plump-void · 2 days
As much as I love the soft, domestic aspects of feedism, there is always this little part in the back of my head that gets way too excited over the idea of being fattened up against my will
Like, just imagine. You unintentionally piss off a wizard or some other magical being and they cast a spell on you that causes you to blow up
Not rapidly, but slowly swelling more each day. Maybe a kilo per day? Yeah, you'd be fine the first few days. You could just brush it off as some weight you didn't notice creeping up you
But in a week, you've seriously blown up. Your once flat tummy now constantly wobbles, your thighs touch, and you're feeling hungry all the time
Even though it doesn't matter whether you eat or not, you'd still be gaining a kilo daily, the overeating habits you fell into caused the spell to become stronger
Now you're gaining at least 5 kilos daily, but it's honestly hard to tell, because the rate at which you gain is getting bigger and bigger, just like you
What started as a somewhat slow process has now become a full blown rapid gaining
It's only two weeks since it started and you've already gained nearly 50 kilos
As you lay on your bed, trying desperately to button your jeans, sucking in as much as possible, you feel in real time as your belly is getting more and more in the way by the second
You hear the seams rip and give up. There's nothing you can do. You just get into a comfortable position on your bed and watch as your tummy rises like a dough
You really take the time to feel all the changes. You concentrate on the way your love handles sit on top of each other. You feel your moobs on your enormous, lard filled belly that by now sits heavily in your lap. You feel how much it presses on your thick thighs and how it progressively forces them apart. You take note of how much harder it is to look down due to the ever growing ring of fat around your neck. Even though you don't want to admit it, t's so hot
You start touching yourself, feel yourself blowing up right under the tips of your sausage like fingers. You squeeze, grab and shake your belly which by now touches the bed between your knees. The sensation of your body fattening so quickly, the pressure of your belly and fat pad, as well as getting squeezed between your enormous thighs....
It's no wonder why your clit demands attention. You try to get yourself off, frustratingly grabbing at the wast fat waves of your belly, trying to position yourself in a way that would allow you to masturbate. But you can't. You stomach is in the way, and still growing. You whine, cry, try to roll over in a desperate attempt to get in a good position. But nothing works
Slowly, you stop being able to even lift your arms. They're so heavy with fat that it's impossible to maneuver them. You can't even move anymore. But that heat between your thighs is only getting worse. So, you're left there, horny, constantly on the edge but not quite close enough, and still growing. You're loosing your mind and there's nothing you can do
You just cry in frustration. You're just about to pass out from overstimulation when you hear the magical being, that cursed you in the first place, chuckle from the corner of the room, just out of your sight
"Hope this teaches you not to cross me again"
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plump-void · 2 months
I am leaning over you with dessert. You look down and see your obese body spilling out around you, the soft, fleshy mountain of your belly resting on your two fat thighs. A part of you knows that you need to stop this, that you're ruining your body, that you've already gotten fatter than you ever intended... but you want it too badly. You want to have a massive body, you want to be obese, and you don't want to think too hard about it. You slide your fingers in between your rolls, grab two handfuls of belly, and look up at me, your mind empty. I feed you a mouthful of cake, and then another, and then another, and you accept each one obediently, thinking about nothing else but eating and grow, content to just lay here, surrounded by your soft body, paralyzed in a state of food coma and pleasure.
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plump-void · 2 months
Pulling someone by their love handles to kiss them, beautiful, romantic.
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plump-void · 2 months
Trans fat? Uh.. Yeah. I sure hope they are
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plump-void · 3 months
Your body is getting heavier to remind you to sit down. Relax more. Stress less. Enjoy yourself. It's hard to get up, so why do it? Feel how soft the couch is. Why would you leave its gentle embrace? Get some snacks. Turn something entertaining on the TV. Let your own weight press you into the couch. Have some more snacks. Feel yourself get heavier, gut spilling into your lap, and hips slowly filling out your plush seat, as you sink deeper into the cushions. So relaxed. So comfy. So well fed.
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plump-void · 4 months
my autocorrect is constantly mixing up fat, cat, and gay, which, coincidentally, are my top three favorite things
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plump-void · 5 months
I want to manipulate you…
I want to enable you every day until you are begging me to stick a funnel in your mouth because you have gotten addicted
I want to leave everything you could ever dream of eating at an arms reach, buying and cooking new stuff every day
I want to feed you breakfast and jerk you off until you fall asleep, just to wake you up later to more food. I want you to get horny every time you smell the kitchen
I want to use your humiliation and degradation kink against you, making you go out in clothes that haven’t hid your underbelly in weeks, to then rub you between your legs in the first public bathroom I find and grab everything that is spilling over the pants you could barely close
I want to replace the clothes you can’t wear anymore with some that are way too big. If you want to humiliate yourself in public again with clothing that is too tight you better start eating
When you do manage to eat yourself out of your clothes, I will reward you with even more food. I want you to be stuck in a cycle of gluttony, I want to get you to the point where saying no is almost impossible. I want to chip away at your willpower every day
I want to get home to my pathetic little pig that is covered in crumbs, has visibly wet underwear from getting horny while eating and even so didn’t touch themselves because they were too busy gorging on food and fell into a food comma before being able to relief themselves
I want to jerk you off from behind, biting into your soft neck and stuffing pastries into your mouth whenever you open it to moan
I want to grab your fat and ask you how you managed to let go that much, all while knowing it was all me
I want to restrain you and taunt you with food until you are begging me, but the condition is that you have to eat until you are too full to sit up
I want to ‘encourage’ your attempts at exercising because I love seeing you fail all of them, I will reward your hard work with your favorite meals
I want to see you get to the point where you ask me to make you feel good while you eat because you need both hands to shove food in quicker, knowing full well you will be edged until you finish all of it
I really really want to have full control over you and mold you into my perfect little pet
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plump-void · 6 months
Feeders are hot and all but so are “bad influences” and enablers. Big fat superchubs that are so ingrained in their gluttonous, hedonistic lifestyle of obesity that they can’t help but rub it off on anyone who happens to end up in their presence for any real amount of time. They’ll have you over just to game and order pizza and get high, maybe they’ll just order an extra pizza just to leave out for you to subtly coax you into indulging, and with a little more weed and nudging you’ll be wolfing it down before you know it.
Soon this one-off hangout becomes a regular weekly routine, then bi-weekly, then 3 or 4 nights a week, because you’d rather hang out with your fat foodie buddy and get high than waste time at the gym - and he’d much rather prefer that you did that as well. In fact, although he doesn’t say it, every gym session you skip gets rewarded with an extra pizza and tub of ice cream. This routine starts taking its toll on your body but your fat bud doesn’t mind. He’s started reaching out and rubbing your rapidly expanding belly lately, and you can’t help but return the favour. He’s giving you his old 4XL tank tops and sweatpants to wear since you’re getting too big for your own lately, and these are much more comfy for your widening ass.
And then, before you know it, you’re over there every night, getting high, shoving greasy burgers and pizzas and fries into your flab-filled face, outgrowing all your clothes before you even have a chance to wear them in for long, and now you’re making out with your massively obese friend who enabled you to get this fucking fat, while he plays with your tits and gets you grunting like a genuine pig. You need to be over there regularly anyway - the fatpad he’s pushed on you is now too big and deep for you to be able to reach that buried nub anymore, so you need him to reach in and help you finish.
You move out of your old place, which you pretty much never spend any time at anymore anyway, and move in with your new superchub boyfriend. Now the only place he lets your gigantic rump waddle to anymore is between the fridge, the bed, the bathroom and the couch - he takes care of answering the door with your food deliveries. You’ve forgone even the most basic of oversized tank tops and sweatpants and are just lazed out on the couch in the 8XL overstretched fat guy briefs that barely contain your swollen fatpad and oversized fat pig rump.
He’s pulled you out of the real world and brought you into his hazy, obese, decadent life of hedonism and gluttony, and you’re never getting out. Not that you could ever want to. Who needs a gym and a normal life when you can rub fatpads with the 500lb fat man who quietly made you even fatter than he is.
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plump-void · 8 months
What if I was sitting in your lap while you were spoon feeding me a creamy pasta alfredo? You pretend to be surprised when your hand is sliding under my shirt, finding its way to my growing paunch, giving it a teasing squeeze. 
”Oh what do we have here dear? This wasnt here before”
 I pant that I need to stop, that I’m getting too big. Yet, after every spoonful you push between my lips, I can’t help but moan. 
”You’re getting heavy dear” you purr in my ear. ”I think we might need to put you on a diet. A few laps on the treadmill wouldn’t hurt”
You pinch my bellyroll, a bit harder than I had anticipated, I gasp and wince.
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plump-void · 8 months
Look at you sitting in your chair, your big soft belly resting heavily on those flabby thighs of yours. Your belly is trying it's best to force them away from each other, but they're getting so fat now that even with your knees wide apart, those thighs are still touching.
Look at how your hips are spilling out from your waistband, pushing against your chair almost as much as that fat arse of yours. Both are threatening to break your overgrown body out from the confines of your favourite seat.
Look at those rolls bulging out from your side, fighting with each other for space. Each one spilling out on to the previous one, creating a sea of fat waves between that bulging belly and those saggy tits of yours.
Look at those big moobs of yours, all swollen and puffy. They could probably put most women to shame, and all you had to do was sit and eat for them.
Look at those big meaty arms, how they stick out from your sides, so much soft fat on your plush body forcing them out at an awkward angle. At least for now, they can still reach for more food.
Look at how fat your face has become. How you've lost all of your bone definition. There's no sign of your jawline anymore, it's been swallowed up with soft fat. Your double chin gets squashed with every mouthful you take, yet it doesn't stop you from pushing more and more in.
Look at you, as you struggle to reach for the food in front of you. Your once muscular body has been covered in soft, plush fat, and now you can barely lean forward to pick up more food. Your thighs can't move any further apart to allow room for your overstuffed belly. You try to adjust yourself in your seat, make it easier for yourself to reach, but your arm movement is restricted by your fat, too. You move again, ignoring the groans from the chair, ignoring how out of breath you are from trying to adjust yourself, ignoring how your belly is so stuffed full that it complains with every movement.
Look at you, so stuffed full, desperately reaching for more food. Look at just how fat you've eaten yourself for me. You groan from the discomfort of your full belly, and your attempts to reach for the last burger of your feast.
I smile, and effortlessly glide across the room to pass you the rest of your meal. I give you a kiss on your chubby cheek, and gently rub that swollen belly of yours, whilst you greedily unwrap the burger and push it past your lips with an impressive speed for someone of your size. You make quick work of it, despite how tight I know your belly is, how full you must be.I smile, and walk to pick up the big, rich piece of cake I have waiting for you in the kitchen.
Look at you, so fat you're bursting out of all of your clothes. So stuffed full you can barely move. So fat, even after such a big stuffing, you can't help but smile and lick your lips when you see I have dessert ready for you.
Look at you, you're never going to be this slim again.
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plump-void · 1 year
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I just can’t help myself around food. I just keep eating more and more everyday. I just need more
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plump-void · 1 year
I am not immune to the transmasc urge to be called "big guy" by someone pretty while they fondle my tummy and overfeed me
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plump-void · 1 year
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I’ve been eating way too much lately and it’s definitely starting to show
Maybe my desk job isn’t helping
290 isn’t that big right?
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plump-void · 1 year
I like my men how I like my wine: full-bodied and with fruity undertones
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plump-void · 1 year
Wouldn't you love to be two, three, four times your current size? Your belly constantly stuffed and hanging towards your knees...
Your bulbous ass jutting out a couple feet behind you making it difficult to get through doorways.
All while you can't find the self control to put the fork down. Your bank account constantly running dry from all the takeout and snacks. But you just can't stop consuming.
You just want to be oh so soft and heavy.
With plump tits sitting atop an incredibly hefty stomach slowly sagging downwards.
You crave such a delightful life.
Cooking, tasting, swelling...
You need to feel your thighs jiggle and rub when you walk.
You need to be bigger. So do it.
Outgrowing your clothes is the next step.
Eat until they're too tight to be worn in public.
Then upgrade to the next size up. Make it two since I know you will not be able to slow down or even stop.
Take up space.
Keep making lavish meals and super size your portions. Keep stretching your stomach until it's impossible to be full.
Let yourself grow. Live a piggish life and eat whatever you want. Never deny yourself.
Listen to me and keep piling on the pounds.
Nothing else matters anyways, just keep eating.
Dedicate the rest of your life to food.
Feast until you can't swallow another bite, digest, then repeat.
You'll love how your body changes and turns every extra calorie into excess fat.
Your arms will be too heavy to lift.
Your fingers and toes will resemble sausages.
The lack of exercise will leave you shapeless and weak.
The vicious cycle of gorging and sleeping will help you expand leaving you stuck permanently in bed.
Your weight crushed lungs will need assistance so an oxygen tank will be needed after you've eaten yourself so big.
But you need this. You will always need more.
Even with declining health and a doomed future, you will only live to eat.
Until you've eaten...just too much. 💋
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plump-void · 1 year
lately I’m so into being fattened against my will. I realize i have gotten so fat and need to lose weight and with my partner in charge of my food and exercise, they sabotage me and force me to get fatter than ever, making me so slow and helpless that i no longer have any control over my eating or weight. I want to be fed and grown for their pleasure, I want to be fattened like a pig and treated like one, made to oink and squeal and be a lazy ball of lard, existing just to grow fatter and fatter…
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plump-void · 1 year
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bro. roll tats are so so sick
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