phantomheart17 8 months
I want so badly to see my own heart beating, wanting to watch it move. See it racing as someone touches it, feeling it struggle. I want someone to control the beat of my heart.
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phantomheart17 8 months
Been thinking about hearts all day and my heart is pounding. Wish I had someone to put their ear to it.
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phantomheart17 8 months
Been awhile since I've posted, been going through some mental health stuff, but I'm back for now. Been wanting to make some cardiophile friends.
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phantomheart17 1 year
Having a hard time posting recordings, so if you'd like to hear them, lemme know and I'll share them a different way. Also would prefer to share with women only.
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phantomheart17 1 year
I've had this on my mind for awhile. I just want someone who truly enjoys my heart, the feel, the sound and not doing heart related stuff just because I like it. Someone who will ear steth me and make my heart go crazy because we both like it. I want someone who truly loves the sound of my heart.
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phantomheart17 1 year
Listening to my own heart is alright, but I'd rather listen to someone else's while they listen to mine. I want so badly to hear someone's heart react to mine.
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phantomheart17 1 year
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phantomheart17 1 year
Actually feel like posting a recording and it won't upload so I can post it. In a real heart mood right now.
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phantomheart17 1 year
Been thinking a lot lately about how badly I want to be stethed, I just want someone to listen to my heart in person.
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phantomheart17 1 year
reblog this post if you鈥檙e a cardiophile, I want to know how many of us are out there 馃挀
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phantomheart17 1 year
Recently been wanting nothing more than to be able to text a cardiophile friend to have them come over and listen to my heart. Been wanting that so badly lately. Yeah, sharing over discord or Skype is ok. But I want a steth pressed to my heart with someone else listening and me listening to theirs. Just thinking about having someone steth me gets my heart pounding. All I want is to find some cardiophiles that live in or around Montana.
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phantomheart17 1 year
Figured I'd post about my Skype and discord again. Been feeling kinda lonely lately and just want someone to chat with. Lemme know if you're interested.
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phantomheart17 1 year
Feel the heartbeats with your eyes!
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phantomheart17 1 year
Been feeling off lately, not really lonely or depressed. I just want someone to chat with and hang out with, though it's hard for me to make friends. I also know it's been awhile since I last posted, haven't really felt like being on. If anyone could help me find some cardiophiles in or around Montana, it would be greatly appreciated.
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phantomheart17 2 years
This is so cool!
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Heart Sampler is finally done! by beanzmcgee
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phantomheart17 2 years
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Best feeling 馃槒
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phantomheart17 2 years
Curious about something, have any of you had a moment when you're taking with another cardiophile and after you've shared hearts with each other, do you ever have really strong feelings for that other person? When you're not sure what those feelings really mean?
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