pixychic · 10 years
guuuuuuuuuuuurl, look who it is!
You goofy woman! I haven't been on this thing in like a year XD. 
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pixychic · 11 years
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Why you should be in passionate horny love with Elizabeth ‘Nellie Bly’ Cochrane
Born in 1864/65, Elizabeth, one of 15 children, was always ‘the rebellious one’. Fierce as fuck from an early age, she testified against her abusive stepfather in her mother’s divorce trial.
In 1880 she enrolled in a teacher-training college but had to leave after her first semester due to lack of funding - then moved to Pittsburgh to help run a goddamn boarding school. 
This is where we get to the good shit. Age 18, she wrote a letter-to-the-editor of the Pittsburgh Dispatch bitchslapping the everloving fuck out of a sexist ballsack of an article entitled ‘What Girls Are Good For’. 
The editor was so goddamn wooed by her razor-sharp tongue that he RAN AN AD asking her to identify herself. Elizabeth owned up, and was hired instantaneously, her badassery radiating from her pores and intoxicating all within a twenty mile radius.
Working under the pen-name Nellie Bly, Elizabeth kicked the butts of morons everywhere, writing articles aimed at social justice, particularly labour laws to protect working ‘girls’ and reform of Pennsylvania’s divorce law, which greatly favoured men.
Not content with changing the world from behind her desk, Elizabeth became a founding mother of investigative journalism. She was expelled from Mexico for exposing political corruption, and henceforth wrapped in cotton wool by her editors. Infuriated by their mollycoddling, Lizzie left them a note essentially telling them to fuck themselves and hot footed it to NYC. She was still only 23.
Within six months she was hired by Joseph fucking Pulitzer himself, and continued her batshit crazy investigations uninhibited. Her very first assingment had her feigning mental illness to expose repulsive conditions in Blackwell’s Island Insane Asylum. Her cutting report was so fucking horrifying, compelling and persuasive that it triggered public and political action, leading to reform of the institution.
In the next couple of years she had herself thrown in jail and hired by a sweatshop, all for shits and giggles. Oh, and to uncover incomprehensible injustice, cruelty, poverty, and the concealed, heinous treatment of the vulnerable and voiceless. 
But was pioneering journalism, social revolution and batshit badassery enough for our Liz? Like fuck it was. On a whim Nellie did what any self-respecting 25 year old woman in the 1800s would do - she emulated Jules Verne’s Around the World in Eighty Days, and did it in 72.
Millions followed her journey, and its appeal to a semi-literate populace resulted in greatly increased newspaper readership. So while travelling the entire globe (IN THE 1800s, AS A WOMAN) by ship, train, burro and balloon, she helped the world to read.
Having essentially conquered the entire goddamn universe before hitting 30, Nellie retired, and wed 72 year old industrialist Robert Seaman. Their marriage was a happy one, and after his death she took over Iron Clad Manufacturing Co.
But Lizzie was a writer, what would she know about the metal industry? Well, she INVENTED the steel barrel that became the model for the widely used 55-gallon drum and turned her inherited businesses into multimillion-dollar companies, so apparently a fuck ton.
Furthermore, she set a precedent for working conditions, ensuring her workers had good pay, gymnasiums, staffed libraries, and health care, all completely unheard of at the time, while still writing to further the plight of the Suffragette movement.
Nellie may have died age 58 of pneumonia, but HBICs live on forever.
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pixychic · 11 years
What was once a dream is now a nightmare...please be safe and come home soon.
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pixychic · 11 years
>.<! worried face~
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pixychic · 11 years
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pixychic · 12 years
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pixychic · 12 years
I’m not a misandrist but if a man plays video games then he should  just expect to get messages asking him to show pics of his dick. Everyone knows video games are for women. 
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pixychic · 12 years
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washing your hands in blood won’t take away the stain
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pixychic · 12 years
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pixychic · 12 years
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Custom Painted Sailor Cosmos Garage Kit painted by Pauline French (me).
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pixychic · 12 years
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Mother and Daughter <3 
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pixychic · 12 years
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pixychic · 12 years
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pixychic · 12 years
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pixychic · 12 years
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Behold its beauty
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pixychic · 12 years
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336K notes · View notes
pixychic · 12 years
Saying goodbye is never easy...
To all my friends,
I really don't know how to say this but, I'm leaving.
Yeah that's right, I'm moving back to New Orleans (not by choice mind). I'm only going to be here until the 8th of July, maybe sooner if my parents have their way. I won't be back for the rest of the summer, for next semester, for spring semester...none of it.
 I just want to tell all of you tagged and those that aren't, that I will  miss everyone wholeheartedly. Through good times and bad I know I could count on any one of you for an ear. I want to thank all of  you for your friendship, compainionship, laughter and most of all love. I'm sorry for anything I may have said or done, because now, there's no real need for such stife and grudges anymore.
If I had the space, I would write each of you a special note; as I can't I will say this: I want to thank each and everyone of you for just being you. For being my friend, for being someone I could count on, for being someone who made things just a little bit better because you were in my day. I don't want to be writing this right now. I wish I didn't have to.
Saying goodbye is never easy and I hate doing it. I don't know what else to write. I love all of you and will miss all of you. Thank you all, again, for just being my friends.
Love always,
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