phosephone · 4 years
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phosephone · 6 years
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phosephone · 6 years
concept: not everyone you meet is a lesson. not everyone hurts you just so you could learn to heal yourself. most of them come with hatchets and hammers and none of them come with gauze, none of them come with Band-Aids or a sewing kit. listen to me, not every pain you feel is part of a bigger plan to force you to learn. stop forgiving people for hurting you because you think they helped you grow. you helped yourself grow. you put all your limbs back in place, put your heart back inside your broken ribs and stitched your own chest up. it was all you. stop giving people who hurt you credit for things they do not deserve.
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phosephone · 6 years
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phosephone · 6 years
Date a boy who puts you first
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phosephone · 6 years
Me on religion: idk I'm really skeptical,,.. Like has anyone seen any proof????
Me on aliens: totally real. I can feel it. My extraterrestrial brothers, they call to me
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phosephone · 6 years
underrated logic: don’t date girls you ain’t ready for yet— you gone fuck it & her up 
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phosephone · 6 years
*clicks page 2 of google search results* the deep web
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phosephone · 6 years
you ever been so stressed that youre calm
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phosephone · 6 years
Don’t share too much. Your goals need to be a mystery to many. They don’t need to know what you’re doing until it’s done.
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phosephone · 6 years
Don’t get me wrong, sex is great, but I would rather spend the night learning everything about you and hearing every story you have. To me, that’s far more intimate.
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phosephone · 6 years
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When to Close Your Eyes
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phosephone · 6 years
Priest: Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded gal pal?
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phosephone · 7 years
My 2015 Resolutions:
To continue to do well in school, and actually enjoy the learning environment by appreciating what i have instead of expecting what is unattainable 
To meet some new people who are wise and full of interesting stories that are not based upon their experiences drinking or smoking at parties
To work harder on the things i want and become more self-confident. I know that i’m extremely blessed to have access to an extraordinary variety of opportunities, but i often find myself holding back or not putting in 100% because of self doubt
To take time to stop and smell the roses instead of stopping to take a photo for instagram. Probably my worst habit is being on my phone and not enjoying things as much because i do not let myself have the chance to actually look up and take it all in. Life’s better through my eyes not a camera lens!
To not settle for something that i do not deserve. Whether it’s to do with a relationship or a meal i get served at a restaurant, i am quality, therefore i deserve quality
To fill my body with things that make it smile. This means turning my head away from the disposable society we live in and filling myself with real food instead of a packet of preservatives and fake colours and flavours
To learn an abundance of valuable lessons which cannot be learnt from media or gossiping with girlfriends. I want to invest more time in the topics that are really important even though they’re often ignored with the bombardment of rubbish on the bias news channels
To spend more money on the things that pleasure me and less on the things that i’ve been conditioned into believing that i need
To be a source of love, happiness and safety for another person. I don’t think i can describe how it feels to watch someone grow knowing you’re laying the foundation along their path. This year i want to touch as many people as i can. I want to learn things with other people and go on adventures with them and watch them blossom over time in my company
To not smile if i’m not happy. In this westernised society, we’ve been manipulated into believing that happiness is the ultimate goal in life. Happiness is a select feeling and as a human being we are not programmed to feel only one feeling all the time, it’s completely unnatural! This year i want to feel as many different feelings as i can
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phosephone · 7 years
10 Things I had to learn by myself (my mother never taught me): i. Blame the person who hurts you, not yourself. Never blame yourself for not being what they wanted or not being “good enough.” You are made with perfectly flawed traits, stitched together to be loved unconditionally. ii. Not everyone you love will love you back and the people who do love you, you won’t always reciprocate the feelings. But that doesn’t make them or you a bad person. You can’t love everyone and not everyone will love you. I refuse to blame the people that can’t find it in their soul to give me what I give them. I don’t give to get back. I give because I want to and because I can. iii. Don’t let one person tell you negative things about yourself. One opinion out of a million does not make you who you are. No one paints a masterpiece for you, you are the art piece. You make who you are. You are the artist. iv. Don’t ever settle. People always feel safer with things that they are used to and comfortable with instead of seeking for the heart pounding feelings and moments that take their breaths away. I never want it to be easy; I want it to be hard to breathe and suffocating when I give something my all. I want to learn how to survive through that. v. Learn how to say no. No, I do not want to dance with you. No, I do not want to kiss you. No, I do not want to date you. No, I do not want to do this. No, I do not want to do that. Because that does not make me happy and that does not make me feel comfortable, so no. And I don’t need to give you a reason nor do I need to make up an excuse to say “no.” vi. There are different kinds of people. Don’t always catergorize people in groups because people are not meant to be labelled. Just because one person hurts you, does not mean the ones in the future will. Just because one person holds a knife doesn’t mean the next one will use it. There is good out there; there is good in the world and there is good in people. Not everyone is a monster. I strongly believe that majority of the population is good. vii. Do not let the past prevent you from living in the future. Do not let the pain and hurt take over. Don’t close yourself up to others just because you have been broken before. Never allow the demons of yesterday to control the beauty that is to come in the future. Vow to never allow it to always be stormy for the sun does eventually shine down on all things beautiful. I am beautiful, and so are you. viii. You can swim across the world for someone but they might not even step outside in the drizzle for you. Even if you hold the umbrella for them. ix. Never give someone the power to rid you of yourself. Don’t ever fall out of your routine or lose who you are permanently. That is so important. x. Love yourself. Learn to love the birthmark on your face, the chipmunk cheeks, the thighs that jiggle when you walk, the nose you think is too flat, and your fingers that are too short. Learn to appreciate your almond shaped eyes, your skin color, the thin hair that doesn’t grow fast, the beauty mark above your lips, and the small gap between your teeth. Learn to love your sense of humor, your laughter, your emotions, your tendency to trust easily, and how happy you always are. Learn to love the way you love others deeply, how you sometimes fear being lonely, the way you enjoy walks alone, and the radiance in your soul. Learn to love yourself at 3AM when you cannot sleep and can only think of the skeletons hiding in your own closets and learn to love yourself at 3PM when you are cranky and unable to get out of bed. Learn to love yourself and come to terms with the fact that you are you, and that will never change.
Ming D. Liu, A Story A Day #147 (via mingdliu)
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phosephone · 7 years
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I just started watching this show but seriously it’s amazing and you all need to watch it
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phosephone · 7 years
best foods for clear, glowing skin
~ incorporate these foods into your diet to enhance the quality of your skin ~
peppermint/peppermint tea
green tea
tomatoes (cooked is best for skin)
red grapes
brown rice
(some) soy products
dark chocolate
sunflower seeds
kidney beans
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