pompcm · 4 years
“Well, it’s your lucky day because I’ve got lots to give,” he said, a smirk spreading across his face. “Oh, yeah, mhmm,” he nodded, taking another step in, just leaning against the door jamb. “Im usually a little busy in other ways when I’m in your company, and you know I never struggle with keeping up.” Len teased. He did glare at her a bit for the nickname. “But, oh well, if you’re such an indecisive little thing, I’ll take my business elsewhere. Got lots to push and even more people willing to buy, so if you’ve changed your mind, maybe I’ll just go see what someone else is up to.” Even though it wouldn’t be the same, he thought. So hopefully she doesn’t just shut the door on him.
Phoebe pouted, rolling her eyes as she made more room for him to go in. “You are such a buzzkill sometimes,” she said, only half-meaning it. “You know I wanna party with you. Like, I know you know in your heart or whatever.” She headed into her living room, which really wasn’t much, but it had a couch she could sink into as she waited for him to join her. “Take your sweet time.”
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pompcm · 4 years
Phoebe was growing bored of Lucifer’s game. She liked being around him a lot, for reasons unknown by herself, but he always tried the same thing. And she was getting restless. So tonight she agreed to see him only because she was going to switch the game up entirely. He had no idea, but that was the fun of it all. “I don’t think I am,” she said, smirking at him. “I don’t need a drink to do what we’re going to do. Maybe after though.”
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Lucifer didn’t know how Phoebe really operated. He was still trying to figure that out. He knew she was a game player but wasn’t sure what she was exactly playing. He fell trap to it every time though. She was manipulative and an excellent liar but Lucifer was that himself. There was something about her that drove him a little insane. Maybe a lot. He wasn’t sure. Still, she did agree to meet him at his current favorite club. And she had let him buy her a drink in the past so that was a good sign, right? “Are you drinking tonight?” he asked her. “Or are you more of a Sprite and grenadine kind of gal?”
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pompcm · 4 years
“Oh, you know, I was in the neighborhood, thought I’d drop by, see if you need anything,” he smirked, leaning on her doorframe. Hopper chuckled a bit. “Oh, you know me so well, Bee. Though, correct me if I’m wrong,” he leaned in a bit, still looming over her small frame, that teasing smirk never leaving his face. “I thought you liked it when I get like that.”
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“I always need something,” she said before rolling her eyes at his stupid nickname for her. As she looked up at him she took a step back. She didn’t need him to get too comfy right away and knowing Len...oh he would. “Sometimes I do. Sometimes I don’t. My mind changes a lot, Lenny. You have to keep up.”
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pompcm · 4 years
Phoebe gave her an amused glance. “Do I look like I come here that much?” was her first question but honestly she already knew the answer to that. She looked like she lived at places like this and that was putting it kindly. But that was what she got for heading to another club right after work. “It’s sweet caroline. No spaces. Like the song everyone sings once one am hits at those old honky tonk bars.”
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“Oh - excuse me?” she pipes up, trying to catch the attention of a worker but they just keep on walking by. Frowning, Perla glances at her phone and debates just saying screw it and using her data but if she did that now she’d be out of it for the rest of the month… And what if an emergency happened and she needed it later? Really, she should be out on the dance floor and not worrying about any of this, but an important commissions email had just come in and she needed to handle it as soon as possible. Sighing heavily, she turns to the person sitting at the bar and figures she might as well try asking them. “Hey there. You don’t by any chance happen to know the wifi password for this place, do you?”
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pompcm · 4 years
“What brings you to my front door?” Phoebe asked, a teasing tone in her voice. She was pretty sure she knew exactly why he was at her back-up apartment but she still liked to play games with him. It was always a game with him. “I could let you in but I think you like to force your way in more. You can be a bit brutish sometimes, y’know?”
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pompcm · 4 years
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@lilireinhart: I can still be a @COVERGIRL from inside my house, OKAY???
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pompcm · 4 years
Phoebe never missed an opportunity to show off her bikini body. She liked the attention she got from it and she liked getting the opportunity to soak in the sun and let things relax. She wasn’t surprised when Lucifer showed up around her. He had been trying to get close to her for a while and she was looking ready to talk to the way she sat alone at the juice bar. It was just because she didn’t want to buy herself a drink but now that Lucifer was there she knew she didn’t have to. “Funny. I think this looks more my scene than yours.”
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Lucifer knew that Phoebe was at the beach bash from the photo he had seen on Instagram. He would make it a point to find her there eventually but there were a ton of people there and he had a lot of fans. He kept his sunglasses on for the most part, easier to avoid people that recognized him that way. He spent quite a bit of his time by the bar. He was tipsy but not by any means drunk. He had a drink in his hand when he went to look for Phoebe. When he finally spotted her he acted casual as he tapped her on the shoulder. “Funny running into you here,” he said. “Wasn’t sure if this was your scene or not.”
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pompcm · 4 years
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Phoebe Pomm || Beach Bash 2020
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pompcm · 4 years
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Lili Reinhart behind the scenes of L'Officiel USA’s Spring 2020 Cover Shoot
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pompcm · 4 years
“Pick for you? That could be a dangerous game you’re starting,” he said with a smirk. He beckoned her to follow him to the bar and leaned against it, flagging the bartender down as if he owned the place. “Give us two mojitos.” When the drinks were placed in front of them he slid the bartender a generous tip then handed one of the glasses to Phoebe. “Do you dig this place? I’ve been here a few times and I thought you might like it.”
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“I’m sure I can handle it. Games are sort of my thing,” she responded with a quick smile. “Mojitos. Crazy.” She had the choice to lie to him about never being here or reminding him he wasn’t special. She didn’t take the latter for once, shocking even herself. “It’s cute,” she said, batting her eyes as if it went right over her head. “Totally spacious. Since it’s so hard to get into.”
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pompcm · 4 years
Phoebe stopped because she was confused as to why someone who looked so put-together was drumming outside like a homeless person. “Do you need the money? Or a home? You look too...comfortable.” She almost wanted to give her a dollar or something. “What do you know?”
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Arista’s life pretty much revolved around playing the drums. Even when she wasn’t playing on her full set she often found herself, like she did now, outside banging her sticks on an old, empty painter’s bucket. She was just riffing an improvised upbeat tune when she noticed someone nearby and stopped. She looked up with a smile, asking, “Got any requests?” 
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pompcm · 4 years
Phoebe only gave Lucifer her number because she knew he would hit her up. She almost gave him a fake number, but Arendelle was both large and small; he would see her again and she would have to put effort into a lie and it just wasn’t as fun. When he hit her up to go to an exclusive club she rolled her eyes. He was trying to flash his wealth around like she cared but she could honestly care less. Still she went, got in with no problem, and once she found him she sat across from him. “Don’t care. Pick for me.”
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In Lucifer’s mind the fact that he had Phoebe’s number and she agreed to meet up with him was a plus. He thought it was a good sign, but he also knew she was a game player. He was happy when she agreed to meet him at a high end club where you had to have your name on the list to get in. He made sure the bouncer knew to let her in. He was keeping an eye on the door from his booth so when she walked in he got up and greeted her. “So, you came,” he said, not completely surprised but a little bit. “What do you want to drink?”
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pompcm · 4 years
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Phoebe Pomm ---> Twenty-Three ---> Stripper ---> Non-Magical
she gets no attention at home so she is the way she is because of it.
a destructive scorpio.
will talk shit behind your back and to your face.
doesn’t care about being liked. just the attention.
she smokes like nobody’s business. if you bother her during her smoke break she will most likely bite your head off.
her shitty apartment is her happy place. she doesn’t have to be her there and she doesn’t have to impress anyone but herself. the wild parties she has are not for people who are easily upset.
when she is working at wonderland she goes by a different name (angel) and uses makeup to disguise her features. unless she has told y’all or you work with her no one knows it is her.
has one puppy and one cat and they are her babies.
she isn’t a big drinker....unless you want her to be.
will not hesitate to try and kick someone’s ass if they touch her without her consent.
90s music is her fav music.
but like..she like them white boy rappers too.
a flirt. but duh.
i will add more as i think of them :)
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pompcm · 4 years
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pompcm · 4 years
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tag dump.
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pompcm · 4 years
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Phoebe Pomm || Twenty-Three || Stripper || Non-Magical
tw: religion, drugs
Phoebe has always been bored. She was the daughter of a pastor and stay-at-home mom who drank herself to death instead of took the time to raise her daughter. At church they were all smiles and good-nature but behind closed doors they were messy and loud and Phoebe hated them both. Her father often stole money from the church to keep their lavish lifestyle afloat and after her published his first book on being a Christian family man they were set for life. Book tours and affairs kept her father busier than ever while her mother fell further and further into a stupor. Phoebe was often handed off the the maids or whoever had the time to watch her so that their image wasn’t ruined because a kid started running her mouth. Phoebe wasn’t vocal, not by a long shot, but she wasn’t the innocent type either. She didn’t believe in God or anything her father preached about because he was a bullshitter. But she did believe in the power of image. And theirs was perfect and clean and Phoebe couldn’t stand it.
So she started to rebel. It was quiet at first. On the outside she was the good little Christian girl but behind closed doors she was smoking in the girls room at school or ditching class to make out under the bleachers with whoever wanted to. People didn’t snitch on her because she said she would tell God on them and they were too scared to try her. By the time she was sixteen she was sleeping with men older than her and trying to get caught at family functions to no avail. Her parents didn’t see her no matter what she did and Phoebe knew that she had to take it a step farther. She flirted more openly to her father’s friends, tried to get something out of him. But instead he just told her to go pray in her room and think about the damage she was causing. That if she didn’t get her shit together it was off to a nunnery, which Phoebe didn’t even know were still a thing. So she behaved a bit, at least until high school was over, and then she took a little bit of church funding herself to get a crappy apartment she could stay at on the weekends. She still lived at home or in her college dorm for the most part, but on the weekends she stayed there and lived in sin. She developed a big love for cocaine to the point where she was throwing wild ass parties at her apartment and letting people get high and destroy the place with her.
But she couldn’t stop there. Of course her boredom only grew and the lack of attention made her restless. So she ended up in Wonderland. The bar was the shittiest place she had ever seen but she knew that no one she knew would be caught dead there. So she got a job as a stripper. She found the entire situation hilarious really. Because during the day she had the prissy holier-than-thou attitude and then at night she was shaking her ass to shitty bar music. But it was there was she started talking to the one and only Lucifer Tremaine. If booze was involved, Lucifer was there, and Phoebe knew of him from parties and other things like that. She knew he was into her and wanted to hook up, but she turns him down every time. To get under his skin more she has befriended his older sister Drizella. In reality though, she thinks he is just as bored and mean as she is and that excites her. But in the meantime she is gonna play hard to get until it isn’t fun anymore. Maybe after he buys a few diamonds she will give in.
🌹Opinions on Magic:
Thinks it is smoke and mirrors. She has witnessed it a few times, sure, but she is sure there is a logical explanation for it all.
Dean Tweedle: He’s Delilah’s brother and she flirts with him just to piss Delilah off. She knows his sister doesn’t approve of her in any way and that just encourages her to be more of a dick.
Lennon Hopper Her dealer. She’s probably the easiest money he ever gets. He’s older and a bit scummy but Phoebe likes it.
Mary Taylor: She can’t stand the girl. She’s one of those servants who works at the Tremaine estate but she’s loud about it. Phoebe thinks she needs to learn to keep it quiet before she loses her job from an anonymous tip.
Faceclaim: Lili Reinhart Faceclaim Change: Negotiable Availability: Taken
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