polinorb · 4 years
How to manage with anxiety
If you suffer from anxiety may be this trick would be useful for you. When your thoughts start to stream in a catastrophic way you should stop, just stop. Than think “ even if it would be so, will it really be matter year or two years later? Is it really so fearful?”. And third question “Is it realistic or is it just your dream in a fantastic scale?” . And then “Should I think about it after all?”. Anxiety is only a sign that time of mind cleaning have come.
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polinorb · 4 years
Big step
Last three years could be named as a period of deep personal transformation. I bravely can say that my personal development is speed up in geometric progression. What I managed to achieve?
There are some points placed regardless logic structure:
1. My feelings.
I became understand myself better. I realized my boarders, saw them and set it in lots of relationships with lots of people.
2. Conclusion from the point one- tension.
I feel less stressed, my stomach pain barely happens. It’s a really good thing. But my skin still not perfect. So because if I even understand that my skin quality depends on my feeling and thoughts and second one may be depend on hormones (or viceverso I am not sure), it’s not easy to change your attitude on 180. I am in a way to better appearance even so.
3. Love to myself.
I realized that it’s healthy to love yourself. Your body, your skin, your teeth. Your inner world is either valued. And it’s healthy to ask for help and give something in return. It’s healthy to talk with people about your and their feelings.
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polinorb · 5 years
The day before today I listened the video in YouTube about useful phrases for Advanced vocabulary, so I decided to make up a few sentences with it.
Be aimed at
This blog is aimed at improving my English.
Be associate with
Song which was played in my phone ten minutes ago is associate with my school time, dreams and plans, which I had in that time.
Be based on
My research is based on analysis of judicial practice and articles in law journals.
Be regarded/ seen as
My mentor is regarded as the youngest professor in university where he works now.
Be defined as
The ability is defined as opportunity to do something.
Be derived from
My genus is derived from Cossacks from Don.
Be divided into
My research could be divided into five main parts.
Be involved in
During my study at university I were involved into diverse activities.
Be known as
I am known as a person who set the goal and achieve it.
Be prejudiced against
I were prejudiced against beautiful guys, because I thought that they have poor inner world, but now I know that there is no one strong correlation between this two things (appearance and soul).
Be required for
Brilliant competences in English are required for getting invitation to the foreign university.
Be used in
My English skills were used in my previous work place.
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polinorb · 5 years
English grammar practice
Today I refreshed my knowledges about Present Simple, Past Simple and Present Perfect, below I leave three examples about myself which illustrate these grammar rules.
Present Simple
I meditate every day in the morning and in the evening.
The Sun’s light wakes me up at 9 o’clock.
Train in the subway leaves every 5 minutes.
I write these examples now.
Past Simple
Today I went to the cinema to watch Lion King, after that I went home to cook my lunch and then I went to the market to get some fresh berry.
I walked when it rained.
When I was a child I was self-esteem and resolute.
Present Perfect
I have not finished my research yet.
I have been in Germany for four times.
I have been worked at large corporation and thereby I understand now that being in-house lawyer is not my passion.
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polinorb · 5 years
New period of life is started and therefore I set new personal goals.
1) to get job I want (in law firm which is placed in the highest positions of top law firms ranking, federal or regional, because I need to have “the best teachers” and get the best work experience and in the same time I understand that I can be useful for complicated projects)
2) to finish my research
3) to go to the best foreign university (in the USA or Germany)
What should I do to complete these tasks?
For task#1
- I need to raise my competence in corporate law and bankruptcy, because I want to get a lawyers postition and it takes me to show decent academical base
- I need to have a rest. Because of my mistakes in time management and inability to control my emotions I graduated from the university with deep tiredness. If I want to show good analitical skills and desire to work professionally I have to be active and rested.
For task #2
- I need to understand why I want to did it. It’s highly important for law science, for our society. It’s the main reason. The second one is that I spent a year to do it, and now It looks like I give up when I faced with nescesarity to improve results of research, make an additional one.
- I need to use technics of effective and fast readings, which I learned from my book about fast reading. It would be a simple challenge. And If I will do it, I will prove that I am really changing myself.
For task #3
- I need to analyze all opportunities which are existed to study masters degree for free and to make a special file with this informantion (chart - which university, why - what this university could give me in profeccional field and to my research, crucial dates, required documents etc)
- I should finished the book about free study abroad - and read it using technics from the fast-reading book
- I should learn English, every day. I should listen, read, learn grammar and write some notes using grammar I study each day. And I should make a study plan - to understand, how much time I have and how much efforts I should make.
Wish me good luck and in my turn I do the same for you! Let’s be better version of ourselves and change the World for good!
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polinorb · 5 years
One more step
I have been writing the article during about a half of the year, but I still have not successfully finished it. In fact I want to make something special which could exceed the expectations, but I don’t have enough energy for it, and, to be honest, I have no inspiration. I expected too much from myself and from others and now I want to go with the stream and make everything without lots of efforts, just in harmony with my soul. Can you imagine: be influenced, but not addicted, be inspired, but not running high. In my opinion, all the best moments happen by chance, you hardly ever predict it so precise.
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polinorb · 5 years
I’ve come back to say “Hello!”
Some time ago I have been started to learn English intensively, to be precisely, I realised that I really need to improve my English. Now I have intermediate level, but in the nearest future I am going to pass the FCE and I have to get at least B2-level. So, I have only three month and great motivation, I accepted this challenge. Since this moment I will write in this blog only in English, of course with lots of mistakes, but if somebody wants to correct the error or ask me a question - you are welcome! 
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polinorb · 10 years
Привет, Советский Союз
Я - человек 20 века, далеко не консервативных взглядов, но тем не менее, несмотря на уже имеющиеся во мне определенные черты современности, я не могу не заметить, что отголоски недалекого прошлого нашей страны проявляются во многих ситуациях современности. Многие женщины, среднестатические обыватели небольшого провинциального города, носят прически, модные 20 лет назад, люди носят вещи того же времени, а в быту остаются неизменными те же стереотипы поведения: в магазине, хотя и не в каждом, ты все также можешь занести " 15 копеек". Так настолько ли было плохо в те времена, как трубят об этом новостные преспешники новой власти, и настолько ли близки нам демократические идеалы Запада?
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polinorb · 10 years
В холодную сырую погоду на ум приходят все томные мысли, под тяжестью которых долгие месяцы клонилась к земле твоя голова. Все ощущается кожей, будто твои нервы - это оголенные провода. Промозглость, пронизывающая воздух, снимает вуаль былой живости со всего: с машин, домов, тротуаров и дорог. Все то, что солнечным днем играло яркими красками, весело звучало или шумно гудело от ветра, сейчас только безнадежено жалобно стонет, обливаясь холодными скупыми слезами дождя. При виде этой угнетающей картины невольно появляется вопрос: неужели мы тратим все силы свои и жизнь, чтобы получить как можно больше этих бездушных вещей? Неужели именно к ним мы надеемся прижаться во время грозы и дождя, пытаясь найти в них спасение? Неужели им мы порой доверяем свою жизнь?
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polinorb · 10 years
Мы никогда не можем знать наверняка, что есть благо, а что - вред.
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Бывает так, что наши усилия становятся тщетными. Бывает, что фортуна встает явно не на нашу сторону. Иногда даже кажется, что все настроено против нас. Как бы ни было тяжело, мы миримся с тем, что нам предлагает судьба. Сожалеем, расстраиваемся, страдаем... Проходит время : месяц, год, два, - и мы понимаем, что все, что с нами произошло и имело в тот момент негативную окраску оказалось вовсе не таким дурным, а наоборот, имело последствия лучшие, чем мы могли бы себе представить.  К сожалению, случается и обратное... Как бы не сбивала с ног судьба и как бы больно порой не била жизнь, всегда нужно думать о том, что мы никогда не можем знать наверняка, что есть благо, а что - вред. Каждое событие имеет значение, главное, как мы сами к нему отнесемся: сделаем ли мы выводы и вынесем ли урок. "Странным образом поражение оборачивается победой"... 
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polinorb · 11 years
If you care about what others think of you, then you will always be their slave.
james frey (via bryant)
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polinorb · 11 years
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polinorb · 11 years
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Все картины импрессионистов будто нарисованы детьми.
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polinorb · 11 years
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polinorb · 11 years
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Сказка и чудо существуют до тех пор, пока мы в них верим
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polinorb · 11 years
Любить и погибнуть:это сочетание-вечно. Воля к любви означает готовность к смерти
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