herongraystairs and a true nephilim lore analysis
So I’m reading the infernal devices again, y’know, as one does, and I’m getting all emotional and sad because will, jem, and tessa!! They were a tragedy not because they never got to love each other, but because they did get to be together. They were just separated from a part of themselves every time. that really just shatters me every time I read about wessa in tlh, or jessa in tda/twp content. And so I got to thinking.
what were the obstacles that stopped the three of them from being together? (barring societal expectations about heterosexual monogamy being the norm, and the three of them having inevitable hangups about being a Thing) i came up with three main things: Will and Jem were parabatai, Jem’s addiction, and Will’s curse. Now, the curse sort of resolved itself, so that leaves us the parabatai bond and the addiction.
and so I was heeing and hawing over the topic while in the shower, and then I very belatedly remembered just how Jem was cured in city of heavenly fire. (It’s been a while since I read tmi and the details are a bit fuzzy 😅) He got stabbed with glorious and the yin fen got burnt out of him! So, all we have to do is find a way to access heavenly fire in 1800s London and we’re golden.
here’s where my hopefully-a-stroke-of-genius-probably-just-lack-of-proper-nutrition brainwave comes into play. When we learned about the parabatai curse in the dark artifices, what happened to Emma and Julian and the end of qoaad? THEY BURNED WITH HEAVENLY FIRE. now, I wouldn’t just copy that plot line and have both Will and Jem both turn into twenty feet tall flaming hot Cheetos, because that’s boring. So I dug into what lore I could find with a lazy Google search and a five minute session of shuffling through my copy of qoaad, and apparently, true nephilim, (the aforementioned fiery giants if you didn’t know), were actually induced to defeat more powerful demons, though most died afterwards. Those who didn’t were grounded by parabatai, so they could return to their earthly form. So now, if we can get Jem to turn into a true nephilim, we can use Will to ground him, bring him back, and that’s the addiction solved! (I might have the fire burn out the parabatai bond like it did for jemma, so that’s be two birds with one stone— can’t have Jem and Will turning into giants again)
and here’s where things get a little hand-wavey, and I start to speculate, so definitely don’t take any of this as canon, though it isn’t technically canon divergent? Since they didn’t tell us much about how the ancient shadowhunters actually went about turning their buddies into demon killing infernos, I started to theorize. And then during my reread of city of bones, I come across clary’s introduction to seraph blades. As jace says, you don’t name a blade Raziel. Ever. why? They don’t really know. Y’know what else most, if not all, shadowhunters also didn’t really know? Why parabatai weren’t allowed to fall in love— it just wasn’t done. So logically, I could draw the conclusion that both reasons were unknown because they had both been covered up by the clave of long ago in the same way. Wait, zio, why are you going on about the curse and seraph blades? However could they be connected? I hear your chirpy voices in my ear.
because, my friends. what if. What if the Clave banned the naming of a seraph blade Raziel, because doing so would make you a true Nephilim? We know that they banned parabatai from falling in love because true nephilim were too powerful and dangerous, so it makes sense that the ”regular” method of turning shadowhunters into true nephilim would be covered up as well.
and thus, we have it. According to this funky little theory of mine, if Jem was to name a seraph blade Raziel, turn into a true Nephilim, and then return back to his body, both the addiction and the parabatai bond would be burned away and there you have it!! the possibility of herongraystairs in the nineteenth century without disregarding any significant canon lore!
I’ve been fiddling with this, and I’d like to turn it into a fic, but I still haven’t worked out a truly coherent plot beyond what I’ve slapped together here, and I kind of wanted to gauge interest, so please let me know what you guys think. If you see any holes or flaws in my thinking, please point them out— I’m always up to working my brain over, and I found it quite satisfying to come up with this little analysis !!
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After the Bridge: The Full Story (Jem/Tessa)
hi Cassie! idk if you’ve noticed, but I think you’ve invoked a small (and quite entertaining) url revolution. — hornyjem
I did. I am very proud. :)
This is the full story of After the Bridge, a tale for those who might have wondered what Tessa and Jem did after they met on Blackfriars Bridge in the epilogue of Clockwork Princess. If you’ve been waiting to read it until it was done, it is now done.
Those who do not like Tessa&Jem together or Jessa sexytimes probably should skip this. (You will not miss anything that will affect your understanding of later books.) Those who like that sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like.
After the Bridge alternates POV between Jem and Tessa. This is Part Five, the full story. As this is one short story and not chaptered, each post will contain the whole story from the beginning up to the point where that part ends so that new readers or readers who don’t remember what happened won’t have to hunt down the previous post(s.)
AFTER THE BRIDGE : Now with (sexy) art by Cassandra Jean! 
Keep reading
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Will/Tessa comic from Cassandra Jean and me. Tessa comes back from her yearly meeting with Jem with some news for Will. Or: when James Herondale got his name. With guest appearances by Charlotte and Cecily, Anna Lightwood and Charles Fairchild.
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j putting down my thoughts on the reason behind the different levels of open-mindedness of those who who travel frequently/lived abroad and those who don't
i guess theres a certain level of humility(?)humbleness that comes with frequently staying in places you dont belong in. you need to come off this pedestal of being experienced in a certain culture and learn about the societal rules you might be uncomfortable following.
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Hey guys! I've recently received some asks regarding mindheist deleting their ao3 account, along with all the works. Someone was kind enough to send me pdf files for all of the works published on ao3 by mindheist, and so here is a compilation for all of them with the links for the files!! Enjoy your reading. By the way, if at any point the writer themself would like me to delete this post, I will.
So the post doesn't get too long, i'll put up a divider! Happy readings!
The Ocean at the End of the Universe It's hard to find just one person in a sea of stars. (space au)
Wish I Would've Known The worst part isn't hatred. The worst part is not talking anymore, and never understanding why. (based on the song we don't talk anymore)
You're My Genie, Lamborghini (You're My Teeny Weeny Meenie) You know those people saying technology is driving people apart? Yeah, fuck them. (twitter au)
with it's sequel... You Got the Best of Me (Synth Riff) Two social media sweethearts get married. Baby boomers crash and burn in the distance at this flagrant display of millenial culture. (continuation of ^^)
Galaxy S♡ we all have those memories that don't end, even when everything is over. Some call that critical error. Others call it human existence. (androids/robots au)
Watchers of the Eternal Flame Jimin goes to Rio de Janeiro to live his passion. He leaves Rio da Janeiro having found his dream. (summer olympics au)
In My Blood Sometimes fate is a flat tire and a crushed bumper. (a/b/o au)
i try to picture me without you (but i can't) "You think relationships last in the village? You want one with me? You think you'll be happy?" Maybe Taehyung did think that they could be happy. (sequel to Watchers of the Eternal Flame, summer olympics au)
And, Home (Will Feel Like Home Again) Between the oily residue of night market tables and the rickety steps of the Hakone mountains, there is a little bus station in the fog. (travel au)
Fool Me Once (Shame On You) Fool me twice, shame on me. (established relationship)
Ghost Story It was an untold story with no ending, until now. (ghost au)
Invisible People The most important things are the hardest of all to see. (ballet au)
Let Us A relationship is a two-way street. (strangers to friends to lovers)
Never Let Me Go Sometimes, reaching out and taking someone's hand is the beginning of a journey. (soulmates au)
Pour Up (Drank) If you can read this, take another shot. (frat au)
Rich Bitch When you make six figures a year, Valentino isn’t that big of a deal. (the au is,,, tae is rich)
Shark In the Water As far as fairy tales go, this one doesn’t have a lot of faeries. Tales, yes. Tails, that is. Just the one. One (1) tail. (mermaid au)
Terrible Things Happen (Sometimes, They Save You) Min Yoongi wakes up from a nightmare on a sunless afternoon to a reality more twisted than his dizziest daydreams. (american horror story au)
The Day The Earth Stood Still Somewhere in New York, Seoul, Florence, Los Angeles, is a tale as old as time. (pre-apocalypse au)
起死回生; To Live Again Fiction gives us a second chance that life denies us. (historical au)
SERIES: I'm feeling electric tonight
(fake dating au.)
Kiss Me Hard Before You Go Dramatization. Do not try at home.
I Just Wanted You to Know (That Baby, You’re the Best) If you experience headaches, nausea, or heartbreak, discontinue use and talk to your doctor because relationships might not be right for you.
Think I'll Miss You Forever Happy endings sold separately.
SERIES: Interstellar (historical fantasy au)
Give Me Your Hands (I Will Pick the Stars for You) I miss you like the moon misses the sun, destined to chase you until the end of time.
Perihelion Perihelion: the point in the orbit of a celestial body at which it is closest to the sun.
SERIES: Moonrise (werewolf au, abo au)
Bad Moon Rising Taehyung has always wanted to be a superhero. Jeongguk has always been a supernatural.
I Fear the Fever, It Runs Electric There are some perks to having Jeongguk as a boyfriend. For one, he makes procrastination impossible.
Shaking Inside My Bones For better or for worse, everyone gets better at this. It’s practice. It doesn’t quite make perfect but it gets pretty damn close.
SERIES: The Ones Who Watch Us (horror au)
They Can See Us There are two things that you should hope always follow you. Number one: your shadow. Number two: your reflection.
Why Aren't You Scared of Me? (What Do You Know?) There are much worse things to be scared of.
SERIES: Where You Go, I'll Go To (grim reaper au)
In the Blind The world, as most people see it, is only half the story.
Time would envy us (part two, by nikkumeul) This is the other half of the story. This is forever. OBS: same link as above, starting from page 26)
SERIES: You bring good to my lonely life (honestly) (hollywood movie star au)
Love Will Always Be A Lesson (Let’s Get Out of its Way) Lesson 1: It's not real
Pizza Magazine Love is a strange, strange thing. (OBS: same link, starting from page 156)
We Who Hide From the Sun “It’s the oldest story in the world. One day you’re seventeen and planning for someday. And then, quietly, and without you ever really noticing, someday is today. And then someday is yesterday. And this is your life.” (childhood friends to lovers au)
Admin's Note:
Okay, i'm back now. these are all the mindheist fics i've gotten the links for, thank you to all who sent them to me, very much appreciated! the links lead you to a pdf file on google drive, owned by my own account. i'll have those up all the time, but in case something happens and they get removed i advise you to download the ones that you want to keep personally! hope you enjoy the read babies, love you all!! and thank you again!! and thank you to mindheist in the first place for writing all of these amazing fics.
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the one and only
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🫣 🫣 
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Father and daughter ♡
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Get ready for part two: kagehina
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“Stop kicking my leg Kageyama!”
“You got a problem with that dumbass?”
as promised
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I just
Part One: iwaoi
Part Two: kagehina
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I…am back
How do I find my own posts I’m pretty sure I’ve written something crazy down here
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