pernoe · 1 day
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Samus commission that I streamed last night!
As someone mentioned in the chat, I’m sick of barbie Samus. 
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pernoe · 4 days
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pernoe · 5 days
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DORE / ドレ
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pernoe · 7 days
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尝试多人的练习 by 生柿子 ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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pernoe · 8 days
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pernoe · 9 days
Tiny college cheerleader, the flier of the team, has a thing for size difference and the linemen on the football team love her for that but she disappears early during her first semester only to return as wide around as she is tall during a game in hopes to find the babies father for support during labor
  Trixie was the popular co-captain of the local college cheer team. Go Wolverines! She was also the smallest of the team at four foot ten inches. It made her the perfect go to flier for the team. Since preschool she has done gymnastics and cheer. The petite twenty year old was well suited and well trained for any and all acrobatics being a flier required. Intricate aerial dances, twisting herself around during the split second of zero gravity before landing in her team’s arms once more.  
  Her acrobatics and flexibility quickly caught the eyes of the football players. Trixie batted her eyes and her face flushed every time those muscular six foot five inch players walked past. The head lineman of the team, a guy named Max, invited Trixie to his frat house for a party. Their rivals, the Bulldogs, had been thoroughly stomped in the game and it was time to celebrate. A flirtatious giggle and a flutter of her eyelashes, Trixie agreed. Sigma Phi was already hopping when she arrived in that skimpy outfit. Max quickly staked his claim on her and ushered her towards his fellow linemen, David, Jerome, and Ivan. The frat brothers chatted and danced and she giggled and flirted back with each of them and drank every drink that gave her. It took maybe an hour when Trixie was escorted towards the living area and these hunking beefcakes ran a train on her. 
  She loved every second of it. Each thick cock filling her tight and tiny hole, stuffing her with load after load of fertile college frat boy sperm. Ivan and Jerome were able to make her slender belly bulge around their thick and lengthy cocks. Trixie moaned heavily, at some point the rattle of a pill bottle was heard but she never questioned it. As one pulled out.she would stretch one leg into the air and ask who was next. More of the linemen joined in Trixie made it clear this ride required a six foot height requirement. And each of them more than met it. Hours later the party started to dwindle as the night entered early morning. Trixie woke up between Max and Jerome, her belly swollen from the sheer volume of cum that had been stuffed into her hole the night before. It was pure bliss. She staggered to her feet and tried to find her mini skirt. Sigma Phi held many more parties that semester and Trixie came to each one hanging off the arm of either Max, Jerome, David, or Ivan. And every night the train was ran on her until their balls were empty and her belly stuffed like a turkey.   
  But Trixie wasn’t seen after Christmas break. Max asked the cheer captain if Trixie was alright, Sam shrugged and offered him no information. When he tried to text her he got no reply. Jerome waved it off, suggesting she was just another cheer hoe that got put on academic probation. David laughed and agreed. The slut probably got banished to Turner Hall until her grades improved. After a couple of weeks of looking and trying to get in contact with her, Max gave up and hit the scene with Ivan for a new girl. 
  Spring Break came and went, the missing cheer team member reappeared. Her teammates shrieked at the sight of their prized, award winning flier. Trixie’s belly was enormous! It had to be nearly as wide as she was tall! Trixie tried to explain but a heavy moan interrupted her as she rubbed her overstuffed belly. Movement was visible under the stretched skin, she was pregnant! No wonder she had disappeared. No longer able to fly or cheer in this state Trixie had lost her scholarship and was disowned by all but her aunt. They called her a Sigma Slut and laughed at her. Her face burned red and she headed towards the frat row instead. 
  But as she approached Sigma Phi, there was a resounding ‘aw hell no’ from the quartet she entertained so many months ago. David quickly told her to fuck off. Jerome called her a slut and told her to beat it. Trixie tried to plead with them, just a quick test, she just wanted to know who the father was. Max barked a laugh and told her to fuck off as well. Ivan howled with laughter and told her to get lost as well. Neither of them were going to take that test! Max ordered her to leave again. Should have gotten some pills instead, now enjoy that Sigma Phi cream pie! It looked like it was almost done baking!
  With tears in her eyes Trixie saw standing at the threshold another petite girl. She held one hand over her mouth while trying to suppress a giggle. The frats boys went back into the frat house, David turned the new girl to head inside with them and gave her a rough slap to the rear. Months ago that had been her! Trixie seethed as she waddled away from the frat house. Soon to give birth and currently no way to know who the father was. Her life was ruined!
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pernoe · 10 days
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pernoe · 13 days
Ground Zero Alien Invasion
From: @my-moo-moo
You made a grave mistake having sex with an alien one time. 
You don’t remember much of the experience. Only flashes of memories remain, brief and disjointed. You normally weren’t someone to engage in one night stands, but the man you met told you it was his only day in town and you just couldn’t miss this opportunity. 
And so you remember stumbling home drunk from the club with the hottest man you’ve ever attracted. You shrunk away in surprise when you felt his ice cold fingers around your waist, but his dazzling smile pulled you back again. One moment you have your eyes closed, writhing with each lick of a tongue teasing at your entrance. A slobbering kiss on your neck makes your eyes peel wide open again. It then came upon you that you were in fact not being eaten out this entire time. Instead, your one night stand was replaced by a blue-skinned alien with its tentacle-like appendage part way into your pussy. 
Before you turn into full-fledged panic, he whispers foreign words into your ear and pushes deeper into you, splitting you apart with the girthy part of his cock. Thoughts of leaving go down the drain as he begins to make you feel better than any date has ever achieved, penetrate you deeper than has ever been explored. Even if you weren't hallucinating, what would be so wrong with having a sex with an alien?
The last thing you remember is screaming as he breaches through your cervix.
For the entire morning immediately following, you question your mentality— whether you had been lucid dreaming, or you were tripping balls. Your body had felt bloated and achy, like your insides had been thoroughly rearranged— something that you wrote off as a result of the rough sex last night.
You were only forced out of bed by the intense rumbling of your stomach. You fight the wave of exhaustion to make yourself a hearty lunch. Perhaps you had a little too much food because you needed to untie the drawstring of your sweatpants afterwards.
As you finish cleaning up your kitchen, you accidentally bump your abdomen against the countertop. You flinch back and your hands fly over the afflicted spot. Just then you are made aware of the fact that your belly curves underneath your palm. You rush to the bathroom to look at yourself properly in the mirror. Your eyes widen at the sight. You’ve never seen yourself get this bloated before.
You poke at the strange mass attached to your waist— it's solid and cold to the touch. You swear your breasts look bigger than when you wear your most padded pushup bra. You don’t know how long you stand there transfixed by your own reflection. You swear every time you take a breath in, your belly expands a bit more, and it doesn’t retract down when you breathe out. 
Your brain tries to sort through all the explanations of what’s happening to you, but it keeps leading to the same absurd conclusion that couldn’t possibly be real. There’s one blaring conclusion that keeps coming up, but it’s so absurd that you’d sooner believe that you were dying of an unknown disease. 
The only thing you can think of doing was going to the emergency room. It’s not surprising when the nurses don’t take your concerns seriously and put you in the back of the waiting list. As you wait in the uncomfortable plastic chair, you continue to grow without halt. You’re forced to watch your belly go from being just perfectly tucked underneath your t-shirt to spilling underneath the hem and pushing your thighs apart. Some people, who’ve been there as long as you have, begin to double take your appearance. 
When a new nurse comes in for a shift, you had to grab the opportunity. You clutch your underbelly and waddle yourself down the hall to the fastest of your capabilities to flag her attention. She looks your heavily pregnant body up and down and immediately her first question is to ask if you’re in labour. You have no idea what that would entail, but you spit out yes, and you’ve been waiting for hours already.
Things move quickly thereafter with you getting sent to get an ultrasound. Finally, you’ll get the answers you’ve been waiting for. 
“How far along are you?” the doctor asks you. 
“I don’t know. I don’t know anything. I woke up this morning and I just blew up… like a… like a balloon… in one day! Aren’t you the doctor here?” you stammer without making much sense. 
She looks at you incredulously and her eyes only widen when she looks back at the ultrasound screen. 
“Well… you are certainly pregnant,” she starts. 
“Oh…” Your heart falls to the ground. You knew this was a possibility but hearing it confirmed makes the dire reality set in. You’re having a baby. “Is it… healthy?” you ask. 
The doctor doesn’t answer your question, instead seems to be rendered speechless as her eyes dart around monitoring the screen. 
When she finally looks back at you, she is literally shaking from head to toe. “What the hell is in your womb?” she shoots at you with malice underlying each syllable. 
“I told you… I don’t know,” you whisper. It was then you felt a tumbling within your belly as if your baby was greeting you. Your arm wraps around your belly, a surge of protectiveness rising over you even though you’ve barely processed the news of being pregnant. 
“We need to burn that thing with fire,” she seethes, 
You promptly clammer off the hospital bed. You grab the nearest scalpel and waves in front of you like a maniac. “Don’t touch me!” You don’t know where that confidence came from because you’ve always been afraid to even run a red light.
The doctor backs away in fear, and tries to reason with you more cautiously, “Didn't you come here wanting to stop whatever was happening to you? 
You shake your head. You had forgotten why you had come here at all and all that was clear to you was that you would do anything to protect the baby in your belly. 
“We need to run more tests to see what is growing inside you,” she tries to reason, but you don’t trust her any longer. She makes the grave mistake of reaching out to grab you, prompting you to puncture her in the arm. Fresh red blood sprays onto your hand and you panic. 
Escaping the yells from behind, you clutch your now heavy overdue belly and stammer out of the hospital, barely stopping to breathe despite the baby already restricting your lungs. You speed all the way home and you don’t stop until you get home and bolted your door and all your windows. 
Finally, you catch up on your breathing and head over to your mirror again. When you left the house a mere couple of hours ago, you looked like you could possibly be sporting a beer belly or maybe in your second trimester, but now it was undeniable to any stranger that you were very pregnant. It would now be more of a question of when you were going to pop or if you were carrying two. 
Either way, you are convinced you are going into labour soon. Though you don’t feel any contractions yet, your skin is tight as a drum already and your pelvis feels like it’s going to bust under all the weight. You could not fathom possibly getting larger. There is just  no way. 
Utterly exhausted by the events of the day, you resign to lying down in your bed. You’re waiting for any sign of labour, before you lose the battle to sleep. 
Pacing around your living room, you wait for the first sign of labour. At any moment you should either feel contractions tighten around your abdomen or water leaking down your legs. Instead you continue to grow outwards, resembling more like you are carrying twins. You stripped off all your clothing at this point, annoyed by how restricting it felt against your ever growing body. 
It wasn’t too long before you were jolted awake by the intense pressure on your bladder. You groan as the baby inside you makes the situation worse by a strong kick. When you finally peel your eyes open, you can barely comprehend the sight before you. Never have you ever seen such a gravid belly on anyone let alone yourself. You made a grave mistake closing your eyes briefly and now your belly is hanging out part way off the edge of your mattress. Essentially pinned down into your soft mattress, you grunt to push your heavy torso upright. You try to leverage yourself against your bed frame, on your elbows, with the edge of the mattress— all with futile success. There was a deep-seeded fear for a while that you were going to be stuck in that spot forever. Fortunately, minutes of struggle lead to eventually succumbing to sliding your body off the bed like a beaching whale, with it your bladder losing in the battle.
Regardless, you are determined to waddle yourself to the bathroom to see the state of your soiled body. Given how insanely top and front heavy you are, you need to hold yourself against the wall to avoid toppling over. You feel your thighs tremble and your hips crack with each tiny step forward. 
A wave of accomplishment washes over you when you finally make it in front of your bathroom mirror. The remnants of your old self lie in the blood stained t-shirt that has ridden up your torso to resemble more of a sports bra. Your belly has grown outward so far that the sheer weight of it began pulling the mass down to your mid thighs. When you wrap your arms around yourself, your fingertips could barely touch your non-existent belly button. Your skin has been stretched thin like a balloon, so transparent that you could see the web of blue veins underneath.
Although the baby in your belly has grown unrestrictedly minute after minute, the rest of your body has barely kept up to sustain. Fear sets in as you contemplate how you’re going to possibly birth this massive baby out your unprepared pelvis. 
Before you are left wondering any longer, you feel a gush of water trail down your legs. It couldn’t have been your already emptied bladder. 
Just over 24 hours after your encounter with the alien, the price of your horny decisions come back to bite you in the ass in the form of a big-headed alien baby splitting your pelvis in half. 
You scream at the top of your lungs as you give one last battle push. You feel the sweet relief of pressure as the baby gushes out of you at once. Umbilical cord still attached, you drag the baby up onto your deflating stomach. The baby doesn’t resemble you at all. Its eyelids are still shut, skin is a sickly translucent blue and limbs resemble tentacles. 
There’s no time to question if the baby is healthy because it begins crawling up your body on its own until it stops at your nipple. It begins suckling without any assistance at all, as if it was completely natural for a human to mother an alien species. 
There wasn’t much time to process before your body is wracked with another wave of contractions. You had thought it might be the afterbirth, until you felt another large skull lodge into your cervix.
You smile as you cradle your baby closer to your chest and start pushing again. 
You hum to your babies as they suckle out of both your tits. They’ve already put on double the weight since you’ve given birth and you already feel bittersweet that they’re growing up too fast. 
You can walk without feeling pain anymore and your outrageous belly has thankfully gone down. It’s not completely flat like pre-pregnancy, but you’re grateful you got your two babies out of your strong body. 
You pass your hand over your belly reminiscing about waking up being pregnant. It wasn’t too long ago, but it feels just like it... You run your hands back over realizing you are more bloated than before. 
You refuse to believe it until an hour later, you are clearly sporting a pregnant belly like you had woken up with before. There’s no way you could be pregnant again when you haven’t had sex since that one time with the alien. 
And yet, you continue to progress in growth like deja vu. Whilst you were freaking out, you forgot about the babies you had already birthed. You look everywhere, turning the house upside down until your pregnant belly grows so enormous it prohibits you from moving. 
Your babies were gone like the wind and it was hitting you harder than expected. You hadn’t wanted to get pregnant, but now these babies are your whole life. Your grief only wanes when you are hit with contractions once again. 
You will quickly realize your role. Your babies will grow up and leave your nest, but soon enough there is going to be another litter of babies for you to take care of. 
You get into a routine, not knowing how many weeks have passed, nor what was happening in the world outside your little nest. 
....Until one day you open your local news channel, and you find out you haven’t been alone in your experience. 
The first official reporting happened right here in our small town, but the doctor was brushed off because of absurdity. The reports of rapid pregnancies have since risen to the thousands and the CDC is now calling it an alien invasion. 
These aliens can disguise themselves as humans and we have no way of picking them apart. They are capable of infecting all the eggs in your ovaries with a single sexual encounter. After birth, they can mature into productive adults in a weeks time. We estimate that there may be 500,000 adults hiding amongst us in the United States alone.
Currently available contraceptives on the market are not effective in prevention. As a precaution, avoid sexual intimacy with all individuals. 
Symptoms of infection include rapid pregnancy in a 24 hour framework. New pregnancies will continue in succession, and as of this moment, we do not have a cure without harming the carrier’s life. 
Infected individuals may display behaviours of violence. They will lay down their life to protect their babies. Please approach with caution. 
Realization then comes upon you that you might have been ground zero for an alien invasion.
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pernoe · 13 days
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pernoe · 16 days
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Oni by Free Style /fevercell@yohan1754
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pernoe · 17 days
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pernoe · 18 days
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pernoe · 18 days
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『12 May Post』
[4/10] Umi Shinonome, 東雲うみ
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pernoe · 18 days
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pernoe · 18 days
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pernoe · 18 days
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pernoe · 19 days
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