed out, leaning back in his chair slightly. He frowned slightly as she went on, picturing the map of the area h currently had on his desk in work. He cursed himself for not bringing it with him. "I don't think there's one officially anyway. Unless they took the sewers. Which, honestly I doubt, if they got there through the sewers it would have made a mess, and on the way to leave it would have been too hard to close the cover properly," he sighed. "I guess..." He paused, thinking through his own thoughts for a moment. "A werewolf on wolfsbane would have been more clear thinking."
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"It just doesn't make any sense-" Marlene frowned, brows furrowed as she set the pen down to flick through the clipping scattered in front of her. Clippings from the Daily, Quibbler, past and present all referring to werewolf attacks. Piecing together language from past attacks and present, every one had similar aspects but this one wasn't as clear cut as the others had been. "Just think about it- if you were a werewolf, you knew what was coming, if you couldn't afford to take wolfsbane, you'd make sure you were further out of town." "The attacks were-... frantic. It's like it was angry some how- it was out of control." The witch mused as her eyes flickered over the moving photographs from the Prophet before frowning and turning it over with a puff of her cheeks. "No one saw it come into Diagon Alley, if they had the alarms would have been sound. It's like it came up from underneath, like it come out of thin air-" The witch mused as she rested her head in her hands. "Where was the first place it attacked- Outside of Grave Affair right? Then it just- vanished.. and we didn't see it again until where?" Marlene asked with a quirked eye brow, trying to find the news paper clipping with the answer. "It's almost like there had to be some kind of underground network that it used to come up from if no one saw it coming in-
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pottyprongs · 1 year
James was exhausted. Between work with the Ministry and his work for the Order, he was running on very little fumes these days. With more attacks and terror throughout the community, he was being pulled at from all sides to be at is best. And despite how tired he might have been, James always rallied and showed up with all he had to give. So despite a very long day at work, he now came into the Order Headquarters, getting ready to do his shift watching over the place for the night.
"Hey," he greeted with a smile, as he walked into the room Marlene was in. "Go ahead," he nodded as he sat down, waiting to here what she wanted to know. "Something like what?" he asked curiously. It wasn't that he necessarily disagreed, just that a lot felt out of place these days. "Nothing all that useful," he sighed, shaking his head. "They're trying to get us to prove it was just an accidental werewolf attack, someone who wasn't careful enough and too close to town when they turned."
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Who: @pottyprongs Where: Order head quarters
Assigned watch with James over the head quarters for the night, Marlene couldn't help but shake that something didn't seem right from everything that happened. If Marlene had learnt anything from the last three years it was that everything had a catch. A piece of a puzzle that never truly fit in the place where they wanted it to and now was no different. Sat at the table at the back flicking the pen between her fingers as she looked over at the newspaper clippings she'd gathered a frown pulled onto the edge of her features. That was until James came in and she raised her head to meet him. "Hey-.. can I ask you something? I can't get out or my head the feeling that there has to be something else to this.. something that we're missing. Has the ministry found anything yet?"
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pottyprongs · 1 year
"Woah, just me, mate," James replied with his hands up to proclaim his innocence as Remus' head snapped up. "And you know where I was," he added. Considering they were together, Remus knew James had seen just as little as he had. His only advantage was being an auror, a position that had given him some information already. "Let's go somewhere quieter," he murmured, knowing Remus wouldn't be the only one asking for answers if people spotted an auror on the scene.
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where: knockturn alley who: all when: 26/03/1986
tw: blood
Kneeling down outside of The Grave Affair, Remus snapped another photo of the scene. Several large pools of blood had formed where the victims had been attacked, some pooling together so closely it was difficult to tell what belonged to each victim.
Remus suddenly felt the hairs stand up on the back of his neck. 'What if it had been him?' He mused. 'He was lucky to have such good friends.' A voice suddenly made his head turn, snapping up to the person who spoke. "Did you see anything last night?" He asked firmly. "Just trying to get a picture of what transpired."
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pottyprongs · 1 year
"I heard a rumour that you'd grown up, I was just checking to make sure it wasn't true," he assured Sirius in response, a quick grin on his lips. "Good. I think she should spend more time around me. I'm all mature now, I'm sure she'd like me," he joked. Realistically, he was probably quite high on the list of people she hated. "A bit of surprise would be good for them. They probably think you've gone all tame," he sighed.
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Time off was pretty rare these days. With the auror office only becoming more and more busy and the cases piling up they were all working all sorts of hours to make any bit of difference. So having the night off when there was a fun event on ensured that James was in a very good mood as he wandered the streets. With all his friends arriving at different times he hadn’t seen too much of them yet which meant he grinned to himself when he saw Sirius outside the sweetshop he was about to pass. “You know they make that for children, right?” James countered with a quick grin. “We could start a side hussle. A muggle business under the Black name would really please your family.”
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pottyprongs · 1 year
James gave a sheepish grin as Lily spoke about his school days, a hand moving to his hair. Roughing up his hair a little he gave a small shrug. "You might not be wrong there," he agreed. His mother got enough letters home as it was, anymore and he might have actually gotten in trouble with her for once. "At least you still have some common sense," he teased.
A laugh bubbled from James' chest as Lily gasped and grabbed his arm, letting her turn him around. "Okay okay, you can come, Evans," he joked, walking along side her. He walked a bit faster now that he could actually see where he was going, still looking at Lily every now and then. "Having a good time?" he asked. "You seem in a good mood."
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Lily bit back her laugh and gave him a mock skeptical look instead. "I'm sure if your mother knew half the crap you did while we were in school she would be on my side," she said, the corners of her mouth giving away her amusement by creeping upwards. "But I will say, of all the things I could call you, a cheapskate isn't one of them." No, not at all. James was hands down one of the most generous people she knew, and it was the way he took care of the people he loved that had opened her eyes to how great he was in the first place.
"You'd better not find someone else!" She gasped, grabbing his arm and turning him around, her elbow hooking through his so she could steer them towards the ice cream shop. "Now that you've put the promise of Florean's in my head, I have to have it. The night will be a total wash if I don't get that banana swirl I love." Lily looked up at him, her smile wide in the way James always made it these days.
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pottyprongs · 1 year
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE WHITE KNIGHT get what he deserves?” He is in THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX & CLOSED to finding out. 
name → james potter pronouns → he/him identification → cis male year of birth → september 1959 - september 1960 face claim → darren barnet blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → auror for the department of magical law enforcement at the ministry of magic future information → husband of lily evans, father of harry potter
— he is best described as ;
UNWAVERING LOYALTY. He is a FIRM HANDSHAKE after a game of or a PAT ON THE BACK in a time of SUPPORT. He is a BOYISH SMILE when no one is looking and the comforting scent of the EARTH after it RAINS or the taste of a BEER by the FIREPLACE on an AUTUMN evening with friends. He’s the first boy you write LOVE LETTERS to yourself about, wishing you knew more.
— his story starts with ;
tw: death, tw: blood
A legendary man; James Potter’s name rings around Wizarding London as loud as the toll of Big Ben. To most he is a beloved former school boy who grew into a respected auror, whilst others would speak of him in a less favourable light. Born to Fleamint and Euphima Potter, James was an only child and raised in a large and beautiful home. The Potters were an old family in the city and highly respected amongst high society, both for their name and their contribution to modern day wizarding cosmetics. Childhood was glittering parties and rubbing shoulders with Ministry Officials, models and designers that clutched bubbling drinks. Like any loving parents, the Potters filled their son’s head with dreams and each night he slept soundly knowing the world was his oyster, he only needed to go out and grasp it.  Hogwarts presented an opportunity for James to fan his feathers in front of a larger audience and he wasted no time in doing so before the sorting hat touched his dark curls. 
James spotted SIRIUS BLACK [best friend/housemate] upon entering the train and immediately became intrigued. He had seen Sirius in his parents circles, though he was aware the Black family preferred to cart out their nieces to public parties rather than their eldest son. They told the same jokes and both immediately rushed to the windows of their carriage when they saw a fight unfolding in the aisles. As soon as James saw PETER PETTIGREW [best friend/housemate] put away his wand and give LARKIN MULCIBER [adversary] a right hook to the jaw, James knew he had to be his friend. Sorted into Gryffindor, he was excited to be with like-minded people and was overjoyed to be seated with Peter and Sirius at the table. But there was someone else sitting there that would come to be just as prominent in his life. It didn’t take long for James to learn that wrapping Gryffindor around his little finger was incredibly easy, but others were not so easily persuaded. LILY EVANS [close friend/potential love interest] was one of them. 
No matter how many outlandish displays of affection he threw her way, asking her to be his valentine by spelling her name into fireworks in The Great Hall, defending her honour when people dared to insult her, she was adamant she wanted nothing to do with him. Although his antics did not capture Lily’s attention they did capture those of the faculty, but James had cunning a plan to get around that. REMUS LUPIN [best friend/housemate] was a fellow Gryffindor who had the favour of a number of the teachers including ALBUS DUMBLEDORE [leader/former headmaster] and had future prefect written on his forehead. James made it his mission early on to befriend him, finding the task more difficult than he’d anticipated due to how aloof he was, despite being friendly and easy to speak to. Then in second year, with help from Peter and Sirius, they learned his closely guarded secret. Remus was a boy in need of love and acceptance. From that point onward they were inseparable. Peter was his joy, Sirius was his right hand and Remus was his conscience, which he often needed to spot the holes in his hairbrained schemes. 
Remus had been the one to tell him that mercilessly bullying Lily’s gatekeeper SEVERUS SNAPE [adversary] was a bad idea. Or that dating her best friend MARLENE MCKINNON [close friend/former partner] to get her attention, would not get him the attention he was after. James didn’t really know how to win with her and was surprised when suddenly she began being kind to him, but by the time she had, he had more on his mind than winning her over. Just before final year, James had opened his front door to find Sirius sobbing in the street holding his bags. His family had finally severed all ties with him and their friendship meant more to Sirius now than it ever had before. Seventh year saw James a decorated Quidditch Captain and Head Boy, but when he looks back on that time he remembers how he tried to be there for his friends. Soothing their worries and providing a laugh when needed; and how all of the childishness that came before, of flirting with girls and bullying other boys felt meaningless in comparison. 
Upon graduating, James moved to London with Remus, Sirius and James. Unlike his friends he had a clear vision of what he wanted to do and was eagerly accepted onto the Auror training programme where he excelled in his position. He was happy in his job, keeping the streets of the city safe at night and partying with his friends in the evening. It was all he’d ever wanted. But James remembered the day it all suddenly changed. Just past midnight he ran to Marlene, her dress soaked in blood, a look of horror on her face like she’d never seen before. BOOKER BAGNOLD [person of interest], was dead and one of his close friends had been uncomfortably close to the event. James threw everything he had into the case, working hard to find the person who had done it and fighting the twists and turns that came their way. He couldn’t have foreseen however, how connected it all was, until the day that Dumbledore extended an invitation to join The Order of The Phoenix. James had noticed the amount of missing person’s cases piling up on his desk and the deaths that went unsolved. 
It was the musings, he thought of a tired auror that something larger was at play and then suddenly they had an answer. THE DARK LORD [adversary]. A mysterious figure who Dumbledore was adamant was the hand of death behind it all. To take his mind off things, James has been privately working the cold case of missing socialte ROSALIE FLINT [person of interest], who disappeared three years ago. Many disappearence and attacks including the death of Booker, were attributed to werewolves, prompting the Ministry to look more closely at the members of Wizarding London who may be hiding in plain sight. James has been doing his best to investigate crimes he believes might be related to werewolves, with the help of his mentor HESTIA JONES [close friend/mentor] at The Order’s HQ to ensure Remus’s job remains in tact and he stays out of the crosshairs of some diffiuclt cases which could be pinned on his best friend in panic. Something feels wrong to James about Rosaline’s disappearance and although to many she’s just a pure-blood socialte, he is certain a little research she could fit into a bigger picture no one has seen.
— he is a LEVEL 7 WIZARD & readied for war ;
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pottyprongs · 1 year
His smile was instantaneous when he saw Lily's. He always chalked that up to her just being one of 'those people'. The people with infectious smiles and laughs that made you grin from ear to ear. Someone who's smile brightened even the shittiest of days. Or at least she was to him... But so was Sirius so he didn't dwell on it too much.
James scoffed at her accusation, shaking his head. "My mum would be offended that you thought she raised such a cheapskate, Evans," he teased, a playful smile on his face. "Does that mean you're coming with me? Because we probably only have fourteen minutes now and I can only walk so fast backwards so I'd rather not have to find someone else. Especially when I know you love Florean Fortescue’s."
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Despite the amount of less-than-pleasant encounters Lily had had so far this evening, she found she was actually enjoying herself at the solstice festival. The company of her friends far outweighed the rudeness of a few people whose opinions didn't matter to her, and she found she was able to push those conversations out of her mind and focus on having fun with her people.
So Lily was already in a good mood when James caught up with her, and the smile on his face only caused that mood to boost even further. Rolling her eyes as he started walking backwards, Lily nevertheless kept an eye out so she could pull him out of the way before he knocked into something. "I hope that means you're going to buy me two cones for one, not that you're a cheap date." She blushed slightly as the word date left her mouth, but soldiered on, determined not to make things awkward. She and James had come a long way since the days he used to come up with humiliating ways to ask her out, and his friendship had become one of the best parts of her life.
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pottyprongs · 1 year
Time off was pretty rare these days. With the auror office only becoming more and more busy and the cases piling up they were all working all sorts of hours to make any bit of difference. So having the night off when there was a fun event on ensured that James was in a very good mood as he wandered the streets. With all his friends arriving at different times he hadn't seen too much of them yet which meant he grinned to himself when he saw Sirius outside the sweetshop he was about to pass. "You know they make that for children, right?" James countered with a quick grin. "We could start a side hussle. A muggle business under the Black name would really please your family."
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Sirius & Open Outside Sugarplum’s Sweet Shop
He should have offered to work the entire festival. A particularly dangerous thought, but Sirius couldn’t seem to shake it. Things would have been easier. More specifically, there would have been a counter to hide behind if it came to having to face ghosts of his past head-on instead of having to properly deal with them. Try as he may, there was never any shaking the more negative thoughts that accompanied attending Ministry sanctioned events. It wasn’t anything a little bit of alcohol couldn’t fix but he still wasn’t entirely in the mood for dealing with people. “You know,” He gave a dejected sigh a plopped a piece of fairy floss in his mouth, not bothering to look toward who he was talking to since not getting an answer was something he would have accepted. “One of the muggle bars managed to infuse theirs with enough vodka to get a good buzz. We need to step up.”
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pottyprongs · 1 year
Who: @roaringlilyevans When: 20th of March 1986 Where: Diagon Alley
The Spring Solstice Festival had so far, been a fun occasion for James. Despite the wide arrange of people in attendance, plenty who he didn't like and an equal amount who didn't like him, he hadn't run in to anyone unfriendly yet. And he couldn't help but feel it would only get better when he saw a familiar head of red hair up ahead.
"Can you believe this?" James asked as he reached Lily. He moved to be in front of her, walking backwards in an effort to keep her in his eyeline. An incredibly stupid move considering it was so busy, but James had been known to venture into stupidity every now and then. "A flyer for two for one in Florean Fortescue’s but it ends in fifteen minutes. Lil it is your lucky day."
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pottyprongs · 1 year
James opened his arms at Remus' wonderful idea, giving a serious nod. "When have I ever said no to shots?" he asked before Remus grabbed the menu to order. He barked a laugh, shaking his head. "Ignore him, he's projecting," he scoffed. Then, in an exaggerated undertone he leaned towards the bartender and added, "He's a lightweight but he likes to pretend otherwise. Sounds more impressive, doesn't it?"
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where: the fountain of fair fortune who: @pottyprongs when: the spring equinox
"I know what we should do." He said suddenly, looking up at his friend. "Shots. This evening would be better with some shots." Grabbing a menu from the bar, Remus scanned it, although he knew fine well what he'd be ordering. "Two jäger bombs please Lilias, get the camera ready for when James ralphs."
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pottyprongs · 1 year
James laughed, giving a small shrug of his shoulders. "Well you are but that sounds far less impressive," he grinned. He nodded along to their appraisal of their bartending skills, leaning back on his stool. "And so modest about them too, which is the best thing," he teased, a soft lilt in his words.
He took a sip of the drink once he had permission, humming softly as he tasted it. "Amazing, you should start doing this professionally," he joked. "You must think I'm made of money," he scoffed. He glanced around the room, it not too busy yet and still maintaining a nice ambience. "Are you busy or can you entertain me for a while?" he asked playfully before taking another sip of the drink.
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“i better be your only macdonald,” maryse notes with their lip jutting out in a pout, but it doesn't stay that way long out of pure joy at james' company. half empty glass of firewhiskey out of sight behind the bar, music playing softly in the background, one of their loved ones warming the spot belonging to them in maryse's heart—this is their happy place, run in with a wholly different 'he who shall not be named' be damned.
“i’m a talented little bartender, i am,” they boast with a toss of their curls over their shoulder after a short little bow in humble acceptance of his darling compliments; they are indeed the way to a wix's heart, after all. “of course you can drink it! i made it especially for you. i’m also expecting a twenty percent tip just for my excellent carving skills, by the way,” maryse teases.
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pottyprongs · 1 year
For once James seemed to be more sober than they people in his near vicinity. After stopping in to the Hopping Pot and spotting Maryse, he had had a couple of drinks with them but that was it. It looked like everyone else had started doing shots as soon as they got here. He wandered the streets, thinking about trying to find one of his mates when a familiar head of hair caught his attention. He smiled and started towards Marlene, only to instantly falter when she called out to him, more or less telling him to go away.
"What makes you think--" He cut himself off and frowned as he got a bit closer. "I wasn't going to annoy you." At least not on purpose anyway. It could happen accidentally and often did. He ignored her dismissals, his gaze and tone softening. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked, though he wasn't confident she'd tell him. "Did something happen?" he asked, worry lacing his tone.
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Location: Side alley off Horizontal alley Who: Marlene x James @pottyprongs
Marlene hated to admit, but the whole event was putting a quite strain on her. Having avoided events organised by the ministry for three years this summer, finally attending one left her riddled with anxiety that she dared not show. She'd managed to put on a mask for the majority of the day. Hiding behind her perfectly faked smile as she always did, with shots of fire whiskey to keep her anxiety dulled enough to manage. With with sobriety knocking on the door and the run in with Larkin Mulciber, the threat of impending doom couldn't help but feel like it was sitting on her chest. Suffocating the joy that she had found earlier in the day.
Taking a shaking drag from the cigarette in her hand, the witch wiped the corner of her watery eye trying to ease her breath. Until the familiar dark hair came around the corner. Shit. "I'm not in the mood Potter-" The witch said before he even got close as she took a step back. Knowing that as soon as James saw her face, he'd be able to see right through her. Annoyingly, even after time her faked smiles were never enough to convince him. "Can't you go and find someone else to annoy? Go find Sirius I'm sure he'd love to hear whatever you were going to tell me-"
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pottyprongs · 1 year
James had somehow lost his friends in the chaos of the event and so had ended up wandering alone. Not one who really enjoyed his own company since he was old enough to stop playing pretend games alone, he wandered into The Hopping Pot, pleased when he saw a familiar face behind the bar. "If it isn't my favourite MacDonald," he said as he took a seat, "I didn't know you were working today."
But as he got comfortable on the stool he realised Mary was paying less attention to him and more just rambling to whoever would listen. When they finally looked at him and plopped a drink in front of him, James grinned. "They look exactly like bees. Which, luckily for you, is okay because I'm not scared of bees. But - oof - if I was.. terrifying, that's how realistic the bees are." He grinned once more. "Am I allowed drink it or is it just for decoration?"
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TAILORED TO: anyone.
SETTING: the hopping pot, at the bar.
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if  there's  one  thing  mary's  known  for  at  the  hopping  pot,  it's  for  their  bounding  creativity  and  having  the  absolute  time  of  their  life  creating  and  testing  out  all  sorts  of  drink  concoctions,  no  matter  how  they  ended  up  tasting.  not  for  the  first  time,  they  would  be  trying  out  a  new  drink  dubbed ever so special by  the  fresh  jar  of  honey  recently  gifted  by  a  neighbor.  it  called  for  special  attention  paid  to  the  drink  as  they'd  made  it,  which  came  in  the  form  of  the  garnishing  lemon  peel  lovingly  cut  into  what  they  thought  looked  like  bees.  they  were  definitely  bees,  from  one  or  two  different  angles–just  not  all  of  them,  maybe–and  in  just  the  right  light.
setting  the  tall  glass  down  in  front  of  the  patron  at  the  bar,  a  satisfied  upper  curve  of  their  lips  brightens  their  features  and  they  set  off  in  a  spiel  describing  the  drink  to  them.  “so  it’s  called  a  tequila  honey  bee,  and  i  made  the  honey  syrup  for  it  all  by  myself!  i  brought  it  with  me,  but  it  has  a  label  that  says  ‘do  not  touch  unless  your  name  is  mary,  you  fuckers’  on  it.”  maryse  was  quite  proud  of  that  one,  they  were.  “and  the  little  lemon  peels,  i  tried  cutting  into  little  bees.”  a  pause,  and  then  the  raise  of  a  brow  was  paired  with  the  slightly  more  demanding  lilt  to  their  voice,  “tell  me  they  look  like  bees.”
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their  behavior  is  just  slightly  enhanced  from  their  normal  disposition,  helped  along  by  the  two  or  three  shots  taken  before  their  shift  after  a  chance  run  in  with  the  haunt  of  their  nightmares.
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pottyprongs · 1 year
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SILVER LINING'S GOLD AND SHINING, perfect timing now . . .
memories i hold to keep safe, and i live for that look on your face i've got the best friends in this placе, and i'm holding on memories i hold to keep safe, and i lovе to love you, for god's sake
FEATURING: @marysem, @marlsxene, @hurriicaneheart, @letoiledechue, @roaringlilyevans, @luhpinus, @pottyprongs, @ratboipete CREDITS: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight
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