pixelpab · 1 year
Hello everyone. I've been going through a bit of a creative block since the end of November last year. I essentially wanted to create something new but didn't want to completely change the art style that I'd grown fond of. After trying out many ideas I think I've found a formula that has gotten me excited again :) This styling is a blend of some art types I've done in the past and while it still has a lot of room for experimenting, I'm so far happy with the concept of it. Usually, I like bright colors in my works, but for this series, I'm going to keep the color scheme simply black, white, and gray with a tiny line of orange in the center. I've got some cool ideas going forward but for now, I'll share with you the first piece titled "Quaint"
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pixelpab · 2 years
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‘The artist’ on objktcom
2/30 for 30tez
1/30 for 100tz
1/30 for 300tz
link: https://objkt.com/asset/KT1GCTwJp2XtDkcTU1F9j7cKmgyx5dBeYqAp/7
3750px x 5000px 300dpi
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pixelpab · 2 years
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Toltec 3 A city over our roots
This skull is an evocation of the ancient culture that lies beneath our cities. My characters are usually inspired by the pre-Hispanic world, specifically by the Toltec culture, which not only reached a high level of architectural and artistic mastery but apparently were a people with a high spiritual level and connection with nature. Digital illustration 1080x1080 px
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pixelpab · 2 years
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From my Dreams series.
Fire Starter
The Dream Keeper
The Guardians
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pixelpab · 2 years
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She keeps watch of the spongy green swamps Where the waters swell with a swish and a swash! Pass by without sound and do not disturb For the magic she conjures is rather absurd!
Sold for 1.25 ETH on Foundation
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pixelpab · 2 years
Welcome! :3
If you are here right now more than likely you are a Twitter crypto artist denizen who has heard me, @maxcapacity and probably many other shouting about Tumblr on Twitter. Why Tumblr? It is part nostalgia, part necromancy, part homage to the the Web3 greats who spent years here (some are still here), part rebellion, and part reminding artists to come together to help each other.
Twitter heavily favors text base tweets - it's just a fact. Here is not the case. Many of us are also maybe a little jaded on what is happening overall and feel ignored as artists. Discord is full of scams, twitter group chats are cliquey, but here we are free to roam, explore each others works, and create a visual digital identity we want to present.
Come play with us and remember why we are all here! For the art, to make friends, express ourselves, have a good time and build a better future for artists. Yes we all want to sell work too ofc - we have physical bodies to take care of and bills to pay - but what if we share with each other our wins and how we got them, and our failures and what we learned from them as artists so when we go back to the rest of the internet hellscape we can find more success? At the very least, make some friends here or rekindle connects that may have been lost to not feel so alone. For some of you this is a trip down memory lane, for others you have never been here before. Old or new a like I encourage you to check out who I am following to get started finding each other.
This isn't rocket science - if you can understand blockchain web3 stuff, I have faith you can understand this old beast of a social network. Love you all ~~~ <3
P.S. I'm writing this for specific purposes of a pinned post. It feels so good to be able to write more than 150 characters. Also here are multi gifs side by side -- for the culture.
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EDIT: Because I can edit and also adding this - for the culture 🫡🚫
~We are here to focus on the art and building up artists and to build an open, non hierarchal structure to provide mutual support for each other while showcasing the hard work and dope art crypto artists do to try to shape the landscape of web3 to be more artist friendly for ALL artists from diverse backgrounds. ~ Here are some guidelines to foster a healthy community growth:
~ NO SHILL POST/ART SHARE POSTS - why? we want the focus to go back on the artist and deep thoughts, not engagement farming. Shilling/art share is a viable way on twitter to get your art out there because of how the social media is structured. Here - content is the focus. You can discover new artists a multitude of ways including searching hashtags, looking through your fav artists feed of who they are sharing or following, and generally just wandering around.
~ INDEPENDENT ARTIST FOCUS - 10k pfp projects are a part of the nft ecosystem, and thrive on twitter, but here we want to again have the focus stay on independent artists. A basic issue with these projects is to access a lot of their communities they are token gated, and a lot of artists just can't afford them. Also many feel we are drowning in the noise of a lot of the politics and drama that goes on between projects, and need a place again to share ourselves with each other for feedback, support and overall good times.
~ REPORT AND BLOCK THE HATERS / KILL WITH KIDNESS- anywhere on the internet hate is prevalent for lots of different reasons related to our content and not. Bullies are cowards, and to bully someone for a technology they use is boring. Tumblr also does not tolerate hate and harassment in any form. Maybe someone is having a bad day and if able extend kindness. For extreme comments, report them. For continual harassers, block them. This is your space to curate how you wish. We deserve to be here as artists as anyone else, and hope to on top of supporting each other showcase our dope af work we are doing within the crypto art ecosystems to show we aren't all scammers, just artists trying to build a better future.
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pixelpab · 2 years
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spooky stuff
just a wip of multiple processes
the original drawing is pink and red, nothing to do with this, but this ALWAYS end up happening
ill show it when i post the other versions
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pixelpab · 2 years
I’ve been slowly and subconsciously creating a collection of goodnights. Idk why but I started sharing outputs that I associate with sleep (and my inner world). I might title them and it’s usually when that piece of art makes me feel seen in a way I never was before. Being part of a system means parts of me communicate in different ways. I find there’s always a passive influence when I’m creating AI art and during those times some of the outputs hit me on the subconscious level. That’s why a lot of them, if not all of them, have a trippy surreal vibe. They do for me at least and that’s the only thing that would be a consistent theme in the entire collection.
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pixelpab · 2 years
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This is one of my NFTs on foundation titled "Elegance" (sold). I began creating abstract-type figures a few months ago and from the get-go it quickly became a style I loved.
This specific piece started off as a rough drawing and then was completed digitally. The figure in the picture was intended to be a priestess or a shaman.
I was at first planning on only using the colors black, white, and red but it just did not stand out enough, blue and green were added and I think it really increased the boldness of the artwork.
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pixelpab · 2 years
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pixelpab · 2 years
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I am happy with this move from the crypto world to tumblr. I am a lens-based artist and I am here to meet new artists, present my work and build this new community together. You can learn more about my work on SOL XTZ and ALGO here: lynkfire.com/arielgricio
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pixelpab · 2 years
This is the first time using Tumblr, so firstly hello to whoever is reading this 👋😀.
Since I'm into NFTs it's only fitting that I start my journey here by posting one of mine 😁. This is my latest crazy work titled "Gumball" (sold out on primary)
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