piceousbonded · 4 years
if anyone is still around: hey! it’s bee --- rather, i call myself omiró now. it’s certainly been a long time. anyways... keith is back, but in my upcoming multimuse: @sunfluers. feel free to follow over there!
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piceousbonded · 5 years
i’m moving keith to a new blog. THOSE INTERESTED, DM me ( tumblr or discord ) for the url.
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piceousbonded · 5 years
i’m moving keith to a new blog. THOSE INTERESTED, DM me ( tumblr or discord ) for the url.
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piceousbonded · 5 years
BLOG   REVAMP     or     MOVING   OUT ?
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piceousbonded · 5 years
family members
All muses have a family of some sort, whether it be a biological one or an adoptive one, and usually muns aren’t able to talk much about them. However, this meme will allow you to expand on your family headcanons! Have fun~
Send me a ♠ to have my muse talk about their parents.
Send me a ♡ to have my muse talk about their siblings.
Send me a ♢ to have my muse talk about their cousins/nephews.
Send me a ♣ to have my muse talk about their children.
Send me a ✎ + a family member that wasn’t mentioned in this post ( grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc ).
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piceousbonded · 5 years
More & More! Headcanons
Send some symbols to hear about more in-depth about my muse(s)!
World Views/Experiences †: Did they come from a religious family/culture? ☩: Do they practice any sort of religion? If so, is it the same as their family’s? 📿: Have they ever had a supernatural experience? 💣: Did they ever get caught in a situation because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time? ✨: What motivates them? Is it a deep rooted passion/motivation, or is it something they struggle with from time to time? 💊: Have they ever dabbled in drugs? If so, what kinds? ☣: Have they ever been severely ill? If so, did it leave an effect on their overall health in the long run? 💉: Do they suffer from any sort of chronic illness or bodily fragility? ✪: Have they ever let a rare opportunity slip them by?
Locations 🔅: What’s a place that holds special meaning to them? Why? 💧: Are there any places they avoid? If so, why? 🔥: What’s a place that left them motivated in some fashion? 💋: Where did they have their first kiss? Do they remember who it was with? 🌟: Do they have any places they want to go before they die? For what reasons do they want to go there? 🌙: Where is the most unusual place they’ve fallen asleep at?
People ✘: Who do they detest the most? Do they typically avoid this person or antagonize them? 👊: Have they ever been involved in a physical fight? 💞: What was their first love like? 💔: Have they ever had their heart broken? If so, why or how did it happen? 💍: Have they ever been engaged before? What broke it off if so? 💛: Have they have sex? If not, are there any personal reasons why?
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piceousbonded · 5 years
send me a topic to write a meta about my muse on
I might write anything from a paragraph to a whopping essay, but send me something you’ve noticed about my characterisation or just something you want to know about my muse and I will write what I can!
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piceousbonded · 5 years
okay, since i already put some rules and a theme on it, i can announce i have a new rp blog! if you are interested in overwatch, please check out my blog for JESSE McCREE, at @vaqro
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piceousbonded · 5 years
send me a topic to write a meta about my muse on
I might write anything from a paragraph to a whopping essay, but send me something you’ve noticed about my characterisation or just something you want to know about my muse and I will write what I can!
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piceousbonded · 5 years
sir that’s my emotional support found family trope
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piceousbonded · 5 years
“I am not a creature that was born. I am a fire that was set.”
— Moss Angel The Undying, from Sea-Witch Vol. 2: Girldirt Angelfog (via lifeinpoetry)
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piceousbonded · 5 years
More & More! Headcanons
Send some symbols to hear about more in-depth about my muse(s)!
World Views/Experiences †: Did they come from a religious family/culture? ☩: Do they practice any sort of religion? If so, is it the same as their family’s? 📿: Have they ever had a supernatural experience? 💣: Did they ever get caught in a situation because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time? ✨: What motivates them? Is it a deep rooted passion/motivation, or is it something they struggle with from time to time? 💊: Have they ever dabbled in drugs? If so, what kinds? ☣: Have they ever been severely ill? If so, did it leave an effect on their overall health in the long run? 💉: Do they suffer from any sort of chronic illness or bodily fragility? ✪: Have they ever let a rare opportunity slip them by?
Locations 🔅: What’s a place that holds special meaning to them? Why? 💧: Are there any places they avoid? If so, why? 🔥: What’s a place that left them motivated in some fashion? 💋: Where did they have their first kiss? Do they remember who it was with? 🌟: Do they have any places they want to go before they die? For what reasons do they want to go there? 🌙: Where is the most unusual place they’ve fallen asleep at?
People ✘: Who do they detest the most? Do they typically avoid this person or antagonize them? 👊: Have they ever been involved in a physical fight? 💞: What was their first love like? 💔: Have they ever had their heart broken? If so, why or how did it happen? 💍: Have they ever been engaged before? What broke it off if so? 💛: Have they have sex? If not, are there any personal reasons why?
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piceousbonded · 5 years
some character development questions!! what is keith's favorite memory? what is his love language like - what things make him feel loved / cared for? what's something keith's proud of himself for? what's one insecurity?
LET   ME   TELL   YOU   ABOUT   KEITH   KOGANE    /    always  accepting.    /    @madefate
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KEITH’S  FAVORITE  MEMORY :          oh,   anything   &   everything   with   his   father   in   it.   all   things   considered,   keith   didn’t   remember   much   about   his   dad   prior   the   quantum   abyss,   seen   how   the   human   brain   tends   to   forget   obsolete   information   in   order   to   retain   new   things,   so   he   understandably   didn’t   quite   remember   his   father’s   voice,   or   many   details   of   his   face,   before   the   trials   of   marmora    (    but   the   quantum   abyss   gave   him a   lot   on   his   dad,   &   family,   &   sense   of   self    ).    therefore,   he   remembers   how   he   felt   whenever   he   had   kurtis   with   him     —     be   it   the   most   mundane   of   the   activities,   such   as   post   dinner   lessons,   or   making   waffles   together,   or   his   favorite   of   this   batch,   which   is   waking   up   every   saturday   morning   real   early   so   he   &   his   pa   could   watch   speed   racer   reruns,   each   with   a   bowl   of   soggy   cereal    (    both   of   them   put   the   milk   first,   by   the   way    ).   &   then,   of   course,   there   are   the   special   memories.   going   to   the   carnival,   the   first   time   he   got   on   the   hoverbike   with   kurtis,   stargazing   with   him,   learning   how   to   mess   with   the   radio   in   the   shack   to   hear   all   kinda   weird   noises…    all   of   this   brings   keith   a   sense   of   fondness    —    now   no   longer tarnished by   regret   &   guilt.   his   dad   was   a   hero,   he   is   not   to   blame   for   his   father’s   death.
HIS  LOVE  LANGUAGE :          certainly   isn’t   very   verbal.   keith   isn’t   the   sort   of   guy   who   speaks   what   he   feels,   he   just   feels   it   &   does   his   best   to   make   it   known   through   his   actions,   which   is   known   to   be   misinterpreted   quite   often.   however,   when   it’s   the   other   way   around,   he   won’t   know   he’s   loved   until   he   actually   hears   it.   he’s   not   that   great   understanding   cues,   &   a   lifetime   of   trauma   says   people   can   do   something   &   mean   something   else   entirely ;    he   likes   to   hear   he’s   loved,   care   for,   that   he’s   needed   &   wanted   for   who   he   is,   not   for   what   he   got   to   offer    (    it   is   one   of   many   reasons   he   left   the   team   for   the   blades   back   then.   he   didn’t   feel   necessary, &   the   team   made   him   think   he   was   no   longer   wanted. experience   says   that’s   his   cue   to   leave   scene    ).    but   also,   push   him.   push   him   to   be   more.   push   him   to   realize   whenever   he’s   going   too   hard,   too   fast.   push   back   when   he   rages,   but   not   with   aggression.   loving   keith   is   a   rollercoaster,   but   it   pays   off.   once   he   grows   used   to   the   feeling,   keith   becomes   extremely   physical,   in   the   sense   that   he   will   want   to   touch   &   be   touched   whenever ;    hugs,   hand   holding,   cuddling,   leaning   on   each   other,   etc.   as   aforementioned,   he   is   a   man   of   few   words.
 WHAT  BRINGS  HIM  PRIDE :         keith   relearned   to   be   proud   of   himself, sometimes   to   the   point   of   cockiness.   he   knows   what   he’s   capable   of,   he   knows   how   good   he   is   as   a   pilot   &   as   a   soldier,   &   with   time,   he   also   learns   to   be   proud   of   how   his   brain   functions.   he’s   not   the   emo,   dumb   kid   sitting   in   the   back   of   the   classroom.   he’s   none   of   those   things,   really.   he   learned   to   be   proud   of   how   he   sees   the   world   &   understands   it,   that’s   no   cause   of   shame   when   he   makes   a   mistake   that   no   one   else   would.   he   is   also   proud   of   his   sexuality,   you   know.   he’s   gay,   he’s   trans,   &   nothing   in   the   world    (    besides   his   own   dysphoria   sometimes    )    can   make   him   lower   his   head   when   it   comes   to those   two   things.   bottom   line,   keith   takes   pride   in  feeling   comfortable   in   his   own   skin   after   so   long,   with   its   own   scars   &   differences ;    he’s   galra,   he’s   human,   he’s   asian,   he’s   on   the   spectrum,   he’s   gay,   he’s   a   trans   man,   he’s   an   abuse   survivor,   he’s   a   kogane,   he’s   a   damn   good   pilot,   he’s   a   good   swordsman.   knowing   all   this   &   being   ashamed   of   none   of   that   makes   him   proud.
THE  ONE  INSECURITY :         despite   all   that ?   he’s   insecure   in   the   face   of   being   cherished   for.   being   acknowledged   positively   is   not   something   he’s   used   to,   despite   shiro’s   many   attempts.   he   fears   being   pushed   away    (    in   any   sense    )    so   for   a   long   time   he   reduced   himself   to   people’s   expectations.   he’s   the   lone   wolf ?    okay   then,   he’s   the   lone   wolf,   no   matter   how   much   he   actually   likes   being   around   people   every   now   &   then.   one   of   his   biggest   insecurities,   too,   is   being   in   the   center   of   attention   for   something   he   didn’t   quite   prepared   himself   for.   yes,   i   am   talking   about   leading   voltron.   keith   rarely   second   guesses,   but   whenever   he’s   in black? he   does.   he   hesitates   in   the   same   way   he   does   when   reaching   for   someone.   he   doesn’t   know   if   he’s   doing   something   wrong,   or   what   he   should   do   instead.   anxiety   is   a   bitch.
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piceousbonded · 5 years
keith kogane didn't have a birth certificate until he was eight years old. he didn't have a proper birth certificate until he was thirteen, and then he had it changed when he was sixteen to accommodate his actual name, not the dead one.
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piceousbonded · 5 years
do you guys want me to delve into anything in specific about keith? comment on this post or hit my inbox :3
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piceousbonded · 5 years
Get up.
You’re not dead yet
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piceousbonded · 5 years
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#my aesthetic
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