petals-of-lotus · 2 years
Hetalia Wicked (Book and Musical mix) AU, okay?
Gilbert is Elphaba.
He's born with an almost burning reaction to water, white hair, red eyes, and — most obvious — green skin and sharp teeth.
His mother, scared of having another green child, eats some supplements so her next child will be normal, but dies as a result, with her second child, Ludwig, born paralyzed waist down.
Their father subconsciously blames Gilbert, which causes him to blame himself, and yay happy fun times.
Not to say their dad doesn't love Gil, it's just very very complicated.
So like Gil goes to a college called Shiz.
He ends up having to room with François Bonnefoi of Upland, the AU's Glinda.
They... don't really get along because they're so different but they both respect the other academically.
(and tbh everyone in school thinks Fran is hot and Gil is not exempt)
(and Fran does think Gil's green skin and red eyes are at least pretty shades)
(tho neither would ever admit these facts)
Arthur takes Dr. Dillamond's place narratively.
He's a Donkey lol what can I say.
And he keeps calling Fran Francis.
And he's sorta a sarcastic prick.
But so is Gil so it's fine.
He's tryna prove Animals are closer genetically to munchkins than animals.
Yknow for Animal rights reasons.
Fran and Gil actually sorta make friends over the rooming together and sorcery homework.
They also no homo cuddle because nightmares and nothing else I swear.
It's fine shut up.
Sebastian/Basch is Boq in this au but I choose to ignore all Boqs who aren't book Boq.
So like a munchkin who knew Gil when they were younger.
They were mutually horrible to each other as kids but they're cool now.
Basch thinks Fran is hot too but he's fine with the rejection.
His annoying roommate, Antonio, keeps pushing him about it tho.
Antonio is Fiyero btw.
Actually Avaric tho because I'm also mixing their personalities like the musical because too many characters.
He's a dumbass but he's got a good heart.
They release Brrr together 💖
Gil ends up telling Basch about Arthur's plan, and Basch helps by grabbing library books for him (everyone sorta knows Gil's a revolutionary)
Arthur is killed because he's an Animal rights activists, and it's framed as a accident. He really gets no good things sorry England stans.
Gil and Fran (who's know like "okay I'll go by Francis in the Ass's honor) are convinced it isn't exactly an accident and that the headmistress set it up but can't speak up about it because she's working for the Wizard and because she's teaching them sorcery.
They actually are closer than ever because of the mutual suspicion.
They talk about their pasts together it's gay.
Ludwig ends up coming to the school a couple years after Gil.
With the silver slippers their dad gave him and everything.
I'm not saying Gil is pining for like all his friends or anything but...
I can't believe Gilbert becomes a terrorist activist witch either who would've thought.
Or that Francis works in politics and really misses the old days.
Alfred is Dorothy btw.
Gilbert like "this kid has my dead brother's shoes" and Alfred is like "hey Mr green magic dude I like your hat, mind if I stay here for a few days?"
"I technically came to defeat you but I'm like 12 and a half so..."
Won over from genocidal rage by a child who really wants you to try his apple pie recipe.
"Francis why did you give the child Ludwig's shoes?" "IDK THEY HAVE PROTECTION MAGIC AND I PANICKED."
Alfred is incredibly traumatized by the whole water bucket incident rip.
Do Gilbert and Antonio actually die? Who knows.
Francis is pretty upset and lonely nonetheless.
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