polywantsamory · 8 years
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polywantsamory · 8 years
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Shibari Tutorial: Hip-cross Harness
♥ Always practice cautious kink! Have your sheers ready in case of emergency and watch extremities for circulation issues ♥
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polywantsamory · 8 years
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Serious query here.
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polywantsamory · 8 years
i just drank an almond milk late from, like, 3 weeks ago. just a sip. i thought it was my coffee from today, i didn’t realize til it was too late. am i gonna die?
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polywantsamory · 8 years
is non toxic polyamory even possible? even among queers? can we let go of this cycle of control? 
passivity breed oppression. you cant escape the power of silence. of letting what happens happen. of copying the hetero-dominant roles dictate how you love and how okay your feelings are.
does anyone know how to ask for what they want?
i’m so sick of watching competitive jealousy trump the responsibility of love.
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polywantsamory · 8 years
reblog if ur dick sparkles
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polywantsamory · 8 years
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polywantsamory · 8 years
it really sucks that i want to talk to my friends about my relationships, a particular transition that i’m afraid to make, but they just think i wouldn’t have all this guilt if i wasnt poly.
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polywantsamory · 8 years
i reread this while scrolling through my likes history. this happened the same way with my cismale partner when he started telling male friends/coworkers. but, if i could add, as genderfluid woman, i’ve noticed an this notion that ican be poly with all the women i want, but there is so much concern for the one cismale partner. like when i’m venting to my roommate about a bad date with a girl my roommate will  immidiatly ask where CM was. or i went through a really rough breakup and my roommate was more concerned about how this was affecting CM. it’s like priority is always given to CM. 
Swassbags and the One Penis Rule
So, my poly comes up with mono-hetero guys every once in a while. Usually, I’ll mention something about my awesome wife, and then shortly thereafter say something about one of my awesome girlfriends, and of course, guys start asking me how I “pulled that off”.
A lot of them assume I am cheating and am ridiculously good at time management and have a superspy level of duplicity to pull it off.
Then I explain what poly is.
And they think that’s awesome!! “Dude, you get to have multiple girlfriends!” (they haven’t usually clued in that just because my current partners all use female pronouns, doesn’t mean they always will/have) “and they know about eachother!!”
“You’re living the dream!” Suddenly, I’m a hero. It’s like I was at St. Crispin’s and was baring my forearm in a pub, for all to see that I had my wounds alongside Hal and Exeter and the rest.
Then the gear turns one more notch in their heads.
“Wait. What about your wife? She dating other people?” (Note, they don’t necessarily assume a gender for a cis woman’s partners, whereas they do for a cis man.)
“Yes.” I am smiling. I know where this is going.
They lose their shit, to varying degrees. Suddenly, they start listing all the old defences of monogamy.. all the fears, all the insecurities, all the pearl-clutching moralistic bullshit comes back- stuff they were hailing me for overcoming a second earlier, when they thought I was rocking it like Solomon.
“I could never…”, “I would be really uncomfortable…”, “But doesn’t that piss you off…”
They were FINE with it when my wife was sharing me, but the IDEA that a woman could have multiple partners without my response being violent jealousy seems to threaten their worldview and suddenly I am Galileo before the fucking Holy Office.
That shit is bad enough… but then comes the goddamned icing on the cake.
“I’d be OK with it if it was a girl. Just not another guy. ”
And you can hear the shotgun’s slide clicking back behind my eyes.
So… a woman can’t have a relationship with other men because that would be a threat… but other women are A-Ok?
Why, precisely?
Are relationships with women somehow less important? Less real?
Is your cock so amazing that there is NO possible way that someone *without* a dick could possibly compare?
Is it that you get off on the idea that your partner is with a hot chick? So her sexual and romantic options should be limited to what YOU can masturbate to?
Is it because you think she “needs a man”, so there’s no way her female partner could possibly compare because By Golly, who’d open the fucking pickles?
There is *absolutely* no goddamned reason for what the Poly community affectionately refers to as the One Penis Rule that is NOT demeaning or insulting to women, and their relationships.
Not. Fucking. One.
If your partner’s romantic relationships with ONE gender scare you, so should their relationships with ANY gender… otherwise what you are saying is that you either think other genders too inferior to yours to provide a credible threat to you, OR you think very poorly of your partner’s bi or pansexuality.
OR, what’s worse, you’re a controlling assbag who wants to use your partner’s sexuality as fap fodder without any “threat” to you.
That’s not just an assbag- that is a costco-sized burlap sack of sweaty three-days-working-in-a-steel-mill-with-no-shower asses. It is an industrial swassbag.
Fuck the swassbags that think guys should get to do poly and women shouldn’t. Fuck the swassbags who think their partner’s sexuality is merely a vehicle for their own fantasies. Fuck the swassbags who think that love of one gender is less a threat to them than love of another gender…
And fuck the One Penis Rule.
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polywantsamory · 8 years
So my roommate and her friend were having a spirited convo about terfs and caitlin jenner, which i was so into except, its 3 am and im in bed because i have work at 7. But i was polite and asked they keep it down and maybe continue in a room not right outside my door. I then asked the guest if she had any good sources or links helping debunk male privilege in trans women (she is a trans woman herself and im in a current argument with a cis friend about this. ) She says "ill debunk it right now fr you!" And continues to tell me a basic overhaul of growing up trans. Now again, id be all for this if it wasn't 3 am.
So i said "yeah, im with you, im non-binary. If you're around tomorrow id love to chat." And she says "Non-binary, Dfab. Cool. Hi."
The dfab was so quick. It was like dee-fab. So subtle. And i know she probably didn't mean it, but now i just cant sleep. Like, i said non-binary not queer-girl or alien with a vagina.
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polywantsamory · 8 years
i’m in a fb convo with a friend. we don’t see each other very often,but we’re kinda like extended family. we’ve been close for 10 years. she re-posted an article about how cailtin jenner isn’t a hero or an activist but the author will not stand for disrespecting jenners gender for it. my friend now used this article to promote her views (as a cisgender woman)that caitlin will never understand what’s its like to be a woman and jenner’s shallow representation of womanhood isn’t valid. my friend (i’ll call her T) is leaning heavily on the idea of socialization and that jenner has benefited from white male privledge her whole life and so has no credence to womanhood. if you could share any good articles arguing the problems with socialization, or just give me some feed back. i’m running out of steam.  
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polywantsamory · 8 years
I just realized ive been posting to this blog by accident....whoops.
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polywantsamory · 8 years
I was having dinner with a friend last night, and he relayed this story from not too long ago. Background and intro: He used to be a coworker, and…
“Etsy makers report surge in sales of pineapple-shaped pins, shirts, and plush pineapples. Makers clueless as to why.”
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polywantsamory · 8 years
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kept getting requests for gryphons so heres a bunch of them At Once
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polywantsamory · 8 years
burr: okay so maybe try not punching anyone in the face this time
hamilton, fist a quarter of an inch away from jefferson's face: wait what
burr: alex we JUST got here
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polywantsamory · 9 years
This is so fucking adorable.
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Baby’s First Baphomet by Artetak
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polywantsamory · 9 years
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