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If the men with power were not predators, it would be impossible for a woman to sleep her way to the top.
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anytime a man expresses his visceral hate towards feminism, it tells me that he'd want to live in a world that allows him to control women and children just for his ego boost. and i want to be as far away from that man as possible.
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i think "it takes a village" shouldn't be just "to raise a child". we should understand it takes a village to do literally everything we do. all day every day. without our communities we would not have drinking water or electricity or clean streets or food or shelter or anything. we cannot do any thing alone. we just can't. and with that comes the fact that you are not alone. you already have a community, seek to be an active part of it, you will feel better. reach out and thank them, they're happy to have you too. i promise. it takes a village to live.
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piece of advice from an old tumblr person: if you are a woman and you are dating a man, do not settle down with, cohabitate with, or marry a man who needs you to do basic things to take care of him. like, if he can’t cook food for himself, go shopping, do laundry, clean a house, keep his own calendar, make his own doctors’ appointments, fill out his own forms, do his own taxes, etc. you are setting yourself up for a relationship full of you caring for another adult like a child.
partners help EACH OTHER. sometimes people have very valid reasons they can’t do those things, but they should also help YOU with things that are hard for you and easy for them, whether it’s basic emotional support, chores, paperwork, making phone calls, etc. if they say they ‘don’t know how’ to do something and expect you to do it instead of learning how to do it, they are not worth your time.
if your male partner’s parents did not prepare him to take care of himself, do not become his second mother. find a partner who can take care of you as much as you take care of him, and can take care of himself as well as you take care of yourself.
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women need to wake up and understand every feminist throughout history has experienced being called and compared to every terrible thing in the book. we're gonna kindness and politeness and understanding our way back to the 1950s. women have to start being angry.
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i ❤️ declining birth rates
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Ladies we have to get more misandrist
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for me the end goal of feminism is freedom: the recognition that women are human beings
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female separatism isn’t about preference or “hating men.” i wish people would understand that separatism is vital to our health as women right now. one of the biggest things patriarchy has taken from us is MOBILITY and HEALTH. can you imagine a world where you wouldn’t be harassed for wanting to be tended to by only women? where female doctors and nurses that knew and prioritized female biology tended to you? streets where you could stroll and not feel a sliver of self-consciousness. where walking didn’t have to be a performance or a race from a man whistling at you?
i used to love going down to the river running at the bottom of the hill where my grandmother’s house sat. now I start to see more and more farm boys and farm men bathing in the spots I loved to rest in. I can’t be free even out there in the country. I have to be chaperoned. go in twos and threes. I can’t WANDER. i can’t run into the wild or bathe in the river. I can’t bask shirtless in the sun.
do women know how physically constrained we are? in corsets and brad and tight dresses because we must always prioritize aesthetics over happiness. we conflate approval and relief for joy. it drives me mad when I see the freedom men have. how wide their strides. how they can break out in a wrestle. how they aren’t taught to deform their bodies. how they are encouraged to nurture their physical power.
I wanted to go to the gymn by my neighbourhood, and my dad got annoyed with me. because it wasn’t safe. the only other segregated gymn in my whole city is miles away and unaffordable.
I taste separatism every time i sleepover at one of my sisters or we go on a retreat together. we can say anything. we relax. we bond and listen to each other. in all our different personalities.
but when there’s men in the conversation, everything becomes tedious. the banter becomes low hanging fruit. the conversation becomes competitive and thoughtless. it’s all about saying the most ludicrous thing for attention. it drags into politics of the worst kind.
and it poisons relationships. my sisters get a little meaner about other women. it’s so subtle and quick you wouldn’t notice it.
I long to be able to reach for women in history and not hunt for their names. not wade through the stories of their husbands or fathers before getting to them. I long for a world where female artists didn’t have to prostitute themselves for the male gaze, didn’t have to cripple their work by being nice to men.
even now in the modern age where information is more accessible than ever, you have to cut through so much noise to get to the voices of women. you have to cut through sob stories for killers and rapists before you get to the victims. you have to wade through male greats to get to their female predecessors.
if men aren’t talking over women, women are quieting themselves or too busy clamoring for another man’s attention, because his approval is power.
I want to show up to work without being condescended by a man who feels threatened by me. I am tired of censoring myself for male comfort.
who would I be, what could I do, if my movement, my body, my self-determination was not constantly suppressed. how many thoughts have I not allowed myself to think because the cost of speaking was too inconvenient?
cutting off male friends that violated my boundaries has already improved my quality of life, what would happen if I could be free of all of them?
I’d be healthier. happier. I’d be so much happier.
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Plastic plants are plants. Period. And they need sunlight, dirt and water to be validated. Stop reducing plants to their parts not everyone is constantly spreading their seeds or being cross pollinating bee sluts.
Dont be a perf (plastic exclusionary radical farmer)
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The stories of women in my family who were forced into lives they didn’t want and didn’t utilize their passions breaks my heart. My grandma wanted to be a journalist and write about the injustices she saw inflicted on disabled ppl while she was volunteering at a state run institution as a teen. Her father decided that she was “too fat and stupid” for college and forced her to get married at 17 or else he’d make her homeless. As a kid she told me that she wished people believed that she had meaningful opinions on events around her. One of my great grandmothers wanted to be an artist but was pressured into marrying a man who beat her. She stayed up late each night when her children were in bed writing poetry and pasting it over elaborate collages she mad herself. We still have stacks of these notebooks she created but was never allowed to do anything with. My mother wanted to be an operatic singer and was considered a musical prodigy in her town because she taught herself three seperate instruments by 13. When she was 18 she met my then 30 year old father who emotionally manipulated her into giving up her dreams to start a family with him. As a kid I would hear her up at night playing the violin or doing vocal exercises until she became too depressed to practice anymore. Like idk y’all there’s a quiet type of violence in the way women’s talents are devalued and brushed aside in favor of bullying them into “traditional” roles that ultimately don’t fulfill what they wanted for their lives. We’ve lost so much art, music, writing, science, and happiness to misogyny.
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I can't believe I grew up to be the type of person that says MOST therapy is sham pseudo science. I was getting a psych degree before a dropped out of college. I wanted to major in art therapy (I also studied art, big mistake, I am a shit artist) but to think I thought this was valuable in anyway is crazy to me now. The idea that everyone should have a therapist is just narcissistic drivel and coincides with big pharma trying to medicalize all feeling and profit off every person's dysfunction in a malfunctioning society. It may work for a small group of people, but it isn't a cure all prescription for most people.
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„prostitution will always exist“ means „men cant stop sexually exploiting vulnerable people“ what a great political philosophy.
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okay maybe I’m an insufferable feminist but I find borderline every movie made by men or with a male main character nearly unwatchable. the amount of make-up on women. ridiculous cosmetic standards. poorly written sexist plot lines. basically inanimate female characters. like I see any historical drama and I’m like this literally shows the most severe sexism ever with zero criticism. fantasy? patriarchal societies. rape. comedies? rape. woman without any agency. horror? rape. sexualisation of female pain. can I watch a show about female Vikings or some shit with hairy legs and zero men. escapism for women is so rare.
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