planetary-redactness · 29 minutes
i have the headcanon that when they were teens the pack played spin the bottle and Ash & David had to kiss. they realised they liked it more than expected and the kiss was both of their queer awakenings
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planetary-redactness · 30 minutes
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Professor Moore’s Office hours
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Stop being a delulu bitch and accept that NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU GUYS. Honestly imagine sicking your followers on anons just because your a snowflake who can't handle a little criticism 🙄
Funny you say that cus' newsflash, idgaf 😛
Anywhoodle, this is just for you anon 💗
Also, babes, it's you're*, not your. :>
Redacted Pride Headcanons 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
Shaw Pack
Asher Tabolt - Pansexual. Demiboy, He/They.
Milo Greer - Bi as fuck. Cis, He/Him.
David Shaw - Omnisexual. Cis, He/Him.
Christian - Two words, twenty dollars. Cis, He/Him.
Amanda - Heterosexual and aceflux. Demigirl, She/They.
Soliare Clan
William Soliare - Gay, homosexual gayyyyy (and demi romantic). Cis, He/Him.
Vincent Soliare - Bisexual. Cis, He/Him.
Porter Soliare - Also bisexual. Cis, He/Him.
Alexis Soliare (Getty) - Pansexual, hetro romantic. Cis, She/Her.
Samuel Collins - Unlabeled. He just knows he loves his Darlin'. Cis, He/Him.
Frederick Collins - Pansexual bi romantic. And demi romantic/sexual. Cis, He/Him.
Damn Crew
Damien - Polysexual and demisexual. Cis, He/Him.
Huxley - Pansexual. Demiboy, He/They.
Lasko - Omnisexual. Pangender, Any.
Gavin - Unlabeled, doesn't really care about labels. Genderfaun, He/They/Xey.
Unempowered boys
Ollie - Pansexual - Cis, He/Him.
Guy - Omnisexual - Nonbinary, Any.
Aaron - Bisexual and demiromantic. Cis, He/Him.
Anton - Unlabled. Cis, He/Him.
Brian - Heterosexual. Cis, He/Him.
Camelopardalis - Aroace. Genderfluid, Any.
Vega - Polysexual and Demiromantic. Let's be honest, Vega himself is a gender, he doesn't give two fucks about pronouns.
Avior - Omnisexual, Demiromantic and Demisexual. Genderqueer, He/They.
Caelum - Aroace. Nonbinary, He/They.
James - Bisexual. Cis, He/Him.
Elliott - Bisexual, Panromantic and Asexual. Demiboy, He/They.
Blake - Pansexual. Cis, He/Him.
Hush - Doc has not explained the concept of sexuality to him yet. Agender, He/Him.
*if I forgot anyone pls scold me in the comments and I'll add em later okie thank you love ya <3
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My Top David Quotes
i need this man to hold me while i cry
“If I gave Milo less than a full month to plan out his outfit, I’m sure he’d kick my ass. If he could reach it.”
“This is omega shit, I’m not built for this.”
“Oh god they’re gonna pet me, oh fuck I didn’t think about that. I’m not some house dog I don’t need— [melts at angel petting him]”
“Is my Angel mad at me?”
“Call me that one more time and you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.”
“If I’m not good enough then go find someone who is, see if I care. No. You know what, no fuck that. I do care. I love you.”
“What? He doesn’t even drink tea, he drinks coffee what are you talking about?”
“Your words carry weight with me, no matter how much or how little you talk.”
“I will not participate in your little gossip session. I am the pack alpha, I have to be above that kind of shit… but yes Amanda and Christian are definitely fucking and yes it is definitely going to get very awkward.”
“No I won’t be able to talk, I become a fucking wolf. I can only make wolf noises..”
“I know I can be rough and nasty. […] But I just need you to know that, no matter what, I have never regretted being with you for a second. I’m proud to call you my mate.”
“He would have loved you, you know. You would have made him laugh.”
“Alpha privileges.”
“You make him happier than I’ve ever seen him before. And he deserves that. So thank you. For taking care of him. [Asher singing in background] Is he…? Oh god, never mind. He doesn’t deserve anything.”
“That phrase is perfectly common, shut up. But… keep talking. Because I like your voice, you snot, and I missed hearing it.”
“You cannot tell when I need something… who am I fucking kidding? Yes you can.”
“I want to fuck you into this bed so hard that the frame breaks underneath us, and then fuck you into the floor even harder.”
“I love my pack but there isn’t a half decent cook in the entire group. [if you listen very closely you can hear Milo’s feral growling in the background]”
“No, I don’t like it when you hold me. Or when you nuzzle my neck. [proceeds to whimper]”
“Those sounds are for me.”
“There’s not much in this world I’d get on my knees for. But for you—always.”
“Where's the troublemaker? Out looking for a bear to fight one on one or something?”
“You’re one of my best friends, Milo. You’re family. And I’m very grateful for you.”
“You hold my heart in your hands, Angel.”
“God, you’re as bad as Ash. Sorry, don’t let me rob you of credit. You’re much worse. I love you too.”
“After all, who am I to say no to my Angel?”
“What am I gonna do with you?”
“Sappy. Yes you are. You’re my sappy, sentimental thief.”
“[scoff] You missed.”
“When I’m with you, I’m not an Alpha. I’m not a friend, I’m not a competitor, I’m… I’m David. And I thought I’d lost him a long time ago.”
“Tell me you didn’t just call that Pokemon ‘Daddy’.”
“Drive safe.”
“I want it to be whatever you want it to be.”
“Breathe. Relax into it. I’ve got you. It’s almost all the way in..”
“Tearing through clothes is fucking hot.”
“And to think, some people believe you’re nice. I like bite. And history says you do too.”
“It was worth every sleepless night. You are worth everything, angel.”
“I’m yours.”
“You’ve always had a way of being a ray of sunshine in my life, whatever the source of the darkness might be, whether that’s stuff from the outside, or stuff from inside of me.”
“Only if you do…”
“I don’t know if I should kill them or marry them.” (he chose marry them)
“You shouldn't be facing this alone. You're family. You're one of us. We love you.”
“We’ve got five minutes before the food gets here, we’ve done more with less.”
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the freelancer is this pokémon to me. i can't explain it
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Here are some super cool profile pictures I made :3 they didn’t take much effort so don’t worry about there being a watermark cause THERE ISNT ONE! You can use them for whatever you want. Spotify playlist, icons, character ai bots… etc etc. tag me if you use it cause I wanna see what yall use them for but besides that YEAH!!
Im taking requests!
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@laskosprettygirl HERES CAELUM!! <3
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i very much enjoy the fact that asher is an alpha in both fooliverse & imperium … makes you wonder if the prime universe is one in a minority where he isn’t the alpha
very much thought provoked from this post
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you know what? i don't fucking care.
she's a bad person who's done terrible things but i think she's funny asf and i'm sick and TIRED of coddling you lot by pretending i don't. girl is pathetic and it makes me cackle. mean women on top.
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(Masc!) Doc design hehe. His name is Lee
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He’s on his 40’s and probably one of my oldest listener ocs out there hehe.
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He’s not only a very tired boi but he’s also a single foster father— and who’s he fathering—?
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Kyle (my freelancer) tee hee , he raised kyle by his own after their magic manifested. He had to not only father him but also be a teacher to him.
Younger Doc was a different breed— he used to be in his rebellious zone during his senior years (this was when his magic also started to manifest) but regardless, he was still a sweetheart.
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Academically smart he is but lacks common sense.
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some idiot: all redacted characters are straight
gavin, getting his dicked sucked by two twinks in a 7-11:
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get ready everyone
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Darlin' x Milo.
I know I'm all alone in my little boat here but Darlin x Milo has me in a chokehold and I need to get it out!!
For one, Milo would absolutely call Darlin' Tank instead.
Thinking about Milo and Tank, they've been around each other since they were teenagers. Maybe there was some feelings, some fights. Two stubborn, strong-willed wolves with Asher always going on and on about their will-they-won't-they dynamic, much to Milo's chagrin.
Then they vanish off with some fancy-talking vamp and Milo's left with a yearning he refuses to admit to. He's got other things on his mind. He pretends that Tank's absence from pack meetings doesn't bother him but knowing they're gone, and in a worse place, weighs on him.
Then he finds them, battered and bloody, crumpled outside on his way home. They're hurt. They're half-delirious from blood loss and couldn't help themselves from going somewhere familiar - to someone familiar.
Milo patching them up as best he can, trying to get information out of them but they fight him tooth and nail at every turn. Just like the old days. All he knows is there's someone they're out for, someone they want to kill, and Milo can't tell anyone they're back in Dahlia. And just like Milo says to Sweetheart, as long as it doesn't affect the pack, he can do what he wants.
But it does and he doesn't know it.
Milo's place becoming Tank's safehouse, Milo trying to help Tank as much as he can but they're so tight-lipped about who they're hunting. But the two of them are getting closer. And Milo learns just how out of place Tank felt in the pack, with them, never feeling like they were really accepted.
David confronting Milo, absolutely pissed that two members of his pack are going behind his back. Milo and David, who are at this point more distant after the death of Gabe, and Milo having something to prove to David but has disappointed him.
Milo telling David that Tank doesn't think of themselves as a member of the Shaw pack, and hasn't in a long time, even before they left. Milo having to tell David that he didn't ask who it was Tank was hunting, scared that if he pushed or if he told David and they found out, they'd probably run and they'd never get them back and he doesn't want to lose them again.
Tank confronting Milo at the pack meeting, convinced he was the one who told, furious, hurt, and betrayed again, so tried of being betrayed, but Milo defending himself. Making it clear that he didn't tell David and Tank didn't tell him about Quinn either.
Tank's body being covered in scars from fights and Quinn. Being ashamed and disgusted as Milo, who spills compliments like a fountain, kisses each one of them. Milo's body-worshipping habits coming out at every unhappy frown Tank makes when they see themselves.
Milo buying Tank good looking clothes, fully at his wit's end with their unironed white tank top and jeans. Tank liking the clothes but never wearing them cause they seem so expensive, they should be for a special occasion. Milo's insistence that mulberry silk or not a shirt is a shirt so please fucking wEAR IT.
Asher's vindication when Milo and Tank finally make the leap into being mates. He's been on this train since they were teens, he's been suffering from an IRL slow-burn romance for half of his life!! Will not shut up about the fact that the "pack scrappers" finally got together.
"Bite me, Milo. 😒" "Not in public, sweets."
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Angel & David and Asher & Babe forget to eat on wedding day but have different resolutions. Angel David plans ahead and has them set food aside for them to take at the end of the night. Asher and Babe pull into Max's in full wedding attire and order a pizza and wings and are confused why people are looking at them
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with the recent developments in vega’s storyline, i have come to the realization that vega’s hatred of humans is that of an elderly man who’s having a highway and industrial sector built around his once beautiful country home, and the city has been hounding him for years to sell his house to them and move to a retirement home so they don’t have to build around him
so yeah vega is just the old guy from disney’s “up”-
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Caelum WILL be at the Shaw/Talbot wedding.
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Marie: I have had an extremely stressful day and I am not proud of what I’m about to say but someone please give me a cigarette…NOW
Teen Milo: but mom, we don’t smoke 
Marie: CUT THE CRAP MILO. I am a healer! I know that one in five teenagers smoke
*Points at Tank* 1! *Points at Asher* 2! *points at Amanda* 3! *points at Milo* 4! *points at David* 5!
Marie: now when I close my eyes there better be a cigarette between these two fingers come on people hop to!
*Asher places cigarette*
Marie: thank you. Light!
*Multiple lighter flicks*
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