pikihoes · 3 years
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You’ll figured out 🌸
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pikihoes · 3 years
OC Interview Questions
1. The one place they end up falling asleep (where they’re not supposed to)
2. If given the chance, who would you like to punch in the face?
3. Lucky number
4. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
5. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
6. Who did you last say “I love you” to?
7. Have you ever broken someone’s heart? If so, how did you do it? Have you ever stopped yourself before you broke someone’s heart?
8. Has anyone ever broken your heart? If so, how did they do it and how did you feel?
9. One of your close friends has just confessed they like you. What do you do?
10. How many people have you had sex with this year? Details not necessary but feel free to divulge if you want.
11. Would you consider yourself strong and/or powerful? If so, why? If not, why not?
12. Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past 3 months?
13. Have you ever rebelled against authority? If so, what did you do?
14. What person, place, or thing have you most wanted to destroy?
15. Who in this world do you have the most (IF you hate anyone)
16. Do you have any family members? List them.
17. Do you like your family? Do you like them?
18. Do you consider any of your friends’ family?
19. Do you have pets? What are their names?
20. If you do not have any pets, do you want any?
21. Rant about something you dislike (don’t worry, we’re not limited on time)
22. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?
23. Ever hurt or killed anyone? Would you if you could?
24. Name one of your worst habits
25. What is your socioeconomic status? Have you always been of that status? Do you have any hope of changing your socioeconomic status?
26. If you’re rich, is it because you worked your way up to the top or were you born into it?
27. Do you have any friends? If so, how many?
28. Are you the type of person to make friends through your own efforts or do you get introduced to most of your friends through other people?
29. What’s your favorite place to be?
30. Are you interested in anyone?
31. Which should be saved – a bus full of innocent lives or a loved one?
32. You meet someone who has killed someone and done time for it. Does this factor into how you treat them?
33. Is it better to hurt other before they get a chance to hurt you or let yourself be walked all over and hurt by others?
34. Can people be held accountable for things people close to or related to them have done or are they innocent?
35. Would you sacrifice yourself for the good of everyone else?
36. Is lying to others to gain their approval more important than being genuine and hated?
37. Have you ever contemplated killing someone? Who and why? Would you ever act on it? Are you frightened you might?
38. Have you ever gotten sheer joy out of hurting someone else (physically or mentally)? If so, who and why? Did it scare you?
39. Have you ever done something morally wrong? Do you regret it?
40. What’s your favorite food?
41. What’s your most treasured possession?
42. What’s your favorite song?
43. What are your most and least favorite things about yourself?
44. Can you describe to us what you’re wearing right now?
45. You pick up a pair of clothes from the floor that you’ve worn recently, it doesn’t smell bad. Do you put it on or toss it in the clothes hamper?
46. Do you consider yourself to be attractive? Do others?
47. What is your style of dress?
48. Someone tells you that you have 30 minutes to pack up. They don’t tell you where you’re going so you don’t know what weather to be expecting. What do you pack up?
49. Someone is eating an apple while driving down the highway. They have no trash bag in the car so they toss the core out the window. Do you think this is acceptable?
50. Do you have any scars, tattoos, birthmarks, or other unique physical features?
51. Your friends dare you to dye your hair an unnatural color. What do you do? If you dye your hair, what color do you choose?
52. What does your voice sound like? Do you think it’s pleasant? Do other people?
53. What does your resting face look like? Is it inviting or do you suffer from resting bitch face? If you suffer from RBF, rate it on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the worst)
54. Is there a saying you ascribe to? Is there a saying you think is stupid?
55. Where did you learn most of your knowledge and skill?
56. Use 3 words to describe your childhood.
57. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? If you did not accomplish your dreams, how did that make you feel? If you are still working on it, how long do you think it will take to accomplish? Do you believe those dreams are realistic even now?
58. Would you say you’re someone who can handle pressure?
59. Name a song you vibe to, no matter how you feel. Name a song you can’t stand.
60. Do you get along well with others?
61. Do you have any enemies?
62. Are you satisfied with your life?
63. You just heard very juicy information about someone you hate. Do you spill the tea?
64. Drama is going on. Do you grab the popcorn and watch it unfold or just ignore it?
65. Someone tells you rumor about a close friend. Maybe they started it, maybe they didn’t ( you aren’t sure). What is your reaction?
66. You have collected all the change in your house or apartment and have found 2 full jars of pennies. What do you do with it?
67. What’s your most valuable possession? Did you get it yourself or was it a gift?
68. What is the worst nickname anyone has given you?
69. What is the best present you’ve ever received?
70. What would be the best possible way you could die?
71. You’re in a torture situation. Does the kidnapper have to try every method in the book or do you squeal like a pig?
72. Would you rob a bank if you knew you couldn’t get punished?
73. Did you ever bully anyone in school? Were you ever bullied? How did you react to bullying or what led you to bully others?
74. Your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. What do you do?
75. You need to go clothes shopping. Where do you go? What do you buy?
76. You’re given $1000 and told you have to spend it in an hour or you get to keep nothing. What store do you go to? What do you buy? You are not allowed to use it for online shopping and you are only allowed to go to one store.
77. What is your idea of paradise?
78. Describe your utopia to us. Describe your idea of a dystopia.
79. How was your first kiss and with who?
80. What’s the cutest thing you’ve ever done? Nicest thing?
81. For one day you’re in charge of babysitting a younger version of yourself (5 and under). What do you do? You are not allowed to give yourself back.
82. Do you like children? Why or why not? How do you react to bratty children? How do you react to children who constantly ask ‘why’? Do you want children? Do you already have children?
83. You get a chance to make a perfume that captures your natural scent. What does it smell like?
84. How well do you sleep?
85. Given the chance between the two would you pick the Grinch or the seasick crocodile?
86. Have you ever been in a physical fight? If so, what prompted it?
87. You are walking through the city and you see a homeless person. Do you give them money or walk past them? Why?
88. What are your best features?
89. How do you see yourself? How do you think others see you? Be honest.
90. You think you might be getting sick. Do you pre-emptively take medicine or wait to be sure?
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pikihoes · 4 years
n@h cØøL $tUFF
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pikihoes · 4 years
w£@k@$$ m£m£$
weakass spelling
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pikihoes · 4 years
lolololololol, i will also post pics of u
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pikihoes · 4 years
doxxing my fren
name: yun the hoe
birthday: jun 9, 69420
address: the damn trash can at my house
skool: clown skool
number: 1-800-69420
age: 696969696969420420 yrs old
race: alien meme
have a pic of them getting drunk:
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