poly-alt-partner · 2 days
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Pride Shipping Containers - 05/2024
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poly-alt-partner · 3 days
Hey everyone, sorry for the delay on Sam's version of Hide and Seek! Things have been a little busy, and I haven't had the motivation to write much. I'm hoping to write and post sometime next week.
Thank you to everyone who has enjoyed my Colby Fanfic! I'm really glad to see people liking it!
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poly-alt-partner · 11 days
I need this shirt
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poly-alt-partner · 14 days
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⋆˚ ˖° Pastel Goth Png⋆˚ ˖°
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poly-alt-partner · 16 days
Hide and Seek - Colby Brock X Fem!Reader - Part 2
Summary: You join Sam, Colby, and The Boys on an investigation of Geelong Gaol in Australia. After the intro of the video, Sam and Colby set up their first 'challenge' of the night - Hide and Seek! What happens when Colby finds you first?
Info: The rest of the Hide and Seek challenge AND being alone with Colby! Poor guy is getting antsy to have you to himself ;)
Warnings: Cussing, unexplained noises, kissing, making out, fondling
Suddenly Colby rounds the corner. "Hello?"
You nearly jump out of your skin and scream as you see him walk into the tiny room. Colby laughs a little as you pout and huff in disappointment, knowing you were found first.
"Well looky here, I found (y/n)," He boasts to the camera before turning it back around. You carefully stand up and dust yourself off with your free hand. He turns off his camera momentarily so you do the same with your little handheld.
"What's up?" You ask, glancing at the camera in his hand. Colby doesn't respond and instead moves in closer, a playful smile on his lips.
"I was hoping I would find you first, actually." He whispered as if someone would hear him. You feel your face heat up a little and bite your lip anxiously.
"And why is that, Brock? Is it just fun to watch me lose?"
"What? No.... I just wanted to have the chance to get you alone."
You giggle a bit and roll your eyes. Colby had been a lot more flirty since before the trip to Australia. Of course you didn't mind at all seeing as you had quite the crush on him.
"Now why would you want me all by my lonesome?" You ask, carefully wrapping your arms around his neck to bring him closer. You watch as Colby glances down at your lips and meets your eyes once more.
"Not sure if you've noticed but it has been hard to get some alone time. Especially to do this."
Colby leans down and kisses you gently while resting a hand on your waist. Both of you try to be mindful of the equipment as you hold onto each other. Before long the kiss deepens and Colby has your back against the wall behind you. You can feel the coldness of the bricks through your shirt.
You break away for a moment to take both of the cameras and set them on the floor away from you. Colby doesn't object and eagerly pulls you into him again to continue making out. This time he gently cups your cheek in his hand and snakes an arm around your waist. You sigh and sink into him as your surroundings seem to melt away.
A sudden sound outside of the cell catches your attention and you reluctantly pull away. Colby sighs and rests his forehead against yours.
"Fuck. I'm sorry for doing this here. I was getting impatient."
You smile and plant a small kiss on his nose. "It's fine, I get it. Maybe later."
Colby nods and lets go of you to pick up the cameras, handing you the handheld from earlier. You smile at him before turning on your cameras and continuing to film.
"There was a sound outside just now but we didn't catch it."
You nod in agreement and glance past Colby through the door way. "It sounded like a footstep, I think."
"Alright, we still need to find everyone. Help me find people," Colby says as he turns around. You follow him with your handheld looking every which way to illuminate the hallways and cells. Eventually you both find Narrator standing in the corner of a room behind the door.
"You were found first, (y/n)," Narrator asks as you both follow behind Colby.
You shrug and give a small laugh. "I didn't get very far, honestly. I was hoping he would run past me to find you guys." Of course you don't mention what happened while the cameras were off. You can't help but smile a little and touch your lips with your fingers. Now you had to find a way to make time for Colby while on this trip.
Once the three of you had gone upstairs you managed to find Juicy and Eddie back to back. You heard Eddie accuse Juicy of betrayal and you remember seeing them earlier before hiding.
"Maybe you two shouldn't have hid in the rooms right beside each other," you point out jokingly.
"Why did you hide in the room next to me?"
Eddie just shook his head as the five of you continued your search for the last three group members. Taking a moment to recoup you all discussed where the other guys might be in the Gaol. Narrator mentioned seeing Sam early on but wasn't sure where you went from there. The only information you had concerned Eddie and Juicy who you already found.
Everyone agreed to split up to look in different spots and of course you chose to go with Colby. Narrator and Eddie looked at you and exchanged glances before going to the first floor. I guess we're more obvious than I thought.
The two of you continued to look into the cells and rooms on the second floor, leaving Juicy to look in the kitchen. Having no luck on finding anyone you all reconvened by the main stairs.
"I checked the kitchen," Juicy told you and Colby. "No one was there."
"Okay so then third floor has to be where they are."
Eddie led Colby and you to the third floor while Narrator and Juicy went back towards the kitchen to reinvestigate. Before long they rejoined and talked about strange sounds like feet shuffling.
It took a little longer to find Josh and Mully but then Sam was the last one still hiding. You and the rest of the group returned to the circle as Colby yelled out for Sam. With no response, Mully and Josh asked Colby if this was a part of the plan. You couldn't be sure yourself considering you didn't even know about this hide and seek challenge to begin with.
Suddenly you all heard a whistle ring out and everyone started looking around to pinpoint where it came from.
"Sam, whistle again."
Another whistle but no one was sure where it came from. Everything was echoey in this place. Eventually Mully spotted Sam upstairs on the second floor.
"We didn't check the other side, he was over here!" Colby explained. It seemed pretty dumb to have missed a whole section of the prison while seeking.
Finally everyone was back together and ready for the tour before the full investigation.
You were exhausted and ready to head to the hotel once filming was done and equipment was gathered for the night. The adrenaline had worn off when each person was being saged to prevent any form of attachments from Geelong Gaol. You were glad to have a few days to relax before the next investigation with The Boys.
"That was really fun," you said before yawning. Colby smiled at you gently and kissed your temple before loading some things in the back of the rental vehicle.
"I had fun, too. Although it seemed like things were amping up when I was under."
"Yeah. There was a lot of activity before we called it a night. You'll have to watch the footage to see what you missed out on."
"That can wait until we get back to the states." Colby closed the trunk and walked towards the driver's side. "In the meantime, let's get back so we can rest up."
After the three of you loaded into the car, Colby drove to the hotel you guys were staying at. You had your own room while the boys shared a room a little further down the hall. Although you three were close you preferred your own sleeping space, especially on longer trips like this one.
You had changed into your pajamas and set out your outfit for the next day when there was a knock at your door. Considering how late it was you know it could only be Colby. Your heart fluttered a bit as you quickly moved across the room to open your door.
Colby was wearing pajama pants and an old band shirt. "Hey."
"Hey," you greeted, feeling a little shy. "Were you coming to say good night?"
"Something like that." Colby smiled and stepped closer, causing you to step back and let go of the door. Before it even latched Colby had pulled you flush against him, not breaking eye contact. You quickly inhaled from being caught a little off guard.
There was a short pause as his eyes glanced between your lips and your eyes. You couldn't stand to wait any longer so you pulled him closer by his shirt and kissed him. Colby groaned and held onto you tighter. Both of you were tired of waiting for this moment and it showed in how you clung to one another during the kiss.
Colby gently held the side of your head and tilted his own to kiss you deeper, gaining a small whimper from you. That was all it took for him to lose his cool. Colby grabbed your ass and lifted you up, carrying you over to the hotel bed. You laughed into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck for stability before he set you down.
He looked down at you with a hungry look in his eyes and you felt a shiver run up your spine in a good way. All you could do was smile and pull him back into you as you laid back. Colby happily obliged and careful hovered with his hand on the bed to keep himself up.
"I should have done this sooner," he whispers against your lips before kissing you gently a few times. "Fuck, why did I wait so long?"
"We've been busy, Colby," you assure him, returning his kisses. "I'm surprised you held out this long. You were being pretty obvious with your flirting."
"Yeah? I thought I was being subtle."
"Considering some of The Boys could tell, I wouldn't say you were subtle."
Colby chuckles and continues to kiss you, not wanting to waste time talking anymore. His free hand begins to slide up your thigh slowly, making way under your shirt. You shiver from the cold feeling of his rings but only pull him closer, wanting to be held. Eventually his knee is positioned by your hip to help Colby balance a little better.
He pulls away so his lips are just barely touching yours, his blue eyes looking down at you. You meet his gaze and smile as you brush some hair out of his eyes.
"You'll be mine, won't you (y/n)?" Colby's breath tickles your lips as he whispers to you.
"A little late to ask, don't ya think?"
He rolls his eyes and smiles, giving you a few more kisses before standing up. Offering his hand, he helps you sit up on the bed.
"I should get back before Sam locks the door on me."
"You didn't bring your hotel key?"
"Well," Colby chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. "I was just kind of going with the flow. You know, since I couldn't wait to kiss you again."
You shake your head and laugh. "Yeah, yeah. Good night, Colby."
He walks to the door, turning back to smile at you and wink. "Good night, (y/n)."
This was a lot longer than part 1 but I HAD to make the end worth it! I hope you enjoy! I'll try working on the Sam version of this soon when I have time (I've been writing a fanfic recently so that's been my main focus with writing.)
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poly-alt-partner · 17 days
I did it!
Someone HAS to be writing a fanfic about the new Sam and Colby and The Boys ghost video. The hide and seek scene would be perfect for a moment with Colby (or anyone really) just saying 😏😏😏
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poly-alt-partner · 17 days
Hide and Seek - Colby Brock X Fem!Reader - Part 1
Summary: You join Sam, Colby, and The Boys on an investigation of Geelong Gaol in Australia. After the intro of the video, Sam and Colby set up their first 'challenge' of the night - Hide and Seek! What happens when Colby finds you first?
Info: I did write a few parts that happened in the video (especially the beginning). Hopefully it's not a spoiler to anyone who hasn't watched the latest upload!
Warnings: Dark rooms, cussing, some spicy interactions with Colby😉(will be in part 2)
While you weren't new to ghost hunting and investigating haunted locations, you had never been to a haunted prison like Geelong Gaol. With an estimated 500+ deaths on the grounds, it was no wonder that there would be activity in the once active cells and hallways. Although you were joined by more people than usual there was still an uneasy feeling in your gut.
Before going on tour with the guides and learning more about the history everyone met in the main hallway. For the introduction you and Colby followed Sam around the corner while Juicy, Narrator, Mully, Eddie, and Josh stayed by the stairs.
"Not only did we bring (y/n) to Australia with us..." Sam pointed the camera towards you as the three of you walked back down the hall. You smiled and waved quickly before Sam turned back towards the corridor.
"We are also here with The Boys!" You watched as the group leaned in close to one another and shouted in excitement. Despite being in such a creepy location everyone was hyped up and happy to be together. Seeing how everyone interacted and got along was comforting at least.
Sam pointed out that everyone (including you) were wearing black while he was in a bright orange jumper. After a few more minutes of talking and plugging the merch, Colby took the camera from Sam. Sam got a little more serious and turned towards the bigger group.
"Alright, who's the believer of the group?" Sam inquired towards the five men.
Eddie chimed in first. "I started off as a nonbeliever and I'm the biggest bitch in the whole group."
You couldn't help but laugh and nod to yourself. There were definitely times that you would have preferred to bounce from a location when things got serious. But in all honesty, who didn't have moments like that?
"I am very skeptical," Mully started. "But I also leave places being like 'How do we explain this?'"
So far Mully has definitely been the type to be spooked by any clear evidence. He also has a habit of telling things to 'f*ck off' when it's getting too real. You can't really blame him, though. It's still hard to believe some of the things you've experienced through the years.
"Before we get into any of the history, we do have a little challenge for you guys." Upon hearing this you glance over at Colby curiously, having not heard of this prior.
"So we're all gonna split up."
"Already?" Mully's voice pitches a little higher than normal.
"Before we know anything, everyone needs to isolate themselves and we are gonna play hide and seek."
Excuse me? I did not sign up for this. You exchange glances with Juicy and Narrator. They can also tell you didn't know about this. In spite of the new information Mully and Eddie started cracking jokes. However you weren't entirely confident with running around in such an unfamiliar place.
Sam continues to explain the challenge. "Winner of hide and seek gets to choose one person to do the first investigation in solitary confinement." The Boys groan and you can't help but agree with them. If I can't win, I hope the winner doesn't choose me to investigate alone.
"(Y/n) you can either do rock, paper, scissors to be a seeker or you can opt out to be someone that hides," Colby says, noticing how tense you seemed. You should honestly be used to challenges like these by now.
"I'll just hide so one of you two have to find me."
You see Colby smirk a little before turning back to Sam to see who would be seeking. As far as you knew, Colby always lost when they did rock, paper, scissors. But you noticed the glint in his eye and wondered if his losing streak would continue.
Initially Colby had won, meaning Sam would be seeker. However, he decided he wanted to try again to see if Colby would lose. Lo and behold, Colby lost again and was now designated seeker. Your heart raced a little at the thought of hiding alone in the dark and you kind of hoped to lose quickly. Losing the game was better than being alone for more than a few minutes.
As soon as everyone had their own cameras it was time to split up. Everyone started running to find the best hiding spot, including you. Eddie and Juicy seem to be shaking hands as you run past them and some of the display cases. You duck into a small room not far from them and crouch behind the door.
"Everyone ran ahead of me," You whisper to the camera. "If I'm lucky, Colby will just run past to investigate the cells." You glance around the small room at some text but decide that reading isn't a good idea right now. You decide to zoom in with the camera in case it's needed for the footage.
"Who's gonna be fucking found first?!" Colby's voice echoes around the building, causing you to cover your mouth and turn the camera back to you. You stifle a laugh as you hear Colby walking around, being a goofball. Honestly you wouldn't mind being found first but obviously you weren't going to give up that easily.
Listening intently you hear Colby getting closer, saying he heard laughter. You realize that he must have heard you laughing. You look into the camera with wide eyes and think about holding your breath. Somehow you just feel giddy and excited about playing this game, almost forgetting that you're in Geelong Gaol.
Too scared to talk and expose your hiding spot you put a finger to your lips and shake your head. There's no way I'm going to make it that easy on him.
It's almost impossible to not laugh as you hear Colby begin sniffing around audibly like a dog sniffing a trail. Luckily you hardly ever wear perfume so he wouldn't be able to actually 'sniff you out.'
The camera in your hand is still focused on you. You hold your breath as you hear his footsteps inching closer and closer.
Aaaaand, that's part 1! I wanted to break it up because it was getting a little long. Let me know how it is so far!
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poly-alt-partner · 19 days
Someone HAS to be writing a fanfic about the new Sam and Colby and The Boys ghost video. The hide and seek scene would be perfect for a moment with Colby (or anyone really) just saying 😏😏😏
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poly-alt-partner · 20 days
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[ID: meme with two panels.
Top panel: two red buttons one is labeled with: "supporting nonpartnering aros" the other is labeled with: "supporting partnering aros". There's a hand reaching out, with two fingers going to press both buttons.
Bottom panel: image of an illustrated person sticking their thumb up and smiling approvingly.
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poly-alt-partner · 20 days
wheelchairs and canes and glasses and hearing aids and every single other disability aid should be free btw and if you disagree i hate you
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poly-alt-partner · 22 days
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Definite banners and possible bumper stickers for the shop
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poly-alt-partner · 1 month
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will you be a part of the emergence?
cicada shirts coming for preorder on Friday!
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poly-alt-partner · 1 month
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this piece is also available as a colouring-in page on my Instagram subscription 🥰
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poly-alt-partner · 1 month
oh this hit me like a truck
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poly-alt-partner · 1 month
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it's all coming together
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poly-alt-partner · 1 month
y’all i had this cute idea for making shitty abstract pride flags and i love them
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67K notes · View notes
poly-alt-partner · 1 month
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