plxguedmemxries · 5 years
Reluctant Allies -- Sentence Starters
“As much as I hate your guts, we’ll die here if we don’t work together.”
“Let’s put our differences aside for now. There are bigger issues at hand.”
“Why must I stoop so low as to cooperate with the likes of you?”
“Looks like there’s someone else I hate more than you. Go figure.”
“Alright… I’ll help you, just this once.”
“Let’s get one thing straight here: I don’t like you.”
“This is a one time deal only.”
“Don’t get used to this. It won’t be happening again.”
“I’ll kill you later, when our lives aren’t in danger.”
“Look, we both want the same thing here.“
“Hey, I’m on your side this time!”
“It’s just a matter of overlooking our differences.”
“What do you say?… Truce?”
“Give it a break for once, this is more important!”
“I’ll take the left, you take the right– No arguing.”
“Stop yelling at me! I’m only trying to help!”
“Ugh! I hate having to work with you!”
“I’ll be glad to be rid of you once this is all over.”
“’Hate’ is a strong word… let’s settle for a ‘great disliking of’.”
“I don’t want to do this as much as you do… but we have to.”
“If you want to make it through this, you’re gonna have to trust me!”
“How can I trust you when not only five minutes ago you were trying to kill me?!”
“I can’t take your sass. I’m calling this alliance off prematurely.”
“Please, for once in your life, just listen to me! We’re all in danger!”
“I don’t like you, but this is for the greater good.”
“It’s either us or them, and quite frankly, I could kick your ass any day of the week.”
“As much as I’d hate to admit it, we’d be powerless on our own against them.”
“Just because I’m helping you doesn’t mean we’re friends.”
“Don’t even think about calling me your friend. We’re not. End of story.”
“Just this once, I’ll help… For a price.”
“If I’m going to team up with you, I want something worth while out of it.”
“I can’t wait til this is over… Then we can go back to killing/hating each other.”
“If we’re gonna do this, we’re gonna do this right, and I won’t let your petty grudge against me ruin it!”
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plxguedmemxries · 5 years
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“Aaaah, it’s what I get for playing with the big boys, Tsubasa!” Zach laughed to himself, her reaction going right over his head. At her next statement he paused and , “Oh? Have you stolen something from them? Naughty naughty….”
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“Yeah, yeah. Just make time sometimes, ya hear? Gets lonely when there’s no one to bother.” She shrugs at his words, not giving a straight answer, “Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. Why, gonna tell?”
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plxguedmemxries · 5 years
Send me a word and my muse will reveal a memory that has to do with it.
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plxguedmemxries · 5 years
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“Oh never better, dear!” He waved a hand and turned on his heels, looking back at her, “I’m simply busy…VERY busy….” a pause. “If you do wish to give me a treat- then I’m more of a chocolate man- Dark with seasalt, to be specific.”
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“When aren’t you busy though? You’re always doing something..” It was hard for her to hide her reaction, though only because she had no clue what to say otherwise. “I’ll bring you chocolate another day, can’t get any right now and I’m not exactly welcome at the store now.”
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plxguedmemxries · 5 years
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Tsubasa offers a small smile as the other rejects the cookie, just putting it back in her bag instead. “Suit yourself, Zachariah, and I’m about as well as I could be. You’re looking well, yourself.”
@siirensxng || here
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plxguedmemxries · 5 years
Starter call! Specify if multimuse!
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plxguedmemxries · 5 years
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“Guess who’s back in town~”
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plxguedmemxries · 6 years
Send a number to find my muse...
Sleeping at a table.
Singing in private.
Attempting to kill a spider, and failing.
Crying laughing.
Doing something embarrassing.
Getting chores done.
Loopy with lack of sleep.
Post-wisdom teeth removal.
Hiding a broken object.
Covered in blood.
In a fit of anger.
Throwing a tantrum.
Hiding in a closet.
Stuck somewhere with your muse.
Muffling their cries.
On a swing-set alone.
Feeling lonely.
Cuddling their pillow.
Staring at your muse.
Recovering from throwing up.
Stabbing a body repeatedly.
Somewhere they’re not supposed to be.
Screaming by themselves.
Holding a wound.
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plxguedmemxries · 6 years
It's Pocky Day! Send my muse a 🍫 to share a box with them.
Or, send ❤️ to have our muses play the Pocky Game.
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plxguedmemxries · 6 years
Starter Call I don’t feel like sleeping right now so go ahead and like this for a starter ^~^
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plxguedmemxries · 6 years
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Blood red eyes turned to the sudden voice, Sachiko’s pose stiffening ever so slightly in reflex. She was well aware she wasn’t in a safe area, but she had been so deep into her own thoughts, that she didn’t realize where she was until it was too late.
“I got lost…” She replied simply, her expression calm.
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“A lot of things can happen to a lost kid, I know a girl who was kidnapped from a park near here. But I’m sure you’re smart enough not to, you seem smart.”
There’s a small smirk on her face as she looks at the girl, thinking quietly to herself for a few moments. “When was the last time you got sick? You seem healthy enough for a kid your age.”
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plxguedmemxries · 6 years
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Another hero kid? Wasn’t knowing one enough? Either way, this kid was in her territory, so she wasn’t about to give up the chance for some fun. “Hey, what are you doing around here alone? This isn’t exactly the safest part of town, kid.”
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plxguedmemxries · 6 years
Starter Call I don’t feel like sleeping right now so go ahead and like this for a starter ^~^
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plxguedmemxries · 6 years
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* VIOLENT ACTION STARTERS Send me a NUMBER for your muse to : 
001. — Backhand my muse. 002. — Stab my muse.  003. — Put out a cigarette on my muse’s skin. 004. — Hit my muse with a blunt object.  005. — Throw something large at my muse.  006. — Kick my muse. 007. — Punch my muse. 008. — Break one of my muse’s bones. 009. — Scratch my muse. 010. — Headbutt my muse. 011. — Shoot my muse. 012. — Knock my muse out. 013. — Strangle my muse. 014. — Push my muse roughly. 015. — Grab my muse by the hair. 016. — Bruise my muse. 017. — Threathen my muse with an object of harm.  018. — Go to harm my muse’s eyes. 019. — Bite my muse. 020. — Tear away parts of my muse’s skin. 021. — Force my muse’s head under water. 022. — Throw something scalding at my muse. 023. — Burn my muse. 024. — Step on my muse’s fingers. 025. — Rip one of my muse’s teeth out. 026. — Slash my muse’s achilles tendon ( s ). 027. — Clothesline my muse. 028. — Harm my muse enough for them to cough up blood.  029. — Drive into my muse with a vehicle. 030. — Electrocute my muse. 031. — Slam my muse against a wall. 032. — Force my muse’s arm behind their back. 033. — Kick my muse’s crotch. 034. — Trip my muse. 035. — Put my muse in a headlock. 036. — Break my muse’s nose. 037. — Force their fingers down my muse’s throat. 038. — Crack my muse’s head against a wall. 039. — Attempt to kill my muse. 040. — Attempt to kill my muse creatively.
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plxguedmemxries · 6 years
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“I feel like death. Can’t tell if mental or physical, did I accidentally give myself a fucking disease?”
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plxguedmemxries · 6 years
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“Miyamoto, a pleasure as always…who’s your friend~?” Reo hummed with a small smile forming on his face as he approached, adjusting the scarf around his neck, “Are you doing okay…~?”
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“This is Tsubasa, she’s a friend of Father. He asked her to walk me to his work today.. but I don’t really want to go, so I’m glad we ran into you!”
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Tsubasa sighs before plastering a smile on her face. “Tsubasa Nakamura, it’s a pleasure to meet you. The kid was interning with you, correct?” She offers her ungloved hand for a simple handshake.
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plxguedmemxries · 6 years
Violence/Death themed ask memes/prompts
((Obviously, lots of trigger warnings here so please be careful - Violence tw, death tw, killing tw, physical abuse tw, blood tw))
“Is that blood?!”
“You didn’t have to kill them!”
“Your car is dented, who did you hit?!”
“I could always just kill them…”
“Why are your knuckles bruised?”
“Just go! I’ll clean up this mess.“ 
“You busted my lip!”
“You clean up, I’ll hide the body.”
“They deserved it.”
“Dont you dare hit me!“ 
“I liked killing them.”
“Oh God, there’s so much blood!“ 
“Don’t be a baby, I only kicked you in the balls.”
“Kill them! Go on!“ 
“Who gave you that black eye?!”
“They died happy at least." 
"Do you want me to hit you?!" 
"Get rid of them and I promise I��ll never bother you again." 
"I’ll kill you, I swear!" 
"They were trying to kill me! I had to defend myself!”
“I’ll kill every last one of them." 
"Ow! I think you’ve broken my arm!”
“I’ll fight beside you." 
"Are you burning a body?”
“I was protecting you!”
“Don’t be alarmed, but I may have just run a guy over.”
“Have you ever killed anyone before? Be truthful.”
“It was an accident!”
“Well, you should’ve thought about that before you hit them with your car!”
“Burn the body and lets go.”
“I’m glad they’re dead!”
“They’re not going to make it.”
“Don’t you dare die on me!”
“I had to do it.”
“I killed them so we can be together, don’t you see that?”
“I may or may not have a dead person in my basement.”
“I am sick of cleaning up your mess!”
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