peterwalterthe6th · 9 years
I feel like everyone only wants to play with my male OCs.
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peterwalterthe6th · 9 years
Send me messages as one of my muse's parents.
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peterwalterthe6th · 9 years
"Seeing anyone? Oh-I could never- I'm a burned mess- and socially challenged on the best of days." He lowers himself into a nearby chair. "Besides, I don't get out much. Too many experiments to run- Beciles to ward off... You know, the Walter family duties...."  He combs his hands through his hair, a nervous gesture. "What about you? Do you have any uh- significant others?"
Wow, do you have a face?!? You're not possessed by a demon too, are you?
Oh- oh no, no demons here. I -uh- I have various runes in my home to prevent such an event…
Unlike the various alter-dimensional Peter Walter’s my face was burned in an accident that occured whilst repairing Hatchworth. So what is left of it could be considered a face, I suppose. 
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peterwalterthe6th · 9 years
Let's play Secret Santa! Go on anon and leave my character a gift. They'll try to guess who sent it!
(reverse meme here!)
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peterwalterthe6th · 10 years
"There's a reason I was hired to work here in the first place." Michael.  hummed The smell of the food cooking made his stomach rumble, and he grinned in anticipation. A beep came from his phone, lying on the table, and he glanced at it, choosing to ignore it. 
Archer chuckled, passing over one such cabinet with a grimace. “Oh I remember those days.” he opened the next and pulled out mashed potato flakes and some seasonings. “How does… garlic mashed potatoes and fried steak sound?” He asked with a raise of a single brow. “I don’t know if you’ve gone vegetarian these days but I’m sure uh… whatever you have in the fridge cooks just as well.”
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peterwalterthe6th · 10 years
Michael shrugged, leaning back in his chair. "Honestly, anything that isn't a microwave T.V. dinner sounds good to me. Cooking has been uh- a little difficult with the cast on." 
Archer offered him a soft smile, keeping his hand pressed against him. “I would love to… I just didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” He looked around the kitchen, slowly standing as he searched. He kept his hand on Michael’s cheek. “Let me make you something to eat… you know my cooking has improved since I was last here. I can now cook 4 things.” He gave a cheeky smile before he went to the cupboards and began to pulling things out.
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peterwalterthe6th · 10 years
Michael managed to get himself into a chair, and watched as Archer began to cook with a smile. "Oh- don't open the cupboards that are taped closed, we've got a tiny experiment gone wrong in them." He was trying to steer the conversation away from his previous emotional breakdown, having put his cheerful mask back on. 
He smiled softly in return, stroking delicate fingers through Michael’s hair. “No no shhh its fine. I’m always here to listen… Please… I just came to see you. I wanted to make sure you were okay… you look positively exhausted.” Gently he cupped Michael’s cheek in a palm, stroking over it with his thumb. “Let me make you something to eat, or a tea… and take you to your room…. I can talk to Peter about letting me stay, finding me a room.” 
He swallowed hard, eyes staying glued on Michael’s. “Unless… you… would rather… I stay with you? I can understand if you don’t… its been so long for us.”
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peterwalterthe6th · 10 years
"Y-you can stay with me-if you want too.." Michael murmured softly, blushing as his stomach rumbled. The dark circles under his eyes were easier to see now that he was closer to Archer. His eyes fluttered closed as Archer stroked his cheek gently. 
Archer tried to hold his own tears back, for Michael’s sake. He wrapped his arms around the one man band’s chest lightly, careful of his injuries, and hugged him back. Slowly he stroked both hands up and down his back in soothing motions. Whispering, “Shhh its okay… its okay… I’m here now. I’m sorry I never meant to just leave you like that… You’re okay… its okay… I’m here now… we’re together now…” After everything that had happened to him in Archer’s absence, he knew he needed to let the fear and the sorrow out or it would eat him alive. And Archer was more than willing to sit there patiently and listen to every cry.
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peterwalterthe6th · 10 years
Based off my blog, what other characters could you see me Roleplay as?
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peterwalterthe6th · 10 years
Michael’s cries subsided after some time, and he curled into a ball against Archer’s chest, shaking slightly. “I’m sorry… That was probably a lot to handle…” He wiped at his face with his good hand, wincing as he brushed his fingers over small cuts and bruises. "You- you probably wanted to relax, and here I am being a mess...." 
When Michael began to melt down, Archer felt a fury in his stomach. Something he so rarely did feel. Sure he could suffer, he could take that punishment. But no one dare put a hand like that on Michael, or Archer’s children. 
Gently he took Michael’s wrist from his face. He stepped closer, falling on his knees at Michael’s feet as he gazed up at him. “You won’t be alone in this anymore. I promise… you can’t stay with me? Then I’ll stay here with you… and help Peter however I can. I can help work with the brown, put some pieces together… even fight if I have to!”
Slowly he cupped Michael’s cheeks, stroking his tears away with his thumbs. “Seeing you cry like this… in so much pain…. that should never happen. Ever. There’s too much suffering in this world. You must be the light in the darkness…”
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peterwalterthe6th · 10 years
Michael smiled through his tears.  "Thank you-" He choked out, more tears falling. "It's been so hard- so hard without you- Don't know how I managed this long- I'm so happy you're back!" He threw his arms around Archer as the dam broke, clutching tightly to the other man. 
Archer’s brow worried even further. He scooted closer, craning his neck up to gaze into Michael’s eyes. “Did they intend to kill you? Or just… rough you up a bit? Did Peter bring this up to the cav? You could always come stay with me… until you heal that is.” He whispered the last request under his breath as he slipped back. Starting to wonder what Michael would think of all the other loves in his life now.
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peterwalterthe6th · 10 years
Michael's eyes were wet with tears again. "They- they intended to leave a message- whatever message that was Im not sure. RICS overcame the hack and chased them out before they could put a scalpel in my skull." He hesitantly touched just beneath his left eye. "Peter is too stubborn to ask for help- and besides that would mean bringing others into the line of fire.You know he won't do that." As Archer asked him to come and stay, he glanced up slowly to meet Archer's eyes. "I can't- I'm not-" His voice was wounded, thick with tears. 
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peterwalterthe6th · 10 years
Michael shook his head when asked about medications. He never liked taking medication- made him feel so off.... As Archer asked him about the happenings of late, he glanced up nervously. "I.M. and the Beciles have given up all pretense of wanting a peaceful resolution of the old Walter VS Becile dispute. An employee of Becile Industries broke in and- well I was the only one home at the time. Peter was out visiting another verse. Turns out Beciles don't take well to being told that blue matter research isn't for them..." He frowned slowly. 
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peterwalterthe6th · 10 years
Michael put his good hand on his ribs, lowering himself into a nearby chair. "It's alright- I just need to sit down." He squeezed his eyes shut as he sat, breathing slowly in and out. "Just- some cracked ribs. That's all. I've had worse." 
Archer gasped a surprised laugh. As his dimples rose, the tears fell. The thumbs of each hand gently caressing Michael’s cheeks. “I.. I thought you would have hated me for leaving…”
With another breathless laugh, he wrapped both arms around Michael again. Taking him into a tight hug, momentarily forgetting his arm. Softly kissing over his cheeks and face. “I still love you to too… You don’t know… how happy… it makes me to hear you… say those words…” Speaking between furious kisses.
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peterwalterthe6th · 10 years
Michael bit back a cry of pain when Archer hugged him tightly, but managed to smile as Archer peppered him with kisses. "I-I could never hate you Archie, you know that. I know you have a lot to do." His breathing was labored now, but he snuggled close to Archer. 
Archer was taken surprise by the kiss, but instantly melted just like he used to. His eyes fell half closed and his cheeks turned red. “You were always so sweet…” He gave a love-struck chuckle and slowly pulled away. “I wish I could say this was the first time I saw you in a cast…” He pouted his lips, carefully hovering a hand over his injured arm. “Peter told me you guys were at war with… uh… something. I feel like so much has changed for both of us… I don’t even know where to start.”
Worried tears began to creep in the corners of his eyes. He refused to let them drop. Cupping Michael’s cheeks in both hands. “I never thought I would have to worry about you… who could hurt you…”
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peterwalterthe6th · 10 years
Michael smiled at him, putting his good hand on one of Archer's. "A lot has changed, but I still love you. That won't ever change." When Archer mentioned not knowing where to start, he closed his eyes and leaned into Archer's hands a bit more, expression blissful. "We can start right here, can't we?" 
Archer’s heart sank at the sight of him, but soared again the moment he heard that voice. Tears prickled in the corners of his eyes and he slowly nodded his head. “… it is… Michael its been- its been too long…”
He quickly stepped forward, not wanting Michael to make the trek, no matter how small, in his current state. Carefully he wrapped his arms around him, holding him in a loose hug. One hand stroking through the hair on the back of his head while the other rubbed his back. “You look like hell… but I’m glad you’re alive.”
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peterwalterthe6th · 10 years
Michael laid his head on Archer's shoulder, smiling gently. "It's worth it to see you again Archie. I was so worried." He wrapped his arms around Archer's torso carefully, minding his cast. Standing on tip toes he pressed a kiss to Archers cheek. 
Archer chuckled lightly, adjusting his glasses and nodding to the screen. “Ah yes… yes of course…” He followed the signs all the way down the hall, down the stairs. The closer he got to the kitchen the more nervous he grew. Fidgeting with his hands as he tried to figure out what to say to Michael. Did he even know he was there? Did he even know he had found them again? Those butterflies back in his stomach. He took a deep breath and slowly released it. Counting softly to 10 before he turned through the archway and into the Kitchen. “… Michael?” He called softly, not sure what kind of response he would get. 
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