pinkpandagirl2 · 7 months
reblog if your name isn't Ashley.
2,121,566 people are not Ashley and counting!
We’ll find you Ashley.
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pinkpandagirl2 · 2 years
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Informative Ancient Egypt Comics: BROS
Our 1st place contest winner requested a Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep comic as their prize.
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pinkpandagirl2 · 2 years
Reblog to give an ancient spirit lurking in your room a nice hot bowl of soup
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pinkpandagirl2 · 3 years
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Seal Figurines
Little Blue Seal on Etsy
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pinkpandagirl2 · 3 years
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woah I’m actually done????
there’s a good lesson here notorious procrastinators should never volunteer to hand-draw 52 unique playing cards 
also they’re animated gifs right now because that’s how they’re formatted on the photoshop files and I’m not in the mood to separate them yet. 
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pinkpandagirl2 · 3 years
which fanfic writer problem are you?
fic hopper: working on a wip and don’t know where to go next? easy, just work on a different wip, then if that one doesn’t work out, open a different one, it’s foolproof!
all my tropes are dead: there are only so many ways you can describe a kiss, and you’ve written so many between this pairing that you’re running out of ways, don’t talk to me about the words ‘chaste’ and ‘soft’ ever again
unsung hero: im writing a fic under a certain set of tags or concepts to get more hits but the real story is about __ extremely specific thing that only i and two of my closest friends care about 
rarepair hell: self-explanatory 
wlw rarepair hell: like rarepair hell but one level worse
my last braincell: you’re a perfectionist so you’ll either post this chapter when it’s perfect or not at all 
wandering eye: a side element or original character you introduced in your story is now near and dear to your heart but no one else will care about it 
im well educated and will kick your ass: you’ve done so much research for this but can’t seem to write the damn thing 
all talk and no action: you were going good until you got to this necessary climactic action scene and now it’ll have to wait for three months 
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pinkpandagirl2 · 3 years
Zombie setting where the undead are drawn towards unhygienic scents, so survivors constantly bathe to avoid being eaten.
Zombies are docile when adorned with flowers.
Settlements overgrown with herbs and flora.
Barely any banditry; everyone is focused on farming and gathering.
Different human factions and towns named after flowers like Lilies, Orchids, Roses, etc.
Instead of immediately killing an infected survivor, they’re given special funeral rites - the zombie is covered with flowers to keep them calm, and  allowed to walk out from the settlement to join the hordes.
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pinkpandagirl2 · 3 years
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I can’t handle this 🥺
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pinkpandagirl2 · 3 years
reblog to give your mutuals strawberry kitty
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pinkpandagirl2 · 3 years
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If you can’t reblog this, unfollow me now.
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pinkpandagirl2 · 3 years
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pinkpandagirl2 · 3 years
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So I found this caterpillar on my way to class
We’re bros
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pinkpandagirl2 · 3 years
Random mansion generator
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The Procgen Mansion Generator produces large three-dee dwellings to toy with your imagination, offering various architectural styles and other options. Each mansion even comes with floorplans:
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pinkpandagirl2 · 3 years
In highschool I wrote a story about a middle-generation of stellar travelers. Their parents were born on earth and left as children, and the middle generation will not live long enough to see their destination. They live their entire lives on the ship and I wrote about them trying to find their place in everything. They will never know blue skies and warm beaches and open fields with warm breezes. They’ll never know birdsong or crickets or frogs. They’ll never hear the rain on the roof of a dreary day. I never could find the right way to end the story. I wanted it to be a happy ending, but I didn’t know how to do it.
I realize now that it was a book about me dealing with depression before I even knew it. Looking back at how blatant the projecting was, it’s obvious now. It wasn’t then.
In the story, the middle-generation people are lost. They’re apathetic. They’re just a placeholder. The only job they have is to keep the ship running, have kids, and die. As the middle generation of people began becoming adults, suicide rates were skyrocketing. Crime and drug rates were jumping. This generation was completely apathetic because they felt that they had no use.
In the story, a small group of people in the middle-generation create the Weather Project. They turn the ship into a terrarium. They make magnificent gardens and take the DNA of animals they took with them and recreate them and they make this cold, metal spaceship that they have to live their entire lives on into a home. They take what little they have and they break it and rearrange it into something beautiful. They take this radical idea and turn the ship into a wonderful jungle of trees and birds and sunshine.
And I realize now how much it reflects my state of mind as I transitioned from a child into an adult while dealing with depression. You always hear “it gets better” and “when you’re older things will be easier” and I was so sick of waiting for it to get better. I was in the middle-generation stage. And I was sick of it. I was so sick of waiting.
When I was in highschool I didn’t know how to end the story. I didn’t know how to have a happy ending. I didn’t have the life experience then to finish the story in a meaningful way. I didn’t know how to make it better for these middle-generation characters.
But now that I’m older, I’m learning. That if you sit and wait for things to get better, it never will. You have to take your life and break it apart and rearrange it into something beautiful. You have to make the cold metal ship into the garden that you deserve. You have to make your own meaning. You have to plant your own garden.
You have to teach yourself that being happy is not a radical idea.
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pinkpandagirl2 · 3 years
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pinkpandagirl2 · 3 years
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pinkpandagirl2 · 3 years
can’t stop thinking about my ocs. listening to music? thinking about my ocs. doing shit around the house? thinking about my ocs. driving somewhere?  thinking about my ocs. workin on something? thinking about my ocs.
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