peanuttbutter-witch · 15 days
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Quesademons, my beloveds ❤️💜💕
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peanuttbutter-witch · 15 days
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The sneakiest group of qsmp, The Jaidens
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peanuttbutter-witch · 15 days
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Top ten screenshots ever
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peanuttbutter-witch · 15 days
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peanuttbutter-witch · 15 days
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You better find that letter and do something, Felipe minecraft
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peanuttbutter-witch · 15 days
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Sketches from the past few days o( ̄▽ ̄)d
(Comic dialogue from this tweet!)
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peanuttbutter-witch · 15 days
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this fucking guy
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peanuttbutter-witch · 15 days
*sirens go off (like that one creature called siren head (?))*
Aypierre: "Is that the police?"
Bad: "No, it's worse than the police"
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peanuttbutter-witch · 15 days
Post-Islands Headcannons
Brooklynn sorta becomes a kleptomaniac...just a bit. She's so used to things being free on the islands that she pockets things without thinking about it. So of course whenever she sees keycards and other things she pick it up...just in case. They might need it to save their lives. It's not until later when she empties her pockets that she realized she took so much stuff.
Yaz has chronic pain in her injuries ankle, hip, and knee. Due to the injury not healing right on the islands (ankle injuries have a correlation between knee and hips pains btw). She has to be extra careful running and makes sure she stretches + wears a knee brace and compression socks.
Kenji never learns how to drive. Like ever. Brand tried to teach him a few times but he eventually gave up. If he can, he tries not to take any vehicle. He'd rather walk than take the subway. He can remember how many times he's almost died in the passenger seat of a vehicle (be that a helicopter, car, etc) and doesn't trust them anymore. It takes years before he gets in the passenger seat of Darius' jeep and even then he's panicking the whole time.
Darius is afraid of the dark + silence in the dark. He has big chunky headphones that play music all night and he has nightlights spread throughout his bedroom. But he can't sleep without his window open, even in winter. He wants to have another escape route, knowing that he can get out no matter what.
Sammy takes to wandering around areas of the farm she's never been to before. She'll completely disappear from a room and come back four hours later saying she made a new hiking path up to their neighbor's property. Also, she has an immunity to poison oak/ivy because she got it so much on Isla Nublar.
Ben lights small fires that aren't technically arson whenever he gets a chance. He has a collection of different lighters and mini torches and he carries at least one wherever he goes.
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peanuttbutter-witch · 15 days
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Kenji "You traumatized me once, now get ready to be traumatized back" Kon
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peanuttbutter-witch · 15 days
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Okay Ben we get it you have blue eyes again…
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peanuttbutter-witch · 15 days
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uh oh i’m feeling emotions again
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peanuttbutter-witch · 15 days
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peanuttbutter-witch · 15 days
Hi! This is a friendly reminder to tag your Chaos Theory spoilers properly. A lot of people won’t be able to just binge it in one day. So please use “JWCT spoilers,” “Chaos Theory spoilers,” or both. Thanks!
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peanuttbutter-witch · 15 days
Okay based on the trailer I would like to make some headcanons :3
- what I noticed was that Darius' first instinct when he heard a noise outside; that his first instinct was to immediately zap it, no thought about what it could be, he just used that zappy thing with no hesitation, and was genuinely surprised to see Ben.
- and it wasn't Ben's first time catching the rod either, you could see he wasn't phased at all, he just said like calmly "Hey Darius :]" so I like to think that Ben knows that Darius is scared and traumatised from the island, and he expects Darius to lash out with the rod, which is why he reacted so quickly.
📌 - also that Darius has like 394777 things set up to make noise if anything passes, like to get warned beforehand, you can really tell he's genuinely paranoid
- I feel like Isla Nublar ruined dinosaurs for him, yes, he still loves them. But he wasn't as paranoid about them as he is in Chaos theory, he admired them in camp cretaceous but now it just feels like he's scared, scared of whatever dinosaur there is. Even if it's little.
- why is Ben so tall (i personally LOVE his design but they could give him a fringe or something he looks like a dad 😭)
- Someone is hunting them, the conclusion I came up with is Kenji's dad, he was so pissed off that he got defeated by 6 teenagers. A millionaire with mind controlled Dinos.
- In conclusion I'd genuinely like chaos theory to focus more on Darius' issues, which I feel like were never really brought up in JWCC. Like yeah they brought up Ben's "death" and his dad's death, but they didn't bring up Kash, how he was forced to hurt both his friends and the animals he loves(d), how he was the leader at the ages of 12-13 and how he would do anything to get the others off the island. Yes I have my hopes up for benrius, but I genuinely hope that Darius gets to open up about how he feels, during and after the island.
📌 [I circled the bottles/bells that make noises to alert Darius]
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peanuttbutter-witch · 15 days
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peanuttbutter-witch · 15 days
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