petadvices · 2 years
How Long do Mice Live?
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Isn’t it a bit overwhelming that most of us don't know that there are various types of mouse in general. For instance, if we were asked to tell the difference related to the type of mice, most of us would not be able to tell because in general there are several types of mouse such as house mouse, field mouse, deer mouse, mountain pygmy possum and the list goes on and on.
Mice in general are very small but active in nature and if you want to pet one you can easily have them as your little companion because they are easy to approach and respond quickly to the actions directed towards them. But as long as we get attached to them it can’t be forever because their lifespan doesn't support it.
How Long Do Mice Live? 
According to the sources, the average lifespan of the pet rat is 1-2 years but it also entirely depends on how you keep them in terms of their stay, fun elements, food etc. as there is a wide range of variety to choose from as pets. 
If looking to pet a rare type of mouse other than a pet mouse is also an option such as common field mouse and hamsters can stretch their lifespan up to 2-3 years. It has also been noticed that some pet mice live up to 7 years if treated with the proper amount of care and if they have good genes. 
 Lifespan of a Pet Mice and a Wild Mice-
As mentioned above there are a lot of types of mouse that you can choose to pet from but there are also wild mice out there found in near areas of parks, buildings, high plain areas and which you can keep as a pet                                             
 Apart from sharing the same life span of maximum two years there are a lot of differences between a pet and a wild mouse such as their appearance. House mouse fur is of solid colors like brown or gray whereas wild mice have darkish brown fur with white in their bottom part (belly, leg and feet.)
The scientific research in the sources have also mentioned that if you try to pet wild mice in your house you should know that according to their species also their life span can be short. Therefore, it is extremely important for you to know when you are adopting the mice as a pet because the mouse should be taken as a pet as soon as possible. If you are trying to take the mice when he is hairless then it is too soon to make him a pet.
Health Issues-
If you have a pet then amazing but having a pet comes with responsibilities as well in terms of their living, food, and health. Gaining the proper pet advice while raising them is a must for you and your little pet as well. 
Speaking of identifying health issues in pet mice cannot be that hard but you will have to observe for small symptoms such as reduction in their weight, heavy eyes, imbalance in his sleep schedule, unexpected bleeding, redness around his nose and eye etc. If not observed since the beginning these small symptoms can increase over time which can take a toll on your little pet’s health. 
For the veteran visits of your pet mice should be mandatory once a year for his normal checkup and further tips from the proficient to strengthen your bond with him even more. 
Extending Mouse Lifespan- 
For every pet mice or wild mice as pets share a similar lifespan which is of two years but it can be increased by you taking proper care and actions whenever needed. Here are a bunch of tips you can take to spend more time with your little pet then usual- 
PROPER DIET AND ACTIVITY: For every pet mouse's health, his likes and dislikes in food, his portions should be taken care of because if fed too much it can cause obesity which is hazardous to them. Pellets, fresh vegetables, fresh fruits and fresh water can be fed in small amounts for his life ahead. With proper food he shouldn’t be sitting idle but keep running here and there to maintain a balance between his portions and appetite. 
GIVE HIM FREEDOM NOT STRESS: It is observed that a lot of pet mice owners get attracted to the cage restricted for mouse and feels that they would be safe in a cage, what they are lacking is the part where being in a cage isn’t wrong but all the time can generate stress and make him a bit isolated which is not good for them as they are social animals and love to roam around.
GIVE THEM A PROPER BURIAL: As mentioned in the above statements your pet mice can live up to a year or two but the memories, the bond with them will end one day. When your mice has closed his eyes to find peace you should take your pet slowly in a plastic bag and bury him somewhere safe, silent, most importantly where there are no cats or other roaming animals because it can lead to them digging the body up. 
Why Worry About Mice?
Before adopting mice, if looked at from a distance it can be satisfying and adorable because there is a wide range of mice to choose from but you should do your homework before submitting it. 
Mice are small and are social as well in nature but it doesn’t mean that they will be responsive from day one. Below is a list of things you should look out before opting a cute mice as your pet-
THEY CHEW ON EVERYTHING: When we say they chew on everything we actually mean they chew on everything from wires, bedsheets, clothes etc. You will have to check on them all the time to see if they are causing any trouble or not.
THEY CAN FIT EVERYWHERE: As mice are small in their appearance and have a habitat of hiding it can be very stressful for you if they hide somewhere and you can’t find them. 
THEIR MENTAL STATE: By nature mice are very smart in nature, if you want to pet a mouse you will have to make sure of their mental happiness too and not cause them any stress by taking them or keeping them in front of your eyes with attractive toys and elements.
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petadvices · 2 years
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Before deciding how to make bird food, consider these points such as understand your bird’s basic needs, include sufficient quantity of nuts, fruits and vegetables in their diet. To know more, read this:  https://petadvices.com/how-to-make-bird-food/
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petadvices · 2 years
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Baby birds must be kept warm all times. Check on them to ensure that bird is not too hot. To know more on how to save life of baby birds, click here: https://petadvices.com/how-to-save-a-baby-bird/
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petadvices · 2 years
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One must remember these tips for their pet rat diet that is rat pellets should be at least 16% protein content and 4-5% fat content for a balanced diet. To know more, click at: https://petadvices.com/best-15-tips-for-rat-diet-2021/
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petadvices · 2 years
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Rats are vegetarian and they like to eat food, plants, seeds, bread, cooked rice and more. Click here, to learn about what do rats eat: https://petadvices.com/what-do-rats-eat/
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petadvices · 2 years
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Provide your Fancy Pet Rats with proper shelter and suitable nesting materials. Get more tips of fancy rats care, by clicking on this link:  https://petadvices.com/pet-rats/
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petadvices · 2 years
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Rats are the healthiest mammals because of their healthy diet. Do you want to know list of safe foods for rats. So, kindly visit here: https://petadvices.com/safe-foods-for-rats/
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petadvices · 2 years
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Do you also adore rats as pets, but you are worried about what to feed them. So, here your problem is solved. Rats are omnivores, that means they can eat any food. And you will glad to know that most of the rat loves to eat dog food. So, stop wondering and get your answer on can rats eat dog food by clicking here: https://petadvices.com/can-rats-eat-dog-food/
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petadvices · 2 years
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The Persian Cat  are the oldest cat breed. These cats breed are typically a medium-sized cat, but they are big and well-boned. They might look larger than actually they are due to enough of fur. The Persian cat has a calm personality. To know more about Persian Cat traits, click here: https://petadvices.com/persian-cat-personality/
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petadvices · 2 years
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There might be not any more remarkable bunny on the planet than the Flemish Giant Rabbits. Assuming that one came bouncing along, you may from the get go mix-up it for a dog. These bunnies gauge 15 pounds by and large and can arrive at a length of 2.5 feet. To know more about them, click here: https://petadvices.com/flemish-giant-rabbit/
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petadvices · 2 years
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There are various things one needs to consider when setting up their bunny’s cage, but one aspect that’s often overlooked is flooring. Flooring for a rabbit pen is not only essential but also help them to feel cozy. To know more about rabbit cage flooring, click here: https://petadvices.com/rabbit-cage-flooring/
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petadvices · 2 years
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If you are also bewildering, with this question that can rabbits eat watermelon? Then its a big Yes, but very cautiously and in small pieces to prevent you rabbits from choking. It should be limited to 1-2 servings a week.
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petadvices · 2 years
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Rabbits are becoming very popular as house pets. These domestic rabbits should be provided with proper care like their diet, environment and more. To learn more about pet rabbit care, kindly visit here: https://petadvices.com/pet-rabbit-care/
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petadvices · 2 years
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Can Rabbits Eat Broccali?
Yes, it is completely safe for bunnies. Though it might cause acidity issues in bunnies and might cause a bit of digestive upset, otherwise, it is healthy stuff for your long-eared friend. 
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petadvices · 2 years
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Can Rabbits Eat Celery? Yes, rabbits are fond of celery and can eat it. It serves as a sweet and delicious snack for them and also contributes to forming a balanced diet for rabbits.Also, rabbits require a major portion of their diet composed of hay and grasses.
Read more here-  https://petadvices.com/can-rabbits-eat-celery/
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petadvices · 2 years
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How to care a saint bernard puppy
 the Saint Bernard puppy demands more attention than other breeds. Enjoy the puppyhood of this adorable breed with tiny razor-sharp claws and angel soft kisses.
click here for more-   https://petadvices.com/how-to-care-for-a-saint-bernard-puppy/
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Pomeranian Puppy Care
Pomeranian is healthy dogs but they also need lots of care to live a long life.Pomeranian is a quite healthy breed they might have some health concerns due to lifestyle changes and adapting to a family’s lifestyle. If you are a first time Pomeranian puppy owner, you need to keep these things in mind- 
click here- 
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