"Not at all," he replies with a smirk, taking a big swig of his punch, "It's still all far too familiar for my tastes. Look around you. So many of these people, concerned only with appearances. Sniveling sycophants, the lot of them. And that? That, will *never* change."
Neverwinter Ball-Open Starter
Startear is grumping around over by the refreshment table. Glancing around shiftily, he grabs a cup, pours himself some punch, and retreats to an unoccupied corner. Honestly, he wasn’t even sure why he’d agreed to go to this damn thing. This time would be much better spent on his studies. Then again, with the…incident that occurred in the tower earlier that day, he wasn’t really in that much of a hurry to get back and deal with things. He sits himself on the ground, sipping punch and hoping no one tries to get him to—ugh—socialize.
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Neverwinter Ball-Open Starter
Startear is grumping around over by the refreshment table. Glancing around shiftily, he grabs a cup, pours himself some punch, and retreats to an unoccupied corner. Honestly, he wasn't even sure why he'd agreed to go to this damn thing. This time would be much better spent on his studies. Then again, with the...incident that occurred in the tower earlier that day, he wasn't really in that much of a hurry to get back and deal with things. He sits himself on the ground, sipping punch and hoping no one tries to get him to--ugh--socialize.
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Send me "Look at your face!" and I'll post a reaction image for my character reacting to yours...
Prompts range from fluff to angst to violence to nsfw! Some trigger warnings may apply. 
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The wizard nods and he turns to begin studying the papers. With a dismissive flick of his wrist, the door to the tower opens.
*Kaji flutters in and looks around him with wide eyes* Oooh! Looks like home!
A homunculus? Are you perhaps here on an errand? Who sent you?
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I have witnessed such, but it is one of the...few crimes I have never committed myself. One must have standards, after all.
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Name a type of crime and my muse will admit if they've ever been a victim of it, witnessed it, or committed it.
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Dear Sir I have proposal of great interest and worth. I know location of secret dragon hoard lying unclaimed this many century and will share all loot equal with you. Unfortunately I am arrest in prison to be execute until dedd. All I need is ten thousand gold coins to bribe guard then we will be rich partner. Please send to Prince Nai’gerya in Chult before regime kills me.
Ugh. Off with you, con-man! I know your kind when I see it!
0 notes
The wizard looks over the papers. "Hm. Intriguing. Most intriguing. I shall have to study this more. I thank you for this, and I am always willing to do...business, in the future."
*Kaji flutters in and looks around him with wide eyes* Oooh! Looks like home!
A homunculus? Are you perhaps here on an errand? Who sent you?
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psssst Illindriel is a necrophiliac pass it on
"And what, praytell, is wrong with that?"
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Startear listens, transfixed on every word. The last bit draws him abruptly out of this-"Ah! Yes, yes, of course--! There is paper on the table over there. Hold on just a moment."  The old wizard immediately rushes to his desk and begins scrambling about in one of the drawers for a writing implement.
*Kaji flutters in and looks around him with wide eyes* Oooh! Looks like home!
A homunculus? Are you perhaps here on an errand? Who sent you?
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Those robes of yours are looking more familiar the more I examine them. Where and how did you get them?
"The Planes. I doubt you have seen their like before. Perhaps you once encountered another wizard in similar-looking robes, but I assure you, the enchantments on these are one of a kind."
0 notes
"My, but you are observant," he replies, raising an eyebrow, "I shall have to be more careful with the promises I make in the future. But, I suppose it cannot hurt, and a deal is a deal. Very well. I shall tell you. As you may already know, there are...certain among you who have made...enemies within the Hosttower in Luskan.  Sooner or later, they will come to settle the score. And, when they do...well, let's just say I have an interest in seeing those blustering windbags put in their place. I...trust you will keep this between us, yes?"
*Kaji flutters in and looks around him with wide eyes* Oooh! Looks like home!
A homunculus? Are you perhaps here on an errand? Who sent you?
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*A white blur goes by and leaves behind a pot of blooming white roses that have a touch of pale blue on the edge of the petals. There is also a note attached.* Hope you enjoy these roses, they have a scent that can clear one's head and also boost one's health a bit. -signed, Legode Rydrion, the blue-skinned-druid.
"Pah! Useless sentimentality!" Startear rolls his eyes and scoffs as he picks up the pot, "Such things are better off in the garbage."Despite this little outburst, anyone who visited the wizard in his study afterwards would be hard-pressed not to notice a lovingly looked after pot of flowers on a desk under a small orb that gives off a natural-looking light that sharply contrasts with the cold blue illumination in the rest of the room.
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 He gives a little half-smile. "Ah, yes, yes. Forgive my rudeness. I let my, ah, academic curiosity get the better of me for a moment. Perhaps then, you might speak to me of the -lesser- secret? The ah, ability to speak? I have seen it successfully applied to many constructs, golems and the like, but never to a homunculus. I imagine the techniques are...similar, yes? Oh! Of course, I do not expect this information for *free*, no. You may, in return, ask one of *my* secrets, or, alternatively, if there is anything  I can acquire for you...let's just say I do have some connections, yes?"
*Kaji flutters in and looks around him with wide eyes* Oooh! Looks like home!
A homunculus? Are you perhaps here on an errand? Who sent you?
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Startear just rolls his eyes and retreats back to his study.
(startear) Gnome. Why are you crying and more importantly, what the Hells were you thinking falling asleep against the door to my tower? I do leave sometimes, you know.
"I… oh… well, I had a dream, you see, a bad dream and I don’t know why I feel asleep here, but… but I’m sorry…" he wanders away sniffling.
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"A minor nuisance, nothing more," he says with a dismissive wave of the hand, "But never mind that. Tell me, how did you manage to give him free will and the ability to talk? Why, according to current magical theory, that should be...well, impossible!"
*Kaji flutters in and looks around him with wide eyes* Oooh! Looks like home!
A homunculus? Are you perhaps here on an errand? Who sent you?
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Kaji stared at the wizard, fascinated and a little worried. "Weezer was sleeping, and now he has water in his eyes! Are you sad, Weezer?"
Startear jumps at the noise, immediately going on the defensive. However, upon realizing it is only Kaji, he relaxes a little. “I…suppose you could say that,” he croaks hoarsely, quickly wiping his eyes dry before anyone else can barge in and see such embarrassing things.
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