percontes-toothbrush · 11 months
Some more behind the scenes (and off set) pictures of the Band cast (found on Pinterest). ❤❤❤❤
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Easy Co. tweets and this outdated meme! 
part 1
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Band of Brothers but I give no context 
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medic ready to throw hands at his superior officers
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because i love this show (so much omg), i tried to make this video inspired by this post
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sorry, it’s 2:30am and i can’t sleep okay 
you’ve heard of the love shack, now get ready for the hate hut: a meme (4/?) 
!everybody edition
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Guarnere: you’re not gunna believe what Babe did
Guarnere: he looked after 7 grapes for 3 days because he thought they were birds eggs
Guarnere: should have seen the look on his face when I ate a handful of them
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The Band when they finally become Brothers idk i've never seen it
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Band of Brothers Hogwarts Houses
I was asked by Bandumb on AO3 to list what Hogwarts houses I headcanon the BoB boys being in… so here we are!
Special thanks to everyone in the HBO War group chat for debating a lot of these!
Dick Winters: Gryffindor, for obvious reasons.
Lewis Nixon: Slytherin, also for obvious reasons.
Carwood Lipton: Slytherin. BEFORE YOU DISCOUNT THIS LISTEN UP: this comes from the incredible @alyseofwonderland on the HBO war group chat. First, Dick Winters listed Lip as one of the “killers” of Easy Co. Also, Lip is FIERCELY loyal to his men and will do anything to anyone to protect them. Hufflepuffs are very loyal, but Lip is loyal in the sense that he would undermine other people and use his intelligence to get his way for his men. Very Slytherin-esque loyalty. Finally, the best argument from her, in my opinion, is the fact that Lip joined the Paratroopers to be and be with the best soldiers. If that’s not Slytherin, I don’t know what is. I digress.
Ron Speirs: Slytherin. Everyone already knew that.
Harry Welsh: Also Slytherin. Fiercely loyal to a select group… aka KITTY. Also, incredibly charming and he is just so Slytherin okay HIS FIGHTING STYLE is so Slytherin
Buck Compton: Yeah, he’s a Gryffindor golden boy. However, I see a bit of Slytherin in him with the ambition and goal-focused mindset, but he’s pretty Gryffindor.
Bill Guarnere: Gryffindor! This isn’t too hard to see (especially the “stubborn and loathe to back down…” pretty Bill imo)
Don Malarkey: Gryffindor, again. See a pattern? Gryffindors are opportunistic and spontaneous… remember the Luger situation in Day of Days? Very Gryffindor. Malark has a few Hufflepuff characteristics as well, but Don is definitely more Gryffindor.
Skip Muck: Also Gryffindor. Skip fits it (on paper) even more than Malark, personally.
Alex Penkala: Yeah, we have a Gryffindor golden trio.
Don Hoobler: Also Gryffindor. (See a pattern?) He was known as one of the most genuinely kindhearted men of the company, and he was known for never taking himself too seriously, as well as willing to volunteer for anything — patrols, scouting, etc. In my opinion, Hoob’s a bit of Hufflepuff and Slytherin too, but his boldness and playfulness put him in Gryffindor for me.
Joe Liebgott: He is a classic Slytherin. No question about it.
David Webster: Classic Ravenclaw. He even stayed as a Private throughout the war to literally observe everything — a seriously Ravenclaw trait. Among the other more obvious ones.
Joe Toye: HUFFLEPUFF. Fight me on this. Fiercely loyal, tenacious, and determined. Some Hufflepuffs are even considered unemotional at times — something Toye can be. Passionate and dependable… very Joe. Remember that some of the best fighters (see Cedric Diggory) are from Hufflepuff. They’re very tough people.
George Luz: Slytherin, without a doubt. I used to think of him as a Hufflepuff, but he is undeniably Slytherin. Charming, willing to use his intelligence (or anything else, for that matter) to get what he wants (see impressions to trick higher ranking officers, @Sobel). Also, Slytherins LOVE positive attention. Adaptable, yes. Not to say that he isn’t a bit Hufflepuff, but he is more Slytherin.
Frank Perconte: Slytherin. He stole Winters’ rifle from his foxhole in Bastogne (true story). He completely destroyed O'Keefe in Why We Fight. Perco is a Slytherin.
Babe Heffron: HE IS SUCH A GRYFFINDOR (he’s basically a Weasley). Arguably one of the most obviously Gryffindor in the group.
Eugene Roe: Ravenclaw, for sure. Read the traits on the graphic and it’s pretty obvious.
Albert Blithe: He’s such a sweet little Hufflepuff. I see the honesty and fairness shining through the most, for sure. He flat out tells Speirs that he’s scared, something that most men would not admit so easily to any man, let alone Speirs.
Smokey Gordon: Pretty Slytherin to me. He keeps Doc updated on where everything is and what everyone needs — he knows that Perco has scissors and that Toye needs boots. He’s very goal-oriented in that mindset, and he’s pretty damn ruthless when it comes to machine-gunning.
Shifty Powers: THE SWEET SUNSHINE CHILD IS HUFFLEPUFF OKAY no one would say otherwise anyway
Roy Cobb: *sings* he’s the mean Slytherin we all love to hate
Bull Randleman: the man is Gryffindor, okay? He’s got some Hufflepuff in him too, but he’s honest, blunt, and very experience-oriented. Totally Gryffindor.
Johnny Martin: Slytherin, obviously *gives the classic Johnny-to-Webster glare*
Alton More: no doubt about him being Slytherin. Did you not see him blatantly lying to Speirs about Hitler’s photo album? And the cheeky little smirk afterwards? He’s a legend.
Floyd Talbert: Another sweetheart of a Slytherin. He’s totally charming and very very driven; totally self-reliant.
Chuck Grant: Almost a 50-50 between Slytherin and Gryffindor for me, but Slytherin wins out simply because he’s subtly charming. He’s also very bold; he has to be in his position.
Skinny Sisk: He’s pretty Gryffindor. Nearly spot-on.
Pat Christenson: I honestly think he’s very Ravenclaw. He’s an artist, which means he’s super creative, but he also teased replacement Webb about Speirs. He seemed very witty and it was nearly self-entertaining, two very common Ravenclaw characteristics.
Earl McClung: Yeah, he’s Slytherin. Was said to be able to “sniff out Germans” and was thought to have killed the most. Very ruthless.
***BONUS: Renée Lemaire: She’s also Ravenclaw! She wants to be an observer rather than a participant (but steps up when she’s needed). She’s introspective and independent, which makes her a Ravenclaw through and through.
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pov: bill guarnere sits next to you in the mess hall after running currahee
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Luz: yee, and dare I say it-
Toye: for the love of god don’t
Luz: -haw
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Guarnere: why are you mad at Luz?
Toye: He replaces words with animal names to annoy me.
Luz: I don’t do it on… porpoise
Toye: Get out.
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favourite band of brothers characters
This ain’t spaghetti. This is Army noodles with ketchup. [You ain’t gotta eat it.] Come on, Gonorrhea, as a fellow Italian you should know that calling this crap spaghetti is a mortal sin. 
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etsy | website | main blog | (just the art) art blog | youtube | instagram | fb page | twitter 
 I’ve been working on this for so long, I’m so happy it’s finally finished. I’ve been wanting to make a poster in this style for Band of Brothers for so long.
The print and the badges are available on my Etsy shop. 
Print: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/575409771/band-of-brothers-a4-print-poster
Badges: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/561611010/band-of-brothers-25mm-badges
And some stickers I made a few months ago: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/550823469/band-of-brothers-chibi-head-stickers 
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